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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
    Heh, it's no bother, and a much smaller file than the other one (~15mb). I used WMM to make it, so mine's not exactly "professional" quality either. Be warned if you want to watch it, though... I used some very sad music.
    Oh, that was nice.
    What was the song you used?

    Spoilered because my vid isn't about Stargate...I started out with Farscape.
    ...Okay, inspired by all this first-vid sharing, I thought I'd try to share my first ever vid too....
    and got rejected.
    By Photobucket.
    Here's what it said... "Video upload failed
    Upload failed for John Crichton, It Sucks To Be You.mpg with error: This is to notify you that the content uploaded was recognized by Photobucket's copyright filter and as a consequence, has been blocked
    Wow. That's just wrong, man.
    So I've tried renaming it, in the hopes it was just the name that caught the filter's attention? It's up to 43% now, so I'm hoping it may yet work...
    ETA: Nope, it did it again. Crap. Tech-savvy person in the house reckons maybe there's a hidden watermark in the vids I used, that it's detecting? Bummer.

    Last edited by scaperfan; 06 December 2009, 02:14 AM.


      Yeah, if you tag it or name it or title it something containing any specific combination of words in their "banned" list, it gets auto-banned. I made an HD compilation of Paul's appearance in 24 that got auto-banned too because of the title. *sigh* It's too bad too, 'cause that was one of the only recordings off digital HDTV that I'd ever really had the opportunity to make before my cable provider put encryption on those channels.

      EDIT: The song was "Hame, Hame, Hame", as sung by Andy M Stewart of the Scottish group Silly Wizard.
      Last edited by Jersey13; 06 December 2009, 01:46 PM.


        *runs in*
        Just snatching our beloved doctor from page 2!

        ha ha Carson, you were on page 2 again.
        ha ha John, look who snatched me! Your thunker.


          Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
          Mirela: I hunted on google, and found this one, but it's not the same, is it?

          Nope, I've already got that one - sadly the free account on Wireimage that I've got doesn't allow you to see pics that are a few years old. You've got to pay and arm and a leg to see all the pics in their full-sized glory - it's daylight robbery!
          Newly liberated multi-thunker

          Julia xx


            Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
            Ooh...well personally, if anyone finds a shirtless-and-kilted that'd be my vote.
            You do that, and you'll have to put a notice on the cover that reads, "Warning: Keep product away from flammable materials."
            "A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her"
            SGA Lionized!
            For the larger version, visit my DA
            I support VOM and Bibles Unbound.
            I ship canon. & Keller
            Warning: Narnia fanatic posting here. VDT release date: 12/10/2010


              Originally posted by Atarah Derek View Post
              You do that, and you'll have to put a notice on the cover that reads, "Warning: Keep product away from flammable materials."

              ...are thunkers flammable?

              I just have to re-post this here...


                Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                Yeah, if you tag it or name it or title it something containing any specific combination of words in their "banned" list, it gets auto-banned. I made an HD compilation of Paul's appearance in 24 that got auto-banned too because of the title. *sigh*
                Man, that's harsh. It's not like we're profiting off it!

                EDIT: The song was "Hame, Hame, Hame", as sung by Andy M Stewart of the Scottish group Silly Wizard.
                Oooh.....I've heard of them! In a fictional novel a friend thought I might like, the heroine listens to Silly Wizard a lot...I figured it was a made-up band, because honestly, it's a silly name...


                  *snickers* Light up Paul huh scaperfan? Now that inspires all kinds of naughty thoughts. Okay,Paul wearing the hat for Xmas,a bunny pic for Spring,and a casual pic of Paul wearing a T shirt,his "comfy" kilt,and sneakers. And should Paul be cheeky enough to grant us our wish and go shirtless while wearing his kilt and crap,I just blew up my poor brain cell. What a way to go. More Hot Scot shots please!! Wooohooo!! hehe }:O


                    Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                    I was mildly horrified that he'd actually killed him! Y'know, in that amused-but-horrified way...

                    and btw, well done on making him watch it!

                    Hehe- just shows that he was paying attention...and, that he loves you.

                    Who doesn't? After such bravery...
                    But you should still love your b/f too, even though he teases you...
                    i try to influence my bf as much as possible. we watch stargate and sanctuary together and i watch whatever shows he mainly the history/discovery channel which i totally dont mind haha.

                    Yeah id have to say thats some real fantastic bravery on Paul's part and i do still love my dear bf, who else im i going to pass my lingo onto so they embaress themselves while teaching?? lol

                    Originally posted by scaperfan View Post
                    ...are thunkers flammable?

                    I just have to re-post this here...
                    pretty sure if you photoshopped christmas lights into that itd be perfect for our calendary altho i still think a picture from ADB would work best

                    EDIT: oh and YES i think thunkers are flammable
                    thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                      Wow, sorry your videos got banned, guys! Youtube sucks!


                        Howdy, thunkers...
                        Well, I've had a (let's all use that word again, boys and girls!) thunk-a-licious day today, scanning the internet for new Paul pics...

                        And lo, I found them hidden in all sorts of nooks and crannies.
                        Pics of Paul at cons, casual pics...lots of new shinies.

                        Here's some. I think the JediChef deserves to go in The Calendar.

                        Or was this one better? Decisions, decisions..

                        Now if only he wasn't holding the mike right in front of his face, this woulda made a nice centrefold for the calendar....

                        Put yer thinking caps back on, I want to see this calendar take shape!

                        Ugh. Still no calendar? They've deserted me..



                          Wow, it's gone so quiet in here!

                          *twiddles thumbs, rearranges photos, studies fingernails...*
                          Wonders...have my fans all deserted me?


                            Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                            *snickers* Light up Paul huh scaperfan? Now that inspires all kinds of naughty thoughts.
                            Nono, it was the *girl* lighting up...
                            But a luminescent Paul...wouldn't be such a bad thing...

                            Okay,Paul wearing the hat for Xmas,a bunny pic for Spring,and a casual pic of Paul wearing a T shirt,his "comfy" kilt,and sneakers. And should Paul be cheeky enough to grant us our wish and go shirtless while wearing his kilt and crap,I just blew up my poor brain cell. What a way to go. More Hot Scot shots please!! Wooohooo!! hehe }:O
                            That poor brain cell of yours! Maybe we should get you another for Christmas?
                            I found another pic of Pauly in his 'comfy' kilt (which I'm pretty sure now is a Utilikilt-it has pocketses on the sides!), but I'm too scared to post it- I'm afraid for your poor brain cell!
                            Admittedly, he isn't shirtless in it, but it's a nice pic anyways...


                              It's Complicated Butterflies and Hurricanes


                                The earlier days of this topic, I just have to say that some of the posts were a bit...extreme to say the least! Or getting there, anyway... All in good fun of course, but I think the people that post here these days have got it about right in terms of naughtiness

                                This pic here is really sweet!

                                Newly liberated multi-thunker
                                Julia xx

