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Carson Beckett/Paul McGillion Thunk Thread

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    Possible Kindred/Carson spoilers, from a New Zealand con with Connor Trineer:


    Connor Trinneer filmed three episodes back-to-back (although I'm not sure if they'll be broadcast that way) as Michael, and hinted they take place towards the end of the season. He also mentioned "given how the season ends" it would be cruel to cancel the show (although we know now it's been renewed).

    Joe M did say on his blog that "dovetail" is the word to use for Kindred 1 & 2 and Last Man. It looks like it is very possible that a return is being set up.

    Use that "open door" you talked of Joe!!!

    Visit My Flickr!!


      Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
      Och, idlewild, have the bestest shoulder to cry on...
      Sorry for the Rockies but nonetheless congrats for the Red Sox!

      Yus, *huggles with Carson clone* He is the bestest for shoulder crying

      Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
      Sorry, Idlewild! They were really close tonight!

      I'm almost sad that it didn't go to another game, so I could have seen Beckett play again ...

      And some original Beckett pics, to make the post legal:

      I betcha if the game had been 10 innings instead of 9 we would have gotten it . Our defense was finally waking up and we were finally starting to hit the balls.
      But, I'm almost glad it ended this way instead of going onto game 5 and us getting humiliated again by Beckett (that man is dang good...)

      SQUEE!! for Dimples

      Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
      "Travelers" stuff
      I enjoyed the episode mostly (felt the little bits of the rescue team didn't give the rest of the cast much of anything to do), liked that Sheppard pulled some decent tricks on the Travelers (up until the pretty girl acted like she wanted to kiss him, of course). Still, was I the only one who kept getting flashbacks to SG-1's "Prometheus Unbound"?
      I thought it was a rather amusing and fun ep, I'm not a huge Shep fan, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
      Lol, I honestly didn't think of Prometheus Unbound until after the ep and I got onto GW. But now, I do see the errie similarity.
      Haha, but then, was it just me or did that one wraith dude look like he had friggen pigtails???

      Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
      ((((Idlewild))))!!! So sorry to hear about the Rockies! I know that meant a lot to you. My dad's the same way over Red Wings hockey, so I totally understand. Cry it out on Carson's shoulder. He'll get you through it.
      Thanks, I feel better today. It's bittersweet in a way, first trip the World Series for the franchise, but we don't win it. Ah well, I'm cool with it now, and I'm really looking forward to next year. We have a very young and rather unexpierenced team and they are only going to get better as the seasons roll by

      Now... if only I could say that about the Denver Broncos

      Proudly Supporting Team USA


        Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
        I wouldn't say that certain kinds of changes can't be a good thing, but I'm still quite wary of all the changes made thus far. I still don't really know how to feel about Carter, really - I haven't seen anything about her being in Atlantis that really impresses me at all yet, and that at the very least isn't a good way to introduce a new character. But more than that, the team spirit that used to be there feels subdued. It's almost as though there is now an emotional barrier between the characters, and they don't want to get too close now, perhaps for fear that they'll die, too. The comaraderie is gone and in its stead are brief and fleeting friendship moments (all of which seem to be McShep) that don't really give me the impression that the team is anything more than acquaintances who occasionally chat in the commissary over lunch.

        It's not all about Beckett being gone, and if this distance between the remaining characters is intentional and meant to be a by-product of that, it is being poorly executed - though I suspect it's more than just that.

        So I would agree that if it was exactly the same, it might be boring, but we've heard it time and again - change too many things that made the show great, and you get something that no longer resembles what the fans came to love. I'm hoping that with M&M as show-runners and seemingly at least sympathetic to our loss, I'm still trying to be hopeful that the latter part of the season, The Kindred in particular, will restore some of that great chemistry which the show is sufferingly devoid of now. In all honesty, it may be their only hope of keeping me as a viewer.

        If they want to change something, they should change the characters. People do change after a while, and at the risk of turning a show like this into a soap opera, I dare say that changing a character or two would be more provacative than killing him off. The writers would've been better off having given the Beckett character a horrible experience with the Wraith or the Asurans that drove him to leave Atlantis of his own accord than just to kill him off in a meaningless and irrelevant death only meant to show that real life is dangerous. IMHO, it would've been far more dramatic than simply killing him with an exploding tumor and showing a lovely yet ultimately pointless funeral, being that none of the characters seem to even remember who the hell he is any more. "Beckett who? Oh, that guy who used to be my 'best friend' - I cared about him so much that I couldn't be bothered to even imply that my life was affected by his death at all in the proceeding episodes."

        (minor Doppelganger spoiler)
        Rodney has nightmares about whales since being told the story of Moby Dick, particularly after GUP?
        Puh-lease. You'd think the violent death of a man who was supposed to be his best friend would have incited even more of a reaction then.

        WTH is the point of going to Atlantis and risking your life every day if you don't at least have a spectacular and meaningful death worthy of devoting an entire season arc to drawing out the drama (not to mention utilizing Paul's phenomenal ability as a dramatic actor) and then resolving it? Did he truly mean that little to them as a character? That's what I found so insulting about his death, and if M&M realize what it's going to take to keep me watching, they are going to bring him back permanently and give Paul that big moment to shine that everybody's been talking about at the end of season 4.

        well, I'm not completely happy with Carter as well, but that's a part I can live with.
        Sure I miss Paul/Carson, but I tried to stay open for the season and so far, I like it a lot. And I don't have the feeling, the characters aren't that emotional anymore. They still act like friends do. There's still the relationship, the banter and the worry for the others.
        And as hard as it may sound, I think it's normal that they don't reference to Beckett all the time. They did it in Adrift when they talk about the nano-thingies. It wouldn't really make sense to mention him all the time. Believe me, it's normal to not always talk about the deceased....

        Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
        "Travelers" stuff
        I enjoyed the episode mostly (felt the little bits of the rescue team didn't give the rest of the cast much of anything to do), liked that Sheppard pulled some decent tricks on the Travelers (up until the pretty girl acted like she wanted to kiss him, of course). Still, was I the only one who kept getting flashbacks to SG-1's "Prometheus Unbound"?

        yes, that was the first thing that sprang to mind it had a lot from Prometheus Unbound, but I liked the ep nevertheless

        Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
        Visit me at my LJ


          Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post

          oh my wow...nice pic. lol.

          On the note of baseball, Choo Freeman, from denver, who quit last year,(Figures that he would switch teams right before the rockies go to the series), went to my highschool. He stops in to say hi and stuff sometimes. topic, but he's a nice guy


          Originally posted by penguininablender
          hey Fordies, log time no see. sorry i have not been on in a while. I was In a very bad car accident ( my VW bug was hit by a 46000 lb dump truck who ran a red light). I have just regained some use of my right hand and can barely type. I just missed y'all so much that I had to check in. I will try to come back t my fordies when I can type with more that just a thumb and a pointer,lol. Long live FORD!
          Originally posted by Rainbow Sun Francks
          OMG... so glad to hear that you are getting better... my positive energy is with you in hopes of a full recovery... Peace and Love.

          - RSF

 Sign the petition to bring back Ford!


            I think we all should take it as a fun omen that Beckett and the Red Sox won the World Series

            Visit My Flickr!!


              Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
              I think we all should take it as a fun omen that Beckett and the Red Sox won the World Series

              So then, is it a good or bad thing they won in 4 games (season 4?). Or would it have been a better omen if they had won in 5

              Maybe i shouldn't dig too deep into it

              Proudly Supporting Team USA


                Guys, Paul is no. 3 on Hey Nielsen!! PLEASE go leave a comment and react favorably to all the comments if you haven't yet. This is as high as he's ever been, lets get him to no. 1!!!!!


                Tell all your friends to vote for him too!!!!

                Visit My Flickr!!


                  Hello everyone! Just popping on to say great pics and to catch up on what I've missed over the past two days. There are some interesting comments I want to reply to, but I'm so tired right now, and I have to get very early tomorrow to work.

                  So tomorrow, I will comment.

                  Completely OT...
                  Had to go to an emergency doctor's office yesterday. It hurt to walk. Turns out when I fell on the treadmill a few weeks ago, I did more damage then I had originally thought. Along with a sprained ankle, I have stress injuries to several ligaments and tendons, including some weight-bearing tendons. So now I'm on a heavy duty anti-inflammatory medication (that stops working after a couple of hours) and I'm going to my doctor to see if i should get x-rays to check for stress fractures.

                  Night everyone!

                  Hurrah for a Fifth Season of Stargate: Atlantis!


                    Originally posted by phynyxoffyre View Post
                    Completely OT...
                    Had to go to an emergency doctor's office yesterday. It hurt to walk. Turns out when I fell on the treadmill a few weeks ago, I did more damage then I had originally thought. Along with a sprained ankle, I have stress injuries to several ligaments and tendons, including some weight-bearing tendons. So now I'm on a heavy duty anti-inflammatory medication (that stops working after a couple of hours) and I'm going to my doctor to see if i should get x-rays to check for stress fractures.
                    OT reply...
                    Oh, poor girl! I hope it's nothing too serious and you feel better soon! That's horrible to hear what that fall did to you. If your doctor doesn't evoke the impression he's competent, threat to go to Dr Carson Beckett next time. Even if orthopedia wasn't his area of expertise, which I doubt, he'd make you feel excellent in just a few seconds' time!

                    Not so OT pics for the mend...

                    See, he already listens to your medical report!

                    twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                      Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
                      I didn't like Travelers that much. I missed Sam and Keller... Okay, it was a Shep-centered episode, but... Doppelganger was much-much better, in my opinion!
                      'Travelers' reply...
                      And I thought the fact that Sam and Keller were not in it was a big PLUS for the episode. I'm not too fond of Keller but I just can't stand the character of Carter. I hated for them to bring her over from SG-1. It's nothing against the actress, but I really hope they don't keep her around for the fifth season.

                      Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                      And... that is my absolute favorite Smiling!Carson picture!!
                      Thanks guys! Ya'll are the bestest, I feel muy mucho better now!!
                      I didn't know you like the pic from 'Rising' so much. But he has an incredibly warm smile there.
                      Originally posted by erb View Post
                      It's my fave, too!! I think I could ship Carson and the ancient in the hologram. (It's scifi so anything's possible.) Carson just looked so pleased with finding her message. It was nice to see Carson excited about being on Atlantis.
                      lol, Carson and the Ancient! But it was really such an endearing scene. Loved the fact that he played the message so often because he like it.
                      Originally posted by TJinLOCA View Post
                      I know ... he was at his absolute cutest in that episode, which made the ending even worse!

                      ^ Best smiley ever!
                      You are absolutely right, TJinLOCA! When I saw the first screen-caps from 'Sunday', I almost fell flat on my face. Wow, did he look handsome in his clothes!
                      I thought it was such a shame to kill him in that wonderful black shirt.
                      The pic where he bandages the girl's ancle, took my thunker's breath away.

                      Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                      I don't know, I have to say Sunday is in the top of my favorite episodes. Not because of what happens, but because it shows Carson in a different way. I don't mind the usual "doctor-way", but it was nice to see him outside his doctor role at least for a while. I guess when you're a doctor, the role never stops.
                      I like Beckett in any way, and I didn't think he acted so differently than usual when he was off duty for once.

                      What really bugged me about the episode (apart from his death) was the fact that nobody seemed to care for him because they all turned him down. I know that was the idea behind it but honestly, the man at least deserved to be treated nicely by ONE person.

                      Originally posted by *Oda* View Post
                      Atlantis is so more darker than SG-1. I always have the feeling that they feel obliged to kill off characters, to keep the drama and tension. Personally I don't like that. And I'm sure there are few of us that do.
                      And Carson's death.....well I just don't like it...or didn't....
                      They better make it up to me (and to all Carson fans) in the Kindred episode, or I'll be really really really *a nasty word* off.
                      God, I love this cap
                      I so know what you mean!

                      In my opinion dark doesn't mean they have to kill characters. It's a shame for writers and showrunners/producers to only think in that line. There is so much more that can provide for good, solid drama other than killing someone.

                      Originally posted by Arwen Undomiel View Post
                      Well, Atlantis actually got better when they started to darker it, and I don't mind it, even like Atlantis more than in the first and second season. But being darker doesn't mean that you have to kill a so much beloved character like Carson. They could start killing Teyla or Ronon first, for example.(Oh how much I hate them...)
                      I don't think that Atlantis was so much less dark in the first two seasons, after all they killed the CO in the pilot, and in a quite horrible way at that. I agree that the tone (and lighting) were lighter during the first season but I don't think there was so much of a change.
                      *faints* That 'Siege' spam was absolutely terrific!
                      Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                      I wouldn't say that certain kinds of changes can't be a good thing, but I'm still quite wary of all the changes made thus far.
                      I still don't really know how to feel about Carter, really - I haven't seen anything about her being in Atlantis that really impresses me at all yet, and that at the very least isn't a good way to introduce a new character. But more than that, the team spirit that used to be there feels subdued. It's almost as though there is now an emotional barrier between the characters, and they don't want to get too close now, perhaps for fear that they'll die, too. The comaraderie is gone and in its stead are brief and fleeting friendship moments (all of which seem to be McShep) that don't really give me the impression that the team is anything more than acquaintances who occasionally chat in the commissary over lunch.

                      It's not all about Beckett being gone, and if this distance between the remaining characters is intentional and meant to be a by-product of that, it is being poorly executed - though I suspect it's more than just that.

                      So I would agree that if it was exactly the same, it might be boring, but we've heard it time and again - change too many things that made the show great, and you get something that no longer resembles what the fans came to love. I'm hoping that with M&M as show-runners and seemingly at least sympathetic to our loss, I'm still trying to be hopeful that the latter part of the season, The Kindred in particular, will restore some of that great chemistry which the show is sufferingly devoid of now. In all honesty, it may be their only hope of keeping me as a viewer.

                      If they want to change something, they should change the characters. People do change after a while, and at the risk of turning a show like this into a soap opera, I dare say that changing a character or two would be more provacative than killing him off. The writers would've been better off having given the Beckett character a horrible experience with the Wraith or the Asurans that drove him to leave Atlantis of his own accord than just to kill him off in a meaningless and irrelevant death only meant to show that real life is dangerous. IMHO, it would've been far more dramatic than simply killing him with an exploding tumor and showing a lovely yet ultimately pointless funeral, being that none of the characters seem to even remember who the hell he is any more. "Beckett who? Oh, that guy who used to be my 'best friend' - I cared about him so much that I couldn't be bothered to even imply that my life was affected by his death at all in the proceeding episodes."

                      (minor Doppelganger spoiler)
                      Rodney has nightmares about whales since being told the story of Moby Dick, particularly after GUP?
                      Puh-lease. You'd think the violent death of a man who was supposed to be his best friend would have incited even more of a reaction then.

                      WTH is the point of going to Atlantis and risking your life every day if you don't at least have a spectacular and meaningful death worthy of devoting an entire season arc to drawing out the drama (not to mention utilizing Paul's phenomenal ability as a dramatic actor) and then resolving it? Did he truly mean that little to them as a character? That's what I found so insulting about his death, and if M&M realize what it's going to take to keep me watching, they are going to bring him back permanently and give Paul that big moment to shine that everybody's been talking about at the end of season 4.

                      I'm totally in awe, Jersey! That was a brilliant post!
                      I wholeheartedly agree that there is something missing in the chemistry between the characters now. It seems like their relationship has taken a heavy blow. The warmth that made them feel secure enough to stick together like glue is somehow gone. Beckett is truly missing on many more levels than only on the infirmary. And I so see your point with 'Doppelganger'! That was a sign of inner poverty!

                      Yet, it's not only Carson, there is too much change that happened in too short a time that obviously had it's lasting effects on everybody, even if TPTB don't want to see or acknowledge it.
                      Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                      I agree with the idea that darker doesn't have to mean death for beloved characters (at least not perma-death). I know people claim that if characters keep on returning, death loses its integrity on the show, but still, you can do some pretty brutal stuff to fans while not taking away their favorite people.
                      I know they tell you, that bringing people back cheapens the effect of death on the audience. But seriously, do I want my favourite show to be even more depressing than real life? NO.

                      And I agree that especially in SciFi you can come up with some extremely brutal stuff even without having to do permanent (physical) damage to the character, or maybe even go as far as permanent damage to some degree.

                      Originally posted by Jersey13 View Post
                      Jenner was nice enough to make caps for us from the episode of "Just Cause" that Paul guest starred in. The 'special' caps from towards the end of the ep are enough to make a whumper faint.
                      *nods enthusiastically* wait, 'enthusiastically' sounds a little weird.
                      Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
                      Possible Kindred/Carson spoilers, from a New Zealand con with Connor Trineer:


                      Connor Trinneer filmed three episodes back-to-back (although I'm not sure if they'll be broadcast that way) as Michael, and hinted they take place towards the end of the season. He also mentioned "given how the season ends" it would be cruel to cancel the show (although we know now it's been renewed).

                      Joe M did say on his blog that "dovetail" is the word to use for Kindred 1 & 2 and Last Man. It looks like it is very possible that a return is being set up.

                      Use that "open door" you talked of Joe!!!
                      Now that sounds awfully interesting! Thanks for the tip, Jenner!

                      Yes, Joe, you know you want to bring Beckett back for good!

                      Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
                      I think we all should take it as a fun omen that Beckett and the Red Sox won the World Series
                      Good thought!
                      Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
                      Guys, Paul is no. 3 on Hey Nielsen!! PLEASE go leave a comment and react favorably to all the comments if you haven't yet. This is as high as he's ever been, lets get him to no. 1!!!!!


                      Tell all your friends to vote for him too!!!!
                      Woohoo! That's good news. I hope TPTB stop by and have a good look at what they've gotten rid of.
                      twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                        Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                        'Travelers' reply...
                        And I thought the fact that Sam and Keller were not in it was a big PLUS for the episode. I'm not too fond of Keller but I just can't stand the character of Carter. I hated for them to bring her over from SG-1. It's nothing against the actress, but I really hope they don't keep her around for the fifth season.
                        That's good we are not the same. Actually, I like Keller and Carter too, but Phibi told me something that may be right: Carter is not an Atlantis-character. She doesn't really suit for Atlantis, but I still like her and I think it won't change...


                          Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                          What you say? Second page?

                          Have a little bumping spam






                          All curtosey of "The Siege"

                          Originally posted by idlewild202 View Post
                          Sorry for the double post. But I really need a shoulder to cry on for a moment. So close, yet unable to make it. Congrats to the Boston Red Sox (and TJ) for your WS sweep.
                          *sniff* poor Rockies..... I had hoped they'd win at least one game.
                          Idlewild have a hug from me.
                          or better here's Carson and a shouder to cry on

                          Originally posted by SETI_fan View Post
                          Oda, glad to hear your eyes are healing!

                          Wonderful "Sunday" pics. Carson was so incredibly hot in that episode. Love that cap, Oda. (I was amused to notice that one of Beckett's last patients was a hot young woman in fairly brief clothing.) I also like the one where he's finished the surgery, sits down, then makes up his mind to take the tumor to the bomb squad. Sad scene, but very nice intense expression.
                          Thanks SETI. It seems my vision is 120%.
                          And I so know what you mean by that scene after the surgery. And my cap with that last patient is one of my favorites.

                          Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
                          What special caps?????

                          Thanks Jenner, you jsut made my day. These caps are great.Now I have to take a cold shower.

                          Originally posted by phynyxoffyre View Post
                          Hello everyone! Just popping on to say great pics and to catch up on what I've missed over the past two days. There are some interesting comments I want to reply to, but I'm so tired right now, and I have to get very early tomorrow to work.

                          So tomorrow, I will comment.

                          Completely OT...
                          Had to go to an emergency doctor's office yesterday. It hurt to walk. Turns out when I fell on the treadmill a few weeks ago, I did more damage then I had originally thought. Along with a sprained ankle, I have stress injuries to several ligaments and tendons, including some weight-bearing tendons. So now I'm on a heavy duty anti-inflammatory medication (that stops working after a couple of hours) and I'm going to my doctor to see if i should get x-rays to check for stress fractures.

                          Night everyone!

                          Oh dear. Have a major hug there. I hope you feel better soon.

                          Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post
                          OT reply...
                          Oh, poor girl! I hope it's nothing too serious and you feel better soon! That's horrible to hear what that fall did to you. If your doctor doesn't evoke the impression he's competent, threat to go to Dr Carson Beckett next time. Even if orthopedia wasn't his area of expertise, which I doubt, he'd make you feel excellent in just a few seconds' time!

                          Not so OT pics for the mend...

                          See, he already listens to your medical report!



                          Great caps Twinny.

                          "What makes life worth living is knowing that one day you'll wake up and find the person that makes you happier than anything in the whole world. So don't ever lose hope and give up, everything turns out okay and the good guy always wins."


                            Originally posted by twinchaosblade View Post

                            I don't think that Atlantis was so much less dark in the first two seasons, after all they killed the CO in the pilot, and in a quite horrible way at that. I agree that the tone (and lighting) were lighter during the first season but I don't think there was so much of a change.
                            At least that's how I feel about it. I mean, look at No man's land and Misbegotten. What a dark season opening according to the previous one's. They would never dared to do something like that in sg-1 I think, and the atlantis crew were really hesitating about this kind of acts during the first two seasons.
                            'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
                            One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them'

                            SGA fanfiction I'm translating to english. It's a novel!


                              Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
                              That's good we are not the same. Actually, I like Keller and Carter too, but Phibi told me something that may be right: Carter is not an Atlantis-character. She doesn't really suit for Atlantis, but I still like her and I think it won't change...
                              exactly, Carter doesn't belong in Atlantis. I like her character, no question, but she's with SG1 saving Earth... not with the Atlantis crew saving Atlantis... And what makes it even more harder to accept is, WHY would she suddenly step over to Atlantis?! The Carter we know from SG1 wouldn't leave them.. especially not now in time where the thread of the Ori are still there... And the last scene of Unending showed that she still is with her team. So that's the thing that bugs me about Carter.
                              But I love the fourth season nevertheless... I guess I pointed that out a few times now, didn't I? *lol*

                              Originally posted by Arwen Undomiel View Post
                              At least that's how I feel about it. I mean, look at No man's land and Misbegotten. What a dark season opening according to the previous one's. They would never dared to do something like that in sg-1 I think, and the atlantis crew were really hesitating about this kind of acts during the first two seasons.
                              Atlantis was always a different show. Save alone the fact that they are in another galaxy and during the first season haven't had any possibility to contact earth, they had to made decisions of their own. And for their own survival... And given their limited ressources in personell and weapons&co they had to think about other options. Like the retrovirus. Or alone the inoculation with the ATA gene... back on earth that would not have been possible... I like the darker tone mixed with the humour. And it's not confined to only four characters. They maybe neglect one character or the other for a few episodes, but IMHO there was and is always the big family feeling

                              ok, I stop ranting now...

                              Convention-Pics: baby-turtles. de
                              Visit me at my LJ


                                Originally posted by Jenner8675309 View Post
                                I think we all should take it as a fun omen that Beckett and the Red Sox won the World Series
                                Well, of course I agree with that ...

