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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Haven't had time to post my opinion on Joe in 'Trinity', was busy moving into my college dorm (UCF baby!!) . I thought Joe was awesome in the episode. It does seem like he's getting hotter as season 2 progresses. I can't wait for 'Conversion' to air, I didn't know that it's three weeks instead of two until it airs, that's just mean, the one episode we all want to see is now taking longer to air.

    McKay: Oh, believe me that's not the first thing we tried.
    Sheppard: I shot him.... In the leg.

    Ford: How can something as big as Atlantis just sink?
    Sheppard: I'm sure the passengers on the Titanic were asking themselves the same question?!

    McKay: You're right- if only we had a magical tool that could slow down time. I foolishly left mine on Earth - did you bring yours?

    McKay: I will try, but despite what you all may think, I am not Superman


      Originally posted by Merlin7
      We didn't get a single Shep ep in season one.
      Not quite true, Merlin. "Thirty Eight Minutes" was a Shep ep.

      Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


        Originally posted by Merlin7
        Joe was just gorgeous in TRINITY and did some amazing acting. He always does though. Go forth everyone here and comment on it. DH is good but Joe is better, IMO. And he doesn't get the material or the eps that DH gets, but he still delivers the emotional impact and the layers that I really don't get from DH. Not dissing him, but he doesn't hit the emotional levels for me the way Joe does. He just doesn't have that impact.

        That says we've had DUET/Mckay. CONDEMNED/McKay pimping TRINITY/Mckay driven-focus

        Time for SHEP SHEP SHEP! Gorgeous, yummy, beyond beautiful Shep.

        And, hopefully we will have that with INSTINCT/CONVERSION. Then in AURORA, Lostboys/THE hiVE. EPIPHANY and then I believe CRITICAL MASS and GRACE are Mckay eps again. Then TOWER and THE LONG GOODBYE should have lots of Shep focus. We didn't get a single Shep ep in season one. I want lots of angst and beauty to drool over and I want it NOW! LOL
        Just to highlight a point made by well as '38 Minutes', 'The Defiant One' was also very Shep-ified as well...

        Having just watched 'Trinity' I have to say I was very impressed. Joe put so much depth into that,
        being pissed off with Rodney for being overly confident. And I really liked the whole 'Shep Smarts' thing with Rodney and Radek...the look on Rodney's face was priceless as Shep gave this huge scientific explanation.

        ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
        "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


          Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
          Not quite true, Merlin. "Thirty Eight Minutes" was a Shep ep.

          It was a SHEP GOT WHUMPED Beautifully ep. But it wasn't really a SHEP ep. Not in the way those Rodney eps are Rodney eps. He actually didn't have alot of dialogue and half the ep was WEIR and her issues with the Athosians and Kavanaugh.

          DEFIANT was great action Shep. Again...more was devoted to Rodney and his talk with Gaul and such. Shep dirty and running around is glorious. But did we learn anything about him? Did it focus on his character growth? Nope. Rodney got that again. I know..I have these suckers memorized and timed. LOL



            shep: what the hell am i doin' on PAGE TWO!


              Here's something to revive the thread... I just finished uploading 90 gorgeous Shep caps from Trinity! and they're all pretty much spoiler-free closeups. GUHHHH!!


                Nope that's not enough... need 10 more

                (hee hee!!)


                  oh i like those mer


                    Originally posted by greytop
                    When they skip a week, that is Labor Day (US) weekend. Ususally they show movies or reruns that weekend starting on Friday night. By Scifi schedule, that the SG-1 marathon. Hope this explains it.
                    Yep, it's 6 eps of SG-1 on Friday, Sept. 2. But on a better note, for all of y'all who get the SciFi Channel, they are airing the first 6 eps of season 2 Atlantis on Tuesday(8/23) starting at 7pm central time.

                    Yippee, I'm off of work Wednesday so I can stay up and watch and not worry about the stupid alarm clock.

                    Proud Member-Hussies Union, Local # 69


                      I love Joe's facial expressions! So cute
                      The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

                      Live life for what you have and those you love.


                        Originally posted by Linzi
                        Thanks so much!
                        I'm looking forward to this eppie now, though I won't see it until,oh God, probably December!
                        It's interesting that JF is looking younger, as I haven't seen any of season 2 yet I can't comment, but perhaps he's found a good moisturiser! (perhaps he could let me in on his little secret!)
                        On a sidenote, I'm going to the U.S. next week on hols. and I was soo excited, coz I've got 1 Friday free (2nd September) and I thought, great I can watch Conversion!. Only now I've discovered that there's no new SGA on that night. How incredibly unfair is that! Something else to thank Sci Fi channel for! (My hubby laughed himself senseless when I told him, mean s*d!)
               much bad luck is that! Hopefully you'll be having so much fun on hol that you won't be too disappointed....but I know I'd be mad! I see the husband was sensitive to your problem! Still, just a few weeks now until we get s2. It's gonna go quick....that's what I keep telling myself anyway....and we'll have a nice long uninterrupted...apart from

                        Merentha - lovely caps again. Thanks! I see what you all mean about him getting more yum as the season goes on.


                          Originally posted by Merlin7
                          Joe was just gorgeous in TRINITY and did some amazing acting. He always does though. Go forth everyone here and comment on it. DH is good but Joe is better, IMO. And he doesn't get the material or the eps that DH gets, but he still delivers the emotional impact and the layers that I really don't get from DH. Not dissing him, but he doesn't hit the emotional levels for me the way Joe does. He just doesn't have that impact.
                          I'm with you on that. I know Joe is a good-looking guy, but I'd have soon got bored with Shep if that's all he was. Joe plays him so well on that emotional level, that at times, I just want to reach out to the character give him a hug and say "Don't worry...things'll work out"!

                          That says we've had DUET/Mckay. CONDEMNED/McKay pimping TRINITY/Mckay driven-focus

                          Time for SHEP SHEP SHEP! Gorgeous, yummy, beyond beautiful Shep.

                          And, hopefully we will have that with INSTINCT/CONVERSION. Then in AURORA, Lostboys/THE hiVE. EPIPHANY and then I believe CRITICAL MASS and GRACE are Mckay eps again. Then TOWER and THE LONG GOODBYE should have lots of Shep focus. We didn't get a single Shep ep in season one. I want lots of angst and beauty to drool over and I want it NOW! LOL
                          Yep...looking forward to all those Shep episodes. Must admit, I didn't feel as if we didn't get a Shep eppy in s1....he was on screen such a lot I thought....but it will be great to get on-screen time AND back-story to the character.

                          Looking forward to it hugely!!


                            I'm really looking forward to some Shep centric eppies too.
                            I tend to agree with Merlin, I think McKay is the focus for many eps.;the writers admit he's their favourite character to write for, and sometimes I think it shows. That being said Shep does get as much screen time as McKay generally, in the sense that he is present on screen.
                            I do however feel that as yet JF's acting talents haven't been stretched, whereas DH's have. Hopefully TPTB will take note and give JF some more gritty stuff!
                            I agree with Elinor, if JF was just a pretty face,( and boy is he pretty!) I would've bored of him ages ago. He is a fantastic actor, but in a more understated less flashy way than some other actors. His facial expressions and the nuances of his voice, as well as line deliveries are exceptional, in my opinion. I think he also has brilliant comic timing, which is a rare gift.
                            I'm so looking forward to season 2. I have to say though Grace Under Pressure worries me terribly. I hated Grace and if it's true and
                            McKay's stuck under water in a pj and having visions involving Carter,a la Grace, eek! It could be awful!


                              Well I went a little crazy doing some caps of Cupid last night, but they need editing, so for now... some non-spoiler Trinity profile porn


                                Nice pics, Merentha!

                                Hullo everyone,

                                How are you? Loved Trinity - I didn't really find it that McKay centric but that may be just me... I see Joe in EVERY episode... that's coz he's the leading man!

                                Damn cute one too.... Yeah, can't wait for Conversion too...

                                Here are my Sheppy pics for the night...

                                He looks very very yummy... hope these are not too spoilery as I will happily remove this post if they are.

                                Take care all.


