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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Vicky
    She hadn't gone through the gate for personal reasons. Yes, she was worried about her flag team but she went through the gate to do her job. She was there to negociate an alliance with those people.
    You know what? Today is not my day. I got a bad day at work, got my first red and I should just stop speaking cause I'm letting my personal rage on you and you guys are great and don't deserve that. So I guess I'm going. Tomorrow when I feel less pissed off with everything we can begin discussing this again in a calmer way. Yeah, I know I was a little harsh and I'm sorry for the people that felt bad about what I said. Forgive me my bad mood. See you tomorrow in a brighter light. I hope, after all not all days can be this bad... Can they?
    Awesome sig made by *E*K*R*. Thanks!!!!!


      Originally posted by Atlantean_Fan
      Sorry. I guess we'll have to agree to desagree then because that's the reason among with the general lameness (is this a word?) that makes me hate this episode to my guts. She seamed sorta weak in my eyes different from Siege and Conversion. I really think I'm gonna like Critical Mass tough by the spoilers in this thread, it'll be on next week.
      I think my problem with this episode is the problem I have with lots of SG episodes. Everything just wrapped up, and the story was a lot larger than 42 minutes. And it would have been nice to get some kind of closure from the main characters instead of seeing a horribly over-acted ending from a guy who was going to get eaten and never mentioned again.
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      Last update: 14 April 2006
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        For me the best would be Seige III, Conversion, Coup and Duet. This isn't to say that any of the episodes others loved weren't equally as good or that I didn't like them. I just enjoyed these the most . I'd add TLG because of sparky, but that'd be the only reason.

        Worst would be The Tower, cause they really could have done the plot of
        finding another abandoned ancient city in Pegasus
        in a whole better way. And Epiphany, although the end interaction between Liz & John was cute, the whole thing felt quite bizarre.

        I agree with FP that TLG had a lot of lost potential. I mean I liked it and all, but it really wasn't what I had expected.


          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
          She knew what Weir knew, so I felt she was aware everyone was listening in on their convos. Weir would have done so if Phoebus had been in someone else. I just wanted to know more about Phoebus and Thalan and what their "argument" was all about.
          I did, too! Started writing a fic on it, long ago, but I have the attention span of a 4-year-old, so I gave up on it. But I think that's really where they dropped the ball in that episode. It was a blast watching Weir get to run around and play Rambo for awhile, but I really wanted to know more about Phoebus and Thalan, and what their problem with each other was and where they come from and that sort of thing. I mean, it just seems odd that there was another spacefaring civilization(s) out there when all the others that we've seen are pretty subsistence-level. I think that's a topic worthy of exploring.
          "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
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            Explosion of colour- Love your sig pic!

            Ok, Weir and Sheppard are both strong characters. In situations like that.....who's gonna be the one to give? I don't think that they can be strong all the some point weakness is a given(and a part of being human). I just don't want to see that during a time when the other is called for. I think this season is a good opportunity to dig deeper beneath the surface. I think the writers can slowly delve into the possibility of Shep/Weir without compromising these characters on a seperate level. I love the chemestry they have together........

            Happy Posting
            It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


              Originally posted by Vicky
              *grabs moonfly*
              Okay, what did we do? Because every new member of this thread seems to run away everytime they come?

              And I've read the fic alyssa rec, this is great!!
              *Is scared*

              You guys did nothing, you are all lovely people...

              Maybe I should stick around for a little longer and try to post a little more...

              So the topic at the moment is favourites and least liked of S2?

              Well, I liked Duet, even though it wasn't a hugely Sparky episode. The only Sparky really is with the Ronon subplot and the lack of personal space at the end. I also like Intruder, Conversion and Critical Mass if we want to go for the Sparky aspect.

              Spoilers for eps listed above:
              I like Intruder as it shows how comfortable they can be with each other, and how much Elizabeth is willing to do to save Sheppard's position on Atlantis. It can be interpreted as shippy, or just two close friends who have learnt to rely on each other. John's saved Elizabeth's life, as she rightly points out in the episode, and now she's doing what she can to pay him back. Or at least that's the way I see it.

              I think the reasons for liking Conversion and Critical Mass are similar to many others. It just shows how close they have become, like in Conversion, where she's willing to step into that room after she has been told by marines not to. She trusts John, and it's that trust that shows through in these episodes, IMO.

              As for worst, gotta go with The Tower, and Epiphany, although I didn't find that as bad as it could have been.
              AKA Rhin Ariel...or something along those lines.

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                Ah, forgot to answer the original question!

                Best: Rapidly becoming Conversion for me (beating out TLG)... I've said this before, but I really love the dedication that this episode brings out in Weir. While it's outwardly a Sheppard-centric episode, IMHO we learned a lot more about Elizabeth than we did about John. Through everything that happens, she stands by him. When he tries to kill her, she doesn't shy away - in fact, she's back by his side just a couple of scenes later, leading him to the gate. When he intimidates her, she doesn't back down and she doesn't snap back, she just supports him. Through everything, she shows how much she cares about him, on whatever level you want to look at it. But at the same time, she shows that she's not willing to risk the safety of everyone else for one person, no matter how much she may care about them, and I think that's a hallmark of a great leader. So yes, long ramble short, I love this one because we learn so much about Elizabeth's character, just through the way that she interacts with others.

                Worst: The Tower. Ugh. I don't even know where to start ripping that one apart. Epiphany was lame, but at least it was fun to see Weir go offworld for once. The Tower just bored me to tears and had so many missed opportunities...
                "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
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                  I have to say I agree with you on the conversion episode!

                  What I like about John and Elizabeth(sp?) is that for the past two seasons they have steadily(albiet, slowly) and beautifully moved towards eachother. You can hear their feelings for eachother in their voices(in certain episodes).

                  Happy Posting
                  It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....


                    Originally posted by gooner_diva

                    Condemned & Conversion spoilers:
                    Conversion? I refuse to believe she'd enter the room of her physically mutated 2IC who could have snapped her neck like a twig. As much as I loved that scene for its obvious Sparky implications I think it was reckless of her to do that, not to mention an easy way out for the writers to show her feelings for Shep.
                    Conversion Spoilers:
                    That's an interesting way to put it. To be honest I've never really looked at it that way. I guess, now that you mention it, it is pretty reckless of her to do such a thing. But maybe everyone else had figured that and weren't going to risk going into his room and getting seriously hurt. But in a way I also see it as brave of her to do so because if what I said is true then he would have had to endure that alone, something that she probably did not want happening. Although, she did say that she wouldn't put his life over the entire expedition's. Maybe TPTB are implicating that she would risk her life for his? Or, maybe I'm looking into this too much.


                      I'd like to add Siege III to the list of my favorite episodes.
                      I loved the 39:30 moment (even though it was in Siege II), because the look they shared was very emotional and their eyes just almost gave away their feelings. Then, Elizabeth thought that John died when she saw the bomb detonate. Then John thought that Elizabeth died when the Wraith darts all headed for Atlantis. IMO, these were among the most emotional scenes ever. Of course, then we get the hug, which I think beats every sparky scene we've seen so far, and yes the kiss as well.. (it wasn't them!!!)

                      and has LJ just died or something?....


                        Originally posted by Erised
                        I'd like to add Siege III to the list of my favorite episodes.
                        I loved the 39:30 moment (even though it was in Siege II), because the look they shared was very emotional and their eyes just almost gave away their feelings. Then, Elizabeth thought that John died when she saw the bomb detonate. Then John thought that Elizabeth died when the Wraith darts all headed for Atlantis. IMO, these were among the most emotional scenes ever. Of course, then we get the hug, which I think beats every sparky scene we've seen so far, and yes the kiss as well.. (it wasn't them!!!)

                        and has LJ just died or something?....
                        The whole episode is emotional! Every time I see in a vid the scene where
                        He goes off on the (what he thinks is a ) suicide mission and she tries to stop him...Gah! I get kinda teary eyed!

                        It was down for a bit but is back now.

                        Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                          If I didn't know better, I'd think her feet were propped up on his leg. And since I'm wearing my shippy glasses *adjusts said glasses pointedly* I DON'T know better. *VBG* *le sigh* And I know they have more chairs in the infirmary so she didn't HAVE to sit on the bed RIGHT BE SIDE HIM!!! *adjusts shippy glasses once more and nods resolutely* So there.
                          Originally posted by Ruined_puzzle
                          += a very happy me ('cept I don't have blonde hair but let's just pretend, m-kay?)


                            Originally posted by A.L.
                            If I didn't know better, I'd think her feet were propped up on his leg. And since I'm wearing my shippy glasses *adjusts said glasses pointedly* I DON'T know better. *VBG* *le sigh* And I know they have more chairs in the infirmary so she didn't HAVE to sit on the bed RIGHT BE SIDE HIM!!! *adjusts shippy glasses once more and nods resolutely* So there.
                            += a very happy me ('cept I don't have blonde hair but let's just pretend, m-kay?)
                            *adjusts shippy glasses* You're completely right!!!

                            Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX


                              Originally posted by Erised
                              I'd like to add Siege III to the list of my favorite episodes.
                              I loved the 39:30 moment (even though it was in Siege II), because the look they shared was very emotional and their eyes just almost gave away their feelings. Then, Elizabeth thought that John died when she saw the bomb detonate. Then John thought that Elizabeth died when the Wraith darts all headed for Atlantis. IMO, these were among the most emotional scenes ever. Of course, then we get the hug, which I think beats every sparky scene we've seen so far, and yes the kiss as well.. (it wasn't them!!!)

                              and has LJ just died or something?....
                              Oh, yes! Anything emotionally angsty like that, I'm a sucker for! I love how everything was really told through their eyes.

                              And I'm glad it's not just me having trouble with LJ at the moment...
                              "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
                              My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


                                Originally posted by Falcon Horus
                                There has to be an event that will rock their friendship so much, that either they will loose all faith or come out twice as strong... or did we already have such an event (ie Conversion maybe)?
                                I don't count Conversion as "rocking their friendship" because... (Hidden just in case)
                                there wasn't an aftermath resolution for them. Instead of appologizing to Elizabeth for ALMOST KILLING HER he apologized to Teyla for kissing her. It's all good though, we know he apologized to Elizabeth (we have the fics to prove it, dang it!) and his apologizing to Teyla and her relieved sigh after spoke volumns to me about the lack of their romantic feelings for each other. *rights the shippy glasses that some mystrious dark figured tried to knock off her face* I loved Conversion. One of my all time faves. I was shocked by the kiss - cuz I didn't know it was coming - but relieved how all the Sparkyness of the epi counteracted it.

