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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Yeah, I'm a sucker for accents. My husband is part Australian and had a thick Aussie accent when I met him (he'd just returned from a month in Oz). He's mostly lost it over the years, but it still comes back when he's around other Aussies (or when he gets drunk!)

    I've been to Scotland several times and I just can't get enough of listening to those guys talk. The accent was definitely part of the reason I fell in love with Beckett, but I have to say I love Paul when he's not being Scottish, as well ... he was wonderful as Ernest Littlefield in SG1, and in "See Grace Fly" - GAHHHHH!!!!!

    Paul as earnest Ernest ...

    And looking positively drool-worthy in See Grace Fly:

    *whew* <fans self>


      We need cold water over here and a drool bucket!!!


        Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
        Yeah, I'm a sucker for accents. My husband is part Australian and had a thick Aussie accent when I met him (he'd just returned from a month in Oz). He's mostly lost it over the years, but it still comes back when he's around other Aussies (or when he gets drunk!)

        I've been to Scotland several times and I just can't get enough of listening to those guys talk. The accent was definitely part of the reason I fell in love with Beckett, but I have to say I love Paul when he's not being Scottish, as well ... he was wonderful as Ernest Littlefield in SG1, and in "See Grace Fly" - GAHHHHH!!!!!

        Paul as earnest Ernest ...

        And looking positively drool-worthy in See Grace Fly:

        *whew* <fans self>

        Love the pics!

        As for the accent, since I'm a Scot, I think I'm actually immune to the effects of the accent. I prefer Paul's normal accent to the one he uses as Beckett. But one of my colleagues today caused a client he was speaking to on the phone to spill her lunch over herself. She said it was the effect of his accent - and I don't think he has an especially nice accent (it's okay, but nothing special). She said she had a Scottish doctor (which made me think of our Carson) and that she'd warned her husband that maybe he should develop a Scottish accent too.


          Originally posted by Allestian View Post
          We need cold water over here and a drool bucket!!!

          *Cleanup on aisle 4, Beckett Thunk Thread*


            Hee hee, cool smiley TJ. You're gonna have to use that to mop me up from the floor, because I'm absolutely melting for Carson and his accent.

            Originally posted by Nel View Post
            Love the pics!

            As for the accent, since I'm a Scot, I think I'm actually immune to the effects of the accent. I prefer Paul's normal accent to the one he uses as Beckett. But one of my colleagues today caused a client he was speaking to on the phone to spill her lunch over herself. She said it was the effect of his accent - and I don't think he has an especially nice accent (it's okay, but nothing special). She said she had a Scottish doctor (which made me think of our Carson) and that she'd warned her husband that maybe he should develop a Scottish accent too.
            Well, I suppose if you're used to some manner of speech and hear it every day, it's not that exotic. I can well imagine that you like Paul's Canadian speech more than his Scot speech. There are certain types of American accents that I don't really care for either way, like southern or california-speak, but Canadian is okay, I guess. But there's just something dreamy about that Scottish accent for me... I can't really put my finger on it, but maybe it has something to do with the fact that I don't know anybody in real life with the accent, and I never hear anyone speak with it except for him.

            It's... erm... exotic, I guess.


              There is only one accent I can't stand, and that's Yankee's. No offense Jersey. But I love Scottish accents. Regular British English I cool too. But I love me some Aussieland accents. I like Canadian accents too. Some of them. Paul to me doesn't seem to have that strong of an accent. I can tell he does when he says his O's and sometimes A's. Mostly the O's. But I think he talks fairly normal. (If there is such a thing.) Unless he's Beckett, cause then he 'turns on' the accent, it just oozes more sex appeal. *drifts off to LaLa Land* Hahaha! Clean up on aisle Whitney.

              I hope you lovely thunkers are havin a wonderful day.
              Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                Hehe, none taken, hon'. I don't think I have a strong "yankee" accent, but Bal'more tends to rub off on one's speech. It's kinda like half way between southern and common slang, but I watch far too much TV and have far too few friends to have been influenced by the Bal'more accent much. I've been told that I sound like I'm from further up north, but I can usually only pick up inflections from anybody else's voice but my own. Figures, huh?


                  My accent natually comes and goes. The only thing that always stays is the word "ya'll". Oh how I love that word. But I tend to pick up the accent of whoever I am talking to at the moment. When I talk to my best friend (who has a bad Texas accent sometimes) I start talking like her, not because I'm making fun of her, I just can't help it. She usually hits me. When I go to New York, I lose my accent, exept for 'ya'll' and when I put it on purpose.
                  I like all kinds of accents especially Scottish, Irish, and German.

                  All will worship Beckett/Paul's sexy accent (both of them)!

                  "Don't worry. In a few days, all of Texas shall know our situation."
                  "Tell me Alabama, precisely how many is 'a few'?"


                    I've developed a Glaswegian accent over the past year.

                    Doesn't get me any guys though. It does get the kids in my drama class attentive though.


                      in a recent poll to co-incide with the release of some dvd the irish and scottish accents were voted most the scottish and immediately thought...'carson'


                        Oh, irish accents are fairly nice too... Colm Meaney is irish and hardly sounds like he has an accent at all any more, especially when played Cowen in SGA. Maybe he was trying to suppress it, though. It was a little more obvious in Star Trek: Deep Space 9. Boy, he sure is getting older. I thought he was cute in DS9, but now there are so many new lines on his face.


                          you can definately hear it sga but i agree his accent has faded


                            I guess you would know... You said you're from Ireland, right? I wanna see Ireland and Scotland sometime. I gotta save up my PTO for it, though. *sigh*

                            I'm considering going to the con in Vancouver next year, but is it supposed to be almost sold out or something? Maybe I'll go to comic-con instead, if they're all gonna be there again.

                            I'm hoping that Paul's gonna do another con in the states sometime before it gets too far into next year. Gah, that's a long time to wait for new SGA eps. *cries*


                              Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                              I'm hoping that Paul's gonna do another con in the states sometime before it gets too far into next year. Gah, that's a long time to wait for new SGA eps. *cries*
                              You know what makes me crazy? I was at DragonCon the year he was there, but I hadn't started watching Atlantis yet (I was there for the Firefly stuff - and Connor Trinneer )

                              A week after I got back I started watching Atlantis straight through from the beginning - and went head-over-heels crazy for Beckett! I've been kicking myself ever since for not starting sooner - I would have spent the whole weekend at DragonCon following Paul from panel to panel if I had!

                              I just can't bring myself to go to ComicCon, though. The last time I went (in 2005) I almost had a nervous breakdown dealing with the crowds. 70,000 people is just too much! I'll just watch other people's videos of the panels after the fact, thanks ...


                                a con is something i really want to do...i really really really wanted to go to avalon to meet RDA but i wasnt able to go..then i decided *s***w it and the tickets were around the time of avalon which is like 2weeks ill be kicking myself for giving up the chance to meet the legends that are RDA and AT.....*starts to kick self *

