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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by leighanners View Post
    I'm most likely not gonna get to go to Dallas... I just bought new furniture for my house I'm moving in I got some other stuff I need to get for my money. *pouts* This is so not cool. Just when I got all prepared not to go before, they add the most awesome Scottish Doc in two galaxies to the list.
    Awww, that's not cool. Who knows, maybe you'll still end being able to come.

    Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

    Once again a word about the seating at panels. To really get great shots with your camera, you have to be very close to the stage. My seat was very good for watching but not so much for pictures, already too far. At one panel with PM I sat according to my ticket and the other in the economy category because I met a friend who only had an economy ticket, the pics are obviously different but not too much worse.

    Here are two examples
    From the front

    From farther back
    As you can see, the farther-away perspective was elevated while the other seats were level with the stage, though that will probably differ with respect to the building.

    That's good to know, in a way, not that it matters much for me because the camera I'll probably be bringing has a poor zoom (I miss my old camera I broke, it had a nice zoom!). I guess we're just going to have to badger Haliyah into taking lots of pictures for all of us with her fancy smancy new camera

    However, I should have me a laptop by then, so I will be sure to keep ya'll up to date

    Oh... and then... *drumroll*
    bought my ticket today! Woohoo!! *does a happy dance* Only economy, but what the hell, it means I'm going!! Squeeee!!

    Proudly Supporting Team USA


      Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
      However, I should have me a laptop by then, so I will be sure to keep ya'll up to date

      Oh... and then... *drumroll*
      bought my ticket today! Woohoo!! *does a happy dance* Only economy, but what the hell, it means I'm going!! Squeeee!!
      Yay, you already got your ticket, idlewild! That's great.
      And it's such a nice treat to learn you totally plan on letting us benefit from your "techincal support". I'm already squeeing in anticipation!

      Carson is happy as well, he even dressed up properly to celebrate the fact you're coming to meet him...

      No wait, wrong pic...

      twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


        I love the first pic, Twinny. He's adorable


          well, really not welcome...more like welcome back i have indeed been here before


            Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
            lol... it is a possibility
            I figure if I can hand sew most of a civil war era dress (the button holes took forever ) then what's a jacket and pants that I can sew on a machine I think a trip to the fabric store is in order!
            .:Hah, you'll be fine, then, lol! You MUST take pics of the finished product!

            I'll probably steal my sister's camera *evil laugh* It's small and not the best, but it's better than nothing! If I ever had oodles of money I'm going to spoil myself to a Nikon D80 and a telephoto lens. I love Nikons.
            .:I want a camera that has bags of megapixels and a crisp, clear zoom. I'd also like it so see light the way our eyes do; as in it won't be completely dark in a darkened room with a light on the stage.
            .:I was thinking about getting an Olympus SLR, but I'll have to go into Black's and geek-talk with the techs. Why do you love Nikons so much?

            Squeee!! You have just made me all the more excited about this Twinny !! I'm about to go kick my brother off the good computer so I can get my ticket *bounces*
            .:I'm totally getting my Gold ticket next Freitag!

            .:EDIT: O_o; I'm slipping German words into my sentences...gotta stop doing my German lessons and then going onto forums...
            Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
            Haliyah, welcome back!!
            Waiting for Kindred...
            .:Thank you! I think we're all waiting for The Kindred...*whines* I want my Carson NOOooOoooowwww...
            Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
            Haliyah!! If you bring your pipes, I promise I will dance a fling.
            .:That'd be really cool, but...still not a good enough reason to risk pretty things worth $2100.00 that are like my babies. -_-;
            Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
            I really want to go, but my plans are changing rapidly due to a new job. I'm going to be going to Ireland in the next couple of weeks, so at this point, I have no idea if I'll be able to go to FedConUSA.
            .:Good luck with that new job! I have no idea what it is, but going to Ireland to be trained is cool enough!

            I would like to go though, and I would bring my pipes too... assuming I finally get good enough to be able to play them. Since I obtained a couple of mouthpiece protectors, it's been exceptionally difficult for me to be able to play for longer than 15 minutes even on my practice chanter, and it's even worse when I try to practice on my pipes. I have to blow so much harder to get the chanter to sound for the F, G, and high A. Maybe my reed sucks.
            .:Are they the extra-squishy kind? You'll never be able to hold a seal with just your lips. I bite mine lightly. Don't bite it hard, just enough to keep it where it's supposed to be. The mouthpiece simply will not stay in my mouth otherwise. The air pressure and gravity cause it to pop out. I'd suggest putting a protector only on your pipe mouthpiece. That way, you're still building lip-seal strength when you practise on your practice-chanter, and you'll still be used to the feel of them when you practice on your Great Highlands. Also: if you ever play in any're really going to have to start gripping with your teeth, or you'll have no seal left at all! Some people may recommend against it, but it's never been a problem for me. I can still play for hours. Just do what feels comfortable. They should not be taxing to play.

            .:Oooh, also? Finding it harder to blow on the high hand is normal. It really makes sense, if you think about it in regards to the way a reed works and the tapered shape of the chanter. You'll get used to it after a while. Once you've got the playing/breathing/etc. rhythm down, the tone control will most likely be reflexive, and you won't even notice. How does the low hand feel?

            Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post

            That's good to know, in a way, not that it matters much for me because the camera I'll probably be bringing has a poor zoom (I miss my old camera I broke, it had a nice zoom!). I guess we're just going to have to badger Haliyah into taking lots of pictures for all of us with her fancy smancy new camera

            However, I should have me a laptop by then, so I will be sure to keep ya'll up to date
            .:OF COURSE I'll be taking lots of pictures! What the flying heck would be the point of buying a shiny new camera THIS YEAR if not specifically for that?

            .:I'm hoping to bring my laptop, too. I'll bring it as a carry-on.

            Last edited by Haliyah; 12 February 2008, 10:36 PM. Reason: Uhm. Deutsch, like whoa. o_O;


              Hi fellow thunkers!!

              I haven't posted in here in gosh, I don't know how long, I feel almost like a stranger.

              Hopefully some of you can still remember me.

              I'm hardly here as often as I like, but I am still a proud Thunker of Paul/Carson and I can't wait for Kindred and the rest of the episodes he will be in. Hopefully it'll be more than 5 episodes as planned, but as long as our Dr Beckett is back in Atlantis, I'm esctatic!!

              Anyway, even if I'm not here often, I thunk with you all in spirit
              Last edited by Celestial; 12 February 2008, 11:48 PM. Reason: I can't spell!!
              Proud Thunker of Carson Beckett and John Sheppard
              and Captain Jack Harkness
              Creator of The Rockett - Rodney & Beckett Thread
              Priestess of the Lab Coat Love Association
              Proud owner of the chant *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
              I live here.....Calling All Australians?
              My other home...Stargate Down Under
              My Life on LiveJournal


                Originally posted by Celestial View Post
                Anyway, even if I'm not here often, I thunk with you all in spirit
                *hugs Celestial for stopping by*

                And don't worry, Haliyah, I'm totally fine with your slipping in a few German words. Weiterhin viel Erfolg mit Deinem Deutschkurs!

                And I completely forgot to wish you good luck for your new job, Jersey! I'm so scatterbrained sometimes. Have fun in Ireland, it's a wonderful country. I wonder whether you have time for enjoying your time while you're there or whether it'll all be just focusing on the training.
                Anyway, have a safe trip!

                Sorry about the mistake, SlytherinGal. My bad that I don't remember you; but that definitely shouldn't make you feel less welcome.

                JennyJ, I fully agree, the pic is nine kinds of awesome. I think it might be one of phibi's stash but I'm not entirely sure about that.
                twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                  Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                  JennyJ, I fully agree, the pic is nine kinds of awesome. I think it might be one of phibi's stash but I'm not entirely sure about that.
                  yes it is, but don't worry

                  So Jersey when will you go to Ireland? How long? Going on roadtrips there as well? Planning on a quick trip to Scotland while you're there? (Really sounds like an interrogation, but I'm just curious )

                  Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                  Visit me at my LJ


                    woohoo, the big 1000... I thought I dedicate this post to this thread cause I started here and the main part of my posts were here So bring out the cake *lol* or Paul...

                    and I bring you our photo from Pegasus3... although he had a bad stomache, he joined in the fun... and before you ask... HE pushed his legs outwards!!

                    Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                    Visit me at my LJ


                      *waves* hey all!

                      Oh my goodness, I've missed this place! I don't know where I picked it up, but somewhere along the line I got this massive head cold. Knocked me right out for the past 3 days. I think it's finally going away, at least I hope this is the final stretch. I have to say though, all those lovely Paul pics are very therapeutic.

                      *hugs* I'm so far behind, hopefully I'll get the chance to catch up later. For now though, time to try and get a couple more hours sleep.

                      My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                      "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                        Originally posted by SlytherinGal View Post
                        hello one and's my fellow Carson thunkers. only a few more eppies left here in the states until Carson comes back can't wait to see how he does so
                        I think we're all just waiting anxiously for Kindred. I know I am.

                        Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                        I'm most likely not gonna get to go to Dallas... I just bought new furniture for my house I'm moving in I got some other stuff I need to get for my money. *pouts* This is so not cool. Just when I got all prepared not to go before, they add the most awesome Scottish Doc in two galaxies to the list.
                        Oh bummer.
                        I know how you feel. Really. It wasn't Paul-realted with me, but I was devastated. I'm sorry you can't go.*hugs*

                        Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                        Oh... and then... *drumroll*
                        bought my ticket today! Woohoo!! *does a happy dance* Only economy, but what the hell, it means I'm going!! Squeeee!!
                        Wohoo! Now you're really going! I'm sure you'll have loads of fun.

                        Originally posted by Celestial View Post
                        Hi fellow thunkers!!

                        I haven't posted in here in gosh, I don't know how long, I feel almost like a stranger.
                        Hopefully some of you can still remember me.
                        Anyway, even if I'm not here often, I thunk with you all in spirit
                        Hi. Of course we remember you celestial.
                        I know everybody has a personal life (some more busy than the others ) and we can't all post in here all the time. That's why we always have a few thunkers that post pretty pictures that others can drool over.

                        Jersey I read you're going to Ireland-that's so cool (I really have no other word). I wish you all the best.

                        And SETI: I'll keep my fingers crossed for that scholarship.

                        I hope you haven't missed me too much. I think I'll have a little more time to thunk now, that my exams are almost over. It didn't go so well, but nothing is over yet.

                        Congrats to Phibi on 1000 posts!!
                        "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                          *Plays with PB*

                          Oh! I have a Carson pic!


                          In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                          I wish I got to know you better.


                            Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                            Yay, you already got your ticket, idlewild! That's great.
                            And it's such a nice treat to learn you totally plan on letting us benefit from your "techincal support". I'm already squeeing in anticipation!

                            Carson is happy as well, he even dressed up properly to celebrate the fact you're coming to meet him...

                            No wait, wrong pic...

                            Eeee.... all those lovely pictures, now I really can NOT wait
                            Is it June yet??

                            Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                            .:Hah, you'll be fine, then, lol! You MUST take pics of the finished product!
                            Have no fear, camera woman will take plenty of pictures of said uniform

                            Originally posted by Haliyah View Post
                            .:I want a camera that has bags of megapixels and a crisp, clear zoom. I'd also like it so see light the way our eyes do; as in it won't be completely dark in a darkened room with a light on the stage.
                            .:I was thinking about getting an Olympus SLR, but I'll have to go into Black's and geek-talk with the techs. Why do you love Nikons so much?
                            Yeah, that's why I want a telephoto lens, lots of zoom in one of those babies. I like Nikons mostly because I've gotten to use them a lot, I find them very easy to operate and understand. But, I would not be put off by the idea of a Cannon Rebel or Olympus SLR

                            Originally posted by phibi View Post
                            woohoo, the big 1000... I thought I dedicate this post to this thread cause I started here and the main part of my posts were here So bring out the cake *lol* or Paul...

                            and I bring you our photo from Pegasus3... although he had a bad stomache, he joined in the fun... and before you ask... HE pushed his legs outwards!!

                            Lol, I love that picture!! Hehehehe...
                            And,Congrats on 1000 posts!!!

                            Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                            I think we're all just waiting anxiously for Kindred. I know I am.
                            9 days, 9 hours, and 18 minutes till it airs for me !!!

                            Proudly Supporting Team USA


                              Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                              Eeee.... all those lovely pictures, now I really can NOT wait
                              Is it June yet??

                              Have no fear, camera woman will take plenty of pictures of said uniform

                              Yeah, that's why I want a telephoto lens, lots of zoom in one of those babies. I like Nikons mostly because I've gotten to use them a lot, I find them very easy to operate and understand. But, I would not be put off by the idea of a Cannon Rebel or Olympus SLR

                              Lol, I love that picture!! Hehehehe...
                              And,Congrats on 1000 posts!!!

                              9 days, 9 hours, and 18 minutes till it airs for me !!!

                              Oh my gosh already?! Thats right its next week! See you at FedCon cuz I bought my ticket for me and my bro yesterday
                              BRING BACK THE REAL ATLANTIS


                                I have a question

                                Ok, this is actually a really stupid question, but I see no other way. We (my friends and I) are going to America in April to a competition Design/Build/Fly in Wichita. Anyway, this is not the point here...I was wondering, since we're all eager students and this will be one time opportunity to buy aviation books in english in a cheap way, do any of you have ANY idea where to get them? I mean, sure there are bookstores, but I was wondering, if there is any aviation bookstores? (ok, that sounds riddiculus)
                                What I mean is: are bookstores all for general books, so almost each has a few books about aviation or airplanes? Or are wu suppose to look for a specific bookstore? Because I've been searching on the web and I only found e-bookstores.
                                And, if anyone has any idea of a large bookstore in any of the following cities, I'd really appreciated if he/she would let me know:
                                Wichita, Denver, Miami, Orlando, Washington, New York and Boston.
                                Really, I could use any help from you guys, because I'm completely confused, and I think I also managed to confuse you, too.

                                Pic spam to bribe you guys


                                "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."

