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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    I really want to go, but my plans are changing rapidly due to a new job. I'm going to be going to Ireland in the next couple of weeks, so at this point, I have no idea if I'll be able to go to FedConUSA.

    I would like to go though, and I would bring my pipes too... assuming I finally get good enough to be able to play them. Since I obtained a couple of mouthpiece protectors, it's been exceptionally difficult for me to be able to play for longer than 15 minutes even on my practice chanter, and it's even worse when I try to practice on my pipes. I have to blow so much harder to get the chanter to sound for the F, G, and high A. Maybe my reed sucks.


      Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
      I really want to go, but my plans are changing rapidly due to a new job. I'm going to be going to Ireland in the next couple of weeks, so at this point, I have no idea if I'll be able to go to FedConUSA.
      you're going to Ireland? The new job is in Ireland? Cool Congrats!

      Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
      Visit me at my LJ


        Phooey. Well, looks like Fedcon is right out for me. I had it in my head the con was in July, but apparently it's in June, the weekend before I return from my summer field work. So, looks like I'll be camping in the desert catching snakes and insects while you guys are hanging out with Paul. lol Oh well, at least it's something I was dying to do anyway and it'll keep me from sitting around the house pouting about not going. And maybe I can always say hi to everybody over the phone or something. I hate to miss getting to meet a bunch of you guys sort of in-person.

        I don't suppose I could ask one of you lucky ones to get an autograph or something for me if I sent the money for it, could I? *big sad Puss in Boots eyes*

        Oh, and wish me luck! I'm applying for a few grad school fellowships today! And I'm a little surprised because my financial aid advisor just told me to go research the Rhodes Scholarship program. Now there's a long shot at best!



          Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
          Haliyah!! If you bring your pipes, I promise I will dance a fling.

          I just have to work out the airfare details ...
          So you are going?

          I've never been to a con before. I'm considering the economy ticket, too. Are there any old pros on list who have done both golden and economy and willing to share their thoughts?

          Originally posted by SETI-fan
          So, looks like I'll be camping in the desert catching snakes and insects
          This sounds like something my daughter may be doing when she goes to college. Last year when we were at White Sands for vacation she and I chased and finally caught one of the white lizards living there.

          As an undergrad in Biology, I took many camping trips, as well.

          Good luck on the grad school fellowships!!


            If it's anything like FedCon in Germany, the difference between Gold and Economy is pretty clear... Gold ticket = first dibs on autographs and a front row seat during panels, Economy ticket = sit in the back rows for panel and last (also largest) group to form a line for autographs. If you get an Economy ticket, you'll be lucky to be able to read Pauly's handwriting on your autograph... not that his spelling is good in the first place.

            And my new job isn't in Ireland, but the company is based there... so I have to go to Ireland for training for a few weeks.


              Its the first FedCon USA, isn't it? I really wonder if and how that works out. Dirk and his Con get quite some critic every year for being to expensive and ther stuff.
              But on the other hand its the only large German con which survived the last few years.
              This year I will be at the FedCon in Bonn again after I quitted for some years.
              The cake is a lie!


                Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                If it's anything like FedCon in Germany, the difference between Gold and Economy is pretty clear... Gold ticket = first dibs on autographs and a front row seat during panels, Economy ticket = sit in the back rows for panel and last (also largest) group to form a line for autographs. If you get an Economy ticket, you'll be lucky to be able to read Pauly's handwriting on your autograph... not that his spelling is good in the first place.

                And my new job isn't in Ireland, but the company is based there... so I have to go to Ireland for training for a few weeks.
                Thanks for the input. I'm not as concerned with autographs as I am with the seating.

                Have fun in Ireland!


                  Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                  Haliyah!! If you bring your pipes, I promise I will dance a fling.

                  I just have to work out the airfare details ...
                  And I'll video it, lol. Either that or applaud, hehehe

                  Aww, bummer you won't get to come SETI, I'm sure one of us can get an autograph for you

                  Originally posted by erb View Post

                  I've never been to a con before. I'm considering the economy ticket, too. Are there any old pros on list who have done both golden and economy and willing to share their thoughts?
                  I'm just getting the economy ticket, just being there is going to be enough for me!! Besides, I'm poor, lol, I could probably get the gold ticket if I didn't have to pay for gas and a hotel room.

                  Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                  Its the first FedCon USA, isn't it? I really wonder if and how that works out. Dirk and his Con get quite some critic every year for being to expensive and ther stuff.
                  But on the other hand its the only large German con which survived the last few years.
                  This year I will be at the FedCon in Bonn again after I quitted for some years.
                  Yeah, it's the first. And it's my first too, this is going to be a new expierence for me, I can't wait

                  Proudly Supporting Team USA


                    I wish I could to go the FedCon ._. Would be such an awesome experience.
                    ~ Proud thunker of Carson Beckett ~

                    Carson.........................Rodney .......................Teyla........................... John


                      Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                      If it's anything like FedCon in Germany, the difference between Gold and Economy is pretty clear... Gold ticket = first dibs on autographs and a front row seat during panels, Economy ticket = sit in the back rows for panel and last (also largest) group to form a line for autographs. If you get an Economy ticket, you'll be lucky to be able to read Pauly's handwriting on your autograph... not that his spelling is good in the first place.

                      And my new job isn't in Ireland, but the company is based there... so I have to go to Ireland for training for a few weeks.
                      humm something to ponder... First time meeting Paul id like to get a good seat and a good autograph to frame and id be happy to get anyone an autograph
                      BRING BACK THE REAL ATLANTIS


                        I'm most likely not gonna get to go to Dallas... I just bought new furniture for my house I'm moving in I got some other stuff I need to get for my money. *pouts* This is so not cool. Just when I got all prepared not to go before, they add the most awesome Scottish Doc in two galaxies to the list.
                        Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                          Not at all? Once in a lifetime PM comes to the same state you live in and you won't be able to go, that really $ucks, leighanners! *offers consoling hug from CarsonClone*

                          If you are interested in my opinion on the tickets for FedCon, in retrospect I'd better bought an economy ticket, for one, I would have really known in advance what my ticket did NOT include (although I guess it's much easier with only the gold and economy ticket, whereas we had three categories last year in Germany). I admit the seating for the higher prize was great but the autographs I got were all stellar, and I doubt my very decent autograph-experience could have been better or much worse with the other ticket because I quite liked the organization they had, even though I don't know how they want to handle it in the US. (For those who stayed the whole weekend, the autographing sessions were stretched over Saturday and Sunday, and I got mine on Sunday noon, so I guess the writing was better than Saturday late at night. YET I have to tell you that especially Paul McGillion (at least everytime I saw him at FedCon in Bonn) really took his time for the autographs and fans, I never had the impression he was rushing things to get it over with, on the contrary. Whether they'll have it organized in a similar manner in the USA, I don't know, or whether perhaps PM doesn't have as much time at hand as in Germany. Those are all variables that might influence the outcome enormously.

                          Once again a word about the seating at panels. To really get great shots with your camera, you have to be very close to the stage. My seat was very good for watching but not so much for pictures, already too far. At one panel with PM I sat according to my ticket and the other in the economy category because I met a friend who only had an economy ticket, the pics are obviously different but not too much worse.

                          Here are two examples
                          From the front

                          From farther back
                          As you can see, the farther-away perspective was elevated while the other seats were level with the stage, though that will probably differ with respect to the building.

                          Seti, good luck with your fellowship applications! After the amount of work you put into your course of studies, I'm sure you get a very good one. Otherwise tell me who turned you down...
                          Idlewild, Haliyah and TJinLOCA, I'll volunteer for watching the vid of your jig.

                          Today I tried to get a bit of my Atlantis enthusiasm back by watching 'The Hive'. Now let me share the thunk


                          I want my Beckett back, NOW!
                          twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                            I got a dumb question. Where do you get all the wonderful caps of Paul and Carson to post?


                              hello one and's my fellow Carson thunkers. only a few more eppies left here in the states until Carson comes back can't wait to see how he does so


                                Originally posted by miss_kaylee View Post
                                I got a dumb question. Where do you get all the wonderful caps of Paul and Carson to post?
                                That's not a dumb question, and we're glad to help you out. After all, we'd love for you to join in the pic posting frenzy, miss_kaylee!

                                There are actually two ways to get pics: a) do the capping yourself by playing the eps with a DVD/player programme on your computer and hit the 'take picture of the current frame' / 'take snapshot' button (or whatever it is called in the programme you use) and save the cap on your hard drive.
                                Or you can b) rightclick on the pictures you see in this thread and snurch / copy-paste the pictures other thunkers posted in your picture programme and save them on your hard drive. (Note: If you snurch pics, please make sure in advance that those who took the pics are okay with you doing so. It usually isn't a problem in this thread, especially the pics from episodes are relative fair game for everybody to snurch, but for conpics for example it's safer to ask the owner for permission before using them.)

                                Now you have the pics on your hard drive but you can't post them right away. You have to get a photobucket or imageshack account (any image hosting site will do) to which you can uplaod your caps/pics. There you'll get the image url (it looks like this: [IMG]...[ /IMG]), which you can copy into your post and the pics will show. That's it!

                                Have fun trying it out!

                                Originally posted by SlytherinGal View Post
                                hello one and's my fellow Carson thunkers. only a few more eppies left here in the states until Carson comes back can't wait to see how he does so
                                Indeed, SlytherinGal, and welcome to the thread!
                                twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic

