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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    well, i am heading off to bed to try and get some is 1:45am



      Originally posted by AngelQueen
      John: "Reports of my Thunk Thread's fall from the front page have been... totally unexaggerated. Oh boy..."

      *Drools so much he gets dehydrated*


        Originally posted by Elinor
        Welcome lily and thanks for all the great caps!

        Congrats on 1400 CeeKay!

        Did you all notice the Saturn Award nominations? Ben Browder and Claudia Black are there, but not our Joe, David or Torri etc.? I can't believe they weren't included also. What's that all about?!! Perhaps the nominators aren't Atlantis fans!! [img][/]

        Haven't seen this one for a while!!
        I did notice, and I'm surprised BB got a nod, as really I don't think he's done enough with Mitchell to deserve it just yet, just MHO though!
        I'm not surprised the SGA actors didn't get any nominations though, as I don't think the Saturn folk are SGA fans. In all fairness I don't think JF has been given enough good storylines to show off his great acting skills, though I'd have thought with all the stuff handed to DH on a plate that he'd have got a nomination, as he's had great storylines and many chances to show off his acting skills. Who knows how and who makes the nominations, as I sure as hell can't understand some of them!
        Never mind, there's always next year......


          Originally posted by Linzi
          I did notice, and I'm surprised BB got a nod, as really I don't think he's done enough with Mitchell to deserve it just yet, just MHO though!
          I'm not surprised the SGA actors didn't get any nominations though, as I don't think the Saturn folk are SGA fans. In all fairness I don't think JF has been given enough good storylines to show off his great acting skills, though I'd have thought with all the stuff handed to DH on a plate that he'd have got a nomination, as he's had great storylines and many chances to show off his acting skills. Who knows how and who makes the nominations, as I sure as hell can't understand some of them!
          Never mind, there's always next year......
          The Saturn people might secretely be members of STAKS.


            Originally posted by Linzi
            I did notice, and I'm surprised BB got a nod, as really I don't think he's done enough with Mitchell to deserve it just yet, just MHO though!
            I'm not surprised the SGA actors didn't get any nominations though, as I don't think the Saturn folk are SGA fans. In all fairness I don't think JF has been given enough good storylines to show off his great acting skills, though I'd have thought with all the stuff handed to DH on a plate that he'd have got a nomination, as he's had great storylines and many chances to show off his acting skills. Who knows how and who makes the nominations, as I sure as hell can't understand some of them!
            Never mind, there's always next year......
            I'm just a bit gob-smacked Joe didn't at least get a nomination...especially when I saw who the other nominees were. He's better than all of those in my opinion...but there you go!! He could win for facial expressions alone!! As you say, there's always next year!!!

            Originally posted by FallenAngelII
            The Saturn people might secretely be members of STAKS.
            LOL...who knows, who knows!!!!


              Someone asked a while back for some Pegasus con reports (sorry can't remember who it was!).

              I found a few at sga newsletter.

              Scroll down and look under miscellaneous!


                If folks are looking for Peg 1 reports.. I have what little I remember over on my LJ... here and here. I'll be posting pictures as I clean them up..... like this:


                  Originally posted by strivaria
                  Oh my... He's so cute!



                  *revels in Teh Sparkiness*
                  In Other News: Thor's been Thor-Napped and placed in TPTB's Closet of Thor-Napping! *oh noes*


                    Thanks for the con report and pics Strivaria! I enjoyed that!

                    If anyone finds any more reports please let us know...I can't get enough!!!


                      Originally posted by Elinor
                      Thanks for the con report and pics Strivaria! I enjoyed that!

                      If anyone finds any more reports please let us know...I can't get enough!!!

                      I'll second that!

                      Yeah, anything to keep her from ruffling my hair for five minutes.

                      Good morning, everyone!


                        Originally posted by FallenAngelII
                        He looks so naughty in this pic. Like he's checking someone out or thinking naughty thoughts XD. *saves*
                        Yeah...he's a mischiveous trouble maker, that one.


                          Sorry posted the wrong pic here!

                          Don't let it happen again.

                 was all a mistake.
                          Last edited by Admiral Q O; 16 February 2006, 08:53 AM.


                            MY first thought: WTF!
                            MY second thought: giggle giggle {snort!} giggle! Tee hee!

                            Admiral - are you feeling okay?
                            "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
                            "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
                            Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
                            Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
                            "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
                            Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
                            Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
                            (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


                              Originally posted by ra-hanna
                              MY first thought: WTF!
                              MY second thought: giggle giggle {snort!} giggle! Tee hee!

                              Admiral - are you feeling okay?
                              Thanks...I fixed it...whew!

                              I'm an enabler over at that other thread, and was dropping a pic off for I need to check and see if I posted Shep over there by mistake.


                                Originally posted by Admiral Q O
                                Yeah, anything to keep her from ruffling my hair for five minutes.
                                That won't make any difference, Shep. She'll do it any way. You should know that.

