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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
    The Save Carson campaign IS pressing the matter

    A little pic spam to honor the occasion!

    How about Duet


    Yay! My alltime favorite Episode!! + Lovely!


      Sure!! *continues to picket*

      I mean can you imagine Paul's face if/when they tell/told him he wasn't coming back?

      Click here for big image

      Breaks my heart

      Edit: EEEEP DUET!!!! Where's the kissy kissy and the amazing striped shirt?! lol


        It would be so sad... Almost like him dieing all over again


          Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
          The Save Carson campaign IS pressing the matter
          We have done A LOT! Our latest win is a featurette on the S4 disks. For you newbies we have a thread under Fandom called Keep The Lion Rampant (its a sticky, you can't miss it!) and of course, You can go see all the massive press coverage and campaign wins and catch up. I am very, very proud of it ALL


          Visit My Flickr!!


            Just stopping by for a random pic posting:

            Oh! And ...
            Can't wait for the announcement, hopefully it's good news for Paul. I'll definitely be keeping my fingers crossed right along with everyone.

            Congrats on 100 posts, Chezlee!


            My LiveJournal :: Walls :: Sigs:: Icons :: FanVids
            "Who looks at a screwdriver and goes 'Ooh! This could be a little more sonic?!'" - Cpt. Jack Harkness


              Don't look if you don't wanna know. I think I got it right. Sorry for it taking so long!

              Under Wraps 07 list:
              TJinLOCA had beaugarcon
              Haliyah had twinchaosblade
              beaugarcon had Jenner8675309
              cshawzye had Haliyah
              idlewild202 had phynyxoffyre
              *Oda* had SETI_fan
              SETI_fan had cshawayze
              Jenner8675309 had *Oda*
              twinchaosblade had TJinLOCA
              phynyxoffyre had idlewild202
              Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.



                Just a reminder to of course wear your 'Save Carson' shirts and/or other apparel if you have any Also on are fliers you can print out, feel free to plaster the convention area And if any of you that have bought stickers, postcards, etc. and still have any left, feel free to pass those around too of course! Have fun and enjoy seeing Paul there!!! We can't wait to see photo ops

                FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT!!!

                Visit My Flickr!!


                  Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                  My brother was goofing off tonight with his hair, then comes up to me and goes "Hey Em, like my new 'do?" First I about died laughing, and secondly I instantly went Carsonhair!!!
                  Squee, that's such a great pic of your brother with the hairdo! Love it!
                  Originally posted by Scottish Doctor View Post
                  I drew Paul/Carson last night.<snip...>
                  Here's trial number one

                  And what the heck, here's my Carson hair
                  Great drawing and lovely pics of yourself, Scottish Doctor!

                  Originally posted by phibi View Post
                  oh, are we tossing paul drawings out now? here is one of mine... I made this for a friend for christmas
                  Wow, that's a brilliant drawing, phibi! Thank you for sharing with us.
                  Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                  Hi guys!
                  Sorry I was absend so long, I just have lots of work for school...exams and stuff, you know.
                  So good to hear you're still alive and kicking, Oda! Good luck with your exams, we'll keep our fingers crossed for you.
                  Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                  Okay, on totaly off topic... but I'm house sitting this weekend, and this house is soooo cold. The computer is in the front room and I swear to you, I'm seeing my breath here. I think I'm gonna go curl up on the couch by the wood stove with my sketchbook and a cup of hot tea, throw a movie or a sg episode on and get warm!! brrrr...

                  Great pic for the occasion, idlewild! I just hope it helped with the cold and you didn't catch something.
                  Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                  Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                  About S5: Keeping fingers crossed and holding the pen at the same time isn't easy, but I'll do it for Paul.
                  Tell me about it! I typed 3 letters with my fingers crossed ... not easy to do.

                  Where you're right, you're absolutely right! But what are a few body inconviniences or impossibilities with getting our lovely Scot back?! We'll do whatever needs to be done!
                  Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
                  i am a little worried after last nights episode. the thought never went through my mind, but...what if they make Keller a main character? She is in a bunch of promo shots when someone like Zelenka isnt in any and he is in tons of episodes for 4 years...and for those who havent seen it
                  Keller is suddenly a genius child prodigy and with that revelation I cant see her and beckett working together IMO. and it seems that she is going to get with Ronon so if that happens she cant just go back to Earth if Beckett comes back...

                  so yeah a liiitttllleeee worried. I know we will probably find out next wekk but the wait is killing me!
                  I can't say I'm the least surprised. In fact, that's what I suspected all along. But just like erb pointed out, this doesn't make the character of Keller any more believable than before. And even though I would love for Beckett to get back his position as CMO, I don't think that'll happen. I may not like it but I tend to think that they'll keep Keller as the one in charge of the infirmary and Carson either works alongside her with a different field of expertise or he doesn't work on Atlantis as a doctor any longer.

                  I mean, what if... (spoilers for random speculation)
                  Carson really turns out a clone and not the original that was swapped sometime during the third season, and they can't let Beckett assume the position of CMO because of legal issues? Maybe "Carson2" has all the memories and knowledge the original had but technically he is not Carson Beckett and has no medical degree himself; therefore they could put him on Sheppard's team and let him deal with emergencies in the field. Furthermore, he might be a lot tougher now after his yearlong (or even more) ordeal, so he would be a good addition to the flagship team. Just my musings...

                  Originally posted by erb View Post
                  Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if this year was a test season to see how Keller was received. The red carpet treatment JS has been given as a recurring character vs what others have received has only served to disgruntle me further with this casting choice. Zelenka is many times the character Keller is....but he's not a draw for the key demographic.
                  I completely agree that they are truly overdoing it with Keller's character. They are really promoting the heck out of her, shoving her down our throats no matter whether we like her or not. Zenlenka has such a great fanbase himself but they are totally neglecting to give him the credit he deserves.

                  As long as they keep Carson in Season five, I don't really care what they do with Keller, as long as they don't promote her to main cast status. I'm convinced that would not only be unfair to PM but also limit his role in the next season.

                  But to be honest, I don't think they'll give her main cast credit even if TPTB continue to believe Keller is the answer to their ratings nose dive. IMHO, I guess they deeply regretted promoting Carson Beckett because they didn't know what to do with him, so they'll probably won't be doing themselves a favour if they did the same with Keller. I don't think they'll make the same "mistake" twice. In a recurring role they can use her as often as they want/need but are under no obligations to force her into every other episode.

                  Originally posted by Chezlee View Post
                  No more SGA if there is no Beckett!

                  BTW I finally hit 100 posts! I know its a few to those with 1000, but im pleased
                  We are all with you there, Chezlee! If they don't come to a satisfying solution for us Carson fans soon, I'm honestly beyond the point of caring for this show! I really hope TPTB are aware of what is at stakes at the moment. Victory hangs in the balance, so to speak...

                  And huge congratulations and jubilations to
                  great posts!

                  Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                  How about Duet
                  You see a very happy thunker here, idlewild! 'Duet' is still one of my favourite episodes of the whole show.
                  Originally posted by leighanners View Post
                  Don't look if you don't wanna know. I think I got it right. Sorry for it taking so long!

                  Under Wraps 07 list:
                  TJinLOCA had beaugarcon
                  Haliyah had twinchaosblade
                  beaugarcon had Jenner8675309
                  cshawzye had Haliyah
                  idlewild202 had phynyxoffyre
                  *Oda* had SETI_fan
                  SETI_fan had cshawayze
                  Jenner8675309 had *Oda*
                  twinchaosblade had TJinLOCA
                  phynyxoffyre had idlewild202
                  Aw, thank you for posting the list, leighanners. Hehe, I laughed at the fact that
                  idlewild and phynyx were each other's secret santas. But I'm very sad to see you didn't include yourself.

                  Before I wrap my post, I'll add a few pics if the post lets me.


                  twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                    Thanks for the green everyone! 100 going on 1000!

                    You know, if it turns out Beckett won't be back for s5, I dont even think I will watch the last episode of S4. if nothing else it will just reinforce once again to tptb how much beckett meant to fans. ratings drop even lower before S5 even airs.
                    BRING BACK THE REAL ATLANTIS


                      Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                      I mean, what if... (spoilers for random speculation)
                      Carson really turns out a clone and not the original that was swapped sometime during the third season, and they can't let Beckett assume the position of CMO because of legal issues? Maybe "Carson2" has all the memories and knowledge the original had but technically he is not Carson Beckett and has no medical degree himself; therefore they could put him on Sheppard's team and let him deal with emergencies in the field. Furthermore, he might be a lot tougher now after his yearlong (or even more) ordeal, so he would be a good addition to the flagship team. Just my musings...
                      I know many people might not like it but
                      I actually think a Carson clone is an intriguing storyline. Scifi should make you question and what an interesting question Carson2 would be. What made Carson Carson? Armed with all Carson's knowledge and memories and even genetically Carson, is he not Carson? Is he not Carson, but equal to Carson? Is he lesser than Carson? Plus I could see this giving Paul plenty of room to show off his acting chops.

                      I miss him.


                        Originally posted by erb View Post
                        I know many people might not like it but
                        I actually think a Carson clone is an intriguing storyline. Scifi should make you question and what an interesting question Carson2 would be. What made Carson Carson? Armed with all Carson's knowledge and memories and even genetically Carson, is he not Carson? Is he not Carson, but equal to Carson? Is he lesser than Carson? Plus I could see this giving Paul plenty of room to show off his acting chops.

                        I miss him.
                        Me too!
                        And I wholeheartedly agree that
                        it would make an intriguing storyline and give Paul McGillion some meaty stuff to chew on. As much as I want the real Carson back and that they all get a chance to make right what they neglected to do in 'Sunday', the possibilities for a clone story would be amazing. Could a clone every be accepted as 'Carson'? Would the clone himself accept that he is not the original? Would perhaps the clone try to be an individual different from the original even if he actually isn't because Carson's knowledge and feelings are mirrored in him? Or how much is similar, and where are they diffenrent persons? And what about legal and social matters? Could a clone ever see his family again? Would they let him practise as a doctor? Or would they be forced to strip the clone of his profession and his love for his family?
                        twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                          Wow just reading your theory makes me feel bad for the theoretical carson clone
                          BRING BACK THE REAL ATLANTIS


                            I dunno, makes me think of Data in Star Trek Nemesis.

                            Those who do not know, Data sacrificed himself by staying on a ship to insure it self destructed, but on the Enterprise, there was another android they came across that was Data...but just the basic programming. Data uploaded all of his memories to it, but he cannot access them right away. At the end we get a hint of it though.

                            And Joe already said it wasn't a clone


                              Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                              Aw, thank you for posting the list, leighanners. Hehe, I laughed at the fact that
                              idlewild and phynyx were each other's secret santas. But I'm very sad to see you didn't include yourself.
                              I thought it was comical as well. And don't be sad...I had a ton of fun although I wasn't a direct participant.
                              Last edited by leighanners; 20 January 2008, 09:24 PM.
                              Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                                Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                                Aw, thank you for posting the list, leighanners. Hehe, I laughed at the fact that
                                idlewild and phynyx were each other's secret santas. But I'm very sad to see you didn't include yourself.

                                I thought it was rather fun!!
                                And, again, a big huge thanks to you leighanners for organizing it, it really was fun, I can't wait for next christmas!

                                Proudly Supporting Team USA

