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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by SallyLizzie
    And we'll finish off with a classic
    For anyone who wants a larger version. Click the thumbnail.


      Oh Please, National Enqiuirer. If we all believed anything they write in that, we'd have bigger problems than Shep/Teyla ship.


        Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
        LOL, I remember reading over at the Sheyla thread that they thought the idea of a romantic relationship between the two leaders was cliched.
        Wait, wait... so they're saying a relationship with an Athosian leader is ok, but not the Earth leader? Huh?


          Originally posted by Tomcatter
          Wait, wait... so they're saying a relationship with an Athosian leader is ok, but not the Earth leader? Huh?
          I guess there logic on that part is a bit flawed.

          Or they might have convienently forgot Teyla is also a Leader of her people.


            I highly doubt the veracity of "National Enquirer"'s article, but if that is the case, I'll just avert my eyes and pretend it did not ocurr, I think that is the most rational approach lol.

            I love the fact that Shep and Liz have established a good (although sometimes tentative) working relationship built on respect first.

            Yes, I really like the fact that Shep can accept a woman as a leader, and yet still treat her as a person (birthday gift for example). They have disagreements, yes, but always remain friends afterward. Their relationship is built on trust and mutual need. The Sheyla thing seems built on looks alone. It NEEDS far more development than it currently has to even approach what RL spoke of (heaven forbid that though!)


            Signature By Amber Moon


              The whole Sheyla thing is just so forced...
              It doesn't even seemed forced to me..bc I just don't see it. At all.
              At first i thought it was just bc i ship SW and i was being blissfully ignorant, but then over S1 i've seen scenes where, although i don't find them shippy, i can see where MWs would see them as shippy, if that makes sense. I've been watching S1 (upto Skantuary) this week and actually looked out for ST but i still don't see it. I didn't even see the head!hug as being all that shippy.

              Or they might have convienently forgot Teyla is also a Leader of her people.
              WEll i know that i forget that she's a leader (actually see Halling as more of a leader) Hopefully in S2 we'll get to see Teylado some leading.

              I have decided that I will continue reading spoilers while S2 is airing bc even if i read transcripts and everybodies analysis, Torri and Joe have such a great chemistry and are so talented(as are the rest of the cast) that the eps will still seem fresh and exciting

              *Toddles off to watch Blues vid...Toddles back again*

              That reminds me, I watched Mels 'Angel' vid earlier and it's truly amazing. You can find it here along with 2 more of her vids

              *Bows down to Mel and resumes toddling*

              EDIT: *Toddles back in and bows down to Blue*
              Wow, that's a great vid and i really really like the song
              Tried to green you but it wouldn't let me
              Last edited by SallyLizzie; 03 July 2005, 04:39 PM.


                I added Blue Banrigh video on to the John Sheppard and Elizabeth Weir Ship site along with two other vids by Melyanna called "Prelude" and "Seven Days."



                  Originally posted by Melyanna
                  Anyway, I wouldn't put much stock in it. She's said bizarre things in interviews before that have been flatly contradicted by others, and contradicted by what we actually see. She brings up ship whether she's asked or not, where the others don't even give a straight answer when they're asked about romance. I don't mean any disrespect to Rachel Luttrell, but I honestly think she says these kinds of things because she wants it to happen, not because it's going to.
                  No one get upset now. . (if Sheyla folks are present), but my hubby thinks Rachel is quite pretty but he says she seems a bit of a "ditz" when she is interviewed. Just his opinion.

                  Personally. . The way Rachel interviews, and the way she gushes Teyla/Shep (when others deny it), I get the impression that Rachel has a bit of a crush on Joe Flanigan IRL. Just my opinion.

                  When all else fails, change channels.


                    Seriously I wouldn't put any store by what RL said - she seems to have a tendency to try and lead on the idea of Sheyla in interviews but I don't remember anyway else mentioning it and it certainly doesn't come across on screen.
                    I think RL is a sheyla, she pushes the ship all the time. And as any shipper would do she always gives everthing a shipper twist. Sometimes when i see what she says i kind of pity her, poor thing, it kind of sounds like she is hallucinating.
                    I get the impression that Rachel has a bit of a crush on Joe Flanigan IRL. Just my opinion.
                    Yeah, like she's hoping for a chance to get to snog him even if it's just pretend. But then who wouldn't want to?, he has such beautiful lips, can't blame a girl for trying.
                    I've been watching S1 (upto Skantuary) this week and actually looked out for ST but i still don't see it. I didn't even see the head!hug as being all that shippy.
                    You mean that desperate attempt at pushing ship back in Rising 2?. I actually liked Sanctuary, i even enjoyed seeing Sheppard on a romantic setting even if it was with another woman, the kiss looked good. And on the subject of sheyla, when he was talking to Teyla babling about the ambassador thingy (don't remember well), i thought it was interesting to see there wasn't any kind of malice or bad blood from Teyla to Chaya, or any sign of jealousy. Actually i liked their exchange better than those forced moments, natural suites them better. And i loved that look Sheppard gave Weir when he got up from the table to go after Chaya, he was kind of like telling her "i can't believe you did that", so intense.
                    And on a related subject i *really* don't like those short words for the ships, i've tried using them and Sheyla sounds like the name of some stripper, and Shweir sounds like a rude word. "*Bleep* i just hit my toe with that shweir table".


                      Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                      No one get upset now. . (if Sheyla folks are present), but my hubby thinks Rachel is quite pretty but he says she seems a bit of a "ditz" when she is interviewed. Just his opinion.

                      Personally. . The way Rachel interviews, and the way she gushes Teyla/Shep (when others deny it), I get the impression that Rachel has a bit of a crush on Joe Flanigan IRL. Just my opinion.
                      I think so too, and I suppose part of it is that she's young, and this is her first big job. She's just not used to all the publicity, and it's hard to know how much to say when you're being asked all these questions that you can't give straight answers to. Rachel's a lovely woman and from all accounts very sweet, but her enthusiasm comes off as ditzy sometimes.

                      As for having a little crush on JF, well, how many of us don't? Seriously, though, you have to consider how publicity for a show works. Actors are often given answers to questions they know they'll be asked. A lot of people were incensed that Christopher Judge was saying this upcoming season of SG-1 was the best yet, and they were having the best time ever, because they thought it was disrespectful to RDA. Well, if you look at CJ's interviews from previous years, that's what he always says. Actors are told to be upbeat and positive. If the actors were all to say, "Well, we have fun on the set occasionally, but so-and-so's a real jerk," how many of you would actually watch the show?

                      So when an actor diverges from what the other actors and TPTB are saying about the show, you have to wonder why in the world they'd say that. It's probably not the message that TPTB want to send about it, and might not pan out. That's the only reason why I don't take Rachel Luttrell's comments about Shep/Teyla seriously. It's nothing to do with thinking she's a bad person.

                      Anyway, Luz, try searching Google for the word "Sheyla."

                      EDIT: Thanks, Sally, for the comments on Angel. I'm ridiculously attached to that vid, weird as it is, so I'm glad you enjoyed it.
                      Last edited by Melyanna; 03 July 2005, 07:49 PM.
                      Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                      Last update: 14 April 2006
                      Melyanna's Multimedia
                      Last update: 15 February 2006


                        I agree on Rachel being young and new to the interview thing, so to some her enthusiasm comes off as ditzy. I don't feel comfortable insinuating or even suggesting that she might have a crush on JF in real life because if I were her, I wouldn't know how I would feel if I came online and saw people saying that I have a crush on a married man. Its just a bit uncomforable IMO.

                        As for the National Enquirer thing, its National Enquirer I mean nothing they say can be taken seriously. And since Im not sold on any ship on the show yet bcse its too early, its a sci-fi show and the females characters are underdeveloped compared to the males, its only fair to see them develop the relationship with Shep and both leading ladies to see where the true chemistry lies.

                        So pushing Sheyla here and there but also getting hints about Sheppard and Weir are in no way bad things for both ships. I look forward to more Weir and Shep moments in season two as well as Sheyla,and I guess in a couple years we will see if Shep ends up with any of them. In the mean time, I've enjoyed what the PTB have done so far.


                          Anyway, Luz, try searching Google for the word "Sheyla."
                          hahaha oh man! Poor sheyla!! I will have to pass that on to all my Sheyla friends.

                          I agree, while Rach is really very eager about everything, I would take whatever the Enquirer says with a grain of salt. Alas, even if it was about our dearest couple, I would be like "Eh... sketchy..."

                          Oh well!! Freaking out about it won't do anything except drive us crazy. In the meanwhile, has some new pics of Joe up under his name. One is of shep and weir. woot!! Plus there is a black and white I hadn't noticed before. So check it out!
                          Citizen of Braneville


                            I don't feel comfortable insinuating or even suggesting that she might have a crush on JF in real life because if I were her, I wouldn't know how I would feel if I came online and saw people saying that I have a crush on a married man. Its just a bit uncomforable IMO.

                            I agree, would defintely be an unpleasant thing to read online. I think RL is a good actress, her character has real potential to go somewhere--I just don't see Shep in her future. I don't think the chemistry is present, or the substance of a romantic relationship. I think the writers (as Joe F;anigan has pointed out more than once) need to be careful where they take any "ships". I am biased, but I dread many of the Shep/Teyla (ofcourse I wouldn't mind so much if it were Weir/Shep) scenes simply because I have the feeling there is going to be overtly "shippy" content. I hope the writers give Teyla a chance to develop beyonda love inetrest for Shep and more of a leader of her people. I always preferred Teyla/Ford they were great together! A Shep/Weir/Teyla love triangle might be interesting though.


                            Signature By Amber Moon


                              Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                              I hope the writers give Teyla a chance to develop beyonda love inetrest for Shep and more of a leader of her people.
                              Unfortunately, she'd have to be around her people to lead them. TPTB kind of wrote themselves into a corner there.

                              That's a lot of the problem I have with Teyla — the characterization has been so inconsistent. We were told that she's Leader of My People, but we haven't seen much of that. She's young, beautiful, and athletic, and that's what's been emphasized. When I think of her, I think of that silly training outfit first. I don't think of any of the character development she's gotten this season first.

                              Weir, on the other hand, is beautiful and graceful, but that's not what I first think about when I think of her. I think of a woman thrust into an unfamiliar situation, completely unprepared for it, and dealing with it as best she can. I think of strength. I find it strange that in the same show, the same writers are doing such a beautiful job showing us how one is becoming a leader, while doing so little to show us how the other supposedly is a leader already.
                              Mirror, Mirror: Melyanna's multi-fandom fic site
                              Last update: 14 April 2006
                              Melyanna's Multimedia
                              Last update: 15 February 2006


                                Hello everybody and a big welcome to the Newbies.

                                Some time ago I couldn´t resist and had to hunt some plot bunnies.
                                You can find it on

                                Edit: Sally posted it before
                                Last edited by Marianne_24; 04 July 2005, 12:30 AM.
                                Age is an issue of mind over matter...if you don't mind it doesn't matter

                                ...Bonkers. But Brilliant...

