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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
    OMG Paul is coming to Maryland...and Crack-amore at that. Hahahahaha, and I bought a ticket to Germany........
    but it's really nice here *lol*

    Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
    Visit me at my LJ


      Originally posted by Kett1701 View Post


      Paul McGillion - Stargate Atlantis' Dr. Carson Beckett
      Colin Cunningham - Stargate SG1's Major Davis
      Casey Biggs - STS9's Damar

      They join our already announced guests:

      Nichelle Nichols - Star Trek's Lt Uhura
      Aaron Douglas - Battlestar Galactica's Chief Tyrol
      Claudia Christian - Babylon 5's Cmdr Susan Ivanova
      Gary Jones - Stargate SG1's CMSgt Walter Harriman
      Dean Haglund - X-Files & Lone Gunmen's Richard Langly
      William Campbell - Star Trek's Trelane / Star Trek & DS9's Koloth
      Louise Sorel - Star Trek's Rayna Kapec & Days of our Lives Vivian Alamain

      Please help to spread the word.
      .::Thanks for the notice!
      .::Now, to figure out a way to get to Maryland...
      .::The announcement I'm waiting for is one for Toronto, lol.


        Stay away from Dundalk those who venture to B-more.....

        Don't get shot before you see Paul!!!!

        Visit My Flickr!!


          Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
          Stay away from Dundalk those who venture to B-more.....

          Don't get shot before you see Paul!!!!
          Aww, Dundalk isn't that bad... It's inner-city Baltimore I would NOT stay in. For anybody who wants to go to the con in Baltimore, though, I might be able to assist in finding a motel room close to the con if the Marriott is too expensive or completely booked. I've gone to Shore Leave for like 14 years.


            Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
            Aww, Dundalk isn't that bad... It's inner-city Baltimore I would NOT stay in. For anybody who wants to go to the con in Baltimore, though, I might be able to assist in finding a motel room close to the con if the Marriott is too expensive or completely booked. I've gone to Shore Leave for like 14 years.
            Yeah..that too...

            The Devil went down to Dundalk......he was looking for a car to steal....

            (sing to Devil Went Down to Georgia)

            On topic with the party...

            Visit My Flickr!!


              Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
              keep that gun porn coming!! next day will start a little late for two reasons...but I will not divulge one. One is zomg I have no banner yet. *dies of shock*
              LOL, tse tse tse, Caz! No banner for whumpday?! *dies with you of shock*

              But don't worry, I'm sure you'll come around with a gorgeous banner out of nowhere. It's whumpday, whumpday, whumpday. And I have something special prepared for the occasion. I really can't wait to see tomorrow...

              Okay, back on topic for today. I realized some of the pics I wanted to submit were already posted. *bows head*
              Because I can't upload something to PB at my parents' (their ancient comp won't let me...), I searched my Photobucket-account and found this...


              BTW, I was very pleased to find some posts in here when I came in today.
              twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                Before I have to phase out again for today *sigh, alas*, you'll get my last bit of shoot to kill.

                It's a shame Beckett didn't get the chance to really kick some badass on the show with muscles and guns! I'm sure you'd agree that I would have lived to see that!


                Sniff, GW wouldn't show my cap from 'Instinct'! *Wonders whether I forgot to upload it yesterday*

                Take care, see ya tomorrow!
                twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                  Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
                  OMG Paul is coming to Maryland...and Crack-amore at that. Hahahahaha, and I bought a ticket to Germany........
                  Hey, at least you can meet us


                    Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
                    On Saturday, March 24, Canada played Scotland in a U20 soccer/football match. The banner made quite a few appearances on both the CBC and BBC Scotland. Here are just a few caps (they all start to look the same) but we got a decent amount of airtime!
                    Erm, in the European Championships qualifiers (in soccer), Italy played against Scotland last Wednesday and Italy won 2:0 I think Paul has never wished to watch the game with me... I am a huuuuge Italy fan And I'm very happy the Azzuris coould beat Scotland, who, by the way, leads the group.....


                      Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
                      Erm, in the European Championships qualifiers (in soccer), Italy played against Scotland last Wednesday and Italy won 2:0 I think Paul has never wished to watch the game with me... I am a huuuuge Italy fan And I'm very happy the Azzuris coould beat Scotland, who, by the way, leads the group.....
                      screw Italy!! They cheated their way into the finals last year for the World Cup.
                      Such pansies *lol

                      Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                      Visit me at my LJ


                        Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                        Aww, Dundalk isn't that bad... It's inner-city Baltimore I would NOT stay in. For anybody who wants to go to the con in Baltimore, though, I might be able to assist in finding a motel room close to the con if the Marriott is too expensive or completely booked. I've gone to Shore Leave for like 14 years.
                        Go visit the Shore Leave thread in Fandom. A large group of GWers had a meet up at last year's Shore Leave con. We are doing the same this year. We have lots of info about where to stay, dine, and meet up with GWers.

                        To stay on topic...we're excited to meet Paul!


                          start the whump day. I just can't get banner done.


                            Originally posted by phibi View Post
                            screw Italy!! They cheated their way into the finals last year for the World Cup.
                            Such pansies *lol
                            Hey, probably they were lucky against the USA but that's life
                            Forza Italia!!


                              .::Whump Day! Alright, well, this is the only cap I seem to have of whumped!Paul...
                              .::It was posted a couple of days ago by someone else...



                                ATTENTION ALL SAVE CARSON FANS
                                IN THE NEW YORK AND LA AREAS!!!!!!

                                We need YOUR help!

                                On THURSDAY, APRIL 5th a small bi-coastal rally is being held. We need all fans who are able to come and help us make a dent in the US press. We cracked the Canadian press wide open, there is NO reason we can't do the same in the states.

                                New Yorkers

                                We need you to gather TWICE.

                                One, at the outside of the Today Show:

                                0 Rockefeller Plaza, Fifth to Sixth Aves - The Today Show's studio is on the ground floor at the corner of 49th Street and Rockefeller Center.
                                If you want a good spot, get there PRE-DAWN, try to stand toward the southeast corner (directly behind the anchor desk). Bring signs and banners, get shown on TV! Yell to Save Carson!!!

                                Two, at the Conan O'Brien Studios:

                                30 Rockefeller Plaza, 50th St. & Sixth Ave. from NOON to ONE. We made it lunch time for a few reasons, one hopefully more fans can attend, two foot traffic during the lunch rush and three, taping is at 4. Again, bring signs and urge for a Recliner of Rage spot.


                                You will be meeting once, in front of Craig Ferguson.

                                CBS Television City, Stage 58, 7800 Beverly Blvd. from NOON to ONE. Again. the lunch hour for the above reasons. Again, bring signs.

                                Both shows are aware of the Save Carson Campaign, we need to show them it deserves and demands coverage.


                                Be polite above all else.
                                Do not impede traffic
                                Stay on public property
                                Use good judgment on whole

                                We are in the midst of planning another "event", so stay tuned for that. But right now we have to strike the US press while we can on the back of the Canadian press. Please let either me, Anise76, Michelle05 or TJUK know if you can make it, we would like to know roughly how many can attend. We do not need the numbers we had at Bridge, but the more the "merrier"!

                                Any questions, please contact me.

                                FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT!

                                Visit My Flickr!!

