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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Kazan

    Don't know about anyone else, but I kinda get the impression that they may be leaning towards a Teyla / Ronon arc?
    I do, but I'm waiting to see this Ronon person before deciding anything lol...spoilers lie...

    Originally posted by Kazan

    How very true. As a, shall we say "mature", shipper (ie old!), I enjoy the occasional Squee with the rest but I have to say I really enjoy the great discussions and debates that go on here.
    I can't say that its only older people in here, cos I'm only 17... And I have heaps of younger friends who are Sheppard/Weir shippers too...


      I, too am only 17...18 in few months. None of my friends actually watch Stargate or any kind of Sci-fi because its soo 'uncool'
      "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound as they fly bye" Douglas Adams


        I have a few years on you both, Angel and Tamien!!
        But I like that we have such a wide range of people, ages, backgrounds and locations - it makes for interesting and varied viewpoints and discussions. Its odd, but we do seem to have a much more mature discussion in this thread. I even stopped visiting some other threads on other ship pairings and topics because they got...well too silly, fluffy and off topic.
        Call me strange but I really like to get other peoples thoughts and ideas. Often you all see things I don't get or have a point of view I hadn't or wouldn't normally consider - wait! thats probably because of my (advanced) age LOL
        Oh well better go - darn, where did I put my walking stick and hearing aid!!!


          Thanks all for the welcome! *cautiously pets Jor* (I've been wanting to do that for a while).

          Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
          I can't say that its only older people in here, cos I'm only 17... And I have heaps of younger friends who are Sheppard/Weir shippers too...
          I'm only 19 and 58 months (I will forever be a teenager!); but perhaps it's mental age that counts? After all, we're attracted to the "mature" relationship.

          So thanks to my cat and some very disturbing dreams featuring the SGA cast and parts from the movie Sin City I was once again up at 5:45 - much too early for a Saturday when I'd planned to sleep 'til nine. I my first stop (after oatmeal) is here... I have issues.

          A good friend of mine was talking to me yesterday about how concerned she was that she didn't see eye to eye with her quasi-boyfriend on politics. And being obsessed like I am, I immediately started to draw Shep/Weir parallels. I reassured her that the ability to have an intelligent debate and discuss disagreements is important in any relationship - just think how superficial the relationship between Shep and Weir would be if their viewpoints didn't differ!

          Maybe we haven't really seen in depth debates between them (have we? It's very early still and I'm not entirely awake enough to think yet) but the potential is there.

          Just to chime in on Teyla - I think she's an interesting character with a lot of potential. I agree, I'd love to see more in regards to her position with the Athosians, and interaction between Teyla and Weir regarding leadership. Also, given that she seems to have a fair amount of experience as a warrior, I would be interested to see Sheppard look to her for advice or discussion along those lines, not just for introduction to other planets and a sort of diplomatic liason. I'm not entirely averse to a relationship between them, so long as it doesn't cross the line from friendship and respect into something more.

          I think TPTB did her character a disservice by making her subordinate to Sheppard - it belittled her some. And that really also put a big kink in any plans for Sheyla ship. You need to have equal footing for a relationship, which we see with Shep/Weir. Perhaps they could have made it happen with Sheyla, but they didn't (thank you God!). And yes, I know that Sam is subordinate to Jack on SG-1 (Yes, I'm a Sam/Jack shipper too, but not as devoted as I am to this ship) but at least there we have downtime when we can imagine more equal interaction, and given her position as a scientist there are times when her opinion carries the most weight. The leadership styles we see in Sheppard and Weir are very different, but each carries similar burdens and the end result is that you have two people, attracted to each other in many ways, who have pretty solid ground for something to start (but please, PTB, don't really start anything - subtle is best!).

          Wow, get me to start posting and I don't shut up!

          Oh, and any suggestions for fanfic to read? I've pretty much devoured everything on, and I need some way to fill those long weeks 'til July.
          ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
          The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


            Originally posted by Kazan
            I have a few years on you both, Angel and Tamien!!
            But I like that we have such a wide range of people, ages, backgrounds and locations - it makes for interesting and varied viewpoints and discussions. Its odd, but we do seem to have a much more mature discussion in this thread. I even stopped visiting some other threads on other ship pairings and topics because they got...well too silly, fluffy and off topic.
            Call me strange but I really like to get other peoples thoughts and ideas. Often you all see things I don't get or have a point of view I hadn't or wouldn't normally consider - wait! thats probably because of my (advanced) age LOL
            Oh well better go - darn, where did I put my walking stick and hearing aid!!!
            LOL Kazan!!

            Yeah I know what yo mean about leaving threads on other ship pairings because they got silly fluffy & off topic...

            *has a funny feeling a lot of people in this thread did the same thing with the same thread* but we won't go there...

            I guess the varied ages and nationalities and genders (well sorta anywayz, that ones a bit one sided) make for interesting discussion. and I think it also helps that a lot of people in here write fan fic (and decent fan fic too) which means they already analyse the characters in their heads, therefore discussing them becomes more easy...


              Okay, random thought, but I was just wondering why it is that this ship developed as "Shep/Weir" rather than "John/Elizabeth"? After all, it's "Sam/Jack" and not "Carter/O'Neill". But then, I suppose even if on SG-1 they rarely use each other's first names, we at least hear other characters (like Daniel) refer to them as such, whereas on Atlantis, Weir's rarely referred to as "Elizabeth" by anyone but Sheppard and McKay, and Sheppard's pretty much only called "John" by Weir. I guess it just seemed strange to me that the ship with overt military implications was on a first name basis while the one involving a civilian was called by surnames.

              Does that make sense? I could just be loopy from lack of sleep.
              ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
              The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                Originally posted by LurkerLa
                Okay, random thought, but I was just wondering why it is that this ship developed as "Shep/Weir" rather than "John/Elizabeth"? After all, it's "Sam/Jack" and not "Carter/O'Neill". But then, I suppose even if on SG-1 they rarely use each other's first names, we at least hear other characters (like Daniel) refer to them as such, whereas on Atlantis, Weir's rarely referred to as "Elizabeth" by anyone but Sheppard and McKay, and Sheppard's pretty much only called "John" by Weir. I guess it just seemed strange to me that the ship with overt military implications was on a first name basis while the one involving a civilian was called by surnames.

                Does that make sense? I could just be loopy from lack of sleep.
                I think it's because the first half of the season they were refered to as "Major Sheppard" and "Dr Weir"

                Same as I used to think of Jack and Sam as O'Neill and Carter until people on the show actually started calling them Jack and Sam...I think its the same. I think of them more and more as John and Elizabeth. The one I'm still getting used to is "Aiden"...I think only Teyla's called him that like once, maybe twice?? So I still think of him as Ford


                  Originally posted by LurkerLa
                  Oh, and any suggestions for fanfic to read? I've pretty much devoured everything on, and I need some way to fill those long weeks 'til July.
                  Same, I've got two weeks "study break" (I'm going to study... just not much ) and have run out of stories to read (well there are the McKay/Weir and Sheppard/Teyla ones left but I'm gonna pass on those).

                  Originally posted by Kazan
                  I even stopped visiting some other threads on other ship pairings and topics because they got...well too silly, fluffy and off topic.
                  Ditto... I traded in the Sheppard thunk for the Sheppard Appreciation thread.

                  Originally posted by LurkerLa
                  I think TPTB did her character a disservice by making her subordinate to Sheppard - it belittled her some. And that really also put a big kink in any plans for Sheyla ship.
                  I think that's just a general scifi thing, to have the alien subordinate to the human. They did the same for Teal'c but at least he has more of a leadership role now in Season 8+.


                    Originally posted by Blue Banrigh

                    I think that's just a general scifi thing, to have the alien subordinate to the human. They did the same for Teal'c but at least he has more of a leadership role now in Season 8+.
                    I never viewed Teal'c as subordinate to Jack. I saw them more as friends. Teal'c wasn't a leader, he was always a follower, and we watched him become a leader from his position as a follower, that's why even if I did view Teal'c as subordinate to Jack it wouldn't have undermined his character in the way it does Teyla's.


                      Originally posted by LurkerLa
                      So thanks to my cat and some very disturbing dreams featuring the SGA cast and parts from the movie Sin City I was once again up at 5:45 - much too early for a Saturday when I'd planned to sleep 'til nine.
                      Atlantis and Sin City? How does that work?

                      Originally posted by LurkerLa
                      Maybe we haven't really seen in depth debates between them (have we? It's very early still and I'm not entirely awake enough to think yet) but the potential is there.
                      I'm trying to think of one, but I'm not sure that there's been an "in depth" debate. They've had several small ones, and there's what happened in 'Hot Zone' (the episode which, oddly enough, converted me to this ship).

                      Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
                      and I think it also helps that a lot of people in here write fan fic (and decent fan fic too) which means they already analyse the characters in their heads, therefore discussing them becomes more easy...
                      I agree. There are quite a few insightful, imaginative people frequenting this thread.

                      That's probably the reason for this thread's high discussion-to-spam ratio, too.

                      a time to mourn


                        Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                        Same, I've got two weeks "study break" (I'm going to study... just not much ) and have run out of stories to read (well there are the McKay/Weir and Sheppard/Teyla ones left but I'm gonna pass on those).
                        I'm just reading fanfic instead of working on my thesis - only 70 pages left to write before June! It would help if so much of my research wasn't in the form of online documents... it just encourages me to procrastinate by hunting around for fun stuff on the web.

                        As much as I adore Shep/Weir fic, I'd also be open to any good general fics (but no other ship unless its friendships) so suggestions on those lines appreciated as well. And as much as I'd like to contribute to the growing world of fanfiction, I can't - I've discovered I write original fiction better, because I'm apparently genetically predisposed to be incapable of keeping people in character! But always happy to offer feedback at least.

                        And as for how Atlantis and Sin City work - it doesn't. Trust me, they were really disturbing dreams. It's what I get for watching the movie and then coming home and getting straight online.
                        ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                        The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.


                          Originally posted by Angel of Fire SG1
                          I never viewed Teal'c as subordinate to Jack. I saw them more as friends. Teal'c wasn't a leader, he was always a follower, and we watched him become a leader from his position as a follower, that's why even if I did view Teal'c as subordinate to Jack it wouldn't have undermined his character in the way it does Teyla's.
                          I was thinking leader as in the position of First Prime, but yeah now that you mention it... even if he was First Prime he was still following Apophis. Bad example... ignore what I said.

                          If they didn't mention it, I'd think Halling was the leader of the Athosians instead of Teyla. I view her more as the liason/diplomat. Can she be a leader if most of the Athosians are on the mainland and she's in Atlantis? I know it's only 25 mins by Jumper but... can you be a long distance leader? What is Halling's status amongst the Athosians?


                            Originally posted by Blue Banrigh
                            I was thinking leader as in the position of First Prime, but yeah now that you mention it... even if he was First Prime he was still following Apophis. Bad example... ignore what I said.

                            If they didn't mention it, I'd think Halling was the leader of the Athosians instead of Teyla. I view her more as the liason/diplomat. Can she be a leader if most of the Athosians are on the mainland and she's in Atlantis? I know it's only 25 mins by Jumper but... can you be a long distance leader? What is Halling's status amongst the Athosians?
                            I reckon Halling's the leader of the Athosians too. I mean think about it - everytime they wanna communicate with the Athosians its Halling they contact...

                            Teyla was even excluded by her own people who she was supposedly a leader of...

                            I don't think she's a very good leader...

                            However I could see her as a liason, more of a Daniel Jackson I suppose...


                              Originally posted by LurkerLa
                              I'm just reading fanfic instead of working on my thesis - only 70 pages left to write before June! It would help if so much of my research wasn't in the form of online documents... it just encourages me to procrastinate by hunting around for fun stuff on the web.

                              As much as I adore Shep/Weir fic, I'd also be open to any good general fics (but no other ship unless its friendships) so suggestions on those lines appreciated as well. And as much as I'd like to contribute to the growing world of fanfiction, I can't - I've discovered I write original fiction better, because I'm apparently genetically predisposed to be incapable of keeping people in character! But always happy to offer feedback at least.

                              And as for how Atlantis and Sin City work - it doesn't. Trust me, they were really disturbing dreams. It's what I get for watching the movie and then coming home and getting straight online.
                              There's a fic somewhere on ff.n that's a musical of Rising...its kinda entertaining LOL!

                              But besides that all I see is "McWeir, Sheyla" and then i run away....far away....

                              I'm assuming you've read the Crossroads of Eshu and Strange Bedfellows???


                                Oh yeah... Crossroads of Eshu - I was reading that last night, but somehow must have forgotten this morning - stupid foggy brain. Thanks!
                                ~La (I used to be a lurker, but this place just sucks you in...)
                                The Nameless Forest. Also, my LJ, where you can find my fic attempts.

