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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by RockyluvsSG View Post
    JennyJ great kindred album
    all the caps look lovely
    Thanks!! I'm glad you like it


      Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
      Go right ahead, Rocky! Everything I post is free for snurching unless I state otherwise.

      Here's the pic again, so you don't have to go back and find it. I'm sure all the tunkers don't mind too much if I repost the pic. And I have some more of him in the suit from 'Just Cause'. So take your pic(k)

      I'll be back later. Now I have to make pencakes; anyone hungry?
      Oh, I am. I loooooooooove pancakes (I am guessing that pencakes is a typo).

      And I'll take some Paul too.

      Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
      I'm hungry *waves*

      Oh you meant hungry for the pancakes...
      In that case: I'll take one with Carson filling, is that possible?
      And you call ME a bad girl.
      ~ Proud thunker of Carson Beckett ~

      Carson.........................Rodney .......................Teyla........................... John


        Awwwwww the adopted Carson turtle is so cool! Love it!

        On a sadder note.......


        I just watched Sunday. I expected to tear up a little. But I cried. Full-on crying. I was doing okay until the very last scenes.

        *whimpers and goes hidey*


          Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
          Hmmmm, and where on earth did you ever get them??? Hahahaha
          Originally posted by Emre View Post
          Oh, I am. I loooooooooove pancakes (I am guessing that pencakes is a typo).
          No, actually I usually add some ink and some graphit from a pencil to get the right aroma and colour... J/K

          And I can totally understand that you dread the approach of 'Sunday' while watching the third season. I could never bring myself to wholly watch that episode either. In fact, I didn't even watch 'The Arc' yet. Call me nuts, but I never watched that episode to hold to the illusion that whenever I wanted, there was still one more ep with Carson that I haven't watched so far. This possibility of still being able to watch one more ep with Carson in it, let me cling to the perception that Beckett wasn't all gone. Even now that 'Kindred' has airred and I know for sure that we'll get a few more eps of Carson in season five, I really don't know yet, whether I'll catch up on the miss or not. If Beckett had been made a regular or at least a regularly recurring character for the show's next season, I'm sure I would have finally watched 'The Arc', but as it is, I don't think I should ruin that certainty.

          But I have a few Hazmat hotness caps from 'The Arc'

          twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


            Originally posted by jetflair View Post
            On a sadder note.......


            I just watched Sunday. I expected to tear up a little. But I cried. Full-on crying. I was doing okay until the very last scenes.

            *whimpers and goes hidey*
            We all know how you feel, jet! Believe us, we all felt equally gutted at realizing that our fears had been true but of course at that time we didn't know anything about him coming back eventually in one form or another.

            I haven't watched 'Kindred' yet but I also full-on teared up reading the transcript. It really was highly emotional.
            twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


              Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
              And I can totally understand that you dread the approach of 'Sunday' while watching the third season. I could never bring myself to wholly watch that episode either. In fact, I didn't even watch 'The Arc' yet. Call me nuts, but I never watched that episode to hold to the illusion that whenever I wanted, there was still one more ep with Carson that I haven't watched so far.
              I understand that perfectly, Twinny. But you really should watch "The Ark" now - it's got some wonderful Carson moments! And he looks SOOOO cute in that orange hazmat suit ...


                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

                And I can totally understand that you dread the approach of 'Sunday' while watching the third season. I could never bring myself to wholly watch that episode either. In fact, I didn't even watch 'The Arc' yet. Call me nuts, but I never watched that episode to hold to the illusion that whenever I wanted, there was still one more ep with Carson that I haven't watched so far. This possibility of still being able to watch one more ep with Carson in it, let me cling to the perception that Beckett wasn't all gone. Even now that 'Kindred' has airred and I know for sure that we'll get a few more eps of Carson in season five, I really don't know yet, whether I'll catch up on the miss or not. If Beckett had been made a regular or at least a regularly recurring character for the show's next season, I'm sure I would have finally watched 'The Arc', but as it is, I don't think I should ruin that certainty.
                Nice pics I understand that totally - I'm not sure I could have watched Sunday without knowing Carson was returning. You should watch The Ark, though....Carson was beautiful in it. I almost feel like *that* was the "goodbye to Carson" episode....Sunday was a little odd it its portrayal of him. In the Ark he was allowed to shine as Carson and as a member of the team. In Sunday, they kind of forced having him be rejected, people not wanting to hang out with him, etc. to ramp up the angst. It didn't feel right. The Ark was a lovely last Carson episode, though.

                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                We all know how you feel, jet! Believe us, we all felt equally gutted at realizing that our fears had been true but of course at that time we didn't know anything about him coming back eventually in one form or another.

                I haven't watched 'Kindred' yet but I also full-on teared up reading the transcript. It really was highly emotional.
                Oh, I can't even imagine. Well, I can, actually Too well Watching that and not knowing he was coming back would be - well, I'm giving a little sob for you guys. Kindred sounds really emotional, but I'm looking forward to seeing it. And not so much looking forward to the intervening Carson-less episodes.


                  He looks so hot in hazmat gear. I brought pancakes for everyone:


                    A couple of Kindred 2 last scene caps.

                    But only a few mind


                    don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                    facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                      Hello everyone!
                      I'm new. And I'm from Germany. So maybe my English isn't the best, 'cause I'm out of training.
                      The last days, I spent my free time with reading this thread.
                      I startet at page 400 and yes...I'd a look at every single page.
                      Finally finished, I decided to join.
                      And to celebrate my debut I got a little gift for you I created by myself:


                      Hope you like it!


                        Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                        Hello everyone!
                        I'm new. And I'm from Germany. So maybe my English isn't the best, 'cause I'm out of training.
                        The last days, I spent my free time with reading this thread.
                        I startet at page 400 and yes...I'd a look at every single page.
                        Finally finished, I decided to join.
                        And to celebrate my debut I got a little gift for you I created by myself:


                        Hope you like it!
                        Oh very nice

                        I'm relatively new to THIS thread so maybe I'm not the best to welcome you... but welcome to the Forum!
                        don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                        facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                          Well, I've given it a lot of thought and decided to cancel the summer field camp and go to FedCon. I discussed it with the folks up at my grad school and they said it wouldn't make a difference to my admission decision if I went or not, and then my prof whose lab I'm volunteering in offered to hire me to work full-time this summer, and I just figured I'll save up the money, do the cheaper, shorter trip and learn my field stuff as an actual grad student. Now to just buy a ticket and arrange the flight! Looks like it'll be a heck of a con too. Adam Baldwin, Gigi Edgley, David Franklin, Marina Sirtis... all gravy on top of Paul, of course (which is a heckuva mental image), but all makes it that much cooler.

                          My week is actually quieting down, so I should be able to get caught up on here by this weekend. Well, not every page of posts, but most of it.

                          ((((jetflair))))!!! Sorry you finally had to see "Sunday". It's a brutal one, definitely. I watched a clip from it online the day before I saw "Kindred II" and my heart ached just as bad as the first day. God, Hewlett destroyed me in that episode. McKay in tears is one of the most powerful tributes to Beckett to me. Ouch.

                          Just like "Sunday", "Kindred II" won't get out of my head now. It decided to spring a mini-fic on me to further keep me from finishing the two monster ones I've been hoping to get back to. Still, hard to focus on schoolwork when scenes suddenly start replaying in your head. But he's back! Things were bad, but now they're good again, forever! (Futurama rocks for quoting.) Here's to a happy season 5 and much more in season 6!

                          Will have to comment more on, in "Kindred II"
                          the "harder" version of Carson. Totally loved him defending Teyla like that. When the nice guy gets mad, it's so much scarier than anyone else getting mad.
                          I'm still lining up my thoughts on that, and most of those are going into the mini-fic too, but I'm absolutely fascinated to see where they go with his character.

                          (((((everybody)))))!!!! I hope you're all having a good week! Everything okay in y'all's worlds?



                            Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                            Hello everyone!
                            I'm new. And I'm from Germany. So maybe my English isn't the best, 'cause I'm out of training.
                            The last days, I spent my free time with reading this thread.
                            I startet at page 400 and yes...I'd a look at every single page.
                            Finally finished, I decided to join.
                            And to celebrate my debut I got a little gift for you I created by myself:


                            Hope you like it!
                            Very nice!

                            I'm working on some Carson art myself. Tried to make my first animated icon.



                              Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                              Hello everyone!
                              I'm new. And I'm from Germany. So maybe my English isn't the best, 'cause I'm out of training.
                              The last days, I spent my free time with reading this thread.
                              I startet at page 400 and yes...I'd a look at every single page.
                              Finally finished, I decided to join.
                              And to celebrate my debut I got a little gift for you I created by myself:


                              Hope you like it!
                              That is very pretty! Thanks, and welcome!!!

                              Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                              Well, I've given it a lot of thought and decided to cancel the summer field camp and go to FedCon. I discussed it with the folks up at my grad school and they said it wouldn't make a difference to my admission decision if I went or not, and then my prof whose lab I'm volunteering in offered to hire me to work full-time this summer, and I just figured I'll save up the money, do the cheaper, shorter trip and learn my field stuff as an actual grad student. Now to just buy a ticket and arrange the flight! Looks like it'll be a heck of a con too. Adam Baldwin, Gigi Edgley, David Franklin, Marina Sirtis... all gravy on top of Paul, of course (which is a heckuva mental image), but all makes it that much cooler.

                              My week is actually quieting down, so I should be able to get caught up on here by this weekend. Well, not every page of posts, but most of it.

                              ((((jetflair))))!!! Sorry you finally had to see "Sunday". It's a brutal one, definitely. I watched a clip from it online the day before I saw "Kindred II" and my heart ached just as bad as the first day. God, Hewlett destroyed me in that episode. McKay in tears is one of the most powerful tributes to Beckett to me. Ouch.

                              Just like "Sunday", "Kindred II" won't get out of my head now. It decided to spring a mini-fic on me to further keep me from finishing the two monster ones I've been hoping to get back to. Still, hard to focus on schoolwork when scenes suddenly start replaying in your head. But he's back! Things were bad, but now they're good again, forever! (Futurama rocks for quoting.) Here's to a happy season 5 and much more in season 6!

                              Will have to comment more on, in "Kindred II"
                              the "harder" version of Carson. Totally loved him defending Teyla like that. When the nice guy gets mad, it's so much scarier than anyone else getting mad.
                              I'm still lining up my thoughts on that, and most of those are going into the mini-fic too, but I'm absolutely fascinated to see where they go with his character.

                              (((((everybody)))))!!!! I hope you're all having a good week! Everything okay in y'all's worlds?

                              YAYAYAYAYAY! I'm hoping to go too! I still don't know cause of my funds. Moving into your own house and getting it set up to live in is expensive!!! But it does look like it's gonna be super awesome with all the people that are attending, although I barely know half! Even if I knew all, Paul would be enough for me! Haha...and then all of you guys that are going. That makes it well worth it right there!
                              Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                                Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                                Very nice!

                                I'm working on some Carson art myself. Tried to make my first animated icon.

                                Aaawww... I love it!

                                I made an animated christmas sig last year:

                                But only animated text.
                                I'm able to make animated pictures...
                                I'll make one soon.


                                Thank you all for the warm welcome.
                                And I'm glad you like the picture.
                                Last edited by Luciana; 06 March 2008, 11:13 AM.

