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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
    John confessing his love? No, I don't think so. I'd never buy it.
    No, but he could just say things like: "I believe in YOU. Always have and always will." or things like that.


      Finally--a story suggestion that is cliched, but I think could be SO FUN.

      For the McKay standalone, has their been a 'groundhog day' type story in SG? I know not in SGA, but in SG-1? Supernatural did it a little while ago with Dean getting killed a different way everyday and Sam trying to figure out how to stop it, and it was super fun (and a little disturbing).

      I'd propose starting off the episode with Rodney looking on, horrified, as the city explodes.

      Then, all of a sudden Rodney wakes up in his room. Why? Because he's relived this day in Atlantis over and over and doesn't know how to break the cycle of his causing the city to explode (or something else drastic). Rodney needs to figure out how to prevent it, or he can't break the cycle--he just keeps waking up in the same day over and over. The first few scenes would show all the interactions he goes through during that day, so we set up what he's going to see and who he's going to interact with.

      Then, as the days relive themselves, we see him interacting those same scenes in different ways. Like maybe one day he's very sweet with Keller, then in the next he blows her off.

      The whole reason this came about in my head was a blatant way to drop Sparky smack in front of the audience. Let's say each day there's a scene where Rodney is trying to explain about the explosion to John and Elizabeth and each time they assure him they trust him to fix the problem. But every time they do, it's John starting and Elizabeth finishing, or Elizabeth starting and John finishing--them working in tandem, as they always do.

      So by about the 3rd or 4th time Rodney goes through this and he's terribly frustrated because he knows what they're going to say and how they're going to say it, he starts off the conversation with "have you two ever thought about skipping the underlying sexual tension thing and just going straight to it? Because at this point I'd say it's pretty damn obvious how you feel about each other.' And then march out of the room, leaving them awkwardly uncomfortable.

      Ah, the possibilities of what Rodney could do or say throughout Atlantis!!!
      Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


        Originally posted by pkprd869 View Post
        I've been away but now I'm back. Eri You mention having Lizzie face the Coalition, after "Run Through the Jungle." If having me do back to back episodes doesn't bother you, I'd love to work on it. The season seems really serious. I would like to work in a good dose of humor for "Run Through the Jungle."
        Sure! We can put you down, if everyone is okay with that.

        This season is DEFINITELY intense. But we have some good humor episodes worked in, I think. Yours, the 'Elizabeth the diplomat' episode, the McKay episode and "Ronon the empath".

        We're a little more Season 4 and less Season 3, but that's okay. Elizabeth's recover is a big emotional deal.

        Originally posted by nephtys59 View Post
        No, but he could just say things like: "I believe in YOU. Always have and always will." or things like that.
        I see where you're going and that's what I have in mind too, but in John Sheppard-esque way. As John himself said, he's 'not so good at profound' but I think we can come up with something that fits him.
        Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


          Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
          I see where you're going and that's what I have in mind too, but in John Sheppard-esque way. As John himself said, he's 'not so good at profound' but I think we can come up with something that fits him.
          He's not good at profound, but could -for once in his life- open his mouth and let go out something more than "have I told you how much I like ferris wheels?"


            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
            Okay--question one: how did they work in relation to the 'danger' she posed in Adrift/Lifeline, and how do we distinguish between the two? I think it needs to be a little stronger than 'there are no replicators left, so she's also no longer a threat'. It needs to be a stronger reason than that. What were the outcomes of Miller's Crossing and Outcast regarding those replicators?
            Calling those who pay attention to technobabble!

            I've been thinking on this, and I think the mind-probing should be pretty brutal, gleaning everything she knew about Atlantis. I don't think physical torture is necessary; rather, everything was mental because of her nanites. We may be able to show scenes of Oberoth getting frustrated at not being able to break parts of her. And we can also show scenes of her being able to sense parts of her (all the nanites used to make all those clones are linked, somehow, to the Primus?) doing various things. Of course shots of TMC and Franibeth, and other versions of Weir, too.

            I like the turn and twist from her being self-assured to being self-concerned.
            A good mental whumping sounds okay to me.

            - For Lockdown, my sense was that she would be unconscious and being operated on. To answer one of SR's questions, I'm seeing this as a REALLY tense episode for everyone, not just because of the lockdown, but because Elizabeth returning to all of them hangs in the balance. Not just her life, but whether she'll be able to stay with them.
            This would also give Keller something to do to look doctory. And Carson.

            - John confessing his love? No, I don't think so. I'd never buy it. At this point I don't think they understand their feelings. I think having her return is going to overwhelm him so much he's not going to know what to think. I could see, as SR mentions, him being unsure of what to do, though I don't think it's going to be as awkward as Adrift because by GITM he really, really wants her back, so he's willing to push the limit a little bit.

            But I could see a really, really nice scene where, as the self-destruct is counting down, John places his hand on the wall (maybe he's made his way through the lockdown to the operating room, and can see her) and says something more personal to her than we're used to seeing from him? It would be the last thing said to 'Atlantis' after everyone else's confessions.

            You know what might be fun? What if we have him tell her: (this is on the brain since I just saw it) 'do you remember, when I had that bug on my throat and we were stuck in the gate, there was something I wanted to tell you but you wouldn't let me? This is it: _______________').

            Whatever he says, it's what stops the self-destruct and let Rodney/Carson/Jeannie finish the operation. It keeps in canon with John being the closest to Elizabeth, but doesn't overstep the bounds of shippiness.
            Excellent. Ship still in the eye of the beholder at this point. With just a little more from John than previously.

            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
            Finally--a story suggestion that is cliched, but I think could be SO FUN.

            For the McKay standalone, has their been a 'groundhog day' type story in SG? I know not in SGA, but in SG-1? Supernatural did it a little while ago with Dean getting killed a different way everyday and Sam trying to figure out how to stop it, and it was super fun (and a little disturbing).

            I'd propose starting off the episode with Rodney looking on, horrified, as the city explodes.

            Then, all of a sudden Rodney wakes up in his room. Why? Because he's relived this day in Atlantis over and over and doesn't know how to break the cycle of his causing the city to explode (or something else drastic). Rodney needs to figure out how to prevent it, or he can't break the cycle--he just keeps waking up in the same day over and over. The first few scenes would show all the interactions he goes through during that day, so we set up what he's going to see and who he's going to interact with.

            Then, as the days relive themselves, we see him interacting those same scenes in different ways. Like maybe one day he's very sweet with Keller, then in the next he blows her off.

            The whole reason this came about in my head was a blatant way to drop Sparky smack in front of the audience. Let's say each day there's a scene where Rodney is trying to explain about the explosion to John and Elizabeth and each time they assure him they trust him to fix the problem. But every time they do, it's John starting and Elizabeth finishing, or Elizabeth starting and John finishing--them working in tandem, as they always do.

            So by about the 3rd or 4th time Rodney goes through this and he's terribly frustrated because he knows what they're going to say and how they're going to say it, he starts off the conversation with "have you two ever thought about skipping the underlying sexual tension thing and just going straight to it? Because at this point I'd say it's pretty damn obvious how you feel about each other.' And then march out of the room, leaving them awkwardly uncomfortable.

            Ah, the possibilities of what Rodney could do or say throughout Atlantis!!!
            I love this idea. Rodney at his best without being too annoying. And yay, Sparky.

            Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
            Sure! We can put you down, if everyone is okay with that.

            This season is DEFINITELY intense. But we have some good humor episodes worked in, I think. Yours, the 'Elizabeth the diplomat' episode, the McKay episode and "Ronon the empath".

            We're a little more Season 4 and less Season 3, but that's okay. Elizabeth's recover is a big emotional deal.

            I see where you're going and that's what I have in mind too, but in John Sheppard-esque way. As John himself said, he's 'not so good at profound' but I think we can come up with something that fits him.
            Sounds good. And my Hoth story will have humor elements. And lots of whump.

            Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


              Finally, I'm here for a second. I can't leave this

              Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
              HAPPY BIRTHDAY BY THE WAY!!! How did we miss this??
              Originally posted by Scary Kitty View Post
              Happy Birthday, Probie!
              Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
              You need to put your birthday on your profile because we all missed it. I hope it was a happy day. And enjoy your days off.
              THANK YOU!!!!
              SR: Are you yelling at me, American mommy, because I didn't put my birthday on my profile?
              Do you have your coffee? I can do one for

              Love your idea for Rodney, Eri. Each character has an episode. We have story on each character, Wraith, Atlantis....Nothing is missing I think.
              Sig made by nephty and avi by Kris....THANK YOU!


                Groundhog day was done by SG1 with their season 4 episode Window of Opportunity, where O'Neill and Teal'c kept reliving the same day an endless amount of times until they managed to reverse the process themselves. They could remember everything that happened in the previous loops, including the bonus for the Sam/Jack-lovers (not me) where Jack resigns and smacks one down on Carter's lips.
                Heightmeyer's Lemming -- still the coolest Lemming of the forum

                Proper Stargate Rewatch -- season 10 of SG-1


                  Originally posted by Falcon Horus View Post
                  Groundhog day was done by SG1 with their season 4 episode Window of Opportunity, where O'Neill and Teal'c kept reliving the same day an endless amount of times until they managed to reverse the process themselves. They could remember everything that happened in the previous loops, including the bonus for the Sam/Jack-lovers (not me) where Jack resigns and smacks one down on Carter's lips.
                  What do you think--the groundhog day scenario is sorta scenes a faire, but is this too similar an idea to that one? Or do you think a rerunning 'day in the life' would be fun for SGA and Rodney?

                  We could diversify it a little by making Rodney realize the only way he can fix things is to make Zelenka solve the problem, giving Zelenka his hero's moment.
                  Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                    Originally posted by Probie View Post
                    Finally, I'm here for a second. I can't leave this

                    THANK YOU!!!!
                    SR: Are you yelling at me, American mommy, because I didn't put my birthday on my profile?
                    Do you have your coffee? I can do one for

                    Love your idea for Rodney, Eri. Each character has an episode. We have story on each character, Wraith, Atlantis....Nothing is missing I think.
                    I have coffee thank you dear. Today I may need something stronger to recover from the yoga session however.

                    Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                    What do you think--the groundhog day scenario is sorta scenes a faire, but is this too similar an idea to that one? Or do you think a rerunning 'day in the life' would be fun for SGA and Rodney?

                    We could diversify it a little by making Rodney realize the only way he can fix things is to make Zelenka solve the problem, giving Zelenka his hero's moment.
                    The comparisons will be obvious but I love the idea of doing this with Rodney. We can't find anything I fear that hasn't been done in SG-1.

                    In fact my husband and I are rewatching Farscape and have seen numerous plot elements that reminds us of Stargate. Hubby is usually pretty clueless but even he sees them and is sometimes the first one to bring it up. I say we go with what sounds like fun.

                    Visit us at SGA Rising for our version of season six.


                      Originally posted by Eri13 View Post

                      - John confessing his love? No, I don't think so. I'd never buy it. At this point I don't think they understand their feelings. I think having her return is going to overwhelm him so much he's not going to know what to think. I could see, as SR mentions, him being unsure of what to do, though I don't think it's going to be as awkward as Adrift because by GITM he really, really wants her back, so he's willing to push the limit a little bit.

                      But I could see a really, really nice scene where, as the self-destruct is counting down, John places his hand on the wall (maybe he's made his way through the lockdown to the operating room, and can see her) and says something more personal to her than we're used to seeing from him? It would be the last thing said to 'Atlantis' after everyone else's confessions.

                      You know what might be fun? What if we have him tell her: (this is on the brain since I just saw it) 'do you remember, when I had that bug on my throat and we were stuck in the gate, there was something I wanted to tell you but you wouldn't let me? This is it: _______________').

                      Whatever he says, it's what stops the self-destruct and let Rodney/Carson/Jeannie finish the operation. It keeps in canon with John being the closest to Elizabeth, but doesn't overstep the bounds of shippiness.
                      I am totally with Eri on this one. best ships are built on tons of fun UST, or angsty UST or both (see Legend of the seeker for angst and Bones for fun UST). Anyway, I agree that it IS still very early for John to recognize his emotions for what they really are, much less to outright confess them. But, we know John is very expressive, very emotionally driven; he wears his heart on a sleeve, so it won't be that hard to see that his actions are motivated by conflicting and strong emotions for Elizabeth.

                      I love the confession that is not confession idea. It doesn't have to be the very thing he wanted to say backl in S1, but something along the lines of - I trust you, I respect you, you are different from my previous commanders? Thank you for giving me a cause to fight for?

                      I wouldn't let Rodney activate your nanites back then? I am both glad and sorry that he did it?
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Eri I like your idea of John referencing his unsaid comment from "38 Minutes". I know full disclosure of undying love would be too soon, but I would love to see more vocalization from him about feelings than he's done in the past. IMO, I would think he's desperate at this point - they (he) are (is) going to lose her again and he might just be pushed to the edge far enough to let that darn wall down a little bit.

                        And, I like the Groundhog Day episode suggestion. Especially the office scene with Sparky overtones.
                        Signature by Erin87


                          More musings on what John could say to could center around how much he trusts and believes in her, just like she's always believed and trusted in him (even when others didn't). He believes in her strength, in her compassion (which is why those damn nanites will never turn her into a machine), in her unwavering belief in the human spirit triumphing over every adversity, etc.

                          All of this using "John lingo" of course.
                          Signature by Erin87


                            Originally posted by SMB_BOOKS View Post
                            More musings on what John could say to could center around how much he trusts and believes in her, just like she's always believed and trusted in him (even when others didn't). He believes in her strength, in her compassion (which is why those damn nanites will never turn her into a machine), in her unwavering belief in the human spirit triumphing over every adversity, etc.

                            All of this using "John lingo" of course.
                            This...that's kinda what I see. John would not dialogue stuff like that but he'd let it be shown on his face, and then his words would be that stuttery dialogue he uses when nervous.
                            Visit to read our virtual continuation of the Atlantis series!


                              Originally posted by Eri13 View Post
                              This...that's kinda what I see. John would not dialogue stuff like that but he'd let it be shown on his face, and then his words would be that stuttery dialogue he uses when nervous.
                              With lots of tense staring/lip licking.

                              How about.... "I'm glad I came along. I'm glad you taled me, um... into it. I know you didn't want this (touches the wall with one hand tentatively, then pulls his hand away) - but I'm glad you're alive. (heavy, personal tone of voice) Please, 'Lizbeth..."
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                Just out of curiosity ... because I have in mind a short fic for ... in case of "love declaration" ... who would be the one to make the first move? Let's say that Elizabeth would encourage John in a subtle way to "get" her ... would he dare or ... would he wait for her to jump on him?
                                I'm curious

