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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    I don't really get the point of anti-shipping either. I mean shipping is about seeing canon and making it work with a pairing. Or showing how canon a pairing is. Anti-shipping doesn't really make sense. Sure there are things that don't work with a ship, but until a ship is expressly canon, there's always subtext that can be put to be anti-ship, just as there is subtext that is pro-ship. *shrug* My two cents on anti-shipping.

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      Originally posted by Luz
      I know people must have asked this a hundred times, but who came up with the sparky idea?, it's a really cool name for our ship.
      Originally posted by xkawaiix
      I think that back when we were still useing Sheweir, someone got tired of the name and told us to call it Sparky. I'm not sure.
      Yup, kawaii's right. I think it started off over at LJ (Pooh or Red i think, and by think i mean totally guessing ). A lot of peeps don't like name combos, and the sparks just fly between John and Liz...hence SPARKY!

      Errr i think that's right anyway I'm sure Mel or Athena could give you a more accurate, and eloquent, explanation.

      Anti-ship = fair enough.
      There's enough examples where ship has ruined a good show.

      Anti-SJ = fair enough. It was the visably main ship in the show that DID detract from other storylines (tho i liked it but i can see why others wouldn't)

      All the different anti atlantis ships thread i just don't get. Okay, so i think the closest thing to canon is ShepWeir (tho i may be biased ) so i could partially understand a antiSW thread. However imo, it's not necessary. Granted i haven't seen S2 yet, but i haven't read anything that indicates Sparky takes away/ruins the storyline.

      I wandered into the anti thread today to see what the folks were saying and i was quite pleased at what i saw *ducks flying objects*. Someone had posted that they didn't want SHepWeir but WeirCaldwell would be interesting.
      Shadowmaat replied asking posters to stay OT, this was an antiSW thread - not pro WC/TR/ST/etc. I have no problem with people who want to discuss an issue, infact i encourage it. I don't see the point in using a topic to push your own belief tho. Not only are these people annoying (and tainting) the other shippers but now they're bothering the anti's aswell.
      Last edited by SallyLizzie; 12 October 2005, 05:27 PM.


        Originally posted by xkawaiix
        ITA. I don't want to speak anti talk about any ship. Sure I'm not a Teyla/Shep shipper but I mean, I don't understand the purpose of anti threads. All they speak of is reasons why this ship shouldn't happen. I don't think it's fair to spoil the fun for the shippers of that ship and then there are other reasons, like they anti ship because they want their ship to be canon. IMO, that's no reason to anti ship. I don't see Shep/Teyla and that's it. I don't need to discuss on how much I don't see it.

        This ^ doesn't mean that I'm against anti shippers. It means I don't like anti shipping. (Just clearing that up so this doesn't come out the wrong way. )
        Agree with you completely. I don't need to defend my ship by going into thread purpose built for bashing others.
        If the anti-shippers want to go there, that's fine, but I think it screams 'hidden agenda' if we start popping up there!


          Originally posted by xkawaiix
          ITA. I don't want to speak anti talk about any ship. Sure I'm not a Teyla/Shep shipper but I mean, I don't understand the purpose of anti threads. All they speak of is reasons why this ship shouldn't happen. I don't think it's fair to spoil the fun for the shippers of that ship and then there are other reasons, like they anti ship because they want their ship to be canon. IMO, that's no reason to anti ship. I don't see Shep/Teyla and that's it. I don't need to discuss on how much I don't see it.

          This ^ doesn't mean that I'm against anti shippers. It means I don't like anti shipping. (Just clearing that up so this doesn't come out the wrong way. )
          As someone who loaths certain ship parings i can perfectly understand how it feels to just not like the thought of two characters getting together. And no, it's not Shep/Teyla, actually i think if it happened it wouldn't bother me much, but that's not the point.
          As i was saying i know what it feels like when the mere thought of a pairing makes you wanna vomit. However, why waste your time wallowing on your hatred?, my method is just not think about it period.
          And those people on the anti S/W are a huge bunch of hypocrites because they try to make it sound like they don't want S/W because they want to protect the integrity of the characters and the show yadda, yadda, yadda, they want to sound rational with their speeches about how it would destroy Weir's character, like they care. When we know most of them feel threatened by the mere thought of Shep/Weir, because they want Shep for Teyla, i guess since a woman falling for Sheppard is so destructive for a female character they don't care much for Teyla's integrity then?, lol.
          I say just ignore them, they are just letting off some steam, can't you smell their fear?, they are scared s*less of us, as the saying goes, noone beats on a dead dog.


            So i edited my last post and added my thoughts on anti-threads there.

            ..and now i bring sparky!pics



                He looks so smug in the first one...and then Lizzie puts him in his place.

                And they are awesome when they put a united front.

                Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                  Originally posted by Bama
                  And on a totally 'unrelated' note...boy, the 'anti's' have come out of their cave a bit today haven't they? Anti shep/weir...Anti Ronon/Teyla... We must be having entirely too much fun for their liking. Maybe I'll start an Anti 'Anti' thread. LOL!

                  Like water rollin off a duck's back...
                  I don't pay much attention to the anti-Ronon/anti-Weir folks - if you read the posts very carefully, you'll notice that there aren't that many - a lot of those handles really belong to the same person.

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Originally posted by SallyLizzie
                    Yup, kawaii's right. I think it started off over at LJ (Pooh or Red i think, and by think i mean totally guessing ). A lot of peeps don't like name combos, and the sparks just fly between John and Liz...hence SPARKY!

                    Errr i think that's right anyway I'm sure Mel or Athena could give you a more accurate, and eloquent, explanation.
                    I think it was either MsPooh or Little Red or maybe both. Those two are like one brain, that came up with the Sparky.

                    I like many others tend to cringe when it comes to name combos, because usually they just sound ridiculous. And someone mentioned our Shweir just sounded like a slang word for unmentionable body part. I personally just think Shweir sounds unappealing. I rather right out Sheppard/Weir then use Shweir.

                    But with Sparky, its cute and who doesn't see sparks fly when those two are on screen together.

                    So my conclusion, name combos sound ridiculous in general, and here are my opinions of some of the name combos I've seen around fandoms:

                    Sheyla=Pornstar...don't believe me google it.
                    McWeir or McShep or Mc/anything = I automaticially think of the McDonald's menu
                    TeDex= sounds like a new type of Window cleaner
                    Rockett = sounds cute, but makes me thinks of a has been 80s band...or if your in the gutter you think phallic symbolism.
                    Skate and Jate (from Lost) = I'm sorry...WTF???!

                    That's all I can think of right now.


                      What I don't get is what's wrong with using the normal intialling convention? Like S/W, T/W, R/C etc?? Especially in the shipping threads, as we all know what we're referring to. I'm not really a fan of the mixed names thing myself, but if others want to use it, tis their choice.

                      Visit the stargate_pad LJ community; a pairing a day for the stargate fandom.


                        Originally posted by Athenaktt
                        I like many others tend to cringe when it comes to name combos, because usually they just sound ridiculous. And someone mentioned our Shweir just sounded like a slang word for unmentionable body part. I personally just think Shweir sounds unappealing. I rather right out Sheppard/Weir then use Shweir.
                        There was something said long ago, that "Shweir" was slang for a male. . .*you know*. Some Irish, Scottish, or Brit-slang, I think. It was long ago, and I am very old.

                        When all else fails, change channels.


                          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                          There was something said long ago, that "Shweir" was slang for a male. . .*you know*. Some Irish, Scottish, or Brit-slang, I think. It was long ago, and I am very old.
                          Yeah, I can't remember was too long ago. I just know it was not pretty.


                            Originally posted by ubiquitous
                            Exactly. And it makes me wonder how John would react if he thought she batted for him for less than professional reasons.

                            He may get his eyes opened yet. When/If Caldwell lets loose on him, I don't think he'll hold much he know and feels back. You can bet that Caldwell has learned exactly 'which' card to play in regard to Elizabeth...he knows her 'hotbutton' is labeled 'John Sheppard' and he is watching closely for a reason/opportunity to look at one or both of them and 'accuse' them of making a decision for personal feelings rather than professional reasons.

                            Absolutely. Although the Shep/Caldwell side hasn't really been seen yet, imo.

                            Nope, it hasn't. John has tried to stay out of things and let Elizabeth handle her irritation with Caldwell her own way more, I think, because he knows she can handle herself and it would be insulting to try and butt in or tell her how to handle her interaction with another adult. BUT-if he feels Caldwell -or anyone-steps over the line with her, I don't think he'll hesitate to put his neck out.

                            Lol. Actually, this morning I accidently clicked into the anti-S/W thread, thinking that it was the S/W thread. I realised what I'd done wrong after reading a few posts and going what the?

                            Honey, I've done it too. I'd bet half their 'views' are from us 'accidenting' upon them.


                              Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                              I don't pay much attention to the anti-Ronon/anti-Weir folks - if you read the posts very carefully, you'll notice that there aren't that many - a lot of those handles really belong to the same person.

                              I totally cracked up at your post in the Weir app. thread!

                              'It' is like that nasty green 'fly' buzzin around your head that you think you've swatted and shoo'ed away but then it comes back to eat it's poop on your arm again when you ain't expecting it.


                                I like the alternative ship names

                                Sparky - Shep/Weir
                                Spanky - Ronon/Teyla
                                Snarky - McKay/Zelenka (I think)

