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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
    *splorf* Oh man, i think I need a drink now. LOL

    Er... to be on topic... Look pretty picture!

    Lizzie: Sally really had one drink too much.
    John: mmh, or not...

    *huggles Sally*
    Age is an issue of mind over matter...if you don't mind it doesn't matter

    ...Bonkers. But Brilliant...


      E: I don't think Sally and Athena are drinking what we are drinking.

      J: I think you are right

      E: Let's go ask them if they will share a bottle or two with us


        *giggles* Yes, one round or two or three rounds of whatever Sally and I are having and Sparky would be canon. LOL ... I wish.


          Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
          *giggles* Yes, one round or two or three rounds of whatever Sally and I are having and Sparky would be canon. LOL ... I wish.
          I want some too. Friends share.

          When all else fails, change channels.


            Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
            *splorf* Oh man, i think I need a drink now. LOL

            Er... to be on topic... Look pretty picture!

            At first glance (and remember that I have a dirty mind), it looks as though Elizabeth has her hand between John's knees in this one.

            If I could raise my eyebrow like Torri can, then I would do so at this point.

            Spark on!!
            My Myspace (doesn't that seem redundant?)

            Sig courtesy of Whistler84, R.I.P.


              Originally posted by firedust22 View Post
              At first glance (and remember that I have a dirty mind), it looks as though Elizabeth has her hand between John's knees in this one.

              If I could raise my eyebrow like Torri can, then I would do so at this point.

              Spark on!!
              Believe me you're weren't the only one. The first time I saw the episode I thought that too. But it's not anyone's fault that John is straddling the bed and the only place Elizabeth can lean her hand on is there.


                I'm constantly going back and forth on the UST vs RST thing. Most days I think they should keep things as subtext. Partly because I have my doubts these writers could pull it off and partly because I have a lot of fun playing with character pairings.

                I'm not sure tptb really understand when the fans complain about something or think something doesn't work. It's sort of all or nothing with them at times. They realized having Weir and Sheppard at odds with each other didn't work, but a lot of us have thought they still need to have some conflict between them. It's like tptb took out any and all conflict.

                I was watching a show last night that has used the whole forbidden office romance angle but now seems to be getting away from that I hope. I'm really getting tired of those forbidden office romances. They are there for a little titulation, but never have a chance of working.

                I don't see Shep/Weir needing to go that way. One of my favorite shows is Numb3rs. There's an FBI agent dating a cosmologist who consults for the FBI which is how the characters met. The show has a case every week and the FBI agent might be coming to a crime scene with the cosmologist she's dating having been on a date. The characters will talk while working and some personal things will come into the conversations on occasion.

                I was thinking of that first scene in the ep. Intruder and they can easily slip in a moment where John and Elizabeth are eating together or having a cup of coffee when suddenly they're interrupted by a situation. In the beginning of Duet there was that scene with Rodney, Carson and Cadman. There was a brief mention of a date. I can just see John saying to Rodney while off world, "McKay, are you finished yet? I have plans with Elizabeth tonight."


                  Howzzit going girl? Glad you managed to catch Joe live... and that he lived up to expectations.

                  Originally posted by Luz View Post
                  I prefer to watch the show without putting too much (if any) stock on what anyone says, honestly, it's much more enjoyable that way. If you are waiting for tptb to validate your ship you'll be left waiting for decades, and then someone says something, and it makes you bitter because X or Y don't see (or refuse to acknowledge) your ship, and there will be actor bashing, and meh!, been there done that, got the t-shirt, it's not a pretty sight.
                  That's pretty much my attitude these days... I don't like the actor bashing that results so I steer clear of all that now.
                  Personally I'd prefer people to ask Joe about his family (without being intrusive or rude) or what goes on on set, how he prepares for a scene... that sort of thing. But as long as people keep asking about ship... we're probably going to continue getting the usual sort of answers. From the bits and pieces I've read, I suspect that Joe's a straight shooter... and if he's not particularly forthcoming about it, I can't imagine that anyone else will be.

                  Thanks for the con reports, people... Joe sounds like a cool cat.
                  "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                    Originally posted by Trialia View Post
                    Frankly, Elizabeth/John/Teyla as a threesome would make me almost as happy as Sparky. *giggles* I can't put John and Teyla together, but the three of them, somehow, I have very few problems.

                    Still, Sparky would be more fun in certain ways.
                    lol, theres an image.
                    three's a crowd...
                    ahh thats better

                    aww cute.

                    I think people who don't watch Atlantis are crazy.
                    And I think people who don't watch Stargate SG-1 are equally as whacked.



                      Originally posted by SGLAB View Post
                      I'm constantly going back and forth on the UST vs RST thing. Most days I think they should keep things as subtext. Partly because I have my doubts these writers could pull it off and partly because I have a lot of fun playing with character pairings.

                      I was thinking of that first scene in the ep. Intruder and they can easily slip in a moment where John and Elizabeth are eating together or having a cup of coffee when suddenly they're interrupted by a situation. In the beginning of Duet there was that scene with Rodney, Carson and Cadman. There was a brief mention of a date. I can just see John saying to Rodney while off world, "McKay, are you finished yet? I have plans with Elizabeth tonight."
                      Ooooo, what are your other character pairings? I play around too (character pairings, that is...) It's easier to say what I don't see, which is Sheyla, Vala/Shep, Sam/Rodney, Shep/Sam, Vala/Rodney er....that's it, I think.

                      The above example is what I mean by an off-hand comment for a canon relationship. So, SGLAB, writing a fic around it anytime soon? *more poking*

                      Warning! PICSPAM ahead:

                      John: (Emailing TPTB)
                      "Dear TPTB...When I said I wanted a scene where I wake up in bed with Elizabeth next to me, this is not what I envisaged. Just let me clarify. Please can I have a bedroom scene with Elizabeth? Private? .... Thanks, John ."
                      Sparky chorus (aka Sparky thread):Ooooo, yes please! *Nods vigorously.*

                      John: (Madly scribbling on notepad.)
                      "To TPTB.....Ha, ha, very funny. Let me put it in simple words for you. Bedroom scene. Elizabeth and myself. Alone. Nobody else. Elizabeth and I are next touching holding grabbing each other tightly. Lots of passionate emoting from BOTH of us....John"
                      Sparky Chorus:*squees and nods till feel dizzy*

                      TPTB:*Does happy dance*
                      Drumroll please........TADA!!!!!!!!!


                      John and Sparky Chorus:*HEADDESK*

                      Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                        Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                        Warning! Just in case you want to ignore this post, I’ve been walking on my treadmill and thinking.
                        Seems this treadmill is mentally as well as physically exercising you.
                        Must admit I'm not holding my breath on seeing anything canon soon, so I'll just keep on looking for nice "subtextual" Sparky.
                        Maybe somebody can clarify these rumours for me that
                        Carson will be leaving the show and Jewel Straite will be a recurring doctor character for 12 episodes. Why? I have nothing against the actress but she seems quite young for the part and I adore Carson. Another thing, will she be yet another babe for Shep to ship with? *hope not* As if we don't have enough "fun" already with the current ships.

                        Now, on another note I have a new vid. My hubby says I'm getting better. Feedback would be loved.
                        For a little ol' lady you're quite experimental (in a good way). Good choice of song depicting a mature relationship. Gotta love Sparky. We need a new vid every week. *poke, poke*

                        Sig made by Dana and RealmofX


                          Originally posted by Ronnikins View Post
                          Ooooo, what are your other character pairings? I play around too (character pairings, that is...) It's easier to say what I don't see, which is Sheyla, Vala/Shep, Sam/Rodney, Shep/Sam, Vala/Rodney er....that's it, I think.

                          The above example is what I mean by an off-hand comment for a canon relationship. So, SGLAB, writing a fic around it anytime soon? *more poking*

                          Warning! PICSPAM ahead:

                          John: (Emailing TPTB)
                          "Dear TPTB...When I said I wanted a scene where I wake up in bed with Elizabeth next to me, this is not what I envisaged. Just let me clarify. Please can I have a bedroom scene with Elizabeth? Private? .... Thanks, John ."
                          Sparky chorus (aka Sparky thread):Ooooo, yes please! *Nods vigorously.*

                          John: (Madly scribbling on notepad.)
                          "To TPTB.....Ha, ha, very funny. Let me put it in simple words for you. Bedroom scene. Elizabeth and myself. Alone. Nobody else. Elizabeth and I are next touching holding grabbing each other tightly. Lots of passionate emoting from BOTH of us....John"
                          Sparky Chorus:*squees and nods till feel dizzy*

                          TPTB:*Does happy dance*
                          Drumroll please........TADA!!!!!!!!!


                          John and Sparky Chorus:*HEADDESK*
                          My latest obsession is weir/Lorne. I like McKay/Teyla too. I'm not into Teyla/Ronon as much, but I like them. There's also weir/Ronon. And um Sheppard/McKay.

                          Oh no, another plot bunny. I'll have to get back to you on that.


                            Originally posted by Southern Red View Post
                            After careful consideration of JF’s recent comments on ship at conventions, I have decided that he may be the reason Sheyla has not already happened. Let’s study the facts:
                            1. Sheyla was the intended ship from day one.
                            2. Nearly 3 seasons later, Sheyla is not canon.
                            3. JF has consistently said he thinks RST would be a bad idea for the future of the show.
                            4. He says TPTB listen to him somewhat, and a lot of fans think the same thing because every time he makes a statement it is widely quoted as fact, not opinion.
                            5. So, lack of RST with Teyla is because JF doesn’t want it to happen.

                            Ergo, RST of any kind is not likely to happen. That includes Sparky, Sheyla, and probably Spanky. If you believe the above almost-a-corollary, you will have to admit that last fact. If you do not believe it, you will have to admit that JF may not have as much influence on the show as he thinks. e.g. Hasn’t he been pushing for Shep’s backstory for several seasons? Didn’t he say most of his ideas for the show get rejected? The Epiphany fiasco,etc. So the logical conclusion is not to engrave anything he says that you agree with everything he says in stone. Why do shipper groups tend to believe everything he says? IMHO it’s because he’s so willing to answer the same question over and over. He’s honest with his opinion, sometimes teases, like saying he doesn’t know why he can’t have both, but largely doesn’t jerk us around. No matter what has occurred over the seasons, one thing is true. The delay has given Sparky a chance to develop naturally, and now we are at the point where all the actors involved are not dismissing any of the possible combinations. Even Jason said Spanky was too obvious. He didn’t say it wasn’t being considered, and he didn’t say the usual about brother/sister vibes. Or at least initial reports don’t indicate that he did. I reserve the right to revise my comments when I’ve seen a video or read a transcript. I do not want to twist what any of them say to my own ends, and above all I do not want to ever misquote. We have a distinct advantage because Sparky was never supposed to happen. Yet there it is for all to see, and frankly I think TPTB don’t quite know what to do. Of course if they really wanted to, it would be so easy. “X is like a sister to me.”

                            *Sigh* Would that we were all so eloquent and our thoughts so organized.

                            Originally posted by Ronnikins View Post
                            Ooooo, what are your other character pairings? I play around too (character pairings, that is...) It's easier to say what I don't see, which is Sheyla, Vala/Shep, Sam/Rodney, Shep/Sam, Vala/Rodney er....that's it, I think.

                            The above example is what I mean by an off-hand comment for a canon relationship. So, SGLAB, writing a fic around it anytime soon? *more poking*

                            Warning! PICSPAM ahead:

                            John: (Emailing TPTB)
                            "Dear TPTB...When I said I wanted a scene where I wake up in bed with Elizabeth next to me, this is not what I envisaged. Just let me clarify. Please can I have a bedroom scene with Elizabeth? Private? .... Thanks, John ."
                            Sparky chorus (aka Sparky thread):Ooooo, yes please! *Nods vigorously.*

                            John: (Madly scribbling on notepad.)
                            "To TPTB.....Ha, ha, very funny. Let me put it in simple words for you. Bedroom scene. Elizabeth and myself. Alone. Nobody else. Elizabeth and I are next touching holding grabbing each other tightly. Lots of passionate emoting from BOTH of us....John"
                            Sparky Chorus:*squees and nods till feel dizzy*

                            TPTB:*Does happy dance*
                            Drumroll please........TADA!!!!!!!!!


                            John and Sparky Chorus:*HEADDESK*
                            ROTFLMBO! That pic spam was just faboo! Laughed like a nut.

                            I myself don't play around with ship pairings. To quote my sister's t-shirt "Dude, I like what I like." And I rarely multi-ship. It's happened once, maaaaybe twice.



                              Hehehehe, loving the pic spams.

                              Originally posted by Athenaktt View Post
                              *giggles* Yes, one round or two or three rounds of whatever Sally and I are having and Sparky would be canon. LOL ... I wish.
                              Two or three rounds of what we're drinking and Sparky looks like this:

                              firefust, here's a pic for your dirty mind

                              Ronni, re those spoilers:
                              A friend of an extra posted that he'd done a scene in Atlantis where there was a coffin with a blue and white flag on it. There were also comments made by PM at a con (which I forget ) and TH saying in a GW interview that something was going to happen that was going set the internet on fire.

                              JS has been confirmed as staring in Atlantis in season 4. I think it's for 14 eps.

                              So while it's not yet confirmed and still largely open to interpretation, it wouldn't come as any great surprise if Carson were to die towards the end of this season.

                              I think perhaps TPTB have a missinterpretation of what shippers want. Granted, different shippers want different things but I do think there's a base line which can please everybody. It could be that they're not willing to give Sparky two gold rings, a baby and a picket fence so they decide not to go there at all. Or it could be that they know where they're going and are developing it, and those eps just haven't aired yet.


                                Originally posted by SGLAB View Post
                                I'm constantly going back and forth on the UST vs RST thing. Most days I think they should keep things as subtext. Partly because I have my doubts these writers could pull it off and partly because I have a lot of fun playing with character pairings.
                                I'm not really into that sort of thing in most instances... usually I accept what's canon... but it doesn't mean I have to like it.

                                I don't see Shep/Weir needing to go that way. One of my favorite shows is Numb3rs. There's an FBI agent dating a cosmologist who consults for the FBI which is how the characters met. The show has a case every week and the FBI agent might be coming to a crime scene with the cosmologist she's dating having been on a date. The characters will talk while working and some personal things will come into the conversations on occasion.
                                Ooh, ooh... did someone say Numb3rs? *perks up*
                                Everything about that show is gold... Really... from the detective story of the day to ship to cosmological metaphors... someone from Stargate could learn a thing or two from it.
                                I love the way they play with the oddness of the ship that is Megan and Larry... it's very clever... and it works.

                                Sometimes I don't know what I want the TPTB to do with Sheppard and Weir. Like you, I'm afraid that if they make it RST, they'll probably butcher it. Maybe they should just let Joe and Torri continue doing what they do and leave things be.
                                On the other hand, I don't mind it if they do move on to the next level but make things difficult for them. Yeah, I could live with that. It could even be fun.
                                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"

