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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    I just finished watching Father's Day and I couldn't help crying ever since my Dad died in 2007 anything that has to do with fathers makes my cry.. and this episode especially...


      *huggles* that is a good ep and sad for poor Rose


        The Empty Child is also a very creepy episode...


          question what's the maximum size for avi's ?


            I think it is 120 X 120 and I can't remember the kb size but it is not much. I'll go check.

            It is 19.5 kb or 120 X 120, whichever is smaller.


              Oddly, my sigs are showing up again, but not Jade or DG's
              Last edited by bailey1ak; 05 December 2010, 08:09 PM.


                Thanks Bailey

                DG I got your Christmas card today! It's so cute!!


                  I got it as well, DG... really funny. I will be thinking about it when the kids do that this year.
                  Last edited by bailey1ak; 05 December 2010, 08:16 PM. Reason: spoiler


                    How's it coming Jade?


                      it's getting there.. the tut that I finally settled on is very extensive and I am having to adapt it as I go for what I am making.. I had to take a mini break because my roommates were re-configuring the living room and I was helping them out.. it looks really weird.. they treaded their big dinning room table for a smaller one and took out this big rod iron shelf thing and it opened up the room so much... they also decorated their tree...

                      what are you up to Bailey?


                        Good morning, Love Shack! How's it going?

                        Came home from church yesterday and slept. Then we got up and went to see HP. Loved the movie.

                        Originally posted by Sapphire_Jade View Post
                        The Empty Child is also a very creepy episode...
                        Loved Empty Child! One of my favorite episodes! Of course, I absolutely adore Nine, so...

                        I came across a website that has all 30+ seasons of Doctor Who and I'm slowly s l o w l y working my way through them. Glad I started with Nine as the original season is just infuriating. I'm waiting for it to mellow out some.

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi



                          I haven't been around, too busy and a lot happened here, but I am back. I passed my first exam for the pedagogic studies today I have B, just perfect.

                          I just wanna let you know, that right now I am actually not able to send all the Christmas cards to everyone... It costs quite a lot in here to send a letter to the US. So you really do not have to send me anything (in case you did it already, I am sorry). I have a card for Misi and Blen only, hope you understand.


                            I completely understand about finances, SeNedra. Don't worry about it.

                            Yay for passing your class! Great job!

                            Click here daily to give free mammograms

                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              I need your opinions for a fic. Quarantine took place in January, but was filmed sometime in summer. Do you think that Atlantis is settled in a more tropical latitude? Teyla was wearing that - and I'm insanely jealous that I didn't have something half so beautiful - dress that would not be appropriate for Vancouver in winter.

                              Click here daily to give free mammograms

                              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                                Afternoon. I have a cold.

                                Unexpected sneezing is not a good idea. I think I need to work on my pelvic floor exercises.

                                Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                                Looking forward to seeing the new avi.

                                Not sure what I'll watch once I finish Torchwood. I do like it though.
                                Originally posted by bailey1ak View Post
                                So where do you start with Dr. Who? Between the 60's and now there are a lot of seasons.
                                Doctor Who!!!! Yes! I think you should give it a shot.

                                I think you could start at the beginning of any of the new Doctors, Bailey - starting at Nine or starting with Eleven I think. With each new Doctor he usually gets a new companion and we learn about the Doctor through her eyes.

                                I wouldn't bother with the classic Who stuff. You don't need to know any of it. When I talk to people on Livejournal nearly all of them haven't watched it. I love them because I grew up with them but even I find some of them difficult to watch.

                                Originally posted by Sapphire_Jade View Post
                                I just finished watching Father's Day and I couldn't help crying ever since my Dad died in 2007 anything that has to do with fathers makes my cry.. and this episode especially...
                                Huggles Jade. Sorry to hear about that.

                                Originally posted by SeNedra View Post

                                I haven't been around, too busy and a lot happened here, but I am back. I passed my first exam for the pedagogic studies today I have B, just perfect.

                                I just wanna let you know, that right now I am actually not able to send all the Christmas cards to everyone... It costs quite a lot in here to send a letter to the US. So you really do not have to send me anything (in case you did it already, I am sorry). I have a card for Misi and Blen only, hope you understand.
                                I totally understand SeN. Finances can be difficult to juggle, particularly at Christmas when there is so much that you need to buy.

                                BTW I saw your pics of your new cat on FB. She's lovely!!

                                Also did you all know that BB has had an accident? He was in a car crash on Thursday. His car is a write off but he escaped relatively unscathed.

                                Misi - I thought Atlantis was in a more tropical climate during Quarantine.

