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    Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
    I will probably be on tonight. Been laying low to avoid spoilers, but also a bit bummed about what I've seen of Broken Ties. Did Mallozzi write that one? If so, I'm gonna slap him upside the head...

    I checked and both Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie wrote it.

    Banner made by gypsy_morph AKA JenKM1216.


      Originally posted by Alauralen View Post
      I checked and both Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie wrote it.
      Yeah - they are very evil men.

      Wraithie - Granny hair Wraith is very sensitive! But he can always blame that 'do' on bad cloning...




        Masterling was wondering, like myself, how Jen is doing and what's going on with her story about Todd and Nia. Apparently, I'm not the only one eager for the next installment of Distant Journey. How about letting her know she's got a concerned fan base out here? I hope that gives her a nice 'pick-me-up' for her day!


        Still having salacious thoughts about Edward Sleazyhands.


          Inanna- here are some fanfic that i have read that are wraith centric.
          Iv never tried to put links up- i hope they work.

          There is a second part of the story call the old wolf- this is very good. I love the way this wraith is portraied.

          Again very good- about todd b4 CG. Not compleate but what is there is worth the read.


            Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
            I'm in a weird mood, so enjoy it while it lasts. Thank Shan for getting me on the 'punny' kick.


            you are welcome



              Season 5 Premier

              Please forgive me for not originally placing my views in spoilers! I was tired and still somewhat still medicated, and as soon as I'd realized what I'd NOT done, I placed my post in spoilers. Again, all of you WDC members who are not yet up to Season 5, please, please forgive me!

              Well...I watched the much awaited Season 5 premier of SGA, and what can I say? I was rather disappointed.

              Nothing new and original except for the really nice special effects following the wave signal from the planet to Michael's cruiser. Same old cliches, and a great big ol' dump on McKay. Then there's Keller. Same weak Keller. We know Sheppard is a tough guy, but puh-leez! He needed major surgery, he'd lost huge amounts of blood and Keller let him go on a mission that could have, nay should have failed from his disabilities? Sheppard had a huge hole in his side, massive internal injuries, a huge blood loss, and he's leading a rescue mission? Lorne had a broken leg, and he's out for the show.

              The lowering of the shields for the launch of the rescue was actually a nice touch. The effective use of the 302's was nice, but to me, this was just a special effects episode.

              One Wraithworshipper's Opinion.

              PS: That was a really cute baby, buuut...why didn't Teyla name it after it's father? Didn't he deserve to be honored for finding within himself the strenth to fight off Michael's conditioning to release her? Remember how readily he turned over his weapon so that he could go with them? What about Kanaan?

              A very embarrassed Wraithie
              Last edited by Wraithworshipper; 12 July 2008, 12:43 PM.


                Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post

                Nothing new and original except for the really nice special effects following the wave signal from the planet to Michael's cruiser.
                I actually thought that was a pretty lame effect. And the music for that particular sequence was god-awful imo.

                I had a hard time concentrating on the ep too because my friend remarked that Ronon sounds a little bit like Fozzy the bear from the Muppets, and every time he said something she'd add "Wakka wakka!" to the end of his sentence.


                  Re: Season 5 Premiere

                  I've heard of plot induced stupidity on the villains' side, but some of the stunts our delightful heroes pulled? No. If you have Michael's entire database, you immediately make sure it's somewhere safe. You do not stand around, waiting for Michael to show up, and then you certainly do not BRING IT BACK ONTO HIS HIVE SHIP. Ahem.

                  Also, John? I know you're hot, but do us a favour and get over yourself.

                  The one thing I did like was Michael's uncomfortable, hesitant half reply to Teyla's question concerning her own fate. Really telling, that. Yes, I ship them like whoa. Shut up.

                  Originally posted by masterling View Post
                  Inanna- here are some fanfic that i have read that are wraith centric.
                  Iv never tried to put links up- i hope they work.

                  There is a second part of the story call the old wolf- this is very good. I love the way this wraith is portraied.

                  Again very good- about todd b4 CG. Not compleate but what is there is worth the read.
                  Thanks, dear. :3

                  L I V E J O U R N A L
                  because I tend to disappear


                    I watched the SGA Season 5 opening episode.

                    I didn't really parse it, just went with the wave, keeping in mind that this is the first episode that needed to close the LM cliff hanger (although we all knew that they're not going to die there...). Beyond that, it basically set up for the following episodes and Season; sometimes to the detriment of logic. All in all I found it enjoyable, good fun and great effects. I liked the new Wraith ship look. They gave us a broader view and we'll get more of it. First episodes, like the opening of a novel, are the most difficult to write, I think.

                    I have to admit that Shep got on my nerves; for the first time ever. Rodney was a bit over the top. Tey'la was perfect. Ronon... well, was Ronon. Michael... he almost got a bit of a third dimension but then it faded. As I said, this is the first episode and it just eases takes us into the rest.

                    I liked that bit when the puddle jumper gets into Michael's ship as the bay opens and how it was written. Like the 'transmission' bit goint through the galaxy.

                    The birth scene... well. OKay, we got that out of the way. How all that happened with Michael not placing guards or monitoring his most precious cargo is beyond me.

                    Why they didn't have Marines at the planet gate to blast them and gain more time... beyond me. Why they didn't listen to see who the other 'life signs' are--I know they wrote this in Vancouver (Montreal) but they've seen enough news to tell them that there are high tech hearing devices without the need of sci fi that can detect heart beats even . OK, minor, I agree. Why the Daedalus didn't take evasive maneouvres and just sat there like a lump, I don't know... Again, minor stuff. And... how did Micheal fly the puddle jumper? He's suddenly got the ancient gene?

                    The trouble is--too many things have to be explained and were not clear to the viewer. And... a few things were dropped from LM. I had hoped that the gate had been dialed by the real Wraths. I can't imagine that they are not in pursuit of Michael as well. Todd would be. Now, that was a dropped thread that really weakened the episode and what will be coming next; if it's coming.

                    OK. Enough. Again, overall I liked it.
                    HONOR. A story.



                      Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post

                      Masterling was wondering, like myself, how Jen is doing and what's going on with her story about Todd and Nia. Apparently, I'm not the only one eager for the next installment of Distant Journey. How about letting her know she's got a concerned fan base out here? I hope that gives her a nice 'pick-me-up' for her day!

                      LOL! I have let her know that everyone is eagerly awaiting the next chapter. I think she's only got one or two more to write and I know that she was trying to finish the one she'd already started. I don't think she has as of yet, but she is trying. I'll let her know that you all were asking when I talk to her later! You're right, it will be a very nice pick-me-up for her!

                      Banner made by gypsy_morph AKA JenKM1216.


                        Okay, I figured that I'd throw in my two cents on the episode of Search and Rescue.

                        Beware of spoilers!

                        Usually labor, at least with the first child, takes a while. With the "bond" between Michael and Teyla, not to mention the Wraith ultrasound he performed on her, wouldn't he have known she was in labor? I know that when her team got there, she said that her contractions had started only about an hour before, but she said her water had broken quite a while before that. Therefor, would he not have known?

                        Don't even get me started on Sheppard being able to go and help get Teyla when he was that badly hurt. Keller is not so incompetent a doctor that she would have allowed him to leave in such a condition. She would have drugged him if need be to keep him there. I know a lot of people don't like her and very much prefer Carson, but I think, especially with her age, that she is really trying to do the best she can in extraordinary circumstances. Also, there is no way a seasoned office like Carter would have allowed him to go on that mission and perhaps cause if to fail utterly. He very well could have gotten them all killed. And if he had lost that much blood, he would have passed out before he even made it to the Jumper. That whole thing was entirely unbelievable.

                        McKay did exactly what I would have expected from him when helping Teyla give birth. I had a feeling that something like that would happen. He did do a decent job, though, once he calmed down.

                        I'm annoyed that the Wraith didn't make an appearance. They really made it sound as though the Wraith were the ones who activated the 'Gate and attacked, as well as Michael's hybrids. I was really looking forward to seeing how that went down. Oh, well.

                        I'm guessing that Michael not only found a way to change the retrovirus to suit his needs and refine the Hoffan drug, but also found a way to make the ATA gene therapy work on him? He obviously stole the Jumper to get off the ship and wouldn't have been able to do that without the gene. I really hope that they expand on that in Prodigal which, from what has been said already, is the next Michael episode.

                        As I said, just my two cents. Can't wait to read what everyone else thought as well!

                        Banner made by gypsy_morph AKA JenKM1216.


                          Originally posted by Alauralen View Post
                          Okay, I figured that I'd throw in my two cents on the episode of Search and Rescue.

                          Beware of spoilers!

                          Usually labor, at least with the first child, takes a while. With the "bond" between Michael and Teyla, not to mention the Wraith ultrasound he performed on her, wouldn't he have known she was in labor? I know that when her team got there, she said that her contractions had started only about an hour before, but she said her water had broken quite a while before that. Therefor, would he not have known?

                          Don't even get me started on Sheppard being able to go and help get Teyla when he was that badly hurt. Keller is not so incompetent a doctor that she would have allowed him to leave in such a condition. She would have drugged him if need be to keep him there. I know a lot of people don't like her and very much prefer Carson, but I think, especially with her age, that she is really trying to do the best she can in extraordinary circumstances. Also, there is no way a seasoned office like Carter would have allowed him to go on that mission and perhaps cause if to fail utterly. He very well could have gotten them all killed. And if he had lost that much blood, he would have passed out before he even made it to the Jumper. That whole thing was entirely unbelievable.

                          McKay did exactly what I would have expected from him when helping Teyla give birth. I had a feeling that something like that would happen. He did do a decent job, though, once he calmed down.

                          I'm annoyed that the Wraith didn't make an appearance. They really made it sound as though the Wraith were the ones who activated the 'Gate and attacked, as well as Michael's hybrids. I was really looking forward to seeing how that went down. Oh, well.

                          I'm guessing that Michael not only found a way to change the retrovirus to suit his needs and refine the Hoffan drug, but also found a way to make the ATA gene therapy work on him? He obviously stole the Jumper to get off the ship and wouldn't have been able to do that without the gene. I really hope that they expand on that in Prodigal which, from what has been said already, is the next Michael episode.

                          As I said, just my two cents. Can't wait to read what everyone else thought as well!
                          Well said.

                          I think they missed the mark badly when they didn't have the Wraiths dial the gate. They are stealth, clever and cunning. Todd knew what was going on. That means the Wraiths knew. I think the writers dropped the ball on this one. It would've been a truly interesting plot twist and would've woven together in the first episode some of the threads of what is coming. The first rule of good writing is to have in the opening episode/chapter the presence of the main protagonists and antagonists. Wraiths should have been there.
                          HONOR. A story.



                            Originally Posted by Inanna
                            You guys like fanfic, right? I haven't written anything for SGA myself yet (though there's the beginning of a sort of twisted Michael/Teyla bunny running through my head), but I've certainly got recs. :3

                            Brother to the Executioner: Short, Sheppard-centric, but with a heavy dose of Todd. A really beautiful, brilliantly conceived take on Miller's Crossing, with a ton of subtext. My favorite SGA piece. That means if you're just going to read one, pick this one.

                            Things Change: Okay, this may just be Todd fangirlism, but the episode "Irresponsible" would've been so much more poetically ironic if it had gone like this. ^_~

                            Lt Michael Kenmore: Patient Number 4364: A take on Michael's transformation. If you're wondering if you can hate Atlantis even more for that mess, this might just answer your question.

                            No Easy Way: Just found this now. A missing conversation between Todd and John. Kind of nice if you like their dynamics. Which I do.
                            Thank you for your fanfic Inanne, I enjoyed all the stories. I lefted a review for Chapter 1 to 12 you on Lt Michael Kenmore: Patient Number 4364.

                            Hope you finish it please. MCH

                            Wraithie posted
                            I'm in a weird mood, so enjoy it while it lasts. Thank Shan for getting me on the 'punny' kick.
                            I like the granny hair thanks I had a good laugh.

                            Note all the reviews of the first episode hum..... well I guess I'll have to wait until I can see it. Wonder what the viewing figures are?

                            Last edited by MCH; 12 July 2008, 09:51 AM.
                            Thanks to DS for my siggy


                              It's been a while. Welcome to all new members.
                              Since SGA is on air again...

                              I liked the season opener. It was a good action episode. Good special effects.
                              More in-depth :

                              Like I said I thought it was a good episode. I really liked that effect when they followed the signal to Michael's cruiser. And finally we see one of the cruisers again. I was talking with Wraithie about that one before season 5 started. I thought it was funny that we didn't see ANY evidence, that there are other ships than hive ships, for so long.

                              Why they didn't have Marines at the planet gate to blast them and gain more time... beyond me.
                              For what? Guarding the gate? The wraith darts were coming out of the cruiser not the gate. Michael just dialed the gate to prevent anyone from fleeing that way.
                              Why the Daedalus didn't take evasive maneouvres and just sat there like a lump, I don't know...
                              Because their sub-light engines were out. They said that one in the episode. "We are dead in the water". They could not fly evasive maneuvers without sub-light
                              And... how did Micheal fly the puddle jumper? He's suddenly got the ancient gene?
                              I go with Wraithie on that one. I too believe that the Wraith already have the Ancient gene. All of them. Even if they do not have it... Wraith have shown multiple times that they can perfectly make Ancient tech work .. y just bypassing the systems via rearrangement of the control crystals.

                              @ Alauralen

                              Usually labor, at least with the first child, takes a while. With the "bond" between Michael and Teyla, not to mention the Wraith ultrasound he performed on her, wouldn't he have known she was in labor? I know that when her team got there, she said that her contractions had started only about an hour before, but she said her water had broken quite a while before that. Therefor, would he not have known?
                              Interesting. Didn't think of that but you're right. I don't think he would have left her alone with the child coming so soon.
                              Don't even get me started on Sheppard being able to go and help get Teyla when he was that badly hurt.
                              That's why I never got that close to the Sheppard character. He does that all the time. This "One-man-saves-the-day"-shows he pulls of.

                              Keller is not so incompetent a doctor that she would have allowed him to leave in such a condition. She would have drugged him if need be to keep him there. I know a lot of people don't like her and very much prefer Carson, but I think, especially with her age, that she is really trying to do the best she can in extraordinary circumstances.
                              Oh I really think she is that incompetent. Then again I'm just a Keller-hater. And that is not because of Carson but because of the character itself. Keller is just shallow nothing more. I thought they would focus on her this season a little bit more. Give the character some depth. But what they did in that episode was the opposite.

                              I'm annoyed that the Wraith didn't make an appearance. They really made it sound as though the Wraith were the ones who activated the 'Gate and attacked, as well as Michael's hybrids. I was really looking forward to seeing how that went down. Oh, well.
                              They could have shown the Wraith in that episode. Although I don't really think it would have been necessary. But would have been nice. Even if it's just a shipfight with Michael's cruiser.

                              All in all I thought it was a good action episode with very little character development. My biggest problem would have beem that they didn't even mention Kanaan at the end.

                              Edit: Forgot something.
                              If you have Michael's entire database, you immediately make sure it's somewhere safe. You do not stand around, waiting for Michael to show up, and then you certainly do not BRING IT BACK ONTO HIS HIVE SHIP. Ahem.
                              It was at the safest point they had at that moment...the ship. They couldn't use the gate. And Rodney just brought the laptop back to the cruiser. The harddrive with the database was not longer attached to it.
                              Last edited by Karhedron; 12 July 2008, 02:09 PM.
                              Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
                              Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
                              You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

                              The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid


                                Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
                                It's been a while. Welcome to all new members.
                                Since SGA is on air again...

                                I liked the season opener. It was a good action episode. Good special effects.
                                More in-depth :


                                For what? Guarding the gate? The wraith darts were coming out of the cruiser not the gate. Michael just dialed the gate to prevent anyone from fleeing that way.

                                Because their sub-light engines were out. They said that one in the episode. "We are dead in the water". They could not fly evasive maneuvers without sub-light

                                I go with Wraithie on that one. I too believe that the Wraith already have the Ancient gene. All of them. Even if they do not have it... Wraith have shown multiple times that they can perfectly make Ancient tech work .. y just bypassing the systems via rearrangement of the control crystals.

                                Thank you! These are some of the details I missed. There was a lot packed in that episode, and I know I missed a lot. As I said, these were minor things that were like a little mosquito buzzing for a second as I was watching. When I wondered about the Ancient gene, I was thinking about Greg who was having a hissy fit trying to start the puddler. On the other hand, someone with Michael's know how would have not problem rearranging the crystals, etc.

                                I assumed that the hybrids came through the gate. But that wouldn't make sense. So... oh, never mind. . Good episode, good action. I agree.
                                HONOR. A story.


