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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
    Just as long as the Atlantis expedition didn't blow them up while they were distracted.
    But more than likely the writers would come up with someway that what was going on onboard the hive is bad and needed to be stopped. Only by blowing them all up of course.


      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
      Silk, obviously woven from their own silken hair.

      As I understand it, Todd wears a pair of silky Kennypants under his leather trousers.


      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


        Originally posted by Malviris View Post
        hmm even though Michael was kinda kicked around with losing his memory alot and getting lied to i still think he had a better hair style than Todd...anyone else agree?

        Good question. Mmmm. I do think Todd needs a brush, but I like long hair on a guy--only if it looks good. I dunno. Mmmm.

        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


          Originally posted by Solla View Post
          Well, I personally assume them having the same sex contacts, so from my point of view they definitely have rectums and penises .
          Did I say your long suit was common sense (well *check* that again).

          Why we are so lavish with explanations? Remember that nature hates a void . We must replace those blanks in the show with something we find acceptable. That might be looong explanations and speculations or just a bunch of jokes, because I’m afraid we’ll never get any story about creepy organic toilets or pantless wraith. Shame!
          True enough--however I intended to mean: what's wrong with a simple explanation? Why not just say they have a toilet run like anyone else, rather than a long winded explanation about a dance, a black cat and a wraith that ran away with the spoon?

          I remember JM was posting something about the 4 best SGA episodes he never wrote. Why is there never a number five? - Something like Atlantis team finding themselves in a hive during mating season. It would have been great if they had had the guts to make such an exiting and educational episode .

          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


            Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
            I completely agree with you, and I really like the WAY you think--very logical. However, I do think that the wraith must feed more frequently than this...well then again I don't know for sure *thinks aloud to herself, when thinking back on a few examples*. As far as I understand, wraith in the show have fed from once every week to two weeks to once every month to two months. It could be that when a wraith does "feed" they glut if they feed less frequently (drink more than one human host at a time), and store the rest as food energy somewhere in their bodies; we store ours as fat. I've often wondered if they have "fat wrists" (heh heh heh) or store their fat in their butts--maybe in their brow ridge (HA HA HA).

            However, this is to say, I do think they need to feed more frequently than once every three to four months. It could be that the wraith are more lizard like in terms of how they hang on to fluid in their body--or more camel like, the ones with two humps. This could account for why their blood seems more viscus than ours, not as watery.

            I have no idea, these are just a few thoughts. Perhaps going over alternative-universe-Rodney "speak" in the Vegas episode would clear up the issue. If my memory serves me correctly, I think Rodney explained how often the wraith need to feed.


            P.S. I think Elia (sp?) fed once every three to four months, but that could be one because she went to different towns, in the "hills" where her father didn't want her to go. Or two, it could be that she was still in the throws of puberty and could still gain nourishment from food. Um, I dunno.
            Sheppard in Vegas mentioned about eight bodies in three months. Rodney also gave some information:

            McKAY: Look, we know that the Wraith don't need to feed as often as the target does. I mean, they feed for pleasure but not in this case – not if it means leaving a trail behind.

            SHEPPARD: Some other reason?

            McKAY: If they're sick or injured, they can regenerate but it requires energy. We believe that the target is unavoidably exposing himself to high doses of radiation and is having to eat to counteract the effects.
            As for Instinct, the villagers from tavern were talking about 3-4 times a year and taking 2-3 people each time. We know that Ellia hunted at the same time with her "congener" during the last two years though.

            PS. I personally think she went into the hills just for a walk .
            ~ Created by Draygon ~


              Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post

              True enough--however I intended to mean: what's wrong with a simple explanation? Why not just say they have a toilet run like anyone else, rather than a long winded explanation about a dance, a black cat and a wraith that ran away with the spoon?

              Wait! Just say they have a toilet run and sex life and close the forum?
              ~ Created by Draygon ~


                Atlantis team finding themselves in a hive during mating season. It would have been great if they had had the guts to make such an exiting and educational episode .
                Indeed! Scriptwriters are too boring. They should have more of this kind of nasty, wonderful creativeness (and some balls).
                Last edited by cryogenic_limbo; 07 February 2009, 02:11 PM. Reason: Typo
                I have some Wraith DNA in my genetic make-up, that makes me want to use trench coat.


                "Jaffat tulloo... Helmat paukkuu..."


                  Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                  Well, rape doesn't have to be sexual in nature. When the environment is destroyed, we call it the rape of the land. I consider the genetic and mental tampering of Michael to be the rape of his mind and soul.
                  I agree with you here. Actually that's what I meant when I used that word.

                  Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                  So, when Wraith use their 'gift' to enslave a worshipper, it could be considered similar to 'rape' because a person's soul is stolen over and over again - but in my mind it's more like brainwashing (keep in mind that Mallozzi - who wrote that story - said that some worshippers are forced to worship, while others (US!) do so willingly).

                  And when Rhys asked Ronon how it felt, he wasn't just referring to the gift - but to the entire process - having his life drained away to the point of death, then brought back (think of those who get stimulated by auto-erotic asphyxiation). Unless Rhys has had his life drained, and then brought back, he would not know what it's like - THAT experience is unique to humans who have been fed upon, then restored, by a Wraith.
                  Good point here. Yeah, we saw very rarely examples of the Wraith feeding upon each-other. To be honest, I still have problem to tie that concept into their whole society. It would assume that there is a harsh class system in their society.

                  Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                  PS: I think the Writers - unfortunately - saw that the Wraith were gaining sympathy, and tried to find ways to make them 'evil' again. One way to do that was to turn the 'gift of life' into a weapon, instead of what it was originally presented to be. It's a shame, and I hope they reconsider this direction if it comes to play in the movie.
                  Oh, that's for sure! That's why I did not wished to wrote down what would take to make the Wraith monstrous to females. I prefer to let them guess.


                    Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                    As for giving the gift to another Wraith, this could go back to -

                    TODD: As you know, healthy Wraith have an inherent ability to heal themselves of almost any ailment, but this has not always been the case

                    Restoring an injured Wraith back in those days would have been giving him life. Once they had their ability to heal it could have turned into a social custom. where the gift became a symbol of close friendship.
                    This is such an excellent idea. I think you really got it!


                      Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
                      How much do you think all of this has to do with Todd's progressively more human-like mannerisms and qualities? He's gone from awkward but somewhat knowledgable (sp?) in "Common Ground" to overexaggerated graciousness and black humor in "The Seer" and a mixture of Wraithiness and improvement in his communicating (BAMSR, SOW, The Kindred I). From there on out he (Todd? Chris?) has increased his human-like speech patterns, expressions and body language. He does occassionally break out the snarl (The Queen, Infection) but he seems to be kind of a connoisseur now of human observation and imitation. Thought his thought processes might now always come to the same conclusion that a human's would. lol Just wondered if you all have seen this and if you think it is a "humanization" of Todd or just Chris adding some expressiveness to Todd's repitoire.
                      Sorry for hear about your relatives. That is quite serious condition. At least, I can offer you my emotional support.

                      I would think it would be logical to put human mannerisms in the Wraith behavior. I find quite annoying when authors state one thing and then do not take the consequences of that claim in the account. They said the Wraith has human DNA, that means we are sort of "relatives" and that also means that we will share certain mannerisms. All primates here on the planet do.

                      And I just have to mention this here. The water issue. Malozzi said the Wraith do not drink. Fine, how then they regulate the body temperature? (I'm nasty, I know...)


                        Originally posted by MCH View Post
                        PART 1

                        The Wraith are quite a sophisticated society. All society's have the their own way of interacting with one another. The Gift of Life could be a special and important ceremony for the Wraith. The giving and receiving of life. .

                        The Gift of Life also shows something else. The untimate trust experience for Wraith. Do they conscent or just submit? Wraith society to human eyes seems a tad brutal. They are portrayed as not very trusting of one another.
                        Actually, the way the Wraith society is portrayed does not differ much in mistrust and cruelty from some of our own human societies from past (or even some ones form now)

                        Originally posted by MCH View Post
                        that would be a total invasion of his self his soul. In return did he see of Todd soul? - The Gift of Life is the reason why Todd and Shepherd keep cooperating with one another so to speak. (I'm finding it hard to put my theoughts in word, so I hope this makes sense.
                        It was clear that Todd did "reward" Sheppard for helping him. But that simply does not explain the connection. I can bet that it was not first time Todd gave someone the gift. Sorry, I still do not see the connection here.


                          I'm not a biologist, a biologist would be one to explain this properly and give some nice theories. My guesses here are as good as anyones else.

                          Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                          In other words, you and I would probably say "life force" is a euphemism for "food energy". Living things have "energy" and energy does not lose its mass, it simply changes shape. This is where the idea of the soul and the after life existing bla bla bla probably come into play. Therefore, when the wraith feed, they are sucking up (probably more like drinking up) the energy of the human host--liquefying the insides (or releasing a chemical into the human host's body whereby the tissue may degrade quickly--digestive enzymes digesting its living host slowly).
                          We store energy in our bodies in form of the fats and sugars. What ever wraith inject into the body to release that energy has to be able to quickly liquidly the most of the victim body. (You're right at that point.)
                          At least they got it sort of right that the Wraith tend to place their hand near our heart. That's logical, you need that chemical to be pumped trough the whole victim body. But you see, once when pumping is started (and whole process is really fast) there would not be turning back. The victim body should be destroyed as soon as that chemical is pumped into the body. Imagine what would happened with your body if someone inject an acid into you. The effect has to be similar. Then, the Wraith is sucking up the "goodies", the energy, already dissolved and ready for them to absorb it. That means, digested.
                          And now all falls in the "water" because this above cannot explain gift of life, it cannot explain "partial feeding" nor aging process in the victim.
                          That's why I said that a proper biologist is necessary to give some light here. Even if that would be just to say that the whole thing is impossible.


                            Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                            I dunno, call me a whiner--*snorts and laughs* (I'll ask my husband for a glass of WINE from time to time, and he'll reply with "Why? You already WHINE enough".)
                            Green for your hubby. I love that comment!
                            Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                            I'm interested. Why so much explaining?
                            The way to kill boring afternoon off when outside is snowing and you read all your books and of course, there is absolutely nothing to watch on the TV (except maybe dust....)


                              Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                              Very good observation! And one that makes perfect sense. After all, why would a lead military commander go to "the enemy" frequently and with hat in hand, all by himself, if he were not "attracted" to a particular individual within that enemy community. This is probably why Shepard feels strangely queasy around Todd. It often seems to go above and beyond a "Ug, don't touch me, you'll try to feed", but rather a "Ug, don't touch me---yer...yer...GAY!!!". Military men typically do not respond well to this reality.

                              And most definitely, if the show portrayed the wraith as gay, because they are so frequently vilified (though if the writers were allowed more creative freedom, they could handle this topic in a rather "this is logical given wraith society" sort of way), it would come across as equating homosexuality with monsterishness.
                              So shall we suggest that casting staff ask for volunteer here to play Todd's human-female lover?
                              That would certainly cleared all this mess.


                                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                                Ya know - I think we should commission Draco-Stellaris to draw us all a picture of Kenny brushing Todd's hair...

                                Kenny could be thinking something about Todd's hair/hygiene...maybe in relation to his association with humans...and Todd growls out, "I heard that!"

                                I'm just not feeling creative enough today yet to come up with anything better...


                                Love this idea!

