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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Scottish Doctor View Post
    oooo thanks for the link idlewild202

    Aww Paul looks sick I wanna hug him and give him chicken noodle soup
    Yeah, he looked kinda outa of it in those pictures. I almost want to say "wasted" in the sense that he just seemed wore out. Course I wasn't there so I can't say for sure, but that's the impression I'm getting from the pictures.

    Cshawyze, as always, your walls are fabulous!! I love them! I so can't wait till I have my own computer that I can actually use them on... my family loves stargate and all... but I'm not sure how much they'd appreciate Beckett walls on the family desktop, LOL!! (namely my brother... he teases me enough already over my obsession with Carson, lol)

    Proudly Supporting Team USA


      Goodness Gracious! Look how many posts I missed over the weekend; I'm stunned! You are so amazing for posting so many pages in here! *bows head*

      My dearest congratulations on 2500 brilliant posts,

      My dearest congratulations on 2000 terrific posts,

      My dearest congratulations on 800 amazing posts,

      My dearest congratulations on 200 gorgeous posts,

      My dearest congratulations on 100 fantastic posts,
      Scottish Doctor!

      Sorry I wasn't able to green you excessively but the mental green are engraved into your hearts! *hugs tightly*

      Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
      Mud Hole
      (well... without the car, lol)
      A mess of Carson Clones
      = A bunch of very VERY happy fangirls!!!

      lol! Brilliant illustration of the point, idlewild!
      Originally posted by leighanners View Post
      Oh...there will be lots of tasting. Oh I am so bad
      That you are indeed, leighanners!
      Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
      Thanks to Prion for this info (and whoever posted it on the SCB Yahoo! Group
      Paul To Do An SGA Audio Book
      Wow, that sounds great! Good to hear he had much work while he was away from Atlantis.
      Originally posted by Scottish Doctor View Post
      In honor of your milestones, I present this lovely wall for you guys....there's 3 Carsons each get one and a half of a half lol.
      Amazing art, Scottish Doctor!
      Please don't take it the wrong way but I knew in advance exactly what you'd post for your great milestone. But we certainly don't mind you being a bit predictable, especially when you bring so heavenly pressies along!
      Originally posted by leighanners View Post
      Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post



      Originally posted by leighanners View Post
      Thank you! Thank you! *takes dramatic bow* I would like to thank all of the little people I crushed into the ground to get insomnia for keeping me up at night so I can waste countless hours here...for all of my friends in the thunk thread for keeping me in the gutter, I couldn't have done it without you... *sniff, sniff* I'm ju...sss...ttt soooo freeeeee....kiinnnggg hap hap happppp...eeeeeee! *sobs*

      Chez -I'll take the bottom half...
      You just positively killed me with your speech! And what a nasty idea to share poor Carson! *snuggles with whole CarsonClone*
      Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
      <snip...>so I need to drown my sorrows ... so if you'll indulge me for a moment
      We'll gladly indulge in everything you throw into this thread, cshawzye!
      Originally posted by Reiko View Post
      Kudos on hitting your 100, Scottish Doctor!

      I can't green you, but here's a mental green and Carson Love!

      That was an outstanding congratulations post, Reiko! Very well done!
      Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
      2500 gets an examination by the doctor?!?! *looks at post count* What will 3000 get me?
      Maybe an examination of the doctor...

      Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
      Just dragging myself back from the dead (or dead tired at least) to say hi and check in.
      Good to see you again, Seti! I'm glad you're still taking your time for the occasional thunk; that activity is so rewarding after a stressful day of learning/working. I wish you a bit more time for yourself in the future! I really know how it feels to be in desperate need of a vacation and there is none in sight. *glares at own boss*
      Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
      Actually!! Anyone know of a good song that might fit for a Carson vid? I've been wanting to do one for the longest time but just can't find the right song.
      I'd love to see a Carson vid of Gordon Lightfoot's "If you could read my mind". I've been planning forever to do it myself but a) I have no idea whether I'm even able to do something like that because I've never tried and don't even know whether my computer is equipped for that, and b) I have no time whatsoever in the near future to do it. Therefore, I'd be happy to see it done. (Of course only if you want to.)
      Plus, this song has inspired me for a fanfiction story, but because of b) it's a safe guess that it won't be finished anytime too soon. The story is going to be called "Survival is now Unlikely" and is already in the works, everything already plotted out to the smallest detail but sadly enough, not yet written in any presentable form.

      Originally posted by Scottish Doctor View Post
      Alright my lovelies!!! I woke up this morning and finished my "Eye Candy" drawing.
      Wow, that drawing of the eyes is mindblowing, Scottish Doctor! *stares on in awe*
      Originally posted by Arica12 View Post
      Well apparently he's the majority of other women's ideal man too! I just thought it was hysterical, killing off Mr Right! How daft can they get?
      You don't really want an answer to that, Arica, do you?
      Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
      Silly ptb killing off the ideal man. Perhaps that's why the did it though. They figured out what they'd created with Carson and were afraid of what might ensue when everyone figured it out ... Little did they know we already all knew he was.
      Darn straight, cshawzye, we already knew after the chair scene of 'Rising'.
      Originally posted by Sheppard's Delight View Post
      I took these at P3 this weekend and thought that you would like to see them!
      Thank you so much for sharing them with us, Sheppy D!
      Originally posted by doylefan22 View Post
      Paul: Oh I love your Ugg boots!
      Me: They're so comfortable.
      Paul: I've got a pair just like that (pause and thinks about it) Well not just like that, mine are a bit more masculine...

      He didn't settle for just the arm around the waist either - told me to give him a proper bloody hug

      Sweet and funny guy (his impression of Joe Flannigan is to die for )

      Oh and from what he was saying he seems to already know what's happening with regards Carson in S5 but he can't say. He was smiling though so hopefully that's a good thing...
      Thanks a bunch for sharing this with us, doylefan! I would certainly hope his boots are a bit more masculine! And I too keep on hoping that things look up for season five and Beckett in it.
      Originally posted by Reiko View Post
      'kay, I'll stop whining Hopefully the s5 news is good ... or I'm going to have to make a new JM voodoo doll
      *snicker* I actually like the idea of making a JM voodoo doll.
      Originally posted by phibi View Post
      well, here is my impression and you probably won't like it...
      Oh and to close this with a more positive tone... he really sounded like Beckett will be back for season 5. He didn't say anything concrete but his face told the story...
      Thank you very much for sharing this with us, phibi! I'm incredibly sorry to hear you didn't enjoy meeting PM as much as you did before. I can completely understand that this experience can draw you down. Yet, I'm happy to see you didn't let your mind be clouded and wrote such an honest post about P3. *hugs sympathetically*

      I really hope it was just a bad day for PM and he didn't permanently change his attitude altogether. It'd be too bad; but then, things happen. What I've seen of him at FedCon last June, he left the best of impressions with me, so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt at the moment, but I obviously can't judge his 'private' personality, nor do I want to. After all, that's exactly the reason why I draw such a distinct line between the fictional character and the actor, I don't assume they are anything alike. First and foremost, I'm a fan of the lovely character of Carson, which I miss dearly on the show, and I clearly jump into the fray head first when I think the actor was treated badly by kicking him out, but that's it. So I can still continue thunking Beckett when I hear PM didn't entirely succeed in passing the best of impressions on P3.

      And there goes my 1,200th post!

      twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


        Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
        Goodness Gracious! Look how many posts I missed over the weekend; I'm stunned! You are so amazing for posting so many pages in here! *bows head*

        My dearest congratulations on 2500 brilliant posts,

        My dearest congratulations on 2000 terrific posts,

        My dearest congratulations on 800 amazing posts,

        My dearest congratulations on 200 gorgeous posts,

        My dearest congratulations on 100 fantastic posts,
        Scottish Doctor!

        Sorry I wasn't able to green you excessively but the mental green are engraved into your hearts! *hugs tightly*

        lol! Brilliant illustration of the point, idlewild!

        That you are indeed, leighanners!

        Wow, that sounds great! Good to hear he had much work while he was away from Atlantis.

        Amazing art, Scottish Doctor!

        Please don't take it the wrong way but I knew in advance exactly what you'd post for your great milestone. But we certainly don't mind you being a bit predictable, especially when you bring so heavenly pressies along!


        You just positively killed me with your speech! And what a nasty idea to share poor Carson! *snuggles with whole CarsonClone*

        We'll gladly indulge in everything you throw into this thread, cshawzye!

        That was an outstanding congratulations post, Reiko! Very well done!

        Maybe an examination of the doctor...

        Good to see you again, Seti! I'm glad you're still taking your time for the occasional thunk; that activity is so rewarding after a stressful day of learning/working. I wish you a bit more time for yourself in the future! I really know how it feels to be in desperate need of a vacation and there is none in sight. *glares at own boss*

        I'd love to see a Carson vid of Gordon Lightfoot's "If you could read my mind". I've been planning forever to do it myself but a) I have no idea whether I'm even able to do something like that because I've never tried and don't even know whether my computer is equipped for that, and b) I have no time whatsoever in the near future to do it. Therefore, I'd be happy to see it done. (Of course only if you want to.)
        Plus, this song has inspired me for a fanfiction story, but because of b) it's a safe guess that it won't be finished anytime too soon. The story is going to be called "Survival is now Unlikely" and is already in the works, everything already plotted out to the smallest detail but sadly enough, not yet written in any presentable form.

        Wow, that drawing of the eyes is mindblowing, Scottish Doctor! *stares on in awe*

        You don't really want an answer to that, Arica, do you?

        Darn straight, cshawzye, we already knew after the chair scene of 'Rising'.

        Thank you so much for sharing them with us, Sheppy D!

        Thanks a bunch for sharing this with us, doylefan! I would certainly hope his boots are a bit more masculine! And I too keep on hoping that things look up for season five and Beckett in it.

        *snicker* I actually like the idea of making a JM voodoo doll.

        Thank you very much for sharing this with us, phibi! I'm incredibly sorry to hear you didn't enjoy meeting PM as much as you did before. I can completely understand that this experience can draw you down. Yet, I'm happy to see you didn't let your mind be clouded and wrote such an honest post about P3. *hugs sympathetically*

        I really hope it was just a bad day for PM and he didn't permanently change his attitude altogether. It'd be too bad; but then, things happen. What I've seen of him at FedCon last June, he left the best of impressions with me, so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt at the moment, but I obviously can't judge his 'private' personality, nor do I want to. After all, that's exactly the reason why I draw such a distinct line between the fictional character and the actor, I don't assume they are anything alike. First and foremost, I'm a fan of the lovely character of Carson, which I miss dearly on the show, and I clearly jump into the fray head first when I think the actor was treated badly by kicking him out, but that's it. So I can still continue thunking Beckett when I hear PM didn't entirely succeed in passing the best of impressions on P3.

        And there goes my 1,200th post!

        1200! Whooohooo! And a lovely post it was, as yours always are. Gotta love that pic!


          Once again, Twinny shows us all why she is the queen of the multi post *bows*

          Last edited by idlewild202; 28 January 2008, 07:01 PM.

          Proudly Supporting Team USA


            Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
            Cshawyze, as always, your walls are fabulous!! I love them! I so can't wait till I have my own computer that I can actually use them on... my family loves stargate and all... but I'm not sure how much they'd appreciate Beckett walls on the family desktop, LOL!! (namely my brother... he teases me enough already over my obsession with Carson, lol)
            hehe ... thanks! I had to make a deal with my brother when I wanted to put a Carson wall on the family computer. I had to promise to put a Vala or Carter one on for the same amount of time.

            Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
            Maybe an examination of the doctor...
            LOL Yes! I love it!

            Congrats on 1200 awesome posts, twin!

            My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
            "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


              Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
              Oh, and here is a link someone posted on the Lorne/Kavan thread to a photo album of P3, there are some great pictures of Paul in here if ya'll haven't seen them yet
              Ah, thank you for sharing the link, idlewild!
              Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
              And now for something completely different .... I finished a couple of walls I thought I'd share really quickly. Not sure how I feel about the PTW one, but oh well.

              Wonderful walls, cshawzye! The first and last are definitely my favourites.
              Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
              Thanks! I love that scene too. It's awesome the emotions Carson goes through in that episode. Pure joy to complete sadness ... Such a great episode!
              I think nobody could ever deny that! 'Poisoning the Well' just showcased Beckett's character and made him all the more loveable for what he did and how he behaved. My heart really broke with his when Perna died.
              Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
              my family loves stargate and all... but I'm not sure how much they'd appreciate Beckett walls on the family desktop, LOL!! (namely my brother... he teases me enough already over my obsession with Carson, lol)
              I so know what you mean, idlewild. Aren't siblings a joy to have around when it comes to things like thunking?!
              twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                I'd love to see a Carson vid of Gordon Lightfoot's "If you could read my mind". I've been planning forever to do it myself but a) I have no idea whether I'm even able to do something like that because I've never tried and don't even know whether my computer is equipped for that, and b) I have no time whatsoever in the near future to do it. Therefore, I'd be happy to see it done. (Of course only if you want to.)
                Plus, this song has inspired me for a fanfiction story, but because of b) it's a safe guess that it won't be finished anytime too soon. The story is going to be called "Survival is now Unlikely" and is already in the works, everything already plotted out to the smallest detail but sadly enough, not yet written in any presentable form.
                I love Gordon Lightfoot! That does sound like a great song to use too. Hmm, I may end up having to do more than one Beckett video. So many great ideas!

                And I can't wait to read the fic!

                My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
                "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


                  Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post

                  There is FedCon USA in Dallas (I believe, could be Fort Worth) in June or July this summer... wouldn't it be awesome if he came? I'm a 20 hour drive north of the Dallas/Fort Worth area, I could probably drive down!!
                  I'm hoping someone good (PAUL) will be at far it seems like it's just a StarTrek convention. :/

                  Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

                  And there goes my 1,200th post!

                  Congrats!!!! And as for everything you posted about little ol' me...I KNOW! Hahahahahahaaaa!!! But you all love me anyways!!!
                  Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                    Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
                    1200! Whooohooo! And a lovely post it was, as yours always are. Gotta love that pic!
                    Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                    Once again, Twinny shows us all why she is the queen of the multi post *bows*

                    CONGRATS ON 1200 FANTABULOUS POSTS!!!!
                    Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                    Congrats on 1200 awesome posts, twin!
                    Thank you very much, Chezlee, idlewild and cshawzye! Y'all know I'm too obsessed with multi-quotes; that's kinda my artistic bone... But what is more, you've been posting so much, I really had no choice at all, I was actually helplessly watching my fingers type. (What a sad fate...)
                    And what can I say about the picture? Not enough, obviously. It's certainly one of my favourites. My Twinchy has this pic autographed by PM.

                    Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                    LOL Yes! I love it!
                    I'm glad you take to the idea. Let's see what we can arrange for you.

                    It's nice to hear you actually know Gordon Lightfoot, and it's such a beautiful song, too. I've fallen in love with it the first time I heard it on CD. Especially the third stanza kind of reminded me too much of 'Sunday', but maybe it's just me.

                    I'll keep you posted about my progress on the story. For now I just hope to post a little oneshot called "Target Practise" in the near future. You know, after Feb. 9th I won't have any classes for two months, so I hope to be able to squeeze in a few more hours of leisure and not spending all that additional time working. *keeps fingers crossed*

                    And I just forgot to say that I really hope and pray your perception is right, phibi, and things are looking good for a significant return in season five. On the other hand, anything less would be a total shame on TPTB's side. They possibly can't do that to us after all we've done!
                    twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                      Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                      Congrats!!!! And as for everything you posted about little ol' me...I KNOW! Hahahahahahaaaa!!! But you all love me anyways!!!
                      Sorry for double posting, but I used a different font this time; does that count... any...?

                      Very true!


                      twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                        Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
                        That would be so awesome! I would drive all of half an hour
                        My drive to Fort Worth/ Dallas would be:

                        Total Est. Time: 7 hours, 52 minutes

                        Total Est. Distance: 535.68 miles

                        But for Paul, It would be totally priceless.

                        I love the wallpaper. I need a new Carson Wallpaper


                          Omg I cannot wait. My friend went to the convention and was going to get me PM's autograph....I know it's not the same as being there in person for him to sign....but at least it will be personalized...if she remembered to tell him my name

                          But anyway she hasn't gotten online to tell me if she got it or not *pulls hair* she said it's be a definite thing but....that's what my OTHER friend said when she was going to get Adrian Pasdar's auto for me but he didn't show.....

                          But I guess I don't have to worry about that because Paul showed up and she had a low ticket number AND went to the meet and greet. I guess I still have hope


                            Originally posted by miss_kaylee View Post
                            My drive to Fort Worth/ Dallas would be:

                            Total Est. Time: 7 hours, 52 minutes

                            Total Est. Distance: 535.68 miles
                            That sure is accurate, miss_kaylee!

                            I had been pondering about heading over to attend FedCon USA myself, doing one extensive roadtrip through the US and Canada, then attend ComicCon and head back home. Unfortunately the trip is already a bust because I won't get holidays then. *is sad*

                            twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                              Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

                              *sighs* I do love him in blue....brings out his eyes
                              Last edited by Scottish Doctor; 28 January 2008, 08:03 PM.


                                Originally posted by cshawzye View Post
                                hehe ... thanks! I had to make a deal with my brother when I wanted to put a Carson wall on the family computer. I had to promise to put a Vala or Carter one on for the same amount of time.
                                If I made that deal with my family it would be a World of Warcraft wall for my bro, probably a shot of the SG-1 team for my mom... my dad wouldn't care less, and Carson or Lorne for me!!

                                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                                I so know what you mean, idlewild. Aren't siblings a joy to have around when it comes to things like thunking?!
                                LOL, no kidding!
                                K... so ya wanna know what's really funny, my dad will see me on this thread and will ask "So when is he coming back?"... I kidd you not, he has asked me that a dozen times now! I keep telling him the answer, end of season four, lol... for some reason it doesn't stick

                                Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                                I'm hoping someone good (PAUL) will be at far it seems like it's just a StarTrek convention. :/
                                I know, same here, I would so go if some stargate actors showed up, but so far it's just trekies.

                                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                                I had been pondering about heading over to attend FedCon USA myself, doing one extensive roadtrip through the US and Canada, then attend ComicCon and head back home. Unfortunately the trip is already a bust because I won't get holidays then. *is sad*
                                I am really wanting to go to ComicCon this year... but I think that's going to be a bust because my horse trailer bit the dust and I'm having to buy a new one asap so I can get to my competitions this summer!! I was planning on buying a new trailer this year anyway.... just not this soon! *sigh* It's going to put a serious strain on my finances for the next couple of months.... meaning, no vacations for me this summer.... meaning no ComicCon!! *pouts*

                                Oh well... NEXT YEAR!!
                                I wanna meet Paul already!!

                                Proudly Supporting Team USA

