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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
    Good idea. I forgot to mention that I'm not capable enough to do my own art so I'll need someone to do that for my 2. I'm betting we will get some great stuff from talented people.
    I can do my own art using screencaps, but I'd actually love to see an artist's (or artists') rendering (maybe drawn by hand, like that picture Killdeer linked a few months ago of Rodney and Teyla by a fire) of some of the scenes. I always love how different artists can go with ideas. I'd prefer that to doing my own art for my episodes.
    Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


      Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
      Good idea. I forgot to mention that I'm not capable enough to do my own art so I'll need someone to do that for my 2. I'm betting we will get some great stuff from talented people.
      Just so you know, I don't mind make a couple of them
      I have an awesome idea for Primum Movens part 2, but I think someone was already working on that... so I'll leave that in their capable hands

      And I think it's best if the authors decide who has to do their header and then report it to me so I can keep a list.

      Sig by me


        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
        Probably, though I think pre-enzyme Ford might be a better fit for Winston's happy-go-lucky self.

        Though I have to say, the mental image of Teyla popping bubblegum and snarking away on the phone has me giggling my head off!
        LOL, Ford could definitely work for that. Whoever grabs this prompt can make final decision on that one.

        Originally posted by Erin87 View Post
        LOL. Great prompts, SMB.

        And I think Woolsey would fit the bill for that jerky guy from the EPA who tried to shut them down; don't remember his name...
        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
        Walter Peck. Yeah, pre-Season 5 Woolsey would make a great Peck! Especially when he gets doused with a mountain of warm marshmallow cream after the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man goes kaboom.
        Ah, good ol' Peck. What a royal pain in the arse.

        Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
        Before I hit the rack (on nights)... my favorite Ghostbusters quotes!

        (as winston zeddemore) Ray, if someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!!!
        All right... This chick is TOAST!!!

        Grab your stick!
        Heat em up!
        Make em hard!
        Let's show this prehistoric b**ch how we do things downtown. THROW IT!

        And some smutty ones

        Do you want this body?
        Is this a trick question?

        I want you inside me!

        And hmm... Lizzie levitating above the bed. Not what I need to think about before I hit the rack

        All of those had me LOL-ing last night when I was watching it.

        More quotes:
        "Nobody steps on a church in my town!"
        "Ray?" "What did you do, Ray?"
        "Did you tell him about the twinkie?" "What about the twinkie?"
        "She sleeps above the covers." "FOUR FEET above the covers."

        This idea is totally cracking me up. I love that movie!
        Signature by Erin87


          Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
          LOL, Ford could definitely work for that. Whoever grabs this prompt can make final decision on that one.

          Ah, good ol' Peck. What a royal pain in the arse.

          All of those had me LOL-ing last night when I was watching it.

          More quotes:
          "Nobody steps on a church in my town!"
          "Ray?" "What did you do, Ray?"
          "Did you tell him about the twinkie?" "What about the twinkie?"
          "She sleeps above the covers." "FOUR FEET above the covers."

          This idea is totally cracking me up. I love that movie!
          The "Ray?" "WHAT DID YOU DO RAY!?" line is one of my all-time favorites for movies anywhere. I just love it!
          Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


            Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
            Ok, so, about the website, changing it for each episode is actually not that difficult and I already made the adjustments to make it easy

            So, now I need to know who wants to make their own header to go with their episode, or who has someone in mind to make a header for them. If you want to make it yourself, or have it made, I'll send you the files that need to be adjusted, so you already have that information.

            And I changed the lay-out again... no more actors this time, so no spoilers Check it out HERE.
            I have zero graphic skills, Kris. Would you make headers for my eps?
            I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


              Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
              Just so you know, I don't mind make a couple of them
              I have an awesome idea for Primum Movens part 2, but I think someone was already working on that... so I'll leave that in their capable hands

              And I think it's best if the authors decide who has to do their header and then report it to me so I can keep a list.
              Works. And I'll keep a duplicate list on stickies.

              Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                I would have been happy if the series ended after Vegas too. Just think about what a firestorm would have swept through fandom. But when stopping to think about it logically, this would have been a perfect solution. You know trouble is a-coming to the Pegasus. Our gang is in hot water...maybe. Will they survive? Vegas Shep is already dead. Could that happen to our Shep? And on and on. Then they could have done EatG as a movie and taken their time to do it right.

                Vegas is probably the most polarizing episode of all time. The Ronon and Teyla fans tended to hate it. And some others who don't like CSI also hated it. The whole thing for me was Joe and David's acting and the sad and wonderful mess that Vegas!John had become.

                I thought vegas was one of the best eps of season 5. but sheppard is my favorite character, and i actually like csi and au eps as well. i also loved the vegas wraith and the music in the ep. I can see y a lot of people didnt like it though if your not into all that.
                IMO they should've gotten rid of identity, and made eatg a 2 parter, and if they felt keller needed more screen time, they couldve given her more to do in the finale.


                  Good morning, Sparkies! Happy Pretty Friday!

                  pkprd, you slayed me again! Those Ghostbusters quotes are perfect!

                  Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                  Ok, so, about the website, changing it for each episode is actually not that difficult and I already made the adjustments to make it easy

                  So, now I need to know who wants to make their own header to go with their episode, or who has someone in mind to make a header for them. If you want to make it yourself, or have it made, I'll send you the files that need to be adjusted, so you already have that information.

                  And I changed the lay-out again... no more actors this time, so no spoilers Check it out HERE.
                  Oooooh, that's beautiful! And that's a great idea for episodic headers. I can try to make the poster/soundtrack cover idea that I had for What Dreams May Come into a header. Of course, that's if I can get the manip to work.

                  Originally posted by Probie View Post
                  There is not vid for Fedcon because it's impossible ti film this convention. I heard Joe talking in french because somewhere on the net, someone put the soundtrack of this convention. Don't ask me the link. I didn't keep

                  Yes it was very funny when Joe talked about his wife and when he said he wants to kick Torri's ass. He said at the beginning it was suppose to be him and Rachel in space but nothing happened and then they wanted to know what Torri said about ship and the reaction of Joe is very funny.

                  Time to go to work. Maybe not work because we will watch the tennis game with a
                  I'm with Kris; you've got to find that link!

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  I would have been happy if the series ended after Vegas too. Just think about what a firestorm would have swept through fandom. But when stopping to think about it logically, this would have been a perfect solution. You know trouble is a-coming to the Pegasus. Our gang is in hot water...maybe. Will they survive? Vegas Shep is already dead. Could that happen to our Shep? And on and on. Then they could have done EatG as a movie and taken their time to do it right.
                  Argh! That would've been a fantastic way to end the series!

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  Vegas is probably the most polarizing episode of all time. The Ronon and Teyla fans tended to hate it. And some others who don't like CSI also hated it. The whole thing for me was Joe and David's acting and the sad and wonderful mess that Vegas!John had become.
                  You and me both. Definitely the best episode of Season 5, and one of the top ten of the entire series.

                  Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post
                  Oh, boy, let me see if I remember this correctly.
                  Someone from the audience asked something about shipping and Joe commented off-hand that John and Teyla would be in a jumper in space, but that that never happened.
                  Then someone (don't remember if it was the same one) said that Torri had once said in an interview (somewhere during s1) that she would prefer McKay for Elizabeth, because Elizabeth could have an intelligent conversation with him. David was all "whoohoo" and Joe said: "I'm gonna kick her a*s for saying that."
                  That's about all I remember about it from the top of my head.
                  Ah, that's right, I remember you telling us about that. Too funny!

                  Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                  Oh okay, that's about what I thought. They did start out with John and Teyla in a jumper. LOL But it certainly never went anywhere. It's so cute the way they both wanted Torri to pick them. LOL
                  Reminds me of an icon I once saw where John and Rodney are sitting in Elizabeth's office going back and forth saying, 'My Elizabeth!'
                  (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                  Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                    Originally posted by KrisRussel View Post

                    Oh, boy, let me see if I remember this correctly.
                    Someone from the audience asked something about shipping and Joe commented off-hand that John and Teyla would be in a jumper in space, but that that never happened.
                    Then someone (don't remember if it was the same one) said that Torri had once said in an interview (somewhere during s1) that she would prefer McKay for Elizabeth, because Elizabeth could have an intelligent conversation with him. David was all "whoohoo" and Joe said: "I'm gonna kick her a*s for saying that."
                    That's about all I remember about it from the top of my head.
                    This is correct and Joe said "Teyla and him in space" just because it was the original idea and the producters said it to him. Just an automatic
                    But love how David is proud when Torri pick

                    OT EriSoderling won. I'm sure we will have Nadal/Soderling for the finale. I hope Soderling will win because I want a change for once
                    Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                      Originally posted by Probie View Post
                      This is correct and Joe said "Teyla and him in space" just because it was the original idea and the producters said it to him. Just an automatic
                      But love how David is proud when Torri pick
                      Considering how Joe got ticked off that Torri picked McKay over Shep and all the stuff Joe's said recently about how sexy Torri is, I'd say he's trying to break himself of those 'automatic answers' about the original and now dead plans.
                      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                        Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                        Considering how Joe got ticked off that Torri picked McKay over Shep and all the stuff Joe's said recently about how sexy Torri is, I'd say he's trying to break himself of those 'automatic answers' about the original and now dead plans.
                        Alleluia for
                        Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                          Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
                          Considering how Joe got ticked off that Torri picked McKay over Shep and all the stuff Joe's said recently about how sexy Torri is, I'd say he's trying to break himself of those 'automatic answers' about the original and now dead plans.
                          You mean like those dogs who are taught to salivate when they hear a bell ring? Pavlov and all that?
                          I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                            Originally posted by Probie View Post
                            Alleluia for

                            Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                            You mean like those dogs who are taught to salivate when they hear a bell ring? Pavlov and all that?
                            Yeah, just like that! LOL!
                            (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                            Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


                              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post

                              Yeah, just like that! LOL!
                              *wags tail and chases after sparky!cookies*

                              I think we need a sparky dog!
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                *wags tail and chases after sparky!cookies*

                                I think we need a sparky dog!
                                Eeeeee! They're so cute! Heeheehee!

                                Darnit, we need to figure out a way to get Sedge on Atlantis after Elizabeth comes back in Season 6! Elizabeth needs her dog! And can't you just picture John playing fetch with Sedge? Squee!
                                (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
                                Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.

