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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
    Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
    Remember about a year ago when we did 20 pages in one night. You freaked out then, LOL. Good times
    20 pages a night? HOLY COW!! I think I discovered this thread slightly after that!
    Yes, good old times, Jenner! But if I remember correctly, it wasn't 20 pages, "just" 12 pages = 248 posts in one night. (I just checked my notification; I kept that one )

    Don't look so shocked, idlewild, we didn't do that EVERY night. It was also was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for us.

    Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
    Sooo.... happy OT news!
    Yay, that's fantastic news, idlewild! I'm proud of you for all the work on cleaning up the mess.
    twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


      Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
      Yeah, the thought bothers me as well, jet. Sometimes it really seems like people are of the opinion that only geeks and guys with quirks etc. are worth watching. I believe it's a bit like when you are kids, you might play war/fight with a few friends but how often do you actually play peace? I guess it's just not interesting enough to be a genuinely nice person. Yet I'm convinced that we need a lot more of those kinds of role models on TV. I think a lot of people do choose the wrong idols or role models nowadays.
      I think the most genuinely nice characters are the most interesting ones It's really lovely to see someone in fiction that isn't your atypical "hero/fighter" or "geek/techie" person. That's what I liked about Carson - he was just a plain (well, not really 'plain' ) doctor. Elizabeth was also interesting in that she was a peacekeeper.

      The others as much as I love them are a bit ... in traditional roles, to put it lightly?


        I agree that genuinely nice characters are very interesting, jet. I simply have the impression that this doesn't apply to a majority of viewers. Still, Carson was/IS a fanfavourite on Atlantis, no matter how many peeps don't want to see him come back, about 90% of the audience thought that it was a bad move to kill him off in the first place. I really don't think the voice of reason could have been any clearer. How far do you actually have to be out of touch with the viewers to make a decision only 10% of the audience doesn't see as the biggest mistake ever?! *scratches head*


        twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


          Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
          Don't look so shocked, idlewild, we didn't do that EVERY night. It was also was a once-in-a-lifetime experience for us.
          Ok, I was gonna say! Still, that's quite the feat.

          Proudly Supporting Team USA


            Originally Posted by Fainne View Post
            I sometimes roast marshmellows over candles and it really works. Well, it takes a while but it's tasty. I LOVE marshmellows *whistles*
            And the marshmellows don't taste like candle wax? *spits on floor*
            No... they don't taste like candle wax. You must hold them over the flame and not into it

            Originally Posted by Fainne View Post
            Wait, are we related?
            "Luke, I'm your father!" LOL
            *lol* do I have to call you "daddy" - or better "mommy" - from now on?

            Yeah, the thought bothers me as well, jet. Sometimes it really seems like people are of the opinion that only geeks and guys with quirks etc. are worth watching. I believe it's a bit like when you are kids, you might play war/fight with a few friends but how often do you actually play peace? I guess it's just not interesting enough to be a genuinely nice person. Yet I'm convinced that we need a lot more of those kinds of role models on TV. I think a lot of people do choose the wrong idols or role models nowadays.
            You are right! I think those people don't like watching "peacemakers" because this is boring to them. I don't know why, maybe it is because most of them who watch it never knew war. They think it is exiting to fight.


              Originally posted by Fainne View Post
              You are right! I think those people don't like watching "peacemakers" because this is boring to them. I don't know why, maybe it is because most of them who watch it never knew war. They think it is exiting to fight.
              Exciting indeed, but they seem to forget that keeping the peace is actually much more challenging than fighting and trying to destroy the other one.

              And there we actually go full circle with Beckett's retrovirus. Yes, it probably WAS wrong to invent that drug. Yes, it DID rob the Wraith of what essentially makes them what they are, what defines them. But he didn't do that to do harm, he wanted to prevent one species from wiping out the other. He simply wanted for the war and killing to stop. I think he consciously sacrificed his conscience for the benefit of the survival of everyone. It obviously didn't work; and he payed dearly. More dearly than he deserved anyway, for one could question his ethics (or better lack thereof) for creating the retrovirus but one could never question his motives!
              twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                Exciting indeed, but they seem to forget that keeping the peace is actually much more challenging than fighting and trying to destroy the other one.

                And there we actually go full circle with Beckett's retrovirus. Yes, it probably WAS wrong to invent that drug. Yes, it DID rob the Wraith of what essentially makes them what they are, what defines them. But he didn't do that to do harm, he wanted to prevent one species from wiping out the other. He simply wanted for the war and killing to stop. I think he consciously sacrificed his conscience for the benefit of the survival of everyone. It obviously didn't work; and he payed dearly. More dearly than he deserved anyway, for one could question his ethics (or better lack thereof) for creating the retrovirus but one could never question his motives!
                I know I know ... they don't appreciate what they already have. A life in peace.

                I only can think of the german saying "der Zweck heiligt die Mittel" (The end justifies the means) . I don't believe that it was the right choice - but Carson doesn't either. That's what I like about that - they show both sides of the story. I know he did it because of good reasons... but there is a huge "BUT".. you know what I mean?


                  *read all the new posts* - so, not much time left for my own post

                  Originally posted by phibi View Post
                  we hadn't this in a long time...
                  I love this pic!

                  Originally posted by Reiko View Post
                  Scary indeed I never knew such evil until I heard of people that actually hate Carson. I find that surprising. Do they just like Keller better (bleagh nonetheless) or (hope not) just don't want him back?
                  I hope, they don't really "hate" him! Maybe it's more like some people think: dead is dead. In general I don't like the scifi idea of bringin back a death person after some eps either. But I really wanted to see Carson again because he is such a likable character. And I love to hear the accent, too

                  Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                  lol at the German day. I think a lot of people would get terribly lost if we did that. I'm not even sure I wouldn't be one of them. *hides in corner* Everything Stargate related is in my head so totally associated with the English language, I always have a hard time talking about Atlantis and Beckett in German. *hangs head even more* I think phibi knows what I mean.
                  No need to hide, I feel the same. And I prefer to watch a film in the original language (if it's an English one because I can't understand other languages).

                  Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

                  We are definitely five Germans on board right now, six if we give leelakin, who doesn't post here any longer, honorary membership for extraordinary efforts in this thread.
                  Count me, too



                    aawww dirty Carson and Duet), i love the sixth one from the top)
                    i think he looks just lovely and sexy in battlegear) (allthough he seldom seems to do any batteling*grinn*)

                    silvercomet, love your cap too, absolutely. Very nice in stubble and shorter hair. I think the shorter hair he had in the first 2 seasons made him look sooo cute)


                      I've made another one!
                      Now I'm knowing how to make it, I can't hardly stop!

                      fiancé scene


                        Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                        [FONT="Century Gothic"]Yes, good old times, Jenner! But if I remember correctly, it wasn't 20 pages, "just" 12 pages = 248 posts in one night. (I just checked my notification; I kept that one )
                        Ahhh, 12, 20, whatever, I knew there was a 2 in there! But that still is a lot! LOL, what a night in the gutter.

                        Visit My Flickr!!


                          And there we actually go full circle with Beckett's retrovirus. Yes, it probably WAS wrong to invent that drug. Yes, it DID rob the Wraith of what essentially makes them what they are, what defines them. But he didn't do that to do harm, he wanted to prevent one species from wiping out the other. He simply wanted for the war and killing to stop. I think he consciously sacrificed his conscience for the benefit of the survival of everyone. It obviously didn't work; and he payed dearly. More dearly than he deserved anyway, for one could question his ethics (or better lack thereof) for creating the retrovirus but one could never question his motives!
                          mmhh, in all these discusions about Carson's etics most seem to forget that he was pushed allot to do all those things by the team , weir and sheppard.
                          he had virtualy no say in wether or not he should help the Hoffs with the virus, he was voluntered for it by sheppard or Weir i believe withouth him knowing about it.
                          Seemed to me the whole team made a very bad call there and now mainly Carson and Teyla are suffering from it.
                          I would have liked the ptb sometimes to hang it a little bit more on a bad leadership decision then mainly saying again and again "the Hoff virus Carson created" or "Michael made so and so by Carson"
                          It was clear Carson had big reservations on the whole virus thing, and it sure should be more clear that he had allot of presure put on him to do what he did.

                          The only doubt i had was when he started to experiment on Michael in season 3, withouth the voiced complaints and reservations he normally would have, that was a very dark Carson, with very questionable etics as a doctor. (as in fact he became the very thing he stated in the last scenes of poisening the well, a doc. experimenting on his patient)
                          Allthough the show seems to want to go that way, since i was about baffled by the same thing when sheppard shot the wraith in the atlantis holding cell (steve i believe?) withouth the show mentioning anything about shooting prisoners in generall (geneve convention) and shooting unarmed prisoners IN a holding cell in general, the whole team seemed rather undisturbed by that.

                          on a sitenote i couldn't hold myself to make some comparison from the show to real live when to my amazement the israeli incident with the wounded suacidebomber shot dead for the camera, was shown graficly on severall main newschannels (in the afternoon), like Cnn, BBC world and here in holland. something that surely wouldn't be broadcasted 5-10 years ago.
                          I could not but think about the scene from Duet in the beginning were sheppard shoots the wounded wraith before Carson could help, assuming the wraith would try to detonate himself.

                          seems to me the world in RL and maybe in comparison Stargate have become a whole lot darker and harder since then.
                          sure back in SG1 those issues were shown also, but with much more discusion and questionmarking within the show/episodes, while now we are lucky when someone of the team give some voice to what the right thing to do is. (Weir did now and again and was about the only one who seemed to be worried for Carson to that aspect).

                          I am missing that a bit.


                            Originally posted by Reiko View Post

                            I think the most genuinely nice characters are the most interesting ones It's really lovely to see someone in fiction that isn't your atypical "hero/fighter" or "geek/techie" person. That's what I liked about Carson - he was just a plain (well, not really 'plain' ) doctor. Elizabeth was also interesting in that she was a peacekeeper.

                            The others as much as I love them are a bit ... in traditional roles, to put it lightly?

                            Morning, Afternoon to everyone. I agree with your comment. He is a character that viewers can relate to. Your right about not seeing a lot of characters like him in fiction. That makes him even more special.


                              Originally posted by meezergater View Post
                              mmhh, in all these discusions about Carson's etics most seem to forget that he was pushed allot to do all those things by the team , weir and sheppard.
                              he had virtualy no say in wether or not he should help the Hoffs with the virus, he was voluntered for it by sheppard or Weir i believe withouth him knowing about it.
                              Seemed to me the whole team made a very bad call there and now mainly Carson and Teyla are suffering from it.
                              I would have liked the ptb sometimes to hang it a little bit more on a bad leadership decision then mainly saying again and again "the Hoff virus Carson created" or "Michael made so and so by Carson"
                              It was clear Carson had big reservations on the whole virus thing, and it sure should be more clear that he had allot of presure put on him to do what he did.

                              The only doubt i had was when he started to experiment on Michael in season 3, withouth the voiced complaints and reservations he normally would have, that was a very dark Carson, with very questionable etics as a doctor. (as in fact he became the very thing he stated in the last scenes of poisening the well, a doc. experimenting on his patient)
                              Allthough the show seems to want to go that way, since i was about baffled by the same thing when sheppard shot the wraith in the atlantis holding cell (steve i believe?) withouth the show mentioning anything about shooting prisoners in generall (geneve convention) and shooting unarmed prisoners IN a holding cell in general, the whole team seemed rather undisturbed by that.

                              on a sitenote i couldn't hold myself to make some comparison from the show to real live when to my amazement the israeli incident with the wounded suacidebomber shot dead for the camera, was shown graficly on severall main newschannels (in the afternoon), like Cnn, BBC world and here in holland. something that surely wouldn't be broadcasted 5-10 years ago.
                              I could not but think about the scene from Duet in the beginning were sheppard shoots the wounded wraith before Carson could help, assuming the wraith would try to detonate himself.

                              seems to me the world in RL and maybe in comparison Stargate have become a whole lot darker and harder since then.
                              sure back in SG1 those issues were shown also, but with much more discusion and questionmarking within the show/episodes, while now we are lucky when someone of the team give some voice to what the right thing to do is. (Weir did now and again and was about the only one who seemed to be worried for Carson to that aspect).

                              I am missing that a bit.
                              That's a topic we can discuss years and years and would not come to a conclusion. I totally agree with you. But at some point we need to differ reality from sci-fi. Sci-fi has always been a medium to criticise - and that's great. It's just that we don't know how we really would act if there was an enemy like the wraiths. that does not mean I agree with shooting a prisoner (wraith) and they should forget every diplomatic and human procedure. And maybe they learn from it and find their way back to the ideals.

                              @Luci I LOVE it.. love it love it love it!!!!

                              Morning, Afternoon to everyone. I agree with your comment. He is a character that viewers can relate to. Your right about not seeing a lot of characters like him in fiction. That makes him even more special.
                              I wish we could see more of those characters.


                                Lia: I love it, too!


                                Last edited by Luciana; 12 March 2008, 08:26 AM.

