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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by mandogater View Post
    Time for another Sparky drabble for your reading pleasure, I hope.

    Lt.Colonel John Sheppard, thanks again for checking it over for me.


    Sleepless in Atlantis

    Major John Sheppard couldn’t sleep.

    He’d had this problem once before. Between 9/11 and being deployed to run spec ops teams into Afghanistan, Sheppard had suffered from insomnia. Here in Atlantis for the few days after the Genii raid, he’d begun suffering from the same thing.

    “Maybe a walk around the city will help,” said Sheppard while staring at the ceiling of his room for the third sleepless night in a row.

    Once he had gotten dressed and started to wonder the halls of his new home the only people Sheppard encountered were the security patrols and Dr. Kate Heightmeyer heading back to her quarters after an incredibly long day.

    “Good evening Major,” said Dr. Heightmeyer. “You are not usually up this late. Anything you want to talk about?”

    “Evening Doc,” answered Sheppard. “I have a good idea what is bugging me. If I feel the need to talk about it, I’ll call you.”

    “You know where to find me if you change your mind,” said Dr. Heightmeyer as she continued toward her quarters.

    Since agreeing to join the Atlantis Expedition, Dr. Heightmeyer had read the files on every member of the expedition and knew about Major Sheppard’s bout of insomnia after 9/11. However, she doubted tonight had anything to do with that. Sheppard wasn’t headed towards the labs to check on his teammate, Dr. McKay, even though they were closer to his quarters. He was headed straight towards Dr. Weir’s quarters.

    “I wonder if it’s too late to change my bet with Chuck,” wondered Dr. Heightmeyer to no one in particular.


    Dr. Elizabeth Weir couldn’t sleep.

    She’d spent the last couple of nights staring at the ceiling above her bed since Major Sheppard had saved her from the Genii, Commander Koyla. While she pondered what to do since she couldn’t sleep her door chimed.

    “Major Sheppard,” said a surprised Dr. Weir. “What brings you to my door at this time of night?”

    “I’m sorry if I woke you,” began Major Sheppard. “I couldn’t sleep and decided to take a walk. Next thing I knew I was here.”

    “Would you like to come in?”

    “If it’s not a problem.”

    “Please do,” said Dr. Weir. “Just give me a minute to find my robe.”

    After talking for about an hour, both Elizabeth and John had relaxed enough that they started to dose off.


    Dr. Weir woke up the next morning feeling the most well rested she had felt since she had come to Atlantis. As she started to stretch, Elizabeth realized she had spent the night cuddled up next to someone.

    “John,” said Elizabeth surprised and slightly upset since she couldn’t remember snuggling with him.

    “Ten more minutes please, ‘lizbeth,” answered John as he tried to snuggle closer to Elizabeth.

    “John, you need to go before everyone else gets up and someone sees you leave my quarters,” said Elizabeth while fighting a smile at John‘s reaction to being in bed with her.

    “I’m in bed with Elizabeth,” John smiled to himself as his sleep addled mind started to catch up with what was going on. Once he completely woke up, John shot out of bed and self-consciously checked himself to make sure his clothes were still on. “I swear I wasn’t trying anything last night, Elizabeth. I just got so relaxed while talking to you I just fell asleep.”

    “It’s alright John. Last night was the best I’ve slept since we got here. I just don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea about us.”

    “So, no problems?

    “Or regrets, John. It appears we both needed this. This is the best you’ve looked in days and I could probably say them same about myself once I look in a mirror.”

    “You were beginning to worry me a bit,” admitted John. “See you at the briefing?”

    “See you later,” called Elizabeth before John slipped out her door.


    Once Elizabeth and John met up again for the morning briefing, everybody noticed they both looked well rested for the first time in days.

    “I guess Dr. Heightmeyer was right,” said the keeper of Atlantis’ betting pools, Sergeant Chuck Campbell to himself. “I’ll have to update things when I get off shift.

    Know back to trying to figure out my Lemming in Gone with the Wind dress fic.
    Awww, they can't sleep unless they're together. And Chuck is always welcome.

    Originally posted by gateraid View Post
    Which would probably have been their reason for not allowing it to happen. But as I said, the arguement is moot because that's not what happened.

    The podcasts related to the demise of the series are quite interesting. IMO they're quite balanced - they praise the good bits, but don't hold back on the bad stuff either.

    If they're holding up S & R as an example of friendship, they're misguided. He told her point blank he was going regardless of what she thought. If they were 'as one' in terms of mindset on the subject, they wouldn't have had the arguement.
    I wonder how Elizabeth would have handled that situation. Would she have backed down like Carter did? I know she would at least have sent Carson in the old days. But considering the situation, would she have sent Keller? Or would she have prevented John from going? I don't see how she could have. Just like in Sateda, she joined him in demanding that Caldwell help find Ronon. But since he was so injured, would she have put his condition first and had him sedated? And would he have forgiven her?

    Deciding who the father was should have been one of the first things they did. For one thing, it would have allowed them to plan the rest of their stories around it. IMO, the only way (at that stage) they could have explained it as John's child (or Carson's, for that matter) would be for Michael to have impregnated her during Vengence (whilst she was stunned). This would have explained the sudden appearance of the baby bump. OR, they could have altered the ending of Lifeline, then had a 2(?) month gap between that and Reunion.

    I'm surprised they were so clueless re the possibilities for Teyla - both in terms of storyline or fatherhood. Marty G made a big deal about saying he perused GW, he must've been picky about what threads he read.
    Obviously, he didn't come here. LOL

    I think they could easily have made John the father. *dodges bricks* Teyla came to his room to console him when Kate died in Doppelganger. It could have happened then off screen. With the tendency of these writers to pull rabbits out of invisible hats, anything was possible. I wouldn't put it past them to retcon the whole thing and have everybody go around saying they knew all along that those two were in a relationship, just like they did with Kanaan. Don't fool yourself. They were capable of it. Just look at McKeller.

    That's conjecture. In theory, the IOA only have a say in the governance of the city, not operational authority over individual teams. But they could pressure the leader (Weir, Carter, Woolsey) to do something about it.

    But not the military bill, at least not as far as we know, which is presumably why the US military is represented so highly on the expedition. But given that the IOA have oversight over the SGC, by extenstion they have oversight on Atlantis, given that Atlantis is an asset of the SGC and earth.
    I'm not sure how extensive the IOA influence was. I get the idea that they could make any demands they felt like and it would have to be hashed out. The financing was probably all from the IOA. If they involved the military, it was under their control and probably paid for by them. Like when various militaries go on UN missions or NATO missions. Though I don't know how the finances work in those cases. Maybe I'll do some research.

    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


      Originally posted by mandogater View Post
      Time for another Sparky drabble for your reading pleasure, I hope.

      Lt.Colonel John Sheppard, thanks again for checking it over for me.


      Sleepless in Atlantis

      Major John Sheppard couldn’t sleep.

      He’d had this problem once before. Between 9/11 and being deployed to run spec ops teams into Afghanistan, Sheppard had suffered from insomnia. Here in Atlantis for the few days after the Genii raid, he’d begun suffering from the same thing.

      “Maybe a walk around the city will help,” said Sheppard while staring at the ceiling of his room for the third sleepless night in a row.

      Once he had gotten dressed and started to wonder the halls of his new home the only people Sheppard encountered were the security patrols and Dr. Kate Heightmeyer heading back to her quarters after an incredibly long day.

      “Good evening Major,” said Dr. Heightmeyer. “You are not usually up this late. Anything you want to talk about?”

      “Evening Doc,” answered Sheppard. “I have a good idea what is bugging me. If I feel the need to talk about it, I’ll call you.”

      “You know where to find me if you change your mind,” said Dr. Heightmeyer as she continued toward her quarters.

      Since agreeing to join the Atlantis Expedition, Dr. Heightmeyer had read the files on every member of the expedition and knew about Major Sheppard’s bout of insomnia after 9/11. However, she doubted tonight had anything to do with that. Sheppard wasn’t headed towards the labs to check on his teammate, Dr. McKay, even though they were closer to his quarters. He was headed straight towards Dr. Weir’s quarters.

      “I wonder if it’s too late to change my bet with Chuck,” wondered Dr. Heightmeyer to no one in particular.


      Dr. Elizabeth Weir couldn’t sleep.

      She’d spent the last couple of nights staring at the ceiling above her bed since Major Sheppard had saved her from the Genii, Commander Koyla. While she pondered what to do since she couldn’t sleep her door chimed.

      “Major Sheppard,” said a surprised Dr. Weir. “What brings you to my door at this time of night?”

      “I’m sorry if I woke you,” began Major Sheppard. “I couldn’t sleep and decided to take a walk. Next thing I knew I was here.”

      “Would you like to come in?”

      “If it’s not a problem.”

      “Please do,” said Dr. Weir. “Just give me a minute to find my robe.”

      After talking for about an hour, both Elizabeth and John had relaxed enough that they started to dose off.


      Dr. Weir woke up the next morning feeling the most well rested she had felt since she had come to Atlantis. As she started to stretch, Elizabeth realized she had spent the night cuddled up next to someone.

      “John,” said Elizabeth surprised and slightly upset since she couldn’t remember snuggling with him.

      “Ten more minutes please, ‘lizbeth,” answered John as he tried to snuggle closer to Elizabeth.

      “John, you need to go before everyone else gets up and someone sees you leave my quarters,” said Elizabeth while fighting a smile at John‘s reaction to being in bed with her.

      “I’m in bed with Elizabeth,” John smiled to himself as his sleep addled mind started to catch up with what was going on. Once he completely woke up, John shot out of bed and self-consciously checked himself to make sure his clothes were still on. “I swear I wasn’t trying anything last night, Elizabeth. I just got so relaxed while talking to you I just fell asleep.”

      “It’s alright John. Last night was the best I’ve slept since we got here. I just don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea about us.”

      “So, no problems?

      “Or regrets, John. It appears we both needed this. This is the best you’ve looked in days and I could probably say them same about myself once I look in a mirror.”

      “You were beginning to worry me a bit,” admitted John. “See you at the briefing?”

      “See you later,” called Elizabeth before John slipped out her door.


      Once Elizabeth and John met up again for the morning briefing, everybody noticed they both looked well rested for the first time in days.

      “I guess Dr. Heightmeyer was right,” said the keeper of Atlantis’ betting pools, Sergeant Chuck Campbell to himself. “I’ll have to update things when I get off shift.

      Know back to trying to figure out my Lemming in Gone with the Wind dress fic.
      That was awesome!! YAY!! I loved Kate thinking about changing her bet, and John's reaction on waking up. This was wonderful!

      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      I wonder how Elizabeth would have handled that situation. Would she have backed down like Carter did? I know she would at least have sent Carson in the old days. But considering the situation, would she have sent Keller? Or would she have prevented John from going? I don't see how she could have. Just like in Sateda, she joined him in demanding that Caldwell help find Ronon. But since he was so injured, would she have put his condition first and had him sedated? And would he have forgiven her?
      Well, I think Elizabeth would have gone along with it because it was needed to carry along the plot.

      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      I think they could easily have made John the father. *dodges bricks* Teyla came to his room to console him when Kate died in Doppelganger. It could have happened then off screen. With the tendency of these writers to pull rabbits out of invisible hats, anything was possible. I wouldn't put it past them to retcon the whole thing and have everybody go around saying they knew all along that those two were in a relationship, just like they did with Kanaan. Don't fool yourself. They were capable of it. Just look at McKeller.
      *Throws bricks*

      I think the majority of fans would have been shocked. If they'd did that, though, they would have had to find some way to kill/get rid of the baby. I do think everyone but the Sheylas would have had an issue with her staying on the team.

      Well, I'm glad that "logic" man Mullie stopped it.


        Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
        That was awesome!! YAY!! I loved Kate thinking about changing her bet, and John's reaction on waking up. This was wonderful!

        Well, I think Elizabeth would have gone along with it because it was needed to carry along the plot.

        *Throws bricks*

        I think the majority of fans would have been shocked. If they'd did that, though, they would have had to find some way to kill/get rid of the baby. I do think everyone but the Sheylas would have had an issue with her staying on the team.

        Well, I'm glad that "logic" man Mullie stopped it.
        Ouch! *ducks*

        You may be right. Though I think the gen fans would have shrugged and moved on. Though, I must admit McKeller caused a bit of a rift in fandom. I think it would have been a definite jump the shark moment. Whereas Sparky seemed to be expected judging from all the complaints from some non-shippers that it was too "in your face." I don't remember anybody saying that about any other ship. Oh, and let's not forget the damage making John the father would have done to his reputation. *remembers all the Kirking* I wasn't happy with all that because it seemed to mostly be centered in S2, and then we got Larrin. The guys involved thought it was okey dokey. Even Joe liked and defended it. So, I put it down to men being men and being clueless to fan reaction yet again. Like Lucious and other things that got some women up in arms. But it's a moot point now.

        Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


          Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Pretty Friday!

          Originally posted by mandogater View Post
          Time for another Sparky drabble for your reading pleasure, I hope.

          Lt.Colonel John Sheppard, thanks again for checking it over for me.


          Sleepless in Atlantis

          Major John Sheppard couldn’t sleep.

          He’d had this problem once before. Between 9/11 and being deployed to run spec ops teams into Afghanistan, Sheppard had suffered from insomnia. Here in Atlantis for the few days after the Genii raid, he’d begun suffering from the same thing.

          “Maybe a walk around the city will help,” said Sheppard while staring at the ceiling of his room for the third sleepless night in a row.

          Once he had gotten dressed and started to wonder the halls of his new home the only people Sheppard encountered were the security patrols and Dr. Kate Heightmeyer heading back to her quarters after an incredibly long day.

          “Good evening Major,” said Dr. Heightmeyer. “You are not usually up this late. Anything you want to talk about?”

          “Evening Doc,” answered Sheppard. “I have a good idea what is bugging me. If I feel the need to talk about it, I’ll call you.”

          “You know where to find me if you change your mind,” said Dr. Heightmeyer as she continued toward her quarters.

          Since agreeing to join the Atlantis Expedition, Dr. Heightmeyer had read the files on every member of the expedition and knew about Major Sheppard’s bout of insomnia after 9/11. However, she doubted tonight had anything to do with that. Sheppard wasn’t headed towards the labs to check on his teammate, Dr. McKay, even though they were closer to his quarters. He was headed straight towards Dr. Weir’s quarters.

          “I wonder if it’s too late to change my bet with Chuck,” wondered Dr. Heightmeyer to no one in particular.


          Dr. Elizabeth Weir couldn’t sleep.

          She’d spent the last couple of nights staring at the ceiling above her bed since Major Sheppard had saved her from the Genii, Commander Koyla. While she pondered what to do since she couldn’t sleep her door chimed.

          “Major Sheppard,” said a surprised Dr. Weir. “What brings you to my door at this time of night?”

          “I’m sorry if I woke you,” began Major Sheppard. “I couldn’t sleep and decided to take a walk. Next thing I knew I was here.”

          “Would you like to come in?”

          “If it’s not a problem.”

          “Please do,” said Dr. Weir. “Just give me a minute to find my robe.”

          After talking for about an hour, both Elizabeth and John had relaxed enough that they started to dose off.


          Dr. Weir woke up the next morning feeling the most well rested she had felt since she had come to Atlantis. As she started to stretch, Elizabeth realized she had spent the night cuddled up next to someone.

          “John,” said Elizabeth surprised and slightly upset since she couldn’t remember snuggling with him.

          “Ten more minutes please, ‘lizbeth,” answered John as he tried to snuggle closer to Elizabeth.

          “John, you need to go before everyone else gets up and someone sees you leave my quarters,” said Elizabeth while fighting a smile at John‘s reaction to being in bed with her.

          “I’m in bed with Elizabeth,” John smiled to himself as his sleep addled mind started to catch up with what was going on. Once he completely woke up, John shot out of bed and self-consciously checked himself to make sure his clothes were still on. “I swear I wasn’t trying anything last night, Elizabeth. I just got so relaxed while talking to you I just fell asleep.”

          “It’s alright John. Last night was the best I’ve slept since we got here. I just don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea about us.”

          “So, no problems?

          “Or regrets, John. It appears we both needed this. This is the best you’ve looked in days and I could probably say them same about myself once I look in a mirror.”

          “You were beginning to worry me a bit,” admitted John. “See you at the briefing?”

          “See you later,” called Elizabeth before John slipped out her door.


          Once Elizabeth and John met up again for the morning briefing, everybody noticed they both looked well rested for the first time in days.

          “I guess Dr. Heightmeyer was right,” said the keeper of Atlantis’ betting pools, Sergeant Chuck Campbell to himself. “I’ll have to update things when I get off shift.

          Know back to trying to figure out my Lemming in Gone with the Wind dress fic.
          Awwwww! I just love snuggly!Sparky fics! Great job!

          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          I'm not sure how extensive the IOA influence was. I get the idea that they could make any demands they felt like and it would have to be hashed out. The financing was probably all from the IOA. If they involved the military, it was under their control and probably paid for by them. Like when various militaries go on UN missions or NATO missions. Though I don't know how the finances work in those cases. Maybe I'll do some research.
          That's how I see it as well. We have seen foreign flags worn by military personnel in Atlantis as well as the civilians, so it certainly seems to be more like a UN or NATO mission in terms of the manpower.

          Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
          Obviously, he didn't come here. LOL

          I think they could easily have made John the father. *dodges bricks* Teyla came to his room to console him when Kate died in Doppelganger. It could have happened then off screen. With the tendency of these writers to pull rabbits out of invisible hats, anything was possible. I wouldn't put it past them to retcon the whole thing and have everybody go around saying they knew all along that those two were in a relationship, just like they did with Kanaan. Don't fool yourself. They were capable of it. Just look at McKeller.
          As much as I want to throw bricks, I have to agree with you that it would have been all too easy for them to pull that. But...

          Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
          *Throws bricks*

          I think the majority of fans would have been shocked. If they'd did that, though, they would have had to find some way to kill/get rid of the baby. I do think everyone but the Sheylas would have had an issue with her staying on the team.

          Well, I'm glad that "logic" man Mullie stopped it.
          Yes, I definitely think most fans would have been shocked by it. (and when I say most, let's face it, we shippers are but a minority in fandom. It's the gen fans who make up most of fandom.) Heck, look at how surprised we all were by the sudden revelation of Kanaan, or McKeller. At least with Kanaan, it was easier to gloss it over since he's a secondary character, even though it's still sloppy storytelling.
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            Here to hand in my homework. It only took a moment to find this and this on UN and NATO ops. It looks like the funding comes from the member nations. So we have to assume the IOA would work the same way.

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              We have another birthday in our group!

              Happy Birthday, Lt.Colonel John Sheppard!!



              I hope you have a wonderful day!! sparkyflowercoupleli4.gif


                @ mandogater - Kate rules the betting pool

                @ Lt. Col. J. Sheppard - Happy Birthday!
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Happy Birthday to Lt.Colonel John Sheppard! Hope your birthday will be as good as mine was!

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  Here to hand in my homework. It only took a moment to find this and this on UN and NATO ops. It looks like the funding comes from the member nations. So we have to assume the IOA would work the same way.
                  Sounds good to me. Supposedly the IOA represents all the nations that are "in" on knowing the secret of the Stargate, so it stands to reason that they'd operate in a manner similar to publicly known multinational political/diplomatic organizations.
                  (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                  Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                    Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                    We have another birthday in our group!

                    Happy Birthday, Lt.Colonel John Sheppard!!



                    I hope you have a wonderful day!! [ATTACH=CONFIG]32304[/ATTACH]
                    *runs back in from the grocery store* After all the money I just spent on food for tomorrow's football game, we'd better beat Miami. Just sayin'. Sigh. Tell me. Do sports in other countries require vast quantities of fattening food?

                    Anyway, I also add my birthday greetings to our own Lt. Col. Eat cake for me.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      All this talk about what didn't happen in canon made me want to remember what DID happen in canon.


                      Look at his quivering lip

                      The difference I think certain people forget is that John trying to rescue Teyla/Ronon/Rodney/Falcon the lemming from Wraith/Genii/The Wicked Witch only has the possibility of John getting captured, tortured, and killed. But if he went after Elizabeth and got captured by the Asurans then they'd mind probe him and find out the new location of Atlantis. He'd be risking the entire population of the city, and the city itself.

                      That thing they used to save Weir?

                      He wants to keep her.

                      *hugs John* *hugs Franibeth*


                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        Do sports in other countries require vast quantities of fattening food?
                        That would require there actually being a sport that would be able to keep my interest long enough.
                        Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                        Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                          What if they plastered Kate's face on all the players?
                          "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                          *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                          "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."



                            Originally posted by Infinite-Possibilities View Post
                            What if they plastered Kate's face on all the players?
                            Then the sport would still have to be of interest....
                            Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                            Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                              Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                              That would require there actually being a sport that would be able to keep my interest long enough.
                              LOL I used to feel that way until I discovered college football.

                              And thank you, JT-2, for that wonderful picspam. Nothing like visual evidence, is there?

                              I just watched Joe's Sunday talk in London. He said he thinks TPTB ran out of ideas, and he finds that pretty amazing. LOL I love this man.

                              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                *runs back in from the grocery store* After all the money I just spent on food for tomorrow's football game, we'd better beat Miami. Just sayin'. Sigh. Tell me. Do sports in other countries require vast quantities of fattening food?

                                Anyway, I also add my birthday greetings to our own Lt. Col. Eat cake for me.
                                GO HOKIES!!!!!!

                                Originally posted by JT-2 View Post
                                All this talk about what didn't happen in canon made me want to remember what DID happen in canon.



                                The difference I think certain people forget is that John trying to rescue Teyla/Ronon/Rodney/Falcon the lemming from Wraith/Genii/The Wicked Witch only has the possibility of John getting captured, tortured, and killed. But if he went after Elizabeth and got captured by the Asurans then they'd mind probe him and find out the new location of Atlantis. He'd be risking the entire population of the city, and the city itself.
                                Guh! Lovely (and heartbreaking) picspam!

                                I certainly haven't forgotten that there would have been additional risks involved with going after Elizabeth. Hence why Carter told him he had to have a plan, and she was right to insist on that. What ticks me off is that TPTW never let him come up with a plan.

                                At the very least, let McKay come up with some sort of search program he could run while he and Ronon are doing their thing on Asuras during Be All My Sins Remember'd. Search for any indication of what happened to Elizabeth, to try to rescue her if she was still alive, or at least confirm the previous report of her death from Repli!Keller in This Mortal Coil. (Even if that report was intended all along to be a red herring and the original Elizabeth really was alive somewhere else.) But nothing, nada, zip, zilch. Bad writing, TPTW.

                                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                                LOL I used to feel that way until I discovered college football.

                                And thank you, JT-2, for that wonderful picspam. Nothing like visual evidence, is there?

                                I just watched Joe's Sunday talk in London. He said he thinks TPTB ran out of ideas, and he finds that pretty amazing. LOL I love this man.
                                Especially amazing considering that years after SGA was cancelled, fans are still coming up with story ideas for fic. And we don't even get paid for it! Joe, you so rock!
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

