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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Hey guys, finally made it for the second day of the wake.

    I've capped a lot! Now I'm ready to 'join this parade'...

    I'll start off with 10 caps from Instinct.
    I really liked Carson's character in this one since he was so compassionate and all.
    - And I loved the fact that they made Ronon carrying the heavy stuff for Beckett a running gag on the show.
    - His scene with Rodney at the microscope makes me giggle for sure, when McKay teases Beckett while he vainly tries to concentrate... their looks...
    - Finally the scene after the older Wraith and Ellia attacked the two, first Carson looks worriedly at Rodney, checks on him and then Rodney still needs to check under his shirt... That was just hilarious, it cracks me up every time I watch!

    Here we go... (as usual spoiler tags for size)

    BTW, I'm very sorry for my poor little twin. She took it really hard that they dared kill off Carson. She told me she had been a bit mad at me for never letting go of the axing Carson business because she honestly believed it was nothing but PR to tease the fans. Now the fact they *did* off Beckett and in such a cruel way struck her down for sure. She's downright depressed and even considered going on a hunger strike for as long as it takes to get Paul McGillion on the show again as Carson Beckett (and Beckett isn't even her favourite character, I might add)! Fortunately I was able to talk her out of it. I don't think TPTB would care, so she can as well save her strength for letter writing...
    twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


      Who here doesn't wish it wasn't a real flashing????

      LOVE Instrict. Once again, CLASSIC Rodney/Beckett moments. Hilarious. Man, I am gonna dig out my S2 dvds (OT- Thank God for TiVo, I can't believe the States don't get S2 for two more months!) and watch some Beckett tonight after class (OT- Just started my last class for my last semester. Almost got another degree! One more to go......).

      One that note, one line before I go to make us all laugh:

      "Faint is a proper medical term, Rodney".


      Visit My Flickr!!


        twinchaosblade, I love that epi... ...Carson makes that off-world gear look sexy. lol

        BIG pic from Critical Mass



          I made a Beckett SUNDAY vid for all you beckett thunkers. Its to the song Leelakin suggested. U2 Kites. Enjoy


          Last edited by obsessed1; 17 January 2007, 03:47 PM.


            Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
            I made a Beckett SUNDAY vid for all you beckett thunkers. Its to the song Leelakin suggested. U2 Kites. Enjoy


            OMG! *flail* ;_; Thank you. I haven't seen it yet because there are alot of other people downloading, but I will asap!


              For everyone who loves Dr. Carson Beckett
              Visit me on


                Originally posted by leelakin View Post
                OMG! *flail* ;_; Thank you. I haven't seen it yet because there are alot of other people downloading, but I will asap!
                i thought he deserved it Such a wonderful character, very charismatic, cheeky and looks like a geniunely nice guy in real life.


                  Now I think it's time for another poem. This really catches my mood at the moment accurately.
                  *spent the whole night sobbing, thinking of his horrible death and the stupidity of the decision to get him out*

                  Twelve Songs

                  Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
                  Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
                  Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
                  Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

                  Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
                  Scribbling on the sky the message 'He is dead',
                  Put crêpe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
                  Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

                  He was my North, my South, my East and West,
                  My working week and my Sunday rest,
                  My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
                  I thought that love would last forever; I was wrong.

                  The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
                  Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
                  Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
                  For nothing now can ever come to any good.
                  xxxxxxxxxxxxxW. H. Auden
                  twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                    And this is all I have to say for a wonderful character.

                    If anyone wants to use either image, feel free.
                    Visit me on


                      Wow, this death is really hitting me harder than I thought it would, and I had been preparing for weeks. I am truely sad. I feel a lot of angst. I have been watching Carson vids on YouTube, reading a little fanfic and I find myself getting more and more upset. I thought I was going to be level headed about this whole thing (ie. understanding that decisions are made and I should just accept it and move on) but I am finding it difficult to do that. This is just wrong. I am one of the many who watch (and become a bit obsessed) with a few tv shows out there because of the characters that I become attached to. Carson was one of the characters that I was even more attached to than I thought. I just really think this was a bad decision and the show will be poorer for it.


                        another big pic from Critical Mass


                        Arctic Goddess, those are very thoughtful


                          Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
                          another big pic from Critical Mass


                          Arctic Goddess, those are very thoughtful
                          Thanks. They are for you guys. Carson was a great character.
                          Visit me on


                            Originally posted by obsessed1 View Post
                            i thought he deserved it Such a wonderful character, very charismatic, cheeky and looks like a geniunely nice guy in real life.
                            *just watched it* T__________________T so beautiful. *weeps*


                              yes indeed, that he was AG thanks for stopping by to share those pics (although i *wink wink* saw them somewhere else too yea, AG has a Stargate RP site...the link is in my siggy)


                                Arctic Goddess, your pictures are fantastic!

                                I'd like to add a few pics from Conversion... Okay, 16 is not a few unless you are a producer of SGA -> Carter

                                In my opinion Conversion was really a showcase for the compassion of Carson Beckett and that he would do literally anything to save his friends. Not only was he willing to risk his life when he went to the bug cave with the others, he also killed himself working without rest way beyond exhaustion in order to find a cure for Sheppard. While watching the episode for the first time, near the end I almost expected Carson to break down from too little sleep and mental/emotional exhaustion after they knew Sheppard would pull through. I think the expedition members can't and couldn't thank God enough for a doctor and a friend like Beckett!
                                God bless your sweet soul, Carson!
                                Never again will someone like him walk the earth again...

                                Moments I loved so dearly about Conversion:
                                - When Beckett told Sheppard that his treatment might hurt a little and Rodney screamed because of his splinter... McKay is such a whiney person! (Sorry, didn't know an english term for 'Weichei' but you know what I mean.)
                                - Beckett was so touchingly guilt stricken for Sheppard getting infected with the retrovirus and John honestly felt for him, trying to comfort Carson by telling him that this wasn't his fault and he didn't blame Beckett for what happened. There was so much sympathy in the scenes with both of them.
                                - I think it was incredibly courageous of Beckett to go into the cave with the bugs, even leading on when he wanted to get to those eggs. And after the first attempt turned to be disasterous, he was utterly dismayed that Major Lorne wouldn't let him go in again. You could see in his face he would have done just that, had there been any chance of helping John by pulling another stunt like that.
                                - Finally he was so relieved to tell the others that Sheppard would make a full recovery. His overjoyed expression was simply priceless.

                                Here goes...

                                twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic

