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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post

    In Atlantis. Woolsey wants to see Ronon. Ronon hasn't filed a single report since he'd been there. Was Ronon at the briefing to tell them about the required reports? YES! Ronon- I'm not good at writing. Digital Voice Recorder! Not good at talking either

    Rodney and John are playing RC cars down the corridors. Teyla is walking TJ. They crashed into each other.

    Everything went dark in the east peir! dum dum dummmm. Lights are out all over except the control room. Something is not right. Well duh! Then we wouldn't have an episode!
    MORE MORE! I have to wait until Monday (bah)!

    Operation "this will most likely end badly" is a go. - John Sheppard
    MALP on a stick! - Rodney McKay


      Ok, so Lorne is HOT! Radek is wonderful! Love them both!

      Teyla and Mike! THe pj has given Mike all sorts of tech. Back after Ronon and Woolsey talk is when Mike comes in. The pj just gave off some sort of pulse that knocked everyone out. ROnon tried to get everyone out but no dice. Mike is closing up Atlantis. Some of Mikes hybrids are there helping.

      Mike is congratulating Teyla over TJ. The hybrids are getting ready to activate Atlantis' self destroy device. TJ is the key to increasing Mikes strength. TJ if fussing. Mike says he's as strong now as he has ever been. He's got resolve.

      Lorne and Radek, Rodney, John. Lorne thought Mike was dead. They're splitting up. if they have a shot at Mike, take it and make sure he';s dead.

      Somewhere else, Ronon is waking up among others. But he's trapped.

      Hybrids having trouble with self destruct device. Mike says keep at it. Teyla - Problems?

      John sets off some C4. Lorne too! What is it about hot guys and explosives? They're climbing steps! Rodney's got something on his sensors! Lorne is down!!! He hit a force field. He's alive though. Whew!

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      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        Sounds like a good episode thus far. I'm just popping in to say enjoy the episode guys, then I'm hitting the sack. A bit too much partying tonight and apparently I agreed to go out tomorrow as well, lol. So my writing plans will be postponed until Sunday.

        Night, you guys!
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          IO feel for you, Nika! I really do! I'd go nuts if I had to wait that long! N-V-T-S Nuts! Cookies for anyone who gets that reference!

          Rodney is figuring out the forcefield. Mike adapted it from the pj. Radek is calling it a stun bubble.

          Ronon is trying to open the doors. Some chica woke up. It's what's her name from Quarantine. She's helping Ronon.

          Hybrids are not having luc. Teyla and Mike again. Mike is still peeved at Teyla for showing him the compassion. being duplicitous. Mike says she can come with him and take care of TJ. Mike will take care of them both. Mike is blaming whe woes of the galaxy on Teyla and the others on Atlantis.

          John says they need to blow up the PJ. It is what is powering the force shield. Get one from the underwater jumper bay. Neither one is capable of flying. But it's been two years since the flood. Rodney has to go clear down and fix the jumpers. Shucks! There's a transporter.

          Woah! Hotness! Ronon and chica just beat up a hybrid!

          Ronon is stalking around the gateroom. Why are they asking tactical advice from Woolsey instead of Ronon? WTH!! Ronon is at point. listening in on Mike et al. They're not going to the armory. Sent Woolsey of to be with the others. Ronon is off to stop the self destruct. Ronon is in the control room. ROnon is fighting MKike! Ronon is telling Teyla to run. HOT HOT HOT!! Woolsey is getting info from Teyla. Mike threw Rono off the balcony in the gateroom!

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          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            eh, I'm not sure I like this episode already.
            No mention of Jennifer, and some chick with Ronon.
            Not a happy girl here, no sir.


              Good Night Miss Kitten!

              John wants a sit rep from Radek. Ronon's down. Rodney andJohn are in the underwater bay. They're working on getting one to work. Woolsey and Teyla are off somewehre. Woolsey just found the force shield. Teyla is off the other way. She just clocked Mike!!! TJ in her arms and everything! You go woman!!

              She's trying to find a way out of there. She found a safe place for TJ. Oh, now he's fussing! Hybrids are sure dumb! Rodney and John have the PJ just about figured out. The weapons aren't online.

              Hybrids can't find Teyla and are reporting that to Mike. He's upset. Mike hit the self destruct. Can't get the drones to work (John and Rodney that is.) John's going to crash the pj into the tower. Mike is offering for Teyla to surrender herself and TJ or everyone dies. Da da dummmmm!

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              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                Ronon seemed awefully impressed that chica knew kickboxing

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                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi



                  With John and Rodney - make sure they don't accelerate too fast. After all, it's not the first suicide mission they've been on.

                  Radek has figured out lots of not too useful stuff. Rodney says that use PJ to dial gate and the kawoosh will take out Mike pj.

                  Mike is psyching out (trying) Teyla. Come with me Teyla. Trust me! I will not harm you. I will not harm Atlantis. Yeah right! Teyla says to turn off self destruct and she will go with.

                  Rodney is flying the PJ. Self destruct has less than two minutes. Mike will leave Teyla. He has TJ's dna!! Plans to grow clone TJ. Mike et al is heading

                  NOOOOO! Mike has a knif to Ronon's throat!! The kawoosh distracted Mike from killing Ronon. John and everyone come in shooting! Radek is rebooting city power. John is shooting at Mike. Medic for Ronon. Amelia is chica. Teyla is getting her to take care of TJ. Teyla is off. John is still shooting at Mike.

                  Mike is out on an outer mbalcony! Knocked John off the ledge!!! He climbed back up. EEII! What a place for a fist fight! Not enought space! Teyla is kicking MIKES BUTT!! Mike is hanging on by his fingers! She kicked one hand off. And then the other hand! GO TEYLA!!!!

                  Woolsey is visiting Ronon. Ronon suffered concussion. Woolsey is amazed and inspired. Ronon did a report!? Mission report: Mike invaded Atlantis, tried to blow it up. We stopped him. End of report. LOL

                  Rodney and John are playing their RC cars,. They are showing off for Teyla and TJ.

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                  It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                    okay was a count off somewhere?
                    where was Keller??


                      Thoughts anyone? Mine are as far as ship goes
                      I have a strong suspicion that tptb are jerking we Ronon/Jenn fans around again. All of a sudden there is a bit of interest in this Amelia Banks woman? I mean what do we know about her that would attract Ronon aside from she can kickbox? WTH!!

                      Aside from that generally
                      I think it was an awesome team ep! Seriously! I wish we'd seen Jenn. Who in the world is our team going to fight in the movie now that Michael is dead? Ronon and Teyla rocked! I also kinda wished to have something dealing with Kanaan confronting Michael, maybe being reprogrammed and getting dead. But nooo he's off world again!

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                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                        okay was a count off somewhere?
                        where was Keller??
                        Did we get some bad information somewhere? Seriously,
                        she should have been in it at the end at least!

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                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          I like it here were some things that bothered me but there was a lot that I liked


                            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                            Did we get some bad information somewhere? Seriously,
                            she should have been in it at the end at least!
                            that was what I thought
                            she is supposed to be in 15 eppys this season and from the count we had she has been out of 5 eppys already so she should have been in this one


                              WTF? Where do I even start!!!

                              I give up!!!

                              Where was Ronon and Teyla in this episode? OH there she is hiding..oh yea and there is Ronon knocked out cold on the floor! For a minute there I thought Micheal was going to kill him!

                              When did John
                              Become Kung Fu master? Seriously..why didn't they have Teyla doing all the fighting with him?

                              I was impressed with..

                              Amelia's fighting..the girl can fight..think she might have impressed Ronon..just a little
                              Sig made by DG. Thanks DG sigpic


                                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                                that was what I thought
                                she is supposed to be in 15 eppys this season and from the count we had she has been out of 5 eppys already so she should have been in this one
                                ????? I don't know!

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                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

