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Ronon Dex/Jennifer Keller Appreciation/Ship/Discussion (Doctor & Wild Man)

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    I keep telling myself that seN.

    I still haven't watched the whole episode. I just can't bring myself to yet. I am going to need a very stiff drink to get through all of that. I watched Ronon at the beginning and those two at the end. I thought I was going to vomit at the bit I did see.

    Poor, poor Ronon. I tell you something I'm finding it very difficult to even like Jennifer at the moment, let alone try to think of some way of getting her back with Ronon.

    Edit - BB - I must have read GWTW about as many times as I've read Lord of the Rings. Hundreds.


      You know, I even posted on JM's blog for the first time (it is waiting to be approved now).
      I have some pics of our guy from the beginning to some cheer up



        Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
        I keep telling myself that seN.

        I still haven't watched the whole episode. I just can't bring myself to yet. I am going to need a very stiff drink to get through all of that. I watched Ronon at the beginning and those two at the end. I thought I was going to vomit at the bit I did see.

        Poor, poor Ronon. I tell you something I'm finding it very difficult to even like Jennifer at the moment, let alone try to think of some way of getting her back with Ronon.

        Edit - BB - I must have read GWTW about as many times as I've read Lord of the Rings. Hundreds.
        Ive read LOTR once, i loved it. Im a person who has to be in the right mood to read a book, i may only read one once a year, i read it very quick and thats it. I'm going to read one of them (hopefully) from my list over my long break


          Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
          Poor, poor Ronon. I tell you something I'm finding it very difficult to even like Jennifer at the moment, let alone try to think of some way of getting her back with Ronon.
          Do what I do, ignore everything from the ending of TLT and onwards. Please do not blame the character for the writer's latest mistakes... It's not her fault that they are distorting her this way. Our Jen would NEVER do that. Our Jen is with Ronon making pretty babies. That's my final stand on that.
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            Originally posted by misskitten View Post
            Do what I do, ignore everything from the ending of TLT and onwards. Please do not blame the character for the writer's latest mistakes... It's not her fault that they are distorting her this way. Our Jen would NEVER do that. Our Jen is with Ronon making pretty babies. That's my final stand on that.
            I agree with that totally

            *huggles* BLen that sucks about your boiler


              Originally posted by misskitten View Post
              Do what I do, ignore everything from the ending of TLT and onwards. Please do not blame the character for the writer's latest mistakes... It's not her fault that they are distorting her this way. Our Jen would NEVER do that. Our Jen is with Ronon making pretty babies. That's my final stand on that.
              i agree hun, ever since the lost tribe our jenn has been taken away and her alternate self from another universe has been put in her place, i really dnt like how theyve made her Mind you thats a great idea for a fic....i may have to consider trying to write again


                That's a good way of looking at it Kitten. It's just that I enjoyed SGA so much and now it's completely ruined. I don't know if I can ever watch another episode. Its turned into total BS overnight.


                  Originally posted by Blencathra View Post
                  That's a good way of looking at it Kitten. It's just that I enjoyed SGA so much and now it's completely ruined. I don't know if I can ever watch another episode. Its turned into total BS overnight.
                  You can say that again


                    i wonder how the tptb thought people were going to react, i bet their really feeling stupid now


                      Is is coincidence that Joe Mallozzi has gone off to Tokyo today? Or did he leave the country on purpose?


                        Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                        i wonder how the tptb thought people were going to react, i bet their really feeling stupid now
                        Well the writers are aboard the Titanic, she has set sail now, no turning back, i only envisage ice and bergs in their future


                          huh, ive just checked and it was written and directed by martin gero, and i think hes a pretty good writer, he just ends up with the all the bad decisions such as killing carson, and the mckeller ick in bs


                            Originally posted by perkin127 View Post
                            huh, ive just checked and it was written and directed by martin gero, and i think hes a pretty good writer, he just ends up with the all the bad decisions such as killing carson, and the mckeller ick in bs
                            If my titanic stuff doesn't make sense, just read back on the last page. Im offically naming Mckeller the Titanic.


                              Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                              I need to comment on GG now. I am just watching the seventh season, cause it's first tiem in Czech and this is the only show I rather see in Czech (they are too talkative ). When I saw it at first I didn't like it but I don't hate Christopher as much. I just knew she didn't love him And I still adore some parts as Emily in a jail (watched it yesterday). Even the finaly episode was too fast and the happy end was strange, but I adore the whole show and I am able to forgive that.
                              Lorpey is the only ship I hate more than Titanic (using BB's new nick, cause I love the iceberg metaphor). It really bugs me because there they try to pass Dopey off as "charming". And what's worse is they have Lorelai saying he's a good guy, especially towards the end, despite everything he's done (and not done). It's like he can do anything he wants one minute and everything is forgiven and forgotten the next.

                              Warning, rant:
                              In the real world, no mother as caring as Lorelai is meant to be would view a guy who barely saw his daughter during her first sixteen years (she was frickin' sixteen when he for the first time came and visited her) as a good guy or a good father. Nor would she then consider a weekly phonecall to be a good way of "making up for that". He feeds her the same line everytime he sees her, that he's for real this time, that he wants to be a father, wants to be a family. But when Lorelai doesn't immediately jump into a relationship with him (I mean, come on, when she pointed out that they don't even know each other as adults his comeback was "so let's get married and get to know each other as adults..."), he's out the door.

                              His words say one thing, and it's the same thing over and over again, that he wants to make up for not being in his kid's life, but his actions says a whole other thing. It's like he's using Rory to get into Lorelai's pants and the minute that isn't an option he forgets every promise he has regarding Rory. It's all or nothing for him... He doesn't redeem himself, he just gets rich and brags about it in the same way McKay boasts about his smarts, so suddenly he can spare some money and buy them whatever they want, and everyhing is just forgiven and forgotten? He tried to ruin Lorelai's relationship. He tried to make Luke think that she was betraying him by mentioning the lunch they'd had and so on... Who does that to someone they claim to love?

                              The final scene in Partings was both their doing, so it's on both of their heads, but seriously. Lorelai shows up at his house upset. You can tell she's on the path to do something stupid. What does he do? He sleeps with her... He *knows* that she was engaged (which she now thinks is over) and he has eyes, doesn't he? He can see that she's not in the right state of mind for this... he basically took advantage of the situation. He was not being her friend in that moment. What they did are on both of their heads, because it takes two to tango, but really, he should have recognized that she was on a destructive path and told her to sleep on it.

                              And then we get "the whole package", he and Lorelai elope and play house, but again, it's like he doesn't care about Rory. I mean, the first thing he does is throw all of Rory's stuff out of her room, even though it has been established before that THAT room is sacred. He doesn't even ask Lorelai or Rory, even though it's been their house for over a decade. He just makes himself comfortable and starts changing things on them. Sure, he needed a room for Gigi, but he can't roll out the dough to build an extra room for her? That's what Luke would have done, and he has nowhere the amount of cash that Dopey has...

                              And the worst thing about the whole thing is that on the other side we have Luke. He's been there and taken care of both Lorelai and Rory. He's been the father Rory never got to have (even before he and Lorelai got together). He's been there, as a friend, as someone to talk to when things got rough, whenever there was a problem he tried to fix it, or offer help. He's basically done everything for them. Then suddenly in season 6 he's portrayed as a "bad guy"?

                              The guy found out he had a daughter for thirteen years that the mother never bothered to tell him about. And unlike Dopey he tried to do the right thing by her. Not marrying the mother (like Dopey seems to think is the right thing), but by asking to spend time with his kid, get to know her. Sure, right away he wasn't sure if April really needed him or wanted him in her life and he didn't want to impose on the life Anna had built for the two of them, but he realized that *he* wanted to be a father. And not by buying her off with stuff, but just by taking time to be with her.

                              That was the only thing I really liked in season 7, Luke being a proper father for April, even having her come and live with him when Anna has to take care of her sick mother. And then fighting for his rights when Anna wants to take April with her to New Mexico (not to mention how April, despite Anna's decision to keep her away from Luke, snuck out to see him and to tell him he should get a good lawyer). Luke was a better father for April in those last two seasons than Dopey ever was for Rory in her entire life.

                              Yet they tried to make us feel sorry for Dopey? Tried to make it seem like he was the good guy? Oh, please...

                              Sorry... I tend to rant about this subject...

                              Originally posted by SeNedra View Post
                              So we agree: No McKeller in the fic. Now I am looking forward to it more
                              In my fic, Jen doesn't even consider him anything more than a friend (she even gets annoyed at times when his hypocondria kicks into high gear). There will be interaction, but strictly platonicly. Titanic makes no sense to me, so why should I write about that sinking ship in my fics
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                                Rant away kitten, rant away

