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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    I think you guys should offer to help, and if he wants the help, he'll take it. I don't know what he's like, obviously, but I know if I was in that situation, I'd want to know people cared.


      Originally posted by DrJenniferDex View Post
      I think you guys should offer to help, and if he wants the help, he'll take it. I don't know what he's like, obviously, but I know if I was in that situation, I'd want to know people cared.
      that is my thought too, we have just not wanted to be too "pushy". thanks for the advice!


        Rac you can join me at the beach whenever you like


          BB!! Have you guys gotten all unpacked yet? Or have you all been spending all your time at the beach?


            (((DG))) I haven't been to the beach yet. I spent all weekend travelling around, did something like 16 hours worth of driving over 3 days. And then we got some stuff in, but not alot, then i had classes all of monday and yesterday. The other boys have been unpacking a bit and stuff.

            I did my room last night, and will probably spend tomorrow doing the rest of the house, cleaning it.

            So none of us have actually dipped our toes into the water, basically has been no time for it, but rest assured, tomorrow, i plan to

            whats been happening with you?? Very quiet here recently


              Well at least you are getting all settled in, and have fun when you do go to the beach.

              Things are good in my part of the earth. I have re-discovered my Lord of the Rings games and so I have been playing them.


                Awesome Not a bad way to spent your time


                  no it isn't. Although I am getting that I need to be doing something feeling and I feel bad for not doing much other than playing video games.


                    Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                    no it isn't. Although I am getting that I need to be doing something feeling and I feel bad for not doing much other than playing video games.
                    Mmmm, i know the feeling, i feel like i should be doing something as well. Atm, all i am doing is taking up a computer and holding up people who actually have work to do, but do i care....nada


                      Well I went from haveing a full time job and school to suddenly haveing no school and no job then I got a job only to be laid off not long after starting and now I am having a hard time getting a new one. :sigh: I need to look about going back to school and seeing if I can get in touch with some old friends to see if they have any projects coming up that they can get me a job working on. that would help a lot on the down side I would be off of here a lot.


                        Thats sounds a bit nasty. I know myself that if i wasn't doing the studies i would want to find some work quickly, very quickly. I would go insane. Like i enjoyed the break over the festive season, it was just over 2 months, but without much work, i did odd jobs for parents and friends, and helped a mate in his business a few times, i would just go insane after a long period of time.

                        I mean infact time not working, not getting offers, nor knowing what i wanted to do, left me in a state of depression. When i got work i couldn't hold it because i was unable to keep my head in a good place, and it affected me. So i am singing the praises of 1, study, 2. living with people i can count on and 3, that i will have the possibility to ride out the currentjobs issue if i stay on and get further degree's. Still, i admit, at 22 and turning 23 by the middle of the year, i would like to be earning


                          Yeah I miss the getting out and making money it sucks to go oh look at that I would love to buy that but I don't have the money. That sucks not to mention that I am really tired of having to go dad my car need a new belt, alternator, Power Steering Pump or what ever else decides to break on my car so I would love to have a job that is nice and steady that I love so that I can get a new car and not have to pay to keep a car that is now 13 year old car with over 200,000 miles on it running.

                          At first I will admit to going OMG I can actually have some free time after I was no longer going like a chicken with my head cut off. After a while though it is just insane. My mom has said about moving down with her and going back to school but if I do that I would have no money of my own I would have to let her and my step dad have control of my money. um no


                            Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                            Yeah I miss the getting out and making money it sucks to go oh look at that I would love to buy that but I don't have the money. That sucks not to mention that I am really tired of having to go dad my car need a new belt, alternator, Power Steering Pump or what ever else decides to break on my car so I would love to have a job that is nice and steady that I love so that I can get a new car and not have to pay to keep a car that is now 13 year old car with over 200,000 miles on it running.

                            At first I will admit to going OMG I can actually have some free time after I was no longer going like a chicken with my head cut off. After a while though it is just insane. My mom has said about moving down with her and going back to school but if I do that I would have no money of my own I would have to let her and my step dad have control of my money. um no
                            I am the same, i would love to stop taking money from my parents, i really would. they love to help, and the money isn't an issue to them, they both earn pretty well, and looking after their kids isn't an issue either. But from a personal pov, i would love to be going it alone. Except, very few people here are willing to put on students for casual work i have found in the past 2 years. Which leaves very little options. I have also worked out i don't believe i am one of these people that could successfully juggle a full time/part time casual job working at night or something, and also do my studies. It would leave me an gibbering wreak.

                            I like working hard and everything, but i also like to dedicate myself to one task at a time for fear of over extending and burning out.

                            I feel your pain about it DG i am essentially in the same boat in almost every respect, and its hard to live like that. 2-4 years ago, if you told me i would be spending a couple months doing nothing, i would think, sure sounds great, but in reality, i know that i need to keep busy otherwise i just become bored and my mind wanders and yeah..


                              Yeah when I had the job and school this was my week and I kid you not this is what I did every week for months.
                              we will start on wed's I worked 10pm -7am as a softline Processor at wal-mart (I worked in the back opened all the boxes that the clothing part of walmart and seperated the stuff on hangers and the stuff that are on pegs like socks underware and purses) I was usually pulled away from that as soon as I was finished opening the boxes to help other areas (I was know to do my job plus the job of 2-3 other people in the course of the night) I would get home at almost 8 (I lived out in int boonies and it was a 45 minute drive to work) shower and go to bed by 9am at the latest wake up around 4 cook dinner do some studying. Leave home at 9pm so I could be at work on time. wed night-sun night. Mon things changed I would go grocery shoping then go home shower change have breakfast and then leave for school (I was taking only 3 classes and all where only on Mon *whew* at 2pm my 2nd class was over and I would go grab a bite to eat then go to the school library and surf the web. then I would have to drive 30 minutes to go to my next class (it was a consortum(sp) and so the students were from like 3-4 different schools so we met at a Lirary in downtown) that class was over at 8:30 and then I drove home by then it would be just shy of 10pm by now I had been up for more than 24 hours. I went straight to bed and would sleep like 12 hours then I would get up (I never got out of Pj's on tues and I didn't leave the house at all) Tues I cleaned even though I was hardly home long wnough to make much of a mess, did dishes, laundry watched the 3 shows that I rec'ed during the week then forced myself to stay up until at least 6am then to bed and my week started all over again.

                              On the up side of all of that I lost a lot of weight what with the very physical job I had. Well that and for a good while there I could not afford to get much more than Ramon noodle soup and I can't stand that stuff after a couple bites I would feel sick to my stomach


                                Hello ladies and boys
                                Long time no seen here
                                How is everyone on this thread?

