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Joe Flanigan/John Sheppard Thunk Thread

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    Okay all I found the bum shot! Someone was kind enough to post it on Sheppard_daily on Livejournal.

    I'll just give you guys the link to the pictures, since I don't want to offend anyone by posting JF's bare bum.


      Originally posted by Athenaktt
      Okay all I found the bum shot! Someone was kind enough to post it on Sheppard_daily on Livejournal.

      I'll just give you guys the link to the pictures, since I don't want to offend anyone by posting JF's bare bum.
      Heeehee.. I'm soooo offended that I'm giving you green for that


        I just have to say that Joe is just as cute in person as he is on screen. Maybe even more so. What I wasn't expecting was how shy he is. I had my photo op with him before he got up on stage for the panel and for a minute I was wondering how he was going to do up there because he seemed so shy. Of course then I saw one of the Creation people bringing him some aspirin so I think that he may have had a headache. But he did really great on stage. He was very funny and very personable. We (the Intergalactic Hussies as we call ourselves) were towards the very front of the photo op line and we saw the first photos that he was taking and he seemed kind of uncomfortable. Michael Shanks has it down pat, his arm is already on the chair next to him so that his arm is around you when you sit down but not Joe. That is until Tame came along and informed him exactly how to pose. Have I mentioned how much I love Tame? And then she instructed him how to pose with us and he went along with it very well. In fact, I think we got a genuine laugh out of him and by the time the last of us got to him the first thing he says is "I know, I put my arm around her." So anybody who got Joe's arm around them in their picture probably has Tame to thank. Take a bow Tame.

        It was, is, and always will be GREEN


          *Bowing* ... He did seem kindof scared of us.....or was that just me ...I can't wait to see how the photos turned out though

          Joe really was just wonderful and even though he said onstage that he loved the attention he still came across as a very humble man and very personable. The worst thing he did was *actually* look at each person as he answered them while they stood at the mike...GREAT for the person asking the question...but horrible for us who were trying so hard to get full-face photos of him on stage
          Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly, Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably, And live out loud with no regrets..


            Yes, he was very gracious. And Marimba and I were wondering how long he was going to be able to keep up with the rising to shake people's hand for every single person. I thought it was very sweet how each time a person came in for their photo op he would stand up and shake their hands and then after they were done he would stand up again to thank them. It was very sweet but if he kept it up for that whole line then his legs must have been killing him by the end of it. I'm waiting on pins and needles to see how the picture came out. I'm not holding out much hope that I look decent in it, I rarely take a good picture, but he'll no doubt look gorgeous as always and I'll feel slightly better about looking horrible if I'm looking horrible next to a gorgeous man.

            It was, is, and always will be GREEN


              Originally posted by Shipperahoy
              Yes, he was very gracious. And Marimba and I were wondering how long he was going to be able to keep up with the rising to shake people's hand for every single person. I thought it was very sweet how each time a person came in for their photo op he would stand up and shake their hands and then after they were done he would stand up again to thank them. It was very sweet but if he kept it up for that whole line then his legs must have been killing him by the end of it.
              His mama taught him good manners.


                Originally posted by Merentha
                Heeehee.. I'm soooo offended that I'm giving you green for that
                *Curses* Why does that have to appear when I'm at work???!!!

                I have hours to wait until I can look...

                ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                  Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                  Yes, he was very gracious. And Marimba and I were wondering how long he was going to be able to keep up with the rising to shake people's hand for every single person. I thought it was very sweet how each time a person came in for their photo op he would stand up and shake their hands and then after they were done he would stand up again to thank them. It was very sweet but if he kept it up for that whole line then his legs must have been killing him by the end of it. I'm waiting on pins and needles to see how the picture came out. I'm not holding out much hope that I look decent in it, I rarely take a good picture, but he'll no doubt look gorgeous as always and I'll feel slightly better about looking horrible if I'm looking horrible next to a gorgeous man.
                  Sounds like you had a blast Shipmum...I wish I could have gone to it...

                  ~*Beanie*~ | No mountain too high, no gutter too low... | Ar scáth a chéile a mhairimid uilig...
                  "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt."


                    Originally posted by Alaskhah
                    HA-HA is a Daniel Jackson/MS Thunk thread division known as the "Hussies Anti-Headgear Association" and SSWU is from the Shep whump thread and stands for "Shameless Shep Whumpers Unanimous" (it was going to be Anonymous, but then we realized that if we were going to be shameless, anonymous didn't really fit!).
                    Ahhhhhhhh! It all makes sence now. Thanks!
                    "You are a distraction who is permanently distracted."~ Ohhhhh...sparkly...
                    "Well, we came, we saw, we got spanked."-Harper (Andromeda)
                    Don't shake that. It's liable to blow up.~L.
                    Ewww! What's that mess on the floor? I think my sanity just broke.
                    "My ovaries are exploding with maternal instinct..." Partylikeits1984 on DH's character on Traders
                    Even if the voices in my head aren't real, they have some pretty good ideas.
                    Very smart people intimidate me. And turn me on. Do you see my problem in the dating game?~Aurore
                    (Same boat. Small World. ~ r-h)


                      Originally posted by Athenaktt
                      Okay all I found the bum shot! Someone was kind enough to post it on Sheppard_daily on Livejournal.

                      I'll just give you guys the link to the pictures, since I don't want to offend anyone by posting JF's bare bum.

                      It is early morning. . and I look at these pics. Definitely don't need coffee today. *LOL*

                      When all else fails, change channels.


                        Originally posted by greytop
                        His mama taught him good manners.
                        Sure sounds like it.

                        But as SGA popularity grows and the demand for his time by fans increases, I hope he doesn't freak and decide not to do cons/appearances in the future. Shy people tend to go into "hide in my cave" mode when the outside world overwhelms them.

                        When all else fails, change channels.


                          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                          Shy people tend to go into "hide in my cave" mode when the outside world overwhelms them.
                          Don't we both know it. I bet Joe psychs himself up for this, pours out all of his energy doing them, and then sleeps for a couple of days to try and recover.

                          Still, it has to feed the ego some, or else he wouldn't be coming back. I doubt that cons are contractual.



                            Originally posted by Merentha
                            Since we were discussing glasses before.... an experiment...

                            Actually that's not bad. He has a distinguished look there.



                              Originally posted by Shipperahoy
                              I'm waiting on pins and needles to see how the picture came out.
                              Will you post it, regardless?

                              Did Joe speak quietly, or was he sort of boisterous meeting folks? And how long did he have to meet and greet folks?




                                Originally posted by Droops
                                Actually that's not bad. He has a distinguished look there.

                                He is rather "professor-ish" in glasses.

                                I still say he looks like a young Harrison Ford. And Merentha should have sent her IndyJoe poster to the con with one of the folks here. . for an autograph.

                                When all else fails, change channels.

