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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    From DG's Love Never Dies

    “You are really alive.” Ronon said, walking with single mindedness up to Jennifer. Once he got to her, he grabbed her and pulled her into the tightest embrace she could ever remember receiving.

    Ahem! We're still waiting for more of this one, dearheart!

    Click here daily to give free mammograms

    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      great minds I was thinking of Easy too

      and I have been following the 6-year old in the helium balloon and luckily he has been found but I know I would be in TROUBLE! he has beenhiding in a box in the attic this WHOLE TIME!


        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
        From DG's Love Never Dies

        “You are really alive.” Ronon said, walking with single mindedness up to Jennifer. Once he got to her, he grabbed her and pulled her into the tightest embrace she could ever remember receiving.

        Ahem! We're still waiting for more of this one, dearheart!
        I will I swear I have been working on it but I keep not liking the chapter


          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
          great minds I was thinking of Easy too

          and I have been following the 6-year old in the helium balloon and luckily he has been found but I know I would be in TROUBLE! he has beenhiding in a box in the attic this WHOLE TIME!
          Were that child mine, he'd get a hug and a spanking. Or maybe a spanking and a hug. Not sure which.

          Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
          I will I swear I have been working on it but I keep not liking the chapter
          You can get it. If you need someone to bounce ideas off of, we're all here!

          Click here daily to give free mammograms

          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            In Technicolor by Raisintorte

            On days like today, working in the infirmary on Atlantis seemed no different from her internship days. Today she had set a broken foot, treated hay fever, and stitched up a marine. No alien bugs, no viruses, no nano-technology, no outbreaks - nothing different beyond the fact she was living in a city built by an ancient race in another galaxy: she could have been in a general practice anywhere.

            Jennifer loved Atlantis. Everyone here was a little different - in most labs and hospitals they would have been the outsiders, here, they all had their place, their purpose, and she loved it. She felt like for the first time in her life she was really living her life. She was . . . happy. Even with on the days where she felt like she was in so far over her head with no way of getting out, she was happy.

            Before Atlantis she had never been shot at, chased by men who looked like escapees from a WWE pay-per-view special, or feared for her life.

            She also never thought herself capable of half the of things she'd pushed herself into doing. And she'd never met someone like Ronon.

            There weren't guys like Ronon Dex on earth. Not like she had a lot of experience with men, but she knew Ronon was different.

            Thinking about Ronon, and their almost-kiss made her heart beat a little bit faster and her stomach drop. The outbreak had been almost a week before; since then, they'd eaten a few meals together and he'd stopped by the infirmary a few times, but he hadn't made any move to kiss her - or even really try to get her alone. They'd been busy - he'd been off-world a few days and she'd pulled an all-nighter when a team of marines came back purple and itchy.

            She hadn't exactly made a move for him either: part of her wanted to be courted. Old-fashioned as it might be, she wanted him to make the next move. She was interested, and she was sure he knew that, so she'd wait a little longer.

            It was her night to be on-call, so she was going to catch a few hours' sleep in her quarters before reporting back. Doctor Cartwright was in charge, and she would let Jennifer know if something big came up.

            She had just gotten back to her quarters when the door chimed. "Enter." She smiled when Ronon came through the door.

            "Sheppard's father died. I'm going back to Earth with him." Ronon must have raided the laundry again, because he was wearing a ridiculously ill-fitting black t-shirt. Bad outfit choices notwithstanding, he still looked hot.

            "Colonel Carter stopped by and gave me the heads-up. I mean, it's not like he'd come and talk to me, but we haven't replaced Kate yet, so I'm pulling double duty." Ronon just grunted and moved toward her.

            "Should be gone only a few days." He kept moving toward her as he spoke. He was smiling, so she wasn't exactly worried, but the look in his eyes did make her a bit nervous - in a good way.

            "I'll miss you. When are you leaving?" She felt her back touch the wall. He kept moving until his body was pressed up against hers, practically pinning her in place. Her heart was beating faster and her stomach was flipping in the most delightful way.

            "Ten minutes. Sheppard doesn't exactly know I'm coming." Ronon leaned a little closer and she felt his breath on her neck.

            "You should get going." She wrapped her arms around him anyway, grinning.

            "Had something to do first." She was just waiting for him to kiss her and he was so close, but his lips hadn't touched hers yet.

            "Oh." She could've smacked herself. Ronon had her pressed up against a wall and all she could say was oh. As she was over-thinking her word choice, he finally leaned in and kissed her. Teasing her lips softly with his - it was maddening. She tried to deepen the kiss but he thwarted her efforts by sucking gently on her lower lip. She felt like Audrey Hepburn in a black and white movie - the kiss was oddly chaste, but promised much more later, off-screen. It was like he was leaving a place-holder, a spot for them to return to when he got back.

            She made a small whimper when Ronon pulled back, his body still leaning into hers. "Want anything from Earth?"

            Jennifer thought about it for a second. She could ask for chocolate or something like that, but really, she wanted something they both could enjoy. "How about some whipped cream?"

            Ronon gave her a quizzical look. "What's that?"

            "Didn't you go to the movie night last week when Sheppard choose Varsity Blues?" Jennifer started grinning - she had a feeling Ronon would like what was coming once he figured it out.

            He paused for a second and said, "Was that the football movie with the whiny kid from that show Cadman made me watch?"

            "Yup." Jennifer wrapped her arms around him a bit tighter because she knew had head to leave soon to catch the wormhole to earth. "Remember the scene when the girl came out wearing nothing but white stuff all over body?"

            Jennifer could almost hear the gears whirring in Ronon's head as he registered exactly what she was talking about. "That stuff's called whipped cream? Awesome."

            "I thought you'd like that." Jennifer glanced over his shoulder at the clock on her desk. "You should get going."

            "I know." Ronon pressed his lips to hers one last time, his hand lingering on hers as he pulled away. "See you in a few days."

            "Okay." She followed him to the door and smiled as it whooshed shut behind him.

            Audrey might never have worn a whipped cream bikini in one of her movies, but everyone knew all the real fun happened off screen.

            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
              Were that child mine, he'd get a hug and a spanking. Or maybe a spanking and a hug. Not sure which.

              You can get it. If you need someone to bounce ideas off of, we're all here!
              Exactly and ground him till he is 40!

              I could do that

              From Lucky Shot (How has no one posted this up yet?) by rubycasper

              “Okay,” he said slowly. “Okay, so spend some time with her first. Make friends.”

              Ronon didn’t look impressed by the suggestion, and John reconsidered the idea. He snapped his fingers.

              “I know what you could do – fake an injury,” he said. “Go to the infirmary with a fake injury.”

              Ronon stared at John.

              John grinned. “That way you get her undivided attention and you can work your magic,” he said.

              Ronon’s expression clearly showed John that he thought he was insane. “A fake injury?” He repeated.

              John didn’t care that Ronon clearly thought he had lost his mind – he knew the idea was good. “Yeah,” he said enthusiastically. “Go and say you’ve got stomach ache or something.”

              Ronon raised an eyebrow, and John nodded. “Okay, no one’s going to believe that from you,” he said, frowning as he thought over this flaw in his plan. He shrugged. “You could actually injure yourself…”


              “Not badly!” John said quickly. “Just… cut yourself accidentally-on-purpose or something.”

              There was a short silence, while Ronon and John stared at one another. “That’s not a bad idea…” Ronon said after a few moments.

              John managed to rein in his grin, and nodded solemnly. “Right,” he said. He twirled one of his staffs. “You could use one of these – say that I got in a lucky shot or something.”

              Now it was Ronon’s turn to smirk. “A lucky shot?” He asked.

              John shrugged. “We have to try and keep it believable,” he said.

              Ronon gave him a small smile. “Okay – do it,” he said.

              John blinked. “What?”

              “Hit me,” said Ronon.

              John’s eyes widened. “Er… where?”

              Ronon thought about it for a moment. “My head,” he said eventually.

              John blinked again. “You want me to hit you on the head?” He repeated stupidly.

              “Yeah,” said Ronon. He took a step closer and bowed his head. “And make it look convincing.”

              John tightened his grip on his staff but didn’t move. “Seriously?”

              “Yeah,” said Ronon. He stood there with his head bowed for a few moments, but John still didn’t move. He looked up at John, exasperated. “Come on, John, this was your idea.”

              John shifted uncomfortably. “Well, yeah, but…”

              Ronon rolled his eyes. “Just do it!” He said.

              John sighed. “Okay, hold still,” he said. Ronon bowed his head again and John raised his staff, ready to strike. His arm fell back to his side.

              Ronon stood up straight again and rolled his eyes.

              “What if it causes a cerebral haemorrhage?” John asked.

              “What’s that?” Ronon asked.

              John frowned. “It’s a… it’s when… okay I don’t actually know what it is exactly, but I know it’s bad,” he said.

              Ronon rolled his eyes again. “John –”

              “I’m not sure this is such a good –”

              Ronon raised his own staff and hit himself on the forehead.

              “Woah!” John cried, stepping back.

              Ronon staggered, looking slightly dazed. Then he shook his head and his eyes cleared. “How’s it look?” He asked John.

              John folded his arms as he looked at the deep cut over Ronon’s eyebrow, already trickling blood down his cheek. “You need stitches,” he said.

              Ronon grinned. “Perfect,” he said.


                Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                Exactly and ground him till he is 40!

                I could do that

                From Lucky Shot (How has no one posted this up yet?) by rubycasper

                “Okay,” he said slowly. “Okay, so spend some time with her first. Make friends.”

                Ronon didn’t look impressed by the suggestion, and John reconsidered the idea. He snapped his fingers.

                “I know what you could do – fake an injury,” he said. “Go to the infirmary with a fake injury.”

                Ronon stared at John.

                John grinned. “That way you get her undivided attention and you can work your magic,” he said.

                Ronon’s expression clearly showed John that he thought he was insane. “A fake injury?” He repeated.

                John didn’t care that Ronon clearly thought he had lost his mind – he knew the idea was good. “Yeah,” he said enthusiastically. “Go and say you’ve got stomach ache or something.”

                Ronon raised an eyebrow, and John nodded. “Okay, no one’s going to believe that from you,” he said, frowning as he thought over this flaw in his plan. He shrugged. “You could actually injure yourself…”


                “Not badly!” John said quickly. “Just… cut yourself accidentally-on-purpose or something.”

                There was a short silence, while Ronon and John stared at one another. “That’s not a bad idea…” Ronon said after a few moments.

                John managed to rein in his grin, and nodded solemnly. “Right,” he said. He twirled one of his staffs. “You could use one of these – say that I got in a lucky shot or something.”

                Now it was Ronon’s turn to smirk. “A lucky shot?” He asked.

                John shrugged. “We have to try and keep it believable,” he said.

                Ronon gave him a small smile. “Okay – do it,” he said.

                John blinked. “What?”

                “Hit me,” said Ronon.

                John’s eyes widened. “Er… where?”

                Ronon thought about it for a moment. “My head,” he said eventually.

                John blinked again. “You want me to hit you on the head?” He repeated stupidly.

                “Yeah,” said Ronon. He took a step closer and bowed his head. “And make it look convincing.”

                John tightened his grip on his staff but didn’t move. “Seriously?”

                “Yeah,” said Ronon. He stood there with his head bowed for a few moments, but John still didn’t move. He looked up at John, exasperated. “Come on, John, this was your idea.”

                John shifted uncomfortably. “Well, yeah, but…”

                Ronon rolled his eyes. “Just do it!” He said.

                John sighed. “Okay, hold still,” he said. Ronon bowed his head again and John raised his staff, ready to strike. His arm fell back to his side.

                Ronon stood up straight again and rolled his eyes.

                “What if it causes a cerebral haemorrhage?” John asked.

                “What’s that?” Ronon asked.

                John frowned. “It’s a… it’s when… okay I don’t actually know what it is exactly, but I know it’s bad,” he said.

                Ronon rolled his eyes again. “John –”

                “I’m not sure this is such a good –”

                Ronon raised his own staff and hit himself on the forehead.

                “Woah!” John cried, stepping back.

                Ronon staggered, looking slightly dazed. Then he shook his head and his eyes cleared. “How’s it look?” He asked John.

                John folded his arms as he looked at the deep cut over Ronon’s eyebrow, already trickling blood down his cheek. “You need stitches,” he said.

                Ronon grinned. “Perfect,” he said
                Ruby is brilliant when she does write! She's the WiP queen on another thread. But her stuff is so good, we all just keep reading!

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  you are inspiring me to write atm


                    Originally posted by badboyzII~86 View Post
                    you are inspiring me to write atm
                    Write!! Do your homework first, but write!! I have been hearing about this fic your working on for a year! I want to know!!

                    Click here daily to give free mammograms

                    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                      Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                      Write!! Do your homework first, but write!! I have been hearing about this fic your working on for a year! I want to know!!
                      Nah im having a day off uni work. Been rather busy with it this past week.

                      Yes im writing. I've only ever written 4 pages for it in the space of 10 months. im finally adding some more to it.

                      Here is some of it:

                      “Something wrong?”
                      “Dunno, I, I just know, something about this place just isn’t right”
                      Joining John and Ronan, Teyla became interested in the boy’s conversation.
                      “Looks fine to me” said John, “apart from the fact it’s a little chilly here in the open”.
                      “I think its something a little more than the cool breeze Colonel” Teyla smirked.
                      “Nah guys, I cannot describe it to you, but something here just isn’t right”
                      “Rodney” yelled John, “picking anything unusual up now?”
                      “Oh yeah, the wind has picked up” Rodney said sarcastically.
                      “You know what I mean Rodney”
                      “No nothing, there is nothing, nada, zip, this planet has no amazing qualities, if someone did live here, which I doubt, then they left very little evidence here”
                      “Maybe we should investigate further” quizzed Teyla
                      “Good Idea, Ronon you are with me, Teyla, head down that track with Rodney, radio us if you find anything interesting, keep in range. We will take this path” commanded John.

                      Like a Robert Frost poem, they each set off on different paths, what would their journey’s entail? What secrets and dangers lay ahead? More to come….

                      Chapter 2

                      The two distinct paths moved off in a similar direction. John and Ronon’s sloped down towards the shadowy valley’s which lay at the foot of the mountain range. Teyla and Rodney’s while moving in a similar direction followed the sheer faces of the cliffs and didn’t so much descend down into the valley’s, but rather gave them an eagle eyed view of the vista.


                        Originally posted by badboyzII~86 View Post
                        Nah im having a day off uni work. Been rather busy with it this past week.

                        Yes im writing. I've only ever written 4 pages for it in the space of 10 months. im finally adding some more to it.

                        Here is some of it:

                        “Something wrong?”
                        “Dunno, I, I just know, something about this place just isn’t right”
                        Joining John and Ronan, Teyla became interested in the boy’s conversation.
                        “Looks fine to me” said John, “apart from the fact it’s a little chilly here in the open”.
                        “I think its something a little more than the cool breeze Colonel” Teyla smirked.
                        “Nah guys, I cannot describe it to you, but something here just isn’t right”
                        “Rodney” yelled John, “picking anything unusual up now?”
                        “Oh yeah, the wind has picked up” Rodney said sarcastically.
                        “You know what I mean Rodney”
                        “No nothing, there is nothing, nada, zip, this planet has no amazing qualities, if someone did live here, which I doubt, then they left very little evidence here”
                        “Maybe we should investigate further” quizzed Teyla
                        “Good Idea, Ronon you are with me, Teyla, head down that track with Rodney, radio us if you find anything interesting, keep in range. We will take this path” commanded John.

                        Like a Robert Frost poem, they each set off on different paths, what would their journey’s entail? What secrets and dangers lay ahead? More to come….

                        Chapter 2

                        The two distinct paths moved off in a similar direction. John and Ronon’s sloped down towards the shadowy valley’s which lay at the foot of the mountain range. Teyla and Rodney’s while moving in a similar direction followed the sheer faces of the cliffs and didn’t so much descend down into the valley’s, but rather gave them an eagle eyed view of the vista.
                        Four pages? I thought it would be an opus by now!

                        Still, thanks for that great little taste!

                        Click here daily to give free mammograms

                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                          A Father's Wish by Krissie


                          Grabbing the last piece of chocolate cake, Ronon balanced it on top of his tray of food while scanning the commissary for a seat. Spotting Colonel Sheppard at the far table Ronon made his way over taking a seat across from him.

                          Sheppard looked up from reading a mission report and greeted Ronon, “Hey big guy,” Ronon grunted a reply and dug into his dinner. “Something wrong? You’ve been more silent then normal.”

                          Ronon set down his fork. “No, nothing’s wrong,” he answered, “Can I ask you something?”

                          Sheppard had never seen Ronon look so nervous. “Sure buddy. What’s up...Girl problems?” he questioned sarcastically. It had been a well known fact around the city that Ronon and Doctor Keller were a couple. They hadn’t come out officially, except to Ronon’s team, but it was obvious. Between Ronon’s frequent trips to the infirmary (even more so than usual), Jen’s addition to Sheppard’s team nights, and the few sightings of them sneaking out of each other’s quarters in the morning, anyone with half a brain could figure out what was going on.

                          “Uh…not exactly,” he explained, “Jen’s father’s turning 55 next month, so we’re going to head over to Earth for his party.”

                          “Ahh…I get it now. Meeting the father. Big step.”

                          Ronon had been worried since he had agreed to go with Jen. Meeting a woman’s parents on Sateda was a big deal. When he met Melena’s parents, all his buds at the tavern told him horror stories of their own. He had secretly hoped that meeting Jen’s father wouldn’t be as big of a deal on Earth as Sateda. Obviously he was wrong.

                          “Yeah, I guess.”

                          “Well, you’d do anything to keep her safe?” he asked.

                          “Yeah. If anyone hurt her I’d rip them limb from limb,” he explained passionately.

                          “You love her?”

                          What kind of stupid question was that? He loved everything about her: The way she stuttered when she got nervous, how elegantly she did her job, and how beautiful she was waking up in his arms in the morning. “Yeah…more than I thought possible.”

                          “Then you’ll do great.”

                          “Thanks.” Ronon finally felt somewhat relaxed about the upcoming trip.


                          Walking up the sidewalk to the small house, Ronon glanced over towards Jen and realized she wasn’t there. Turning around he found her fiddling with the sleeves of her blue sweater.

                          Closing the distance between them, Ronon calmed her hands and wrapped them in his. “What’s wrong?” he questioned.

                          Looking in his eyes Jen asked, “What if my dad doesn’t like you? The last boyfriend I brought home, he didn’t like very much. I just want-”

                          “Everything will be fine,” he leaned down giving her a peck on the lips, “Trust me.”

                          Smiling up at him, she tugged his hands slightly towards the house. “Okay. Come on.”


                          The party was starting to finally die down and Ronon had only met Jen’s father in passing before he was pulled away by a woman Jen said was an old neighbor. Before Ronon knew it, the only people in the living room were himself and Jen’s father sitting on opposite ends of the couch. Jen had went into the kitchen to help clean up the dishes leaving them alone.

                          “Ronon…its Ronon, correct?” asked the slightly older man. Jen was the spitting image of her father, except she got her blonde hair from her mother. The man who sat next to him had dark brown hair speckled with small amounts of gray and an expression on his face he couldn’t decipher.

                          “Uh…yeah,” he replied. Here comes the interrogation, but if Sheppard was right he had nothing to worry about. Let’s hope.

                          “So, you and my Jennifer?”

                          “Yeah,” now was the time to recite all the things Sheppard explained, “I love your daughter Sir and-”

                          “I hope you’re very happy together.”

                          Huh? What happened to the grilling? “That’s it?” he asked unbelieving.

                          The smiling father revealed, “I’ve been watching the two of you throughout the party and I realized how happy she looks. I just want my daughter to be happy.”

                          “Thanks, but I really do love her.”

                          “A father’s wish is for their children’s happiness and I can see in her eyes and smile when she’s around you that she is happy.”

                          “I am happy dad,” Jen explained coming in from the kitchen with a beautiful smile on her face. Sitting in between the two men in her life she explained, “I love Ronon so much.”

                          “Well good sweetheart,” he said standing, “It was wonderful to meet you Ronon but I have a couple of errands that I have to make. Excuse me.”

                          Now alone in the house, Jen settled into Ronon’s arms, “So…that went well. What’d you say?”

                          “Nothing…I just hope our children grow up to find happiness like us. It’s a father’s wish.”

                          “Children?” Jen smiled. She had been dropping subtle hints to Ronon recently and was beginning to have doubts about whether Ronon wanted children.

                          “Yeah…Why don’t you show me you old bedroom?”

                          “Gladly,” she said seductively pulling his lips to hers.

                          Yeah I don't know how much I like it anymore.

                          And for the record (and I'll probably get shot with Ronon's gun but...)
                          I love SGU and that's part of why I haven't been around here as much because that's all you guys seem to be dissing lately, except for the last couple of pages. Sorry I get pissy but it is something that's been bugging me the last couple of weeks.

                          Don't hate me.

                          Oh look a pretty picture. *sneaks away*


                            Lol, Ever i really haven't written much on it. I know ive talked about it, but ive got to be in the mood to write, and atm, im in one of those moods. Just added another 400 words in the past 15min.

                            It was a sight that continued to amaze Teyla. Rodney on the other hand was one of the last to see the beauty in such a scene.

                            “I mean, why are we here? There is nothing of value here. I’m cold, I’m tired and really do not see the point of walking along these dangerous paths when we could just send up a UAV to map the valley’s”
                            “Where would you rather be Rodney, it is beautiful out here, I couldn’t think of a more peaceful place to be” Teyla contentedly looked at Mckay.
                            “No no, peaceful to me is sitting with my tablet, in my office working on one of the new toys found in the database”
                            “Walking around a worthless lump of rock in the Pegasus Galaxy wasn’t exactly what I had in mind for today, and I knew that as soon as I saw the MALP telemetry”
                            “Honestly Rodney, you need to open your eyes and see the untouched paradise that this world is. It could make an excellent research base, or a gamma site”
                            Looking slightly confused by what Teyla had just said, walking along further, he began to see the wisdom of what she was saying.
                            “Well, you could be right, we will need to run a few more scans of the planet, get the Daedalus to run a sweep of the nearby systems. It is in a remote part of the galaxy, free of any known Wraith activity, it could be a candidate. It’s a good suggestion” he said as he look at Teyla with his expressive “rodney’s thinking” face


                              Originally posted by Krissie678 View Post
                              Yeah I don't know how much I like it anymore.

                              And for the record (and I'll probably get shot with Ronon's gun but...)
                              I love SGU and that's part of why I haven't been around here as much because that's all you guys seem to be dissing lately, except for the last couple of pages. Sorry I get pissy but it is something that's been bugging me the last couple of weeks.

                              Don't hate me.

                              Oh look a pretty picture. *sneaks away*
                              First off, love the fic. It was great!

                              Second, out of curiousity, what are you seeing in SGU that I'm not? Or maybe it's just a matter of style. Because I'm not coming away from it being awful, but more of a "That was there." Meh sort of feeling.

                              Click here daily to give free mammograms

                              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                                Originally posted by badboyzII~86 View Post
                                Lol, Ever i really haven't written much on it. I know ive talked about it, but ive got to be in the mood to write, and atm, im in one of those moods. Just added another 400 words in the past 15min.

                                It was a sight that continued to amaze Teyla. Rodney on the other hand was one of the last to see the beauty in such a scene.

                                “I mean, why are we here? There is nothing of value here. I’m cold, I’m tired and really do not see the point of walking along these dangerous paths when we could just send up a UAV to map the valley’s”
                                “Where would you rather be Rodney, it is beautiful out here, I couldn’t think of a more peaceful place to be” Teyla contentedly looked at Mckay.
                                “No no, peaceful to me is sitting with my tablet, in my office working on one of the new toys found in the database”
                                “Walking around a worthless lump of rock in the Pegasus Galaxy wasn’t exactly what I had in mind for today, and I knew that as soon as I saw the MALP telemetry”
                                “Honestly Rodney, you need to open your eyes and see the untouched paradise that this world is. It could make an excellent research base, or a gamma site”
                                Looking slightly confused by what Teyla had just said, walking along further, he began to see the wisdom of what she was saying.
                                “Well, you could be right, we will need to run a few more scans of the planet, get the Daedalus to run a sweep of the nearby systems. It is in a remote part of the galaxy, free of any known Wraith activity, it could be a candidate. It’s a good suggestion” he said as he look at Teyla with his expressive “rodney’s thinking” face
                                I am really getting curious about the whole picture here. I probably need to read this tomorrow as my eyes are starting to get droopy.

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

