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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Nightmarepoet View Post
    Gabriel: *leans on Poet* I don' care what time it is I am constatly tired recently

    *runs fingers thrugh his hair' poor you, but I am not much more awake though.....*leans on him and we both lose balence falling to the floor*
    A- Are ye both alright? *looking over from where he is standing behind me and the two of us go over to help Poet and Gabriel up* Why don't ye both sit down properly?




        I have to leave now, I have class. Don't know if I'll be on later.
        sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


          night sparky


            'Bye Sparky!

            Dell, I really do think that as much as you want to stay here, you do need sleep or you won't be good for much at all today.


              Bye Sparky

              Oh thanks you 2, just don't know what's wrong, we both feel tired and quite much sad lately

              Gabriel: yes, very tired, though actually I guess we are sleeping well and yet feel so sad for no reason, just we just feel like crying when waking up

              (I have to agree with Aang dell, really dead tired right now and I couldn't do anything much at all today)


                Aww. *I hug both Poet and Gabriel* I wish we could help...

                A- Aye, if we c'n help ye, do tell us so.


                  Gabriel: thank you both but if we knew what made us feel that way we would be able to do something against it ourselves, I guess

                  True, it's just as sad an tired feeling wihch actually really gets on our nerves


                    (Think I finally sent Dell off to sleep...took Shep to help me a bit, but I think she's finally going to get some sleep)

                    Well we're here if you need us, you know.

                    A- Aye, we are.

                    (Now I will be back in a few, I'm going to get food and go back to my dorm room for the next 6 hours)


                      We know you are there and it's much liked

                      (OK Aang see you later then, I guess I am off for dinner already if you return )


                        *bounces back in*

                        Hello, I'm back


                          Gabriel: *tries to get up to hug Aang but loses balance again and falls back* hmmm, hi Aang, feel so weak and sad

                          *looks at him worried* me too but you look paler than usual as well *puts hand on his forehead* and you are even hotter than usual...*looks at Aang*, say, do I look as tired and bad as I feel right now, too?


                            Hello Gabriel, dear. *goes over and gives him a quick hug* *looks over at Poet* I'm afraid you do look pretty tired. *reaches to touch Poet's face* and you do feel a bit hotter than usual as well...

                            A- I think th' two of ye might be a bit ill...


                              *gasp* sorry *falls to the floor only half conscious*

                              Gabriel: she should really stop chatting with that Finnish singer, that desn't help her to get better

                              Need some air.... he just offerd me to send me the band's new album for a review and I said I rather go ordering if from the shop so it's easier to pay but he actually did offer that to me *gasps and can't get enough air*


                                Um hold on let me get this straight. You are chatting with that singer and he offered to send you their latest album? *is a little shocked*

                                A- *lifts Poet easily and sets her on the couch beside Gabriel* Take it a wee bit easy, Lass. Are ye alright?

