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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    Honestly, I still would have watched, I hadn't seen enough episodes with her in them for her to grow on me. My first one was Doppelganger, so she was gone by then, so then all I saw her in were reruns.


      Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
      Honestly, I still would have watched, I hadn't seen enough episodes with her in them for her to grow on me. My first one was Doppelganger, so she was gone by then, so then all I saw her in were reruns.
      I remember her from SG1 already (although n Lost City the character was played by another actress).

      BTW you are Coreen Fennel at FF?


        Same here Dr Jenn, I hadn't formed an emotional attachment to her either. I liked her character though & wished she'd had more to do. TH is a fab actress and I think she was totally under used. I mean I know she was in charge & all but surely TPTB could ahve thought of something.

        But as you say SeNedra, we have Jenn & Ronon now!

        But I haven't time to read your chapter at the mo!! I have to go to work now. Why oh why couldn't they run their stupid courses on days I do work but oh no I have to go in specially.

        I'll see you all later. Have fun without me *sobs*


          Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
          I remember her from SG1 already (although n Lost City the character was played by another actress).

          BTW you are Coreen Fennel at FF?
          -laughs- Yeah, that's me. How could you tell?

          -huggles Blenca- Don't you know it's never as much fun without you here?


            Bye Blen, hope it won't be so bad

            And DrJenn, I thought I already saw that name. But you make me confuse, cause you use totally diferent names everywhere


              Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
              Bye Blen, hope it won't be so bad

              And DrJenn, I thought I already saw that name. But you make me confuse, cause you use totally diferent names everywhere
              -laughs- Well, there's normally at least one female character I adore in most of the books/movies/tv shows/musicals that I enjoy, so depending on what site I'm on, I use that character's name.


                Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                -laughs- Well, there's normally at least one female character I adore in most of the books/movies/tv shows/musicals that I enjoy, so depending on what site I'm on, I use that character's name.
                Understand. SeNedra is from a book as well. But I use this name for a really long time, I think since I read it at first and it could be ten years ago. I sometimes used another names but I wasn't able to remember which name I use and where so I rather use only one


                  Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                  Understand. SeNedra is from a book as well. But I use this name for a really long time, I think since I read it at first and it could be ten years ago. I sometimes used another names but I wasn't able to remember which name I use and where so I rather use only one
                  Really? What book? -is always looking for good books to read-


                    Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
                    Really? What book? -is always looking for good books to read-
                    It's fantasy series Belgariad by David Eddings. I love good fantasy books and Eddings is my favourite author (together with Tolkien of course, Feist and Prattchet). In fact the whole series has I think fifteen books but it coud be different in original, I have the Czech versions only.


                      Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                      It's fantasy series Belgariad by David Eddings. I love good fantasy books and Eddings is my favourite author (together with Tolkien of course, Feist and Prattchet). In fact the whole series has I think fifteen books but it coud be different in original, I have the Czech versions only.
                      Oh, I've heard of that, I think. -adds to the list of books/movies/CDs to buy once she has money-


                        I think you won't be disappointed, even my girlfriends who never read fantasy liked it. He can discribe the developing of the characters perfect way.

                        I will have to do something so I will be off now (cause I am not able to work if I am disturbed by gw chatt ) But I will be back in the afternoon.

                        And an on topic picture:

                        Mm, I wanna someone like him protecting me... *sigh*


                          Those two would make some PRETTY babies. -nods- See you later, Sen!


                            Sorry I've been doing so much lurging of late. RL is taking most of my attention, with a full time job and a very busy home based business i've been too brain dead to do much else.
                            Anyway back on topic...
                            I've been reading all the new fic and it's incredible!!! I'm so inspired by all of you wonderful writers!!!
                            I do check in and try to keep up on what's going on when i get a chance, it helps keep me from going crazy, well any crazier than i already am, it's a healthy level of insanity, honest.

                            As for the spoilers that I've read...

                            I am sooooo looking forward to season 5. I'm encouraged by the hints that there will be romance and of course i'm really really really really wanting it to be Ronon and Jenn. The way I figure it, Rodney already got a shot at a romance with Katie and that whole time line thing with Jenn, so it is Ronon's turn, and didn't Jason mention he wanted his character to have a romantic interest? Okay so how long til the season starts again? I've got shippy visions of Jenn treating an injured Ronon after they get him out of that collapsed building. Is it July yet?
                            I live in my own little world, but it's okay, they know me here!!!


                              Hi, I'm back from work now. Is anyone around??

                              Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                              Bye Blen, hope it won't be so bad

                              And DrJenn, I thought I already saw that name. But you make me confuse, cause you use totally diferent names everywhere
                              I use a different name on the dog related sites I'm on and You Tube. There I'm Tessington (my greyhounds nickname ). As for Blencathra, its a mountain in the Lake District where I like go to walking on my holidays.

                              Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                              It's fantasy series Belgariad by David Eddings. I love good fantasy books and Eddings is my favourite author (together with Tolkien of course, Feist and Prattchet). In fact the whole series has I think fifteen books but it coud be different in original, I have the Czech versions only.
                              I'm sure I've read those SeN. A long while ago now. I'll have to check them out on Amazon as I borrowed them from the library and so don't actually have them in the house. I've read Raymond Feist's Serpentwar saga and am slowly wading though Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time books but I'm feeling a bit bogged down with all the characters.

                              (Actually I've double checked & it was the Belgariad I read, but only about the first six books. I'll have to re-read them as I remember they were really good stories)

                              And now for some pics.




                                Originally posted by baby_doll26 View Post
                                Sorry I've been doing so much lurging of late. RL is taking most of my attention, with a full time job and a very busy home based business i've been too brain dead to do much else.
                                Anyway back on topic...
                                I've been reading all the new fic and it's incredible!!! I'm so inspired by all of you wonderful writers!!!
                                I do check in and try to keep up on what's going on when i get a chance, it helps keep me from going crazy, well any crazier than i already am, it's a healthy level of insanity, honest.

                                As for the spoilers that I've read...

                                I am sooooo looking forward to season 5. I'm encouraged by the hints that there will be romance and of course i'm really really really really wanting it to be Ronon and Jenn. The way I figure it, Rodney already got a shot at a romance with Katie and that whole time line thing with Jenn, so it is Ronon's turn, and didn't Jason mention he wanted his character to have a romantic interest? Okay so how long til the season starts again? I've got shippy visions of Jenn treating an injured Ronon after they get him out of that collapsed building. Is it July yet?

                                Hello again Baby Doll. Glad to see you.

                                I have agree about season 5. I am looking forward to it so much!! And I just hope & pray we get something! It doesn't have to be much - just holding hands or a peck on the cheek. Anything!

                                I don't want to disappoint you but it looks like Ronon escapes from that building without a scratch There was a spoiler pic posted from Search & Rescue in which Ronon & John look fine.)

                                However, we do know that he gets an overdose of wraith enzyme in Broken Ties & ends up strapped to a bed (cos Jason Momoa said he broke the bed). So I'm hoping he'll be strapped to it in the Infirmary and of course Jenn will have to look after him & mop his fevered brow etc.

                                And of course there is Tracker & The Lost Tribe which sound REALLY good from our point of view.

                                BTW - I forgot. SeNedra I managed to read you fic at work. Don't tell them though. I've left a review. And I have to insist you write the next part immediately. Cos I need to know what happens

