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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by WraithHumor View Post
    That's a real shame and yeah I just wanted to clarify in case somebody thought I was heartless so and so for my comments!

    And I wouldn't want to go there either
    Ummm, I would prefer if people would not judge much by the posts. If they do I would be declared a Vulcan!

    Originally posted by Mherriez View Post
    We know you're not heartless!! We wuv you...
    Second this!

    Live long and prosper!
    Last edited by leksa; 16 February 2009, 07:46 PM. Reason: problem with stubborn smiley... :(


      Originally posted by Mherriez View Post
      Leksa,you got an avie!! Lookin' good!!They have a bunch of new ones' betta!!
      Thanks. I decided to put a picture of the only one of my favorite characters that is actually offered...


        Originally posted by leksa View Post
        I have a question. Especially for all you people who have Todd's name in your handles.
        How come that there is no single social group dedicated to Todd?

        I was just browsing there and I could not find any!

        I thought you girls love him!

        My goodness, even I love Todd. But honestly I was wondering the same thing when I went through the social groups and joined a few the other day.


        And I'm glad you guys love me
        I believe among your people it is customary to shake hands....... Just a little Wraith humor

        Sig thanks to geekywraith *big hugs*


          Originally posted by Solla View Post
          The wolves are rather good parents, by the way. Both parents share in the task of raising their cubs. What is more, their adult offsprings or subordinate members take as much care of them as their parents do. All the wolves bring food from the hunt, play with cubs, guard them from danger and even teach them howling
          Ahhh! This would account for, given this line of reasoning, the other adult wraith taking care of the young. I like this idea. If it was a personal blow for Todd to lose his queen in the skies above Atlantis, this would account for his growl when Rodney asked him whether he had family in Miller's Crossing. He does conceal his feelings well, except of course for admiration. He seems to admire both Tayla and Shepard.

          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


            Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
            Ahhh! This would account for, given this line of reasoning, the other adult wraith taking care of the young. I like this idea. If it was a personal blow for Todd to lose his queen in the skies above Atlantis, this would account for his growl when Rodney asked him whether he had family in Miller's Crossing. He does conceal his feelings well, except of course for admiration. He seems to admire both Tayla and Shepard.

            Good catch. I did not even connected that growl with his loss.


              Originally posted by Solla View Post
              Perhaps, we make a mistake assuming that they are extra cruel OR secretly tender souls . They are many-sided and complex creatures with a wide spectrum of emotions and feelings like any other sentient beings in this Universe. We are capable of anger and compassion at the same time, we cruelly hurt each other, use other people and show selflessness, etc. I do believe they are not so different from us

              Good point!
              I think it's the manifestation of their humanity, when they are vicious and have virtue.
              Todd will kill without hesitation; he will also keep his word and repay a debt he feels he owes.

              Insects do not have the consciousness to understand what it feels like to have a sense of debt toward another, different creature.

              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                Originally posted by leksa View Post
                Yes, but what is interesting, we people are not so effective in that. And one would think that more intelligent the creature the more care will be given to the overall population benefit.

                Yes, yes. Sorry, I did not saw it like that at first. The keeping the undeveloped embryos in her until there are suitable conditions for the offspring development would be quite effective method of the birth-control.
                What troubles me with that is how that kind of the mechanism developed. If we assume that the Wraith evolved naturally as the specie, nature would pick system more simple to control than that.
                I never thought about the hibernation and what does it do to the Wraith. I know that we cannot hibernate because we would loose too much of the bone mass. You see, I somehow disregarded the hibernation as just another way to make the Wraith more similar to vampires.
                Leksa....what do you mean that we would "lose" bone mass by hibernating?


                  Originally posted by WraithHumor View Post
                  My goodness, even I love Todd. But honestly I was wondering the same thing when I went through the social groups and joined a few the other day.


                  And I'm glad you guys love me
                  Hey,hey,hey...for Todd groups,go to the bottom of this post page,there in little tiny words is;Tags for: Michael,Steve, etc,TODD,etc......Wraith,etc....bla,bla! Click on the one that says TODD,it will take you to ALL the threads and tags that ARE Todd!! Hope this helps ya,in my own backwards kinda way? lemmie know if it works?,'kay???
                  HAVE YOU PET YOUR HUMAN TODAY? ...or did ya eat him?


                    Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
                    And it depends on the individual as well.

                    It was Michael who said that bit about being not so different, wasn't he? Correct me if I'm wrong.
                    I had an epiphany, insects don't have the consciousness to feel as sense of loyalty, or betrayal. Todd is constantly betrayed and feels it. He says it specifically in The Seer, when Sam Carter talks about an alliance with him. When she talks of betrayal he says "Believe me, I understand your hesitation". Whether he likes it or not, Todd has been changed beyond return because of his situation with Shepard. I think he genuinely hates and loves his own people. He killed The Primary with out so much as a quick moment of hesitation. She was nothing, a means to an end. He seems to think of wraith as being just as disposable as any "meal", but he did not show the same disregard to Keller. He's a killer, but he isn't thoughtless. If I were him, I think I would have very ambivalent feelings toward the humans. It makes sense, and follows reason that he is constantly trying to fashion his own hive--he is trying to create a home for himself, for his new self with all the paradoxes of what it is to be both human and wraith.

                    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                      Originally posted by leksa View Post
                      That sounds plausible.
                      What I would suggest is that the Wraith libido is much lower that ours. They live really, really long, so there is no need even for the annual mating period. Otherwise they would increase their numbers too quickly over sustainable level. Actually, as the show suggested they already there. So perhaps they introduced some kind of the "birth-control" before the Earthlings appeared in the Pegasus. Perhaps that can explain low number of the females....
                      I've thought this too. It's not so much that they don't have a libido, it's that they are so long lived they wouldn't feel the hankering that often. Though humans tend to have sex for many other reasons than because of procreation, it is clear that the wraith define themselves like humans through their sexuality.
                      Most non-human creatures in the animal Kingdom do not define their identity this way. Hence, it matters not to my little kitties whether Sasha is humping a female cat, a chair leg, my leg or his brother Schatner--any port in the storm will do.

                      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                        Originally posted by leksa View Post
                        Quite nice argument. Thanks for posting it!
                        Too bad the show is over and there is no actually chance for something like that happening....
                        This is exactly it! This is what I have been saying for the last nine months (though not as eloquently) that "thinking" wraith cannot and most likely do not see humans as cattle--though they force themselves to as a buffer for the inevitable. The wraith race and the human race are sentient peers, their situation is both the best and the worst of sentient highly intelligent living. They have certain "gifts", but the cost for these gifts can be as high as one's sanity. I think of Elia. This is what has often led me to believe that the Ancients orchestrated their existence and their torture: to wipe out an advanced civilization (a human culture) all for the need of mere hunger? This, at the very least, would cause gastritis.

                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Originally posted by Sevenofnine View Post
                          I have often wondered why the wraith in Instinct, never came and took Elia away from her adopted human father, he would have sensed her, I would've imagined that he would come and get so he could raise her himself with wraith values instead of letting a human raise her. This has always puzzled me, especially since she would have been in his care aboard the ship that crashed. Unless he was young himself and didn't want to take that responsibility?
                          Or perhaps couldn't care for her the way her human father could have. If the wraith in the woods was old, he may have forgotten how to eat human food, let alone feed a baby. It seems to be that he didn't start contact with her until she was an adolescent and craved human flesh.

                          Just a few thoughts.

                          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                            Originally posted by Replicator Fifth View Post
                            Its all good. thanks, it was late and I didn't notice such a grave error. I LOVE wolves too. I meant that "their not infertile". again, it was late.

                            Of course, of course. I am often crossed eyed and posting late (like now) and should probably go to bed. But the conversations are often just too good to not read!

                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              Originally posted by Mariellelita View Post
                              Leksa....what do you mean that we would "lose" bone mass by hibernating?
                              Those are results from the research into the space travels. The real ones.
                              We are not equipped to sustain the long periods without the gravity. Without the pressure on our bones the calcium from them is slowly dissolved by own our body.
                              That happens to the astronauts who are in space for prolonged period. That happened to the test subjects who volunteer to lay in bed for months. And that would happen to the human body if it would be actually introduced into something like hibernation. Right now scientist trying to figure out how to combat this bone matter loss in space. Simply because the human mission on the Mars depends on it. If we just send astronauts there now, their lost of the bone would be so severe that it might cause break of the bones when they attempt to lend on the Mars.
                              The hibernation is considered as a one of the valuable option for the interstellar travel, since it would took us around 40 years to reach the star closest to our Sun (Proxima Centauri). And there are research in that field too. I'm not sure did they started any testing on human subjects, or they still do experiments only on animals.

                              I hope I made this clear, if you have some more questions, just ask.


                                Originally posted by Mariellelita View Post
                                Leksa....what do you mean that we would "lose" bone mass by hibernating?
                                This may have to do with gravity. When wraith hibernate they are on their ships in space (though I remember in Rising Part II, the ship was parked on a planet not unlike our own). When in space for a long time, the lack of gravity has an impact on bone density. This is I guess what she meant, but it would be interesting to hear her take on it.

                                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells

