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*still dead from the GUH!!* Ahem. Paul looks smashing in black. Thanks for the link watcher652. *waves at Probie* Welcome!! Put on some swim fins and join us nutters in the gutter...I promise I'm not channeling Dr. Seuss. hehe Yeah,Paul in drag was fun to watch,especially the behind the scenes when they were trying different wigs for him...course seeing David H. in the buff was hysterical too (he's got a nice physique by the way) so those two were priceless. More Hot Scot shots please!! Woohoo!! hehe }:O
Ok I am uploading Saturday, Sunday and Monday now... still working on Friday to see if I can lighten them up any more...posting and stories to begin soon... Without Friday's pics I have uploaded about 200 photos from the past weekend
Ok so I think I'm just going to type up a con report and post a link later because it would be way to lengthy to try to do so here even with just the Stargate related info.
So in the meantime enjoy .... pics are from all 4 days Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday.
Figured I post a few more pics and tell you that I signed up for a livejournal account so will be posting a report there once I figure out what I am doing..lol
Oh and a few pics in the collection also have other guests in them too...
*glares at LJR02 for blowing up my poor innocent brain* Wicked pics!! Have I mentioned Paul looks smashing? *scratches head* Why would anyone wear long sleeves in thousand degree weather? *pouts at Paul for hiding his guns* Cheeky bugger. hehe Woooohooooo!!! More Hot Scot shots please!! hehe }:O
*points at LJR02* I'm dead from the GUH!! of those pics. And I've run outta drool. *high fives LJR02* You're on a roll sweetie!! Keep going!! Woohoo!! hehe }:O
*points at LJR02* I'm dead from the GUH!! of those pics. And I've run outta drool. *high fives LJR02* You're on a roll sweetie!! Keep going!! Woohoo!! hehe }:O
EAR TOUCHING... why does he make it look so pornographic?
ANYWAY, I finally got around to listening to TKOS audiobook the other week. I enjoyed it mostly because...well who wouldn't enjoy listening to that voice? And I was very amused to hear about Beckett taking his shirt off and really wished we'd have got to seen that in the show.
I ordered S1 of Atlantis from Amazon a few minutes ago, I know it sounds unbelievable what with me being a fan of the Stargate franchise since it started, but this will be the first set of DVDs that I own from it! The only DVD I have so far are episodes 1 - 4 of SG-1 Season 2, which I bought years ago! I'll be getting more Atlantis DVD sets for Christmas though, guaranteed Must have my Paul/Carson fix
Oh and where's that banner I asked for? Is someone gonna make it for me or what? *stamps foot* (Well you don't get anywhere unless you ask, lol!)
*still dead from the GUH!! pics LJR02 posted* What a lovely way to enjoy an over cast Saturday!! *does happy dance* And what's this about Carson taking off his shirt in TKOS? Ahem. I'm fine. Mind the ocean of drool 'kay? And while my noggin's somewhat functioning, where can I find TKOS? *floats off to happy place* Woohoo! hehe }:O