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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by leighanners View Post
    Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
    OH MY GOSH HE DOES?! lol

    Sorry. I got over excited.
    I love his character.

    Originally posted by miss_kaylee View Post
    I can't believe it.

    Did anybody read the interview Paul did for He mention a few about tonight and for season 5.
    Spoiler: Speaking of ‘coming back’ you have two episodes coming up soon, what can you tell us about your come back?

    Paul McGillion: Yes I am in the final two episodes of the season. Friday the 22nd is "Kindred Part 1" and part 2 is the following week. I can’t tell you much about them except to say that I do come back. It is a great reveal and its clever with the way they have done it. It does have some thing to do with previous episodes of Atlantis and there is a connection there. “Kindred Part 2? is a heavy episode for Carson and I think the fans are going to love it, especially the ’save Carson Beckett’ fans who spent so much time to get the character back. He is a character that wears his heart on his sleeve and I think a lot of fans can relate to the guy and it is a nice tip of the hat to the fans. Regarding season five, I understand you start shooting soon. What can you tell us about that and are your episodes bunched up or spread out?

    Paul McGillion: I can’t tell you anything about season five because I really don’t know that much about what they have planned. I just got the first draft of the first script and they might kill me again if I tell you [laughs] I will be back for at least five episodes and I believe it will be peppered throughout the year, they will not be consecutive.
    I knew about the 5 eps only because JM mentions it, but I hope it's more for S6.


      Under One Hour to go. Can't not wait.


        45 minutes to go!! *bounces*

        Proudly Supporting Team USA


          .:I have to wait until at least tomorrow. *pouts*


            Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
            .:I have to wait until at least tomorrow. *pouts*
            Awww, I'm sorry *hugs*

            I'm am starting to get nervous! But I'm still excited at the same time!

            Proudly Supporting Team USA


              Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
              Awww, I'm sorry *hugs*

              I'm am starting to get nervous! But I'm still excited at the same time!
              I know. I didn't watch last week episode so that helps making the time go by fast.


                Delurking to say I am really excited now that it's almost time!! I've missed SGA a bit (not really interested till now) and I am glad SCI-FI/tptb warned us that Carson would show up in the last 5 mins or I'd be p.o.'d that I've waited with anticipation the whole episode.
                Pretty excited this week b/c I bought my ticket to FedCon and now The Kindred pt 1. Woooo hooo!!
                Off to squee now!


                  It's on!!!


                    HE'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                    Wow, wowwowowowow! He hasn't been on Atlantis in so dang long that it seemed so weird, yet, so absolutely right!!!!

                    Proudly Supporting Team USA


                      Ahhh!!!!! Carson's back!!


                      So glad I got to watch that live!

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                      "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                        Whew, it FINALLY aired!

                        I know many might be upset that it wasn't a full episode, but for me I need to say I found it highly satisfying to finally see our boy back on screen. Its been a long, hard fight and to see this finally come to fruition make me feel proud of everyone and the campaign. Despite what all has been said, it really wouldn't have happened without all of us.

                        Visit My Flickr!!


                          The promo looks very interesting and exciting.

                          "I just hated away the fact that I give a s***" - Dave from Nothing

                          My clone:
                          Courtesy of the Mckay/Hewlett Thunk Thread


                            Originally posted by Renenutet View Post
                            The promo looks very interesting and exciting.
                            It definitely does. I can't wait to see Rodney and Carson together. Just the little bit in the promo was great! Eeek, I can't wait for next week!

                            My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                            "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                              Man, that preview was intense! I'm going to be anxious to watch the ep next week too!


                                *flops back in her chair* I can go to sleep happy now

                                Next week is going to be awesome! A Carson ep!! FINALLY!

                                Proudly Supporting Team USA

