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*snickers loudly* LMAO!! Good on ya scaperfan!! And Paul looks hot in that red monkey suit....is there anything Paul doesn't look good in? More Hot Scot shots please!! Wooohooo!! hehe }:O
ETA: Sorry, better? I'm rearranging my horrendously messy Photobucket album, adding sub-albums...too much Paul to keep track of! Must have linked to it, then moved it!
Last edited by scaperfan; 24 November 2009, 08:22 PM.
ETA: Sorry, better? I'm rearranging my horrendously messy Photobucket album, adding sub-albums...too much Paul to keep track of! Must have linked to it, then moved it!
Much! Thanks! Bhahaha, I kind of love how his stare is so... intense.
That video I posted, I tried to download it using Keepvid.com so I could put it on my iPod but it wouldn't let me - curses! *stamps foot* Although there is somewhere else I could try *puts little finger up to mouth in the style of Dr. Evil*
That Mirela has definately got it coming for her, the wicked lassie - saying all those things about me...I'll show her what's what if it's the last thing I do!
Does anyone know what song that is playing on the radio (and who sings it) in ADB when Ryan is preparing to put the Christmas lights up? I love it and would love it for my iPod!
Last edited by Mirela; 25 November 2009, 07:49 AM.
Does anyone know what song that is playing on the radio (and who sings it) in ADB when Ryan is preparing to put the Christmas lights up? I love it and would love it for my iPod!
Check the commentary track. I think David says what it's called, 'cause they had to buy the rights to it for the movie apparently, but I don't remember what it's called off the top of my head.
Check the commentary track. I think David says what it's called, 'cause they had to buy the rights to it for the movie apparently, but I don't remember what it's called off the top of my head.
I downloaded the version from iTunes so I can't find out that way as there's no commentary track with it . No worries though, I'll get that track somehow