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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    They have the power what does our opinon matter?


      Hello Wild Women!
      Lots of big stuff getting discussed today, but seeing as how it's around that time....
      I think you should all join me for some afternoon tea...

      Have a treat from the Cake Stand of Harmony...

      I think Jenn is undecided....


      But Ronon has his eye on a fondant fancy!


      The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.



        So I am trying to take part in the anti McKeller thread discussion but I'm not sure what I can change...

        Originally posted by vatazes View Post
        *headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk* I need Dr. Lorne! STAT!

        Oh, wait, wrong thread! . Ronon! I need Ronon!

        For those wanting to maybe start up another board concerning another certain thread and other issues around here:
        I LOVE IT! I don't have a lot of time, but I'd be willing to help out in anyway I can. I'm hitting my head against whatever I come across, becuase I honestly can't stand the way how TF is circling around not only my questions and concerns but others as well! GRRRR! I used to love it around here, and I've ranted and raved over at my blogs about all this, so I wont go into detail. But I'm about fed up. I don't want to loose my Doc and Wildman name, but what's more upsetting is I'm loosing one of my other safe havens that I've met a lot of cool people in. So count me in!

        BB- You know you only need to come to us for the love! Have a good night!

        Hope your littleone gets better soon fuschia! The youngest has been battling allergies pretty bad lately and I think she's coming down with another head cold .

        I love Anthony S. Head! I remember when I first saw Buffy and couldn't put my finger on where I saw him from. Then I rewatched my Highlander tapes and viola! Him and what's his face that played Wesley.

        Sen- hope it wasn't too dull at work. It was busy busy for me this morning. People called out left and right, but between two of us we managed to get the store ready for the big wigs to come in! And in under two hours!
        Doctor Lorne? Really think it's the wrong thread?

        *whistles innocently*

        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
        Hi everyone. I'm back from work. What a lot of discussion has gone on today!

        MK - I had a very similar idea to yours about setting up our own Forum. I was just waiting to see what would happen with the Anti McKay/Keller thread. I very briefly discussed it with Rache but I'd been giving it some more thought over the last week or so.

        I was going to set up a Doc & Wildman Forum with these people. With threads for Ronon, Jennifer, the ship, anti McKay/Keller, off topic and an adults only area.

        But as you have already begun to make one, if you want any help at all with yours, you can count me in.

        I've quickly read the thread in Forum Announcements and am really, really confused. I'm going to read it more closely & see if I can make head or tail of it. But I will say I applaud all your comments & those of the other posters as well.
        I think that is not bad idea to have our own forum. Of course I am not leaving gw but it would be nice to have some place we could mod ourselves And the adult are, good idea Own gutter place


          Hey! It's Dr. Lorne! He and Ronon will make it all better . Thank you Sen. I needed that.

          And yup, its been handed down that they have no desire to let us keep the Anti-McKay/Keller thread, no matter how many circles they run around it and no matter how many of us don't want it to go away. So now, I guess its just down to decide who's gonna go and what are we gonna call the new place ?

          sig by DG .
          I can be found here:


            Where did Miss Kitten go? Was she already getting something underway?

            Fuchsia - I fancy some tea and cake.

            Poor Ronon - he didn't get a fondant fancy and now he's sulking.


            because Jennifer took the last one

            All right not Jennifer but Kaylee - nearly the same.


              Not sure where MK is. I haven't seen her in the past little bit. Maybe she has gotten things going and just trying to iron some things out for us.

              Almost forgot the tea, fuschia! Thank you! Normally not big on tea, but right now, anything to help calm and relax me is a good thing .

              And poor Ronon! He may have to go tackle Jenn for taking the last one .

              sig by DG .
              I can be found here:


                Yup, I had dinner and finished up setting up the forum functionally. The design is yet to come, though But for those who wants to join and wants to start posting right away, here it is:

                Stargate Talk
                My Site || My Blog


                  TEA! -is thirsty and cold and goes to make some- I wish I had some cuppycakes, we have no sweets in the house, and hardly any food, either. -wishes her aunt was home so there would be either groceries or fast food available-


                    SUPER Kitten!

                    I'm registered!

                    The Doctor and the Wild Man Thread... Keeping the dream alive.


                      MK, I am so there. Of course I saw this after the post in the Forum Announcements, so you can ignore my PM if you want .

                      Dr. Jenn, I have cupcakes galore to spare if you want some! THe youngest has been getting into baking in a huge way, mainly thanks to Grandma discovering King Arthur Flour for kids . We've had cupcakes, cakes, pretzels, you name it!

                      sig by DG .
                      I can be found here:


                        I want cupcakes and cakes! No pretzels, though, I only like 'em if they have pizza sauce, for some reason. -shrugs-


                          Miss Kitten - you have your first idiot to sort out .... *cough*.... me.

                          I tried to join your new forum, put in all my stuff in the Register bit but I can't log in. I wondered if I'd done a typo on the password or something & tried to get my password e-mailed to me but nothing has appeared. Can you have a look. I seem to be stuck in limbo somehow. BTW I tried to register as Blencathra. Perhaps I put on Blencarthra or soemthing silly .....


                            Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                            Miss Kitten - you have your first idiot to sort out .... *cough*.... me.

                            I tried to join your new forum, put in all my stuff in the Register bit but I can't log in. I wondered if I'd done a typo on the password or something & tried to get my password e-mailed to me but nothing has appeared. Can you have a look. I seem to be stuck in limbo somehow. BTW I tried to register as Blencathra. Perhaps I put on Blencarthra or soemthing silly .....
                            Okay, I'm PM-ing you a temporary password now.
                            My Site || My Blog


                              Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                              Morning everyone.

                              I see the debate about the Anti McKay Keller thread has started. I can see I'm going to be getting annoyed again.

                              For starters - why is the proposed thread going to be called "McKay - Better off with ?????" when the similar Jennifer one is called "Jennifer - Keep her Single" ? Sexism?
                              no comment or the mods will snip me!

                              I joined mk, thanks!


                                Originally posted by misskitten View Post
                                One thing I am also wondering... we can not keep Doc and the Wildman, but those other mentioned thread titles are a-okay, apparently. Especially differanciating between character threads. *rolls eyes*

                                Our thread title offends no one, this new suggested McKay title is offending several!

                                ETA: I just got 1700 posts, so only 300 posts left until I can get my own icon
                                Happy 1700, MK!

                                I'm off to check out this new forum. I'll probably stay here mostly. Just because I've got the address memorized, etc. Once I'm back on my computer, I'll be over there more probably.

                                BB!! Where are those threads? I'd love to post on some of those!

                                As far as the McKay/XXX character, well, I really don't see him in any sort of romantic light. The only one I can really see him with is Laura. *waves to Fuchsia and Lorne/Laura shippers* Hi there!

                                And let's see how this goes. I've been here for like three hours and my internet is soo slow today! Grrrr.

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                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

