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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
    Sorry, I don't want to interrupt the discussion. I just thought you might find this funny:
    Love it!!! And your sig! LOL - I love how cheeky Spike looks and Kenny with his coffee! LMAO! And Todd just looks digusted. You are brilliant! I wish you could publish this stuff but I'm sure the copyright issues would be a nightmare!

    Ach, too soon to green you again so mental GREEN!



      Originally posted by MyFavoriteWraith View Post
      Love it!!! And your sig! LOL - I love how cheeky Spike looks and Kenny with his coffee! LMAO! And Todd just looks digusted. You are brilliant! I wish you could publish this stuff but I'm sure the copyright issues would be a nightmare!

      Ach, too soon to green you again so mental GREEN!

      Thanks! *big wraithie hug* Any kind of green is more than welcome! Mental green is perfect.
      And you're probably right about the copyright issues.
      I tag anything I put up on deviantart with a disclaimer just to make sure.
      I'd love to see my own stuff published though.


        I was thinking about yesterday Das message. (Nothing better for that than boring drive to the work…)
        As some of you pointed out earlier, the relationship between Sheppard and Todd is a bit strange. Requires some kind of explanation.
        It’s very strange that the leader of great Alliance comes alone, to the “enemy” foothold asking for the help. No political or power struggles can justify that action. Leaders simply do not do that. Yet, Todd did. Several of you (including Mr. Heyerdahl) suggested that’s because there is “something more” in the relationship between Todd and Sheppard.

        So, this means I was wrong.

        What put me off the possible consideration of the homosexually coloured relationship between those two characters is so called “political correctness”. You see, if authors of the SG indicate that the Wraith has homosexual tendencies they might enter into the mine filed and be accused of portraying the homosexuals as monsters. Something, no one wish to do in today’s society. So I suspect that the reason why the Wraith ended up being portrayed as asexual was just that. Although, I found surprising that they, authors, opted for asexuality. Their ultimate goal was to portray the Wraith as the monsters, and portraying them as asexual actually increased their attractiveness to the female audience.
        This is almost funny for me; because it’s bottles down to the fact that average bloke have no idea what average female finds attractive. So instead to go to the option that would decrease the attractiveness (there is one, very effective, which I will not mention since I’m member of WDC ) they play with the homosexuality card, a solution which seems obvious, but riddled with possible political incorrectness.


          Originally posted by Draco-Stellaris View Post
          Thanks! *big wraithie hug* Any kind of green is more than welcome! Mental green is perfect.
          And you're probably right about the copyright issues.
          I tag anything I put up on deviantart with a disclaimer just to make sure.
          I'd love to see my own stuff published though.
          I'd love to see some of your stuff published! I'd buy it.


            Well, I guess whatever waste Wraith expel would be minimal. I really think they may just sweat out impurities, and if they do pass waste products, it wouldn't be much. I think the whole point to their feeding process is that it is extremely efficient, with little or no waste product left over - they just use everything they absorb.
            Interesting discussion here. I agree with you. Though, they still have properly working digestive system, after all of that evolution. So probably they have been crapping waste products, at least a little, because I can't see, how digestive system, being unused through generations, can still be working normally.

            I can imagine, that if wraith eats too carelessly, he can have quite nasty stomache.
            I have some Wraith DNA in my genetic make-up, that makes me want to use trench coat.


            "Jaffat tulloo... Helmat paukkuu..."


              Originally posted by leksa View Post
              I was thinking about yesterday Das message. (Nothing better for that than boring drive to the work…)
              As some of you pointed out earlier, the relationship between Sheppard and Todd is a bit strange. Requires some kind of explanation.
              It’s very strange that the leader of great Alliance comes alone, to the “enemy” foothold asking for the help. No political or power struggles can justify that action. Leaders simply do not do that. Yet, Todd did. Several of you (including Mr. Heyerdahl) suggested that’s because there is “something more” in the relationship between Todd and Sheppard.

              So, this means I was wrong.

              What put me off the possible consideration of the homosexually coloured relationship between those two characters is so called “political correctness”. You see, if authors of the SG indicate that the Wraith has homosexual tendencies they might enter into the mine filed and be accused of portraying the homosexuals as monsters. Something, no one wish to do in today’s society. So I suspect that the reason why the Wraith ended up being portrayed as asexual was just that. Although, I found surprising that they, authors, opted for asexuality. Their ultimate goal was to portray the Wraith as the monsters, and portraying them as asexual actually increased their attractiveness to the female audience.
              This is almost funny for me; because it’s bottles down to the fact that average bloke have no idea what average female finds attractive. So instead to go to the option that would decrease the attractiveness (there is one, very effective, which I will not mention since I’m member of WDC ) they play with the homosexuality card, a solution which seems obvious, but riddled with possible political incorrectness.

              Ha...with the amount of slash shippers around, that idea wouldn't work either!

              I don't think Todd's relationship with Sheppard is homosexual in nature...but instead, as Chris emphasized, they are 'brothers'.

              Look at Todd's dealings with Sheppard compared to his dealings with his own kind. Todd can't trust his fellow Wraith, but time and again he's been able to trust Sheppard. When Sheppard gives his word, he means it. Chris said something about Todd being baffled by humans, and finding them strange creatures...I'm sure he's intrigued by them, and intrigued by the games he plays with them. Sheppard provides a sort of mental stimulation for Todd...perhaps something that is missing from his interaction with his own kind. To Todd, Wraith are predictable...but Sheppard? He's different - he's a challenge - and at the same time Todd feels a sort of connection with him because of their experiences together.

              Basically, Todd is more willing to trust Sheppard as a 'brother' than those of his own kind. I believe he feels he at least stands a chance when dealing with Sheppard, something that - obviously - he does not when dealing with his own.



                I should read the replies before posting my own. Now, my last post is totally off the target.

                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                No, I don't think that's what he meant, per se. Wraith are a bit detached from their own reproductive process - it's very clinical. Also, as we have discussed before, it's probable that most male Wraith do not play a role in reproduction. There are thousands of males to one female...even if they do mate in the traditional way, I doubt all have that privilege. Therefore, most male Wraith probably have never experienced the giving of life through the reproductive process, but through the 'gift of life' they can have the basic experience of what it means to give life to another.

                Also, it takes us back to the intimacy issue. Sex is a form of intimacy, so if most Wraith do not engage in sex for reproductive purposes, they lack any sort of intimate experience with another. The gift of life is an intimate process - one giving his lifeforce and energy to another - and therefore would fill their need for intimacy (not for sex).
                Oh, I really see what are you trying to say, about the intimacy, need for the intimacy and this strange disparity in the gender ratio showed for the Wraith.

                But what bothers me about this image are all those scenes and implications that the Wraith uses this "giving" as a tool to enslave the human. Remember when Ronon was "undergoing the process" and the Wraith (sorry I forgot the name of that Wraith) asked him how is it fells like? Why would he ask him that? Doesn't he knows already?
                And that procedure then, can that be taken as the possible equivalent to the rape?


                  Originally posted by cryogenic_limbo View Post
                  Interesting discussion here. I agree with you. Though, they still have properly working digestive system, after all of that evolution. So probably they have been crapping waste products, at least a little, because I can't see, how digestive system, being unused through generations, can still be working normally.

                  I can imagine, that if wraith eats too carelessly, he can have quite nasty stomache.

                  Yes, I thought that they would need to keep their digestive systems active, and some Wraith - like the one in Condemned - obviously do have active digestive systems.

                  But I remember something Keller said in Infection:

                  "The treatment worked exactly like it was supposed to. It eliminated their feeding hands, activated their digestive systems just like it did in the simulation..."

                  This suggests that the digestive system - which would include intestinal activity - of a grown Wraith who does not indulge in eating normal food is dormant, since the gene therapy activated it.

                  I guess this means Wraith do NOT poop!

                  God - talk about the perfect male.



                    Originally posted by Sevenofnine View Post
                    Hope you're feeling much better now. And no you're not the weirdo one - I think wraith are sexy etc. and sort agree with what you said. Maybe Chris was just adding that comment to stir the pot, so to speak.
                    Well, if he did, he made right move, it beats the previous subjects isn't?


                      Originally posted by Malviris View Post
                      So hows the club going so far?
                      We failed utterly!

                      Maybe the next step should be attempt to involve International Red Cross to send some relief for the poor victims of the starvation and poisoning in Pegasus.


                        Originally posted by leksa View Post

                        I should read the replies before posting my own. Now, my last post is totally off the target.
                        No worries, happens to us all!

                        Oh, I really see what are you trying to say, about the intimacy, need for the intimacy and this strange disparity in the gender ratio showed for the Wraith.

                        But what bothers me about this image are all those scenes and implications that the Wraith uses this "giving" as a tool to enslave the human. Remember when Ronon was "undergoing the process" and the Wraith (sorry I forgot the name of that Wraith) asked him how is it fells like? Why would he ask him that? Doesn't he knows already?
                        And that procedure then, can that be taken as the possible equivalent to the rape?

                        Well, rape doesn't have to be sexual in nature. When the environment is destroyed, we call it the rape of the land. I consider the genetic and mental tampering of Michael to be the rape of his mind and soul.

                        So, when Wraith use their 'gift' to enslave a worshipper, it could be considered similar to 'rape' because a person's soul is stolen over and over again - but in my mind it's more like brainwashing (keep in mind that Mallozzi - who wrote that story - said that some worshippers are forced to worship, while others (US!) do so willingly).

                        And when Rhys asked Ronon how it felt, he wasn't just referring to the gift - but to the entire process - having his life drained away to the point of death, then brought back (think of those who get stimulated by auto-erotic asphyxiation). Unless Rhys has had his life drained, and then brought back, he would not know what it's like - THAT experience is unique to humans who have been fed upon, then restored, by a Wraith.


                        PS: I think the Writers - unfortunately - saw that the Wraith were gaining sympathy, and tried to find ways to make them 'evil' again. One way to do that was to turn the 'gift of life' into a weapon, instead of what it was originally presented to be. It's a shame, and I hope they reconsider this direction if it comes to play in the movie.


                          Originally posted by leksa View Post
                          But what bothers me about this image are all those scenes and implications that the Wraith uses this "giving" as a tool to enslave the human. Remember when Ronon was "undergoing the process" and the Wraith (sorry I forgot the name of that Wraith) asked him how is it fells like? Why would he ask him that? Doesn't he knows already?
                          And that procedure then, can that be taken as the possible equivalent to the rape?
                          Maybe the Wraith use this process in two different ways. One is to enslave humans but the other -

                          WRAITH: The gift of life is reserved only for our most devout worshippers ... and our brothers.

                          Todd literally gave Sheppard his life back in 'Common Ground'. A faithful worshipper who is sick or growing old could be rewarded like that. As for giving the gift to another Wraith, this could go back to -

                          TODD: As you know, healthy Wraith have an inherent ability to heal themselves of almost any ailment, but this has not always been the case

                          Restoring an injured Wraith back in those days would have been giving him life. Once they had their ability to heal it could have turned into a social custom. where the gift became a symbol of close friendship.


                            Originally posted by ciannwn View Post
                            TODD: As you know, healthy Wraith have an inherent ability to heal themselves of almost any ailment, but this has not always been the case

                            Restoring an injured Wraith back in those days would have been giving him life. Once they had their ability to heal it could have turned into a social custom. where the gift became a symbol of close friendship.

                            I very much like this idea.



                              Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                              I very much like this idea.

                              Thank you. I wondered how and why such a thing could have got started and that seemed to tie in.


                                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                                Look at Todd's dealings with Sheppard compared to his dealings with his own kind. Todd can't trust his fellow Wraith, but time and again he's been able to trust Sheppard. When Sheppard gives his word, he means it. Chris said something about Todd being baffled by humans, and finding them strange creatures...I'm sure he's intrigued by them, and intrigued by the games he plays with them. Sheppard provides a sort of mental stimulation for Todd...perhaps something that is missing from his interaction with his own kind. To Todd, Wraith are predictable...but Sheppard? He's different - he's a challenge - and at the same time Todd feels a sort of connection with him because of their experiences together.

                                Basically, Todd is more willing to trust Sheppard as a 'brother' than those of his own kind. I believe he feels he at least stands a chance when dealing with Sheppard, something that - obviously - he does not when dealing with his own.
                                How much do you think all of this has to do with Todd's progressively more human-like mannerisms and qualities? He's gone from awkward but somewhat knowledgable (sp?) in "Common Ground" to overexaggerated graciousness and black humor in "The Seer" and a mixture of Wraithiness and improvement in his communicating (BAMSR, SOW, The Kindred I). From there on out he (Todd? Chris?) has increased his human-like speech patterns, expressions and body language. He does occassionally break out the snarl (The Queen, Infection) but he seems to be kind of a connoisseur now of human observation and imitation. Thought his thought processes might now always come to the same conclusion that a human's would. lol Just wondered if you all have seen this and if you think it is a "humanization" of Todd or just Chris adding some expressiveness to Todd's repitoire.

                                RL OT
                                I apologize for not posting much lately and also for maybe not sounding so clear. I didn't know wraithlord, but his passing kind of hit a soft spot I didn't realize was so raw lately. I am again watching my father and brother who have Huntington's disease today and it's just been an especially hard day. I don't know why. I know it must be horrible to lose somebody in such a sudden way as a car accident (and so young!) but some days I wonder if it isn't harder to watch your loved ones slowly waste away and completely change before your eyes from vibrant, extremely intelligent people, to people with bodies that wither and will not respond and wasting brains that can barely form coherent thoughts or sentences or remember anything from one hour to the next. *sigh* Sorry, had to vent. Must go blow my nose.

