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    Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
    Sig & Avi by Josi
    LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
    I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


      Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
      Sig & Avi by Josi
      LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
      I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


        Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
        Sig & Avi by Josi
        LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
        I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


          Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
          Sig & Avi by Josi
          LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
          I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3




              It's so damned hot outside *iz sweating*. Even poor Jules is lying on the ground and send me looks that I better should cool it down. One day, I swear, I will buy an air conditioner *pants*

              Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
              Sig & Avi by Josi
              LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
              I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                Hi Hyn! Haven't been online for a long time...

                was ill and had lots of changes in my life

                Wow so cool.. have you been at FedCon too?

                This panel was a little chaotic... I asked my first question ever and was nervous, and my pics aren't very good from that day... but you caught this moment.. so nice!



                  Yes, I was there but only on Saturday.
                  Mh, really? I've heard about that there was a lot traffic around the exit and that many people left during the panel. I have to say I was on the other side of the hall (because I had many, many issues with the officials and feared I had to leave once more) and spent the most of the time standing in the line for the microphone, so I didn't noticed that, besides the girl in the wheelchair that (I think) left in toilette-direction (because when I was up to the microphone I had to wait and move the rack so she could roll back to her place - the "one moment"-woman, that was me *still sinks into the ground*). Which was your question?
                  I have to say the more I think about especially the behaviour of the OSTFC-members and officials of the con, the more I'm sure I will not come back. I had lots of trouble because I had only a daily ticket. I got that it wasn't allowed to us to watch Shatner live in the main hall but, according to the officials and handlers at the con, I haven't had the "right" to enter the main hall at all. They also mentioned to me that I also had to leave when there would be more interest in panels in the second hall. After one of the guys didn't let me into the main hall to watch RDA I asked him if it would be okay with him when I would go back to the cash-place to get 2/3 of my money back. I was sooo pissed!

                  Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
                  Sig & Avi by Josi
                  LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
                  I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                    I have to say I was on the other side of the hall
                    so you have been on the far end of the hall? I was also seated in that part (in sector F), in one of the last rows (but hardly ever stayed there... walked around a lot to take pictures)

                    and spent the most of the time standing in the line for the microphone
                    I asked the first question in this panel and fortunately didn't have to wait.. about Joe's bees and vegetable garden... I was nervous, and got in line the moment the panel started... let's get it over with, I thought.

                    the "one moment"-woman, that was me
                    Hmm... don't remember that one... what was it about? But I hardly remember anything from this panel; I was so relieved that I had the heart to ask my question, and afterwards I went around and again took some pictures, and didn't get that much of the questions' content. I discovered I'm a very visual person during cons

                    *still sinks into the ground*
                    Really, no need for that... if you knew what I did during autograph session -_-

                    Spoiler because of more FedCon rants and no thunking


                    because I had many, many issues with the officials and feared I had to leave once more
                    i had some troubles with them too... because I had a tripod for my camera, some of them thought I was filming... every panel one or two of them would come along and wanted to get a look at my camera.. a little annoying. "Are you filming?!" "Cool down! Look guys, I am still not filming...".

                    Especially Saturday many of them had been very nervous... probably because of Shatner. Some of them really looked / acted overstrained.

                    I have to say the more I think about especially the behaviour of the OSTFC-members and officials of the con, the more I'm sure I will not come back. I had lots of trouble because I had only a daily ticket.
                    So sorry to hear that

                    I got that it wasn't allowed to us to watch Shatner live in the main hall but, according to the officials and handlers at the con, I haven't had the "right" to enter the main hall at all.
                    What?? are they crazy?

                    After one of the guys didn't let me into the main hall to watch RDA I asked him if it would be okay with him when I would go back to the cash-place to get 2/3 of my money back. I was sooo pissed!
                    I so understand that you were pissed! I propably would have done the same... and sneaked into the main hall and never left it for that day^^

                    Last edited by hivewarden; 23 May 2012, 03:53 AM.


                      Originally posted by hivewarden View Post
                      so you have been on the far end of the hall? I was also seated in that part (in sector F), in one of the last rows (but hardly ever stayed there... walked around a lot to take pictures)
                      Then, I think we crossed each other. I first didn't found the microphones and jumped much around before I finally was in the line for the left microphone, the one the farest away from the exit.

                      I asked the first question in this panel and fortunately didn't have to wait.. about Joe's bees and vegetable garden... I was nervous, and got in line the moment the panel started... let's get it over with, I thought.
                      Yeah, I remember that one. LOL Joe was very pleased with that I think.

                      Hmm... don't remember that one... what was it about? I hardly remember anything from this panel, because I was so relieved that my question was over.
                      Mine were the third and second to the last. I asked Kavan about working on "Miss Texas", a German mini-series. LOL That one where he first refused to know anything about but then he thanked about that topic (still giggling about his "And, you know, I had blonde hair!" And Joe's expression in that moment - priceless!). The other question was about Joe's outdoor activities. You know where he started his jumping around on the stage and pretend to ride his skateboard.

                      No need for that... if you knew what I did during autograph session -_-
                      Huh? What happened during the autograph session? Sorry, as I haven't had the money for an autograph or a photo it was (again *rolls eyes*) not allowed to me to take a look



                      i had some troubles with them too... because I had a tripod for my camera, some of them thought I was filming... every panel one or two of them would come along and wanted to get a look at my camera.. a little annoying. "Are you filming?!" "Cool down! Look guys, I am still not filming...".
                      Yeah, I know what you mean. They were absolutely crazy about the whole camera and filming-thing *iz still annoyed*.

                      Especially Saturday many of them had been very nervous... probably because of Shatner. Some of them really looked / acted overstrained.
                      Maybe, who knows? I was in the second hall, like the most of the daily guests. That guy coming to the stage and telling us again, that it wasn't allowed to us to enter the main hall was acting so rude, I think 1/3 of the people left the hall. There were many people around only to watch Shatner and some of them were so pissed because of the behaviour of this guy (ah, that was the same that won't allow me to enter the main hall later for the RDA-panel.
                      Heck, I've written in my con-report, as a sales-woman I never ever could act this way or I would lose my job the very next moment *shakes head*. And also this guy should have knew it better. I talked a while to him and learned that he's in real life fulltime firefighter. As far as I know these guys never act this way.

                      So sorry to hear that
                      Well, there are other European cons and also others German cons. The week before FedCon there was another one (of course more into the Horror-genre) that seems to be a good one and in the fall there will be another, only Stargate-centered but smaller con. Of course, that one is more expensive because the ticket includes autograph, photo session and Meet & Greet instead of paying extra for everything (like the Gold ticket for Fedcon). Maybe I will try that one because Torri Higginson and Rachel Luttrell will be there, Torri as Master of Ceremonies (cute!) and as special guest Michael Shanks has confirmed. True, no Joe but Daniel Jackson is my favorite character in SG1.

                      What?? are they crazy?
                      Just my thoughts ...

                      I so understand that you were pissed! I propably would have done the same... and sneaked into the main hall and never left it for that day^^
                      Then I have missed gorgeous Teryl! Do you have been into one of her panels? She was so hyper on stage, so friendly and warm and the same time goofing around. I so loved her!

                      What you thought about that Steampunk-thing after the costume-contest ended?

                      Unfortunately not taken by me but during Joe answering my question - such a clown!

                      Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
                      Sig & Avi by Josi
                      LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
                      I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                        Mine were the third and second to the last. I asked Kavan about working on "Miss Texas", a German mini-series. LOL That one where he first refused to know anything about but then he thanked about that topic (still giggling about his "And, you know, I had blonde hair!" And Joe's expression in that moment - priceless!). The other question was about Joe's outdoor activities. You know where he started his jumping around on the stage and pretend to ride his skateboard.
                        These had been yours? They were sooo great! I really loved BOTH questions... and Joe and Kavan had a lot of fun answering them. The blond hair thing? priceless! and the skateboard thingy.. also! thank you for asking them!


                        I have audio samples of some panels (this one also..) (they only talked about "forbidden filming", right?^^). I haven't listened to them yet, but if they are okay, would you like to have your questions and answers from Joe / Kavan in .mp3? They are not that big, so no problem sending them to you.

                        What happened during the autograph session? Sorry, as I haven't had the money for an autograph or a photo it was (again *rolls eyes*) not allowed to me to take a look
                        Oh my... what should I say. It was my first con and everything was new, exciting but also a little straining for me. I am a rather shy person. I did some photo-ops, asked this question and was very pleased that I managed all that. But on the last day I simply hadn't much energy left. And I propably should have watched a little bit how this is done... and suddenly it was my turn (I didn't waited long)... and Joe said "Hi! How are you doing?" And I just stood there and stared... I believe at least I said "hi" or something but that was that.

                        Then I saw some others chatting along, and the realization hit me... "you were supposed to TALK not just stand there and stare like some stupid *insert designated word here*!". But then it was too late. I felt / feel really stupid -_-

                        Further Fedcon spoilers:


                        Heck, I've written in my con-report
                        did you publish it somewhere? perhaps I'm going to write one too... but I'm still busy sorting out all the pics...

               a sales-woman I never ever could act this way or I would lose my job the very next moment *shakes head*. And also this guy should have knew it better. I talked a while to him and learned that he's in real life fulltime firefighter. As far as I know these guys never act this way.
                        You are right. With that job he shouldn't loose his nerves that easy

                        and in the fall there will be another, only Stargate-centered but smaller con. Of course, that one is more expensive because the ticket includes autograph, photo session and Meet & Greet instead of paying extra for everything (like the Gold ticket for Fedcon). Maybe I will try that one because Torri Higginson and Rachel Luttrell will be there, Torri as Master of Ceremonies (cute!) and as special guest Michael Shanks has confirmed.
                        Oh that sounds wonderful! I love Torri and Rachel And Torri as Master of Ceremonies - perfect In case you'll decide to go there - I wish you so much fun there. Enjoy.

                        Then I have missed gorgeous Teryl! Do you have been into one of her panels? She was so hyper on stage, so friendly and warm and the same time goofing around. I so loved her!
                        Oh she was so very cute indeed I attended her first panel on Friday.. it was a blast. She was so very funny and charismatic. I made many pics of her... when they're all on I'm going to publish the link over twitter.

                        What you thought about that Steampunk-thing after the costume-contest ended?
                        The performance was really good in my opinion, even though I don't like that 'puppet' theme so much. I also watched the Steampunk-related panels of each of the performers. They had been 'okay'. So yeah, I like Steampunk. I don't own a costume or anything (not a complete one anyway), but I like the looks and also Dieselpunk interests me. Perhaps I will finish the costume one day and attend some related events.

                        Unfortunately not taken by me but during Joe answering my question - such a clown!
                        priceless wonderful that someone caught that moment


                          have to go now... would love to see you later *waves*

                          One of my few better pics from Saturday...


                            Originally posted by hivewarden View Post
                            These had been yours? They were sooo great! I really loved BOTH questions... and Joe and Kavan had a lot of fun answering them. The blond hair thing? priceless! and the skateboard thingy.. also! thank you for asking them!
                            *bows* Glad that the boys had a little fun - and we all with them *giggles*
                            Yep, those were mine.
                            And thank for your offer. I would love to have the answers (my own stumbling ... not so much)

                            Oh my... what should I say. It was my first con and everything was new, exciting but also a little straining for me. I am a rather shy person. I did some photo-ops, asked this question and was very pleased that I managed all that. But on the last day I simply hadn't much energy left. And I propably should have watched a little bit how this is done... and suddenly it was my turn (I didn't waited long)... and Joe said "Hi! How are you doing?" And I just stood there and stared... I believe at least I said "hi" or something but that was that.
                            Then I saw some others chatting along, and the realization hit me... "you were supposed to TALK not just stand there and stare like some stupid *insert designated word here*!". But then it was too late. I felt / feel really stupid -_-
                            It also was my first Con and I'm still stunned that I finally managed it to go there. To be true, I try since ... my, this has to be now close to 30 years ... to go to BuCon and had several invitations to go to (true, not a con but anyway, would turn out as something familiar) the book fair in Leipzig. This was my third attempt to go to FedCon. Wow, still cannot believe it.
                            Well, I think JF could tell some even worster stories about what sometimes happens during the photo-OPs or autograph-sessions. And btw, listen how I stumbled over the question for JF *iz still ashamed*. So, you aren't alone. I think we all are really, really nervous when it comes to our heroes
                            You remember the first question for Shatner? Oh my, this poor woman! I loved how Shatner tried to calm her down so she could ask her question (anyway how ... boring that one was. My, this man had played also other characters than Kirk and Denny Crane! And he has his own talkshow in US, BTW. a very surprising show that I truly love *guilty pleasure*)

                            Further Fedcon spoilers:


                            did you publish it somewhere? perhaps I'm going to write one too... but I'm still busy sorting out all the pics...
                            The English version is in my LJ but Friends-locked (because of what happened not so long time ago here at GW), the German version I'm still working on.

                            You are right. With that job he shouldn't loose his nerves that easy
                            I think after I've been also on the OST-board for a while now that's their usual behaviour. They are doing FedCon and we all should be grateful that they are doing this and bringing the stars to Germany. I have to say after Saturday I'm really in the mood to organize a convention myself only to show to them that it's doable without offending the guests.

                            Oh that sounds wonderful! I love Torri and Rachel And Torri as Master of Ceremonies - perfect In case you'll decide to go there - I wish you so much fun there. Enjoy.
                            I'm not sure if or if not now. And it's still a question of money for me. But after I've talked with others who were there last year (also with Torri as MC) and the not so good experience with FedCon ... I'm thinking about it more seriously.

                            Oh she was so very cute indeed I attended her first panel on Friday.. it was a blast. She was so very funny and charismatic. I made many pics of her... when they're all on I'm going to publish the link over twitter.
                            I loved how she entered the stage on Saturday telling everyone that she haven't slept since Thursday and then wanted the first question and no one was up to the microphone and her reaction: "Okay, may I should ask you something?" That was so funny!

                            The performance was really good in my opinion, even though I don't like that 'puppet' theme so much. I also watched the Steampunk-related panels of each of the performers. They had been 'okay'. So yeah, I like Steampunk. I don't own a costume or anything (not a complete one anyway), but I like the looks and also Dieselpunk interests me. Perhaps I will finish the costume one day and attend some related events.
                            I'm not a LARPer but I do love Steampunk to read or to watch. But I have to say that panel on Saturday (as poor as it was moderated in my opinion) made me think about tinker something in Steampunk-way. Have to check out that website she mentioned ...
                            The performance ... wasn't really my cup of tea I have to say.

                            priceless wonderful that someone caught that moment

                            Okay, see you later! Have fun
                            Last edited by Hyndara71; 23 May 2012, 06:40 AM.

                            Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
                            Sig & Avi by Josi
                            LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
                            I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                              Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
                              Sig & Avi by Josi
                              LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
                              I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3


                                Original eBook:Der Spuk im Rosenhaus
                                Sig & Avi by Josi
                                LJ, FanFic-Blog(the longest lasting German SG-fanfic series), Profile at, Profile at,Profile at deviantART (Sorry, fanfics mostly in German)
                                I'm on Twitter and on Facebook Tumblr and AO3

