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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
    The turtles question answered???


    From JM's blog:

    Thanks Susan for asking!!!!
    Wow!!! Thanks!!!!


      All giddy now thinking about going to the con. Shame it looks like Frakes and Sirtis cancelled, but as long as Pauly's still there, all good. Just gotta arrange a flight and buy the ticket. And yes, it is actually cheaper than the big school trip because, since that one was for school credit, I'd have had to pay tuition, somewhere in the range of $2300, not counting buying a tent, other supplies, food, laundromat expenses, etc. So this is WAY cheaper.

      Idlewild, I'd love to room with you and Haliyah if you'll have me! I don't know how big the rooms are, but if we're short a bed, I'll happily bring the sleeping bag I would have been sleeping in for the other trip. Just let me know what I need to do, how much it'll cost, whatever else I need to know.

      *squees* I'm going to see Paul! And hang out with sci-fi friends! Oh, I can't wait!



        Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
        The turtles question answered???

        Thanks Susan for asking!!!!

        Thanks Susan (& Jenner, for the link!) I feel so much better now.




          Craig McGill has put up a tidbit in the 'comments' section until he gets the
          actual interview posted:


          Anyhoo, thanks everyone for your questions. I hope these help your
          Paul fix until I can post up the interview:

          No, Paul won't be off to DragonCon this year. He normally does it
          every second year, but won't be there this year.
          So far the only convention he is firmed up for is on in Milton Keynes
          in May.
          Paul said the best way to find out where he is going to be is through
          regular checks on his website.
          As for what ones he goes to: "I've been incredibly lucky with the
          fans so I try to make sure that I get to see as many as possible to
          thank them for their support over the years - but sometimes you can't
          get along because of filming or other work-related matters."

          Go to page for rest of tidbits.


            Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
            The turtles question answered???


            From JM's blog:

            Thanks Susan for asking!!!!

            YAY!! I cannot wait now! Oh, I'll have to break out my plushie turtle for the event, my mom has had it since before I was born

            Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
            All giddy now thinking about going to the con. Shame it looks like Frakes and Sirtis cancelled, but as long as Pauly's still there, all good. Just gotta arrange a flight and buy the ticket. And yes, it is actually cheaper than the big school trip because, since that one was for school credit, I'd have had to pay tuition, somewhere in the range of $2300, not counting buying a tent, other supplies, food, laundromat expenses, etc. So this is WAY cheaper.

            Idlewild, I'd love to room with you and Haliyah if you'll have me! I don't know how big the rooms are, but if we're short a bed, I'll happily bring the sleeping bag I would have been sleeping in for the other trip. Just let me know what I need to do, how much it'll cost, whatever else I need to know.

            *squees* I'm going to see Paul! And hang out with sci-fi friends! Oh, I can't wait!

            Frakes canceled? That's a bummer! Riker has always been my fave trek character, darn. Oh well, at least Paul will be there
            Woohoo!! It's going to be one big slumber party!

            Proudly Supporting Team USA


              Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
              Beuties!!!! Cliff Simon also looks awesome
              Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
              I love them EG Especially the first one
              Thanks, Jenny.


                It's Texas...where I live......I hate snow.
                Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                  Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                  It's Texas...where I live......I hate snow.
                  Join the club... we got 6 inches last weekend JUST when it was started to melt... *sigh* I am so ready for spring!

                  I've been going down to Albuquerque a lot lately, it's been sooooooo nice to get out of the cold and snow and be able to be outside in shirt sleeves! Is it summer already?

                  Proudly Supporting Team USA


                    Uff, had to read a lot of sides. Took some time.

                    Thanks to all for the nice pics and posts!

                    Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post

                    -TJ, lover of turtles!


                    Originally posted by jetflair View Post
                    I just watched Sunday. I expected to tear up a little. But I cried. Full-on crying. I was doing okay until the very last scenes.

                    *whimpers and goes hidey*
                    I knew what would happen before I saw this ep. I was a little afraid of it. And then surprised that it wasn't so teribble. Well, until the scenes starting with/just before Weir's speech. Then the tears just run...

                    Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                    Hello everyone!
                    I'm new. And I'm from Germany. So maybe my English isn't the best, 'cause I'm out of training.


                    Hope you like it!
                    Welcome/Willkommen! I'm still try to improve my English, too.

                    Great pic!

                    Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                    Well, I've given it a lot of thought and decided to cancel the summer field camp and go to FedCon.
                    Have fun!

                    Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                    [FONT="Century Gothic"]Oh, there's so much more than ONE pic of him in a kilt!

                    You like a taste of that?! (Sorry for deliberate thunk-reposting of other people's pics )
                    He looks soooooo good!

                    Love this pic. His face. Funny



                      Originally posted by Emre View Post
                      And you call ME a bad girl.
                      This forum has completely corrupted me.

                      Originally posted by jetflair View Post
                      Awwwwww the adopted Carson turtle is so cool! Love it!

                      On a sadder note.......


                      I just watched Sunday. I expected to tear up a little. But I cried. Full-on crying. I was doing okay until the very last scenes.

                      *whimpers and goes hidey*
                      *hugs jetflair*
                      We've all been there, so I know how you feel- I cried as well and I never watched that episode again.

                      Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                      I understand that perfectly, Twinny. But you really should watch "The Ark" now - it's got some wonderful Carson moments! And he looks SOOOO cute in that orange hazmat suit ...
                      Agreed. :d

                      Originally posted by miss_kaylee View Post
                      He looks so hot in hazmat gear. I brought pancakes for everyone:
                      LOL. Thanks for the pancakes. Delicius.

                      Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                      Hello everyone!
                      I'm new. And I'm from Germany. So maybe my English isn't the best, 'cause I'm out of training.
                      The last days, I spent my free time with reading this thread.
                      I startet at page 400 and yes...I'd a look at every single page.
                      Finally finished, I decided to join.
                      And to celebrate my debut I got a little gift for you I created by myself:

                      Hope you like it!

                      to GW and Carson thunk thread. Enjoy your stay.
                      I love the wallie. And don't mind your rusty english, mine is also far from perfect.

                      Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                      Well, I've given it a lot of thought and decided to cancel the summer field camp and go to FedCon.
                      (((((everybody)))))!!!! I hope you're all having a good week! Everything okay in y'all's worlds?
                      YAY! I'm happy for you and definitely not jealous...nope not jealous at all.
                      Don't forget to say hi to you-know-who.

                      Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                      More Carson goodies from me:


                      For some reason I was in a Carson-art-making kind of mood today.
                      VERY nice!

                      Originally posted by EH-T View Post

                      I was never a regular SGA watcher until this year with the addition of . I had seen on my occasional season 1-3 viewing but I realized how much I missed him when I saw him again in Kindred I and II.

                      Love the accent. If he were in a kilt there would be no way I could resist him!
                      Welcome to the thread EH-T! We all love the accent, I think.

                      Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                      *drools over all the kilt goodness* Gosh this man looks so damn HOT in a kilt!!

                      Or I just can stick with thunking, no money needed to enjoy this
                      Nope, no money needed for that. *melts in a puddle next to Idlewild*

                      Gosh, I've been busy this last weeks and I completely neglected my football practice and this thread. I promise I'll make it up to you if you let me.

                      How about a pic spam

                      "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                        Originally posted by silvercomet View Post
                        I knew what would happen before I saw this ep. I was a little afraid of it. And then surprised that it wasn't so teribble. Well, until the scenes starting with/just before Weir's speech. Then the tears just run...
                        I know - similar thing happened to me. Even when he was killed, it didn't bother me that much. I knew it was coming, it happened, and that was that. I started getting very sad at Wier's speech, not because of what she was saying (she's not that great at tributes, IMO!) but because of the faces of Carson's friends....and of course at his team carrying the coffin through the gate.

                        But I didn't cry until the end, where Carson appeared to Rodney. That ripped me to emotional little bits.


                        I'm sorry if I'm just rehashing ground all of you covered when these events originally happened on the show, but I feel the need to post, so....

                        I've seen two eps without Carson now, and it's wierd. I'm not sure how I feel about it. They are moving on with the show as though he never even existed!

                        In one sense, it's nice not to have it rubbed in that Carson is gone, and I recognize that to the average viewer, eps with the team hanging around moping because their friend died wouldn't exactly be entertaining. And of course there is the long-standing TV/SGA rule that not even the most earth-shattering physical or emotional damage to characters shalt carry over to the next episode. Teyla recovered pretty quick from her major abominal wound, too It's not out of character for them to wipe the slate clear of truamas and injuries.

                        On the other feels like a bit of a betrayal, especially at the end of three seasons of character development and a whole season very focused on bonding that team and showing their depth of caring for each other growing. Blink, he's gone, move on. What?????

                        I just don't know how to feel about it


                          Well I don't Thunk for him, but I love his character
                          and I still can't watch the ending to "Sunday" because of him.

                          I did a search on google and gathered these up, sorry if they're repeats, there's too many damn pages on this one.

                          O'Neill: "Ah. Trees, trees and more trees! What a wonderfully green universe we live in, eh."

                          Season 3 Episode 8 - Demons


                            Originally posted by Tiger View Post
                            Well I don't Thunk for him, but I love his character
                            and I still can't watch the ending to "Sunday" because of him.

                            I did a search on google and gathered these up, sorry if they're repeats, there's too many damn pages on this one.

                            Repeats never hurt.

                            Looks like there's so many Europeans on this thread!
                            Me being Belgian myself (temporarily in Chicago).


                              Originally posted by Tiger View Post
                              Well I don't Thunk for him, but I love his character
                              and I still can't watch the ending to "Sunday" because of him.

                              I did a search on google and gathered these up, sorry if they're repeats, there's too many damn pages on this one.

                              gorgeous pics and I am excatly the same



                                LOL Sheppard little minx, more to around for the others.

                                He's just a very likable character and the accent is great with some specific things he says.
                                I'm always wanting him to do a line from Shrek. That would send me to the floor.
                                O'Neill: "Ah. Trees, trees and more trees! What a wonderfully green universe we live in, eh."

                                Season 3 Episode 8 - Demons

