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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Shipperahoy
    I thought it was very sweet how each time a person came in for their photo op he would stand up and shake their hands and then after they were done he would stand up again to thank them. It was very sweet but if he kept it up for that whole line then his legs must have been killing him by the end of it.
    I expect that was why he took the aspirin beforehand, 'cos he knew his legs would be aching later!! Well prepared!

    Thanks for the con reports everyone. Great to read your comments and that you had a good time.

    Hey, luv the "Joe with glasses" pic! Doesn't detract from the gorgeosity at all!

    Glad we all had fun playing "Scrabble" with Shep! What will it be next? What about a game of "Twister"?


      Originally posted by Elinor
      Glad we all had fun playing "Scrabble" with Shep! What will it be next? What about a game of "Twister"?
      That's almost frightening thought. *muahaha*

      We could also play "Sorry". . ."go back 4 thunkers and start over".

      When all else fails, change channels.


        Originally posted by Athenaktt
        Okay all I found the bum shot! Someone was kind enough to post it on Sheppard_daily on Livejournal.

        I'll just give you guys the link to the pictures, since I don't want to offend anyone by posting JF's bare bum.
        Oh no! I'm not sure whether I should have looked at that or not now!
        "My eyes! I need my eyes for seeing!" (as McKay said in The Brotherhood).


          Originally posted by Droops
          Will you post it, regardless?

          Did Joe speak quietly, or was he sort of boisterous meeting folks? And how long did he have to meet and greet folks?


          Hi ...I don't know if Ship Mum has seen your question yet so I am taking a stab at answering... Joe was asked if he was nervous being there and he said No..he really was enjoying himself and the interaction with the fans I am paraphrasing but I think he said fairly close to the beginning of his panel that *He loved getting all of the attention* with a nod/wink He was extremely funny and very attentive to each person asking a question. He took every question seriously...even when I asked him what the deal was with his shoes (I did like them Joe) Overall Joe was just a nice warm person who seemed to be truly enjoying being there...this is especially important...the day of Joe's panel was also his son's birthday and rather then cancel, he kept his word and showed up...THEN he skeedaddled to get to dinner with his family

          His panel was appx 30-45 minutes and then he signed autographs for appx another hour and a half THEN he did an interview if I am not mistaken.

          I really can't tell you with the right words just how gracious he was. Joe would DEFINITELY be a reason for me to attend another con
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Originally posted by Droops
            Will you post it, regardless?

            Did Joe speak quietly, or was he sort of boisterous meeting folks? And how long did he have to meet and greet folks?


            He was very soft-spoken which is why I wondered how he'd do at his panel but he was great at his panel. Very funny and he seemed pretty comfortable up there.

            It was, is, and always will be GREEN


              see Ship Mum...I KNEW I would still need you to answer that question ..LOL

              so totally forgot that keep me on the right track
              Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


                LOL...actually I responded to his post before I knew that you had answered it already so I felt a little silly when I read your post, but it's o.k., now droops has 2 answers.

                It was, is, and always will be GREEN


                  Thank you Tame and Ship Mum! Great detail on the man, which I appreciate.

                  My wife and I were talking about Joe this past week (she's in this thread too). Both my wife and I are shy and introverted people, but I've learned to overcome it most of the time to the point that many people who don't know me scoff when I say I'm an introvert. But it takes a lot of work to get to that point!. My wife told me that Joe once worked in Washington for Congress. I did that myself and it was STRESSFUL. Even though I had gone through grad school and lived overseas, I still had shy attacks about things as silly as making phone calls. But I kept putting myself in situations that forced me to be outgoing and not always hiding from the world.

                  I get the feeling that Joe's done the same. Based on what I've heard and everyone's descriptions, he sounds respectful and funny and a pleasure to interact with. But I bet he goes home and feels absolutely wiped out. I know I would in that situation. That makes his efforts at the con all the more impressive.

                  Having worked in Congress myself, I got to meet all sorts of "Important People" and don't get star-struck much. But it's nice to get to know someone famous, as actors are, and know that they're just as human as we all are. I'll definately appreciate his work more from now on.



                    yay!! thanks for the reports on the con, and it's great that joe's such a great person always doubles the fun as a fan when you know the actor behind the character is really a great person

                    ....but, dare i ask, where have all the thunkers gone??? usually i go to class for five hours and come back to two or three new pages i haven't been here in about 10 hours and it's still on the same page i left it...


                      I've been peeking in here from work. . but today I've actually had to get a few things finished, so I haven't been here as much as usual.

                      I've really enjoyed Shipper and Tame's reports from the con. JF is such a nice guy that I feel rather guilty about stealing his undies. . .well, maybe just a tad guilty. Actually. . I don't feel THAT guilty. Its his own fault that he lets 'em peek out like that.

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        I'm around, but I'm lurking a bit atm, as I'm trying to split some files to burn onto a couple of CDs to send to Minn...

                        Has been very quiet today...

                        ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                        "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                          Originally posted by fair_nymph

                          "This is all YOUR fault Hewlett. . .you're the one jerking my boxers out right before the camera starts rolling!"

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Originally posted by Droops
                            Thank you Tame and Ship Mum! Great detail on the man, which I appreciate.

                            My wife and I were talking about Joe this past week (she's in this thread too). Both my wife and I are shy and introverted people, but I've learned to overcome it most of the time to the point that many people who don't know me scoff when I say I'm an introvert. But it takes a lot of work to get to that point!. My wife told me that Joe once worked in Washington for Congress. I did that myself and it was STRESSFUL. Even though I had gone through grad school and lived overseas, I still had shy attacks about things as silly as making phone calls. But I kept putting myself in situations that forced me to be outgoing and not always hiding from the world.

                            I get the feeling that Joe's done the same. Based on what I've heard and everyone's descriptions, he sounds respectful and funny and a pleasure to interact with. But I bet he goes home and feels absolutely wiped out. I know I would in that situation. That makes his efforts at the con all the more impressive.

                            Having worked in Congress myself, I got to meet all sorts of "Important People" and don't get star-struck much. But it's nice to get to know someone famous, as actors are, and know that they're just as human as we all are. I'll definately appreciate his work more from now on.

                            You worked in Congress? That's very cool. Did you know that Joe said in some interview that he was so shy in college he would DROP any class he had to speak in front of people in? Now that's Shy. LOL

                            And Joe just seems like such a genuine and down to earth guy. Just real folk. Makes me admire him all the more.


                              Originally posted by Merlin7
                              Did you know that Joe said in some interview that he was so shy in college he would DROP any class he had to speak in front of people in? Now that's Shy. LOL
                              Actually that was me in college also. Shyness can be incredibly painful.

                              Now that I'm an old broad ( ). .I can get up in front of people only if I know exactly what I need to say. .with no deviation. There is no way I could get in front of a crowd and do Q & A. *shudder*

                              When all else fails, change channels.


                                Originally posted by Merlin7
                                You worked in Congress? That's very cool.
                                From 1989 to 1991. Started out as a computer data entry person, moved up to a legislative assistant and deputy press secretary. Did a lot of speechwriting.

                                Originally posted by Merlin7
                                Did you know that Joe said in some interview that he was so shy in college he would DROP any class he had to speak in front of people in? Now that's Shy. LOL
                                I did hear that! When I was in college, I was able to avoid speaking before a class. I did the same thing! But in graduate school I had no choice. To get over it, what I did was go to large empty classrooms at night and give my presentations, out loud, to the empty room. I'd do this for hours, refining what I'd say, etc. I'll never forget a speech to about 150 people in a class. The SHOCKED looks on faces, because they knew I was shy and I wasn't a very forceful personality normally, but I was kicking butt during the presentations. lol!

                                Originally posted by Merlin7
                                And Joe just seems like such a genuine and down to earth guy. Just real folk. Makes me admire him all the more.
                                That makes a big difference too. I mean, so many folks get big heads and get snippy with folks. I saw it in politicians, and I'm sure it's the same with some actors. To see 'real people' doing a show you enjoy makes it all the more enjoyable.


