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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Aw okay Sis--then we can get back to our little Bunny and get Aang and Dell out of the Genii prison cell...


      Yes we can!


        Originally posted by Aang View Post
        A- *takes his sidearm from the holster* Ye know how I 'ate ta use these things, but ye also know I'd do anythin' ta get Aang back. *he looks Shep in the eyes* Ye know wha' I mean, y'd do the same for Dell. *he nods* 'M ready, Lad. Let's do this.
        They exited the jumper and ran the short distance to the entrance of the complex with no problem, no one knew they were there yet. Taking care they entered and made their way down the first corridor , A-Carson guiding them with the life signs wasn't long before they came to the first lot of Genii guards, they took their time to get good cover and aim using the minimum amount of bullets, but once the first shot was fired their presents was known. They worked their way deeper into the complex, fighting as they went.

        There must have been a lot more soldiers deeper in the complex that didn't show up on our first scan.
        A-They seem to be never ending.

        Then they came to a branch in the corridor.
        I think they are down to the right.

        Well there are a heap of Genii down to the left, so I will go after them and give you time to go find the girls. Don't forget you have a gun, and you are allowed to use it!

        A-good luck t ye lad
        And you.
        *With that Shep rounded the corner and opened fire, while charging toward the enemy. A-Carson went in the opposite direction*


          A- The Lasses must be 'round 'ere somewhere...*he whispers to himself as he watches the life signs detector*

          *he is moving at nearly a run, towards the two life signs in the hidden room, and he rounds the last corner almost running into two guards. In a rush of emotion as he realizes only the two guards stand between him and Aang now, he fires off two shots, both of which make their mark, and his hands start to shake as the two guards collapse to the floor in a heap. He tucks the side arm back into its holster and makes for the door to the room*

          A- Wha' 'ave I done.... *he mutters as the guilt hits, but then he pushes it aside as the sound of soft crying reaches his ears. With a shove, the door bangs open and A-Carson steps out of the shadows into the room where Dell sits holding Aang on her lap*


            *Dell was sitting on the floor cradling Aang in my arms, and stroking the hair off her face, wishing she would wake up. It felt like it had been hours since they dumped her back in our cell. I was no Doctor or even a nurse for that matter, but I knew this wasn’t a good sign. She had dark bruising on her face, and her stomach was black and blue as well. There was blood seeping through the back of her blouse too, but I hadn’t looked to see why, there was only so much I could take, so I held her close and prayed someone would find us before it was too late. A noise out in the hall caught my attention, was that gunfire? I heard the sound of boots pounding down the stone corridor, but they continued right past the door. 5 minutes past and the sound of gunfire moved away, and my hopes died in my chest.*

            “They will come Sis, I know they will come, you just have to hold on for me, do you hear me, just hold on!”
            *I got no response beyond having fresh tears run down my face.
            Then the door swung open and banged against the wall, I looked up and saw A-Carson standing there.*
            -“See Sis I told you they would come for us!” *I looked back up at him* “They beat her Carson, and she won’t wake up, she needs you.”

            (hehe, that was quick!)


              (Suppose it was. Next bit coming now. *goes back to get it*)

              *A-Carson shook off his shock at seeing Aang and Dell like that, and he made his way over to them, bending down to check her pulse at her neck*

              A- Her Pulse is strong, and 'er breathin’ is regular, those are good signs, but we need t' get out of here now.
              *He put his arms under her still form and lifted her from Dell's arms. They both looked at her blood stained clothing for a moment, then he spoke again.*

              A- You take my side arm, and there are 2 extra clips in the pocket of ma tack vest.

              *Dell took the side arm from its holster and checked, only two shots had been fired. She reached into the pocket he indicated and took out the 2 extra clips*

              A- Okay Aang, ma' love, I’m going to get ye out of this place now, and then I’m goin' to fix ye up good as new. And right after that I’m goin’ to take ye to the church and make an honest woman of ye, I can’t bear the thought not having ye by my side for the rest of our long lives. *He placed a loving kiss on her forehead, then looked at Dell.*

              A- I’m sorry but ye will have to take the lead, can ye manage that Dell, you’re not hurt are ye?


                * having nowhere else to put the the 2 extra clips, I slipped them into my bra for safe keeping. This caused A-Carson to raise his eyebrows at me, but I shrugged it off, he would be surprised at what a woman could stash in her bra. *

                -“No they didn’t touch me, I have no idea why they beat her so badly and they didn’t lay a finger on me. I can tell you though, I intend to shoot the hell out of them, is that ok with you Carson?”
                Last edited by Dellruby; 20 February 2013, 08:17 PM.


                  A- Ye have my blessin’ lass, just be careful, Shep will have ma' head if I let ye get so much as a scratch on ye.

                  *Dell went to the door and checked that all was clear*

                  Dell: Which way, A-Carson?

                  A- Left lass, we go left.


                    *I lead the way down the corridor and checked at the next corner. Following the directions A-Carson was giving me, we made our way through the complex, I could hear gunfire up ahead, and took extra care checking round the next corner. I saw a group of 10 or more Genii soldiers firing at a single position, I signalled to Carson to get back, then I took careful aim and had cut down 3 of the enemy before they realised what was happening, then some of them turned to returned fire, but they had next to no cover, and little by little they dwindled in number until the last one fell. I stopped firing and carefully looked again, and saw movement down the hall. I couldn’t be sure who it was so I held my gun ready. Out of the shadows stepped a man dressed in black, he moved carefully up the passage, ever alert to danger. My heart thudded in my chest as I recognised him.*

                    -“Don’t shoot Shep, it’s us, I have Carson with me.”
                    “Dell!” he dropped his gun to his side and ran the rest of the way to our position, I stepped round the corner to meet him, and was lifted off the ground by his embrace.


                      (after this, we have nothing more to copy and paste I think)

                      A- *looks down at me in his arms and then back up to Shep and Dell* We need ta hurry, Aang’s in a bad way.

                      Right, I think the way should be clear *He put Dell down but kept hold of her hand for a bit, before letting it go, they needed to have their hands free to defend themselves. They traversed the passages without opposition, coming at last to the outside.*

                      The jumper is just over there, but we have no cover, keep your head down and run as fast as you can

                      *the little group ran and dodged enemy fire, returning some of their own, and made it to the safety of the cloaked jumper. The hatch was closed and Shep had them in the air within seconds*

                      A- *to Aang* Ye will be home soon lass, and everything is going to be just fine.

                      *as A-Carson is settling me on one of the benches inside the jumper, my eyes flicker open and I see my beloved A-Carson, and I know that I am safe*

                      A-Carson-- *I started to try to talk, but it wasn't working as well as I wanted due to my swollen jaw, and the bruises on my stomach and jaw were beginning to throb*

                      A- Shh, quiet, My Love. I'm 'ere. *he lays a kiss gently on my lips and then sets to work figuring out my exact injuries and cleaning me up*


                        *Shep fires at the troops around the gate, then dialed and sent the code. within moments we we back in Atlantis.
                        With the jumper landed and no one around to fight Shep came over to me and pulled me into his arms and just held me.*


                          A- A'right Aang, it'll be yer turn to be in th' infirmary now as a patient, ma' Love.

                          *I smile slightly before wincing in pain and A-Carson gives me a reassuring smile as he gently lifts me from the Jumper's bench, not allowing me to try to walk. He takes me straight to the infirmary, where his first move is to give me a shot of pain killers before fully inspecting my injuries*

                          A- A'right Love, I need ye to sit up for me, I know it 'urts, those bruises look awful...

                          *he helps me to sit up, I wince in pain as the bruises on my stomach are moved, and he helps me take off my ripped and torn shirt, and tries not to look shocked at the long cut down my back, which takes him moments to clean and suture, then properly bandage before he lets me lie back against the pillow behind me*

                          A- Ma' Love, I shouldna' have let ye go on tha' mission. Yer sister was doin' a finejob watchin' over ye, but I shoulda' ever 'ave let ye go. *he sits beside my bed and holds my hand as I look up into his face, feeling exhausted and aching from what happened*

                          It's not your fault, my Love. *I barely get the words out before I gasp in pain and stop talking again*


                            *Shep finally steps back from me and looks into my eyes*
                            You did very well in a bad situation but I don't think I'll be letting you go on any more solo missions.

                            -don't think I want to go any either.
                            I better get you down to the infirmary and get you checked out.

                            -I'm ok, they didn't touch me
                            if they didn't touch you, what is this bruise here? *he lightly touches the side of my face*

                            -ok, they struck me once before we were taken through the gate, but it's nothing.
                            *his com link activates*
                            Col. Sheppard to the gateroom please.
                            On my way. Come on Dell, I'm not ready to let you out of my sight.
                            *at the gateroom we see the gate is open*
                            go ahead Kevia he is here.
                            Kevia Col. Sheppard you may have won this round, this is not over. Now I know what your sweet heart looks like, I will be looking out for her, you can be sure I will have my revenge one way or the other. Oh And Dell? you can tell Aang, that I now know her true identity. I don't like being played for a fool, so I will be looking out for her too.

                            -what are you talking about?
                            Kevia Aang thought she could save you by saying she was Dell, but I saw your little reunion with Sheppard, very touching.
                            *Shep slips his arm round my shoulders and holds me close.
                            Kevia Until next time colonel Sheppard.......I will be seeing you Dell.
                            *the gate closes*

                            Not if I see you first! *he turns to Elizabeth* Dell is not to go off world again with out a full team of marines, Aang either!
                            *then we leave the gate room and head to the infirmary.


                              A- Love, I'll be righ' back, I think I c'n bring down th' swelling in yer jaw a bit...y' need to tell me wha' 'appened to ye...*he gives me a very worried look, before he stands up to go find what he needs to bring the swelling down in my jaw*

                    's alright, my Love. I'm alright. Bruised and battered, yes, but I am alive and here on Atlantis with you. *I half smile with the side of my face that isn't black and blue and swollen*


                                *we arrive in the infirmary*
                                -how are you Aang? Carson, how is she?
                                Do you know what Aang did Carson?, she only went and told that mad woman she was Dell.

                                -Why would you do that?
                                But Kevia knows the truth now, we just had a chat with more off world for you two, I will not risk either of you again!

