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    Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
    We need to elect das to be one of the writers for SGA. das doesn't have to uproot and move to Vancouver just email your scripts to the PTB. TPTB can pay for your high-speed internet. sounds good.



      @ Spikey Can you show me what I wrote wrong? I know my english is waaaaah not nice


        Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
        I understand michael's decision in context of the story too and it is more interesting than just someone going after atlantis for the milliointh time.
        My Argument: Michael was always cold blooded. Please throw in your two cents.

        Now the only thing that I have a hard time with is the second time Michael was "transformed" and he lost his memory. Even when people loose their memory regarding their identity, things like skills (such as reading and writing)--think: Bourn Identity is never lost, nor is your basic perspective on life. Your values, for instance, don't change even if your brain looses, perhaps temporarily, the ability to link to your identity memories. The skills function and the personal values function develop in a different region of the brain, this is why Michael was able to identify wraith writing right away when McKay had it on a tablet in the Cafeteria. This is all to say, Michael's basic value system was revealed when he killed the other human modified wraith on that planet they were all put on. I can't remember what Micheal said about him, but it was something about survival of the fittest. Even if he was recovering his memory and didn't want this wraith/human guy to give away his plans that is still very cold blooded of Michael. I got the impression from the writers that this was their "justification" in having the Lantians do to Michael what they did, because he has the "cold-blooded" values of wraith culture.

        wwii/ wraith cake
        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


          Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
          Love the calenders Icarium they're awesome.

          Oh and speaking of calenders i finally finished one of mine but it's similar to Icarium's 2nd one as it's a June 08 calender and it has Todd in it
          Thank you And yours is so much better, I love it
          Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
          You just had to make BOTH of those gorgeous wallie calendars for June!? My comp and I are both going to have nervous breakdowns trying to use them during June. Yes. I said 'them'!
          Glad you like them And don't worry, I intend to make more. These were just a trial
          Originally posted by GoSpikey View Post
          You need to stop making only 'June 2008' wallpapers, so our walls don't get covered in only that month!
          The same answer as the one for Wraithie ^^
          Originally posted by Theimmortaljedi View Post
          ANyone ever write and parodys or poems. I always thought the song lump would make a great parody song. maybe I will write a wraith parody and post it in here.
          Welcome And if you have something interesting and Wraith- connected feel free to post



            Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
            And if this whole mess would be really caused by arsonists and not by accident....
            I would put them in a rocket and blow them in the sun. Since they like it hot they should enjoy the journey.

            (in the Stargate universe they would be a quite good food source for Todd though...talking about difficulties finding someone to feed to a Wraith)
            I like your venom--witty and well put.

            wwii/ wraith cake
            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


              Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
              Hello everybody can't stay long but i wanted to say welcome to the newcomers and I'll try and catch up with all the posts later.

              Love the calenders Icarium they're awesome.

              Oh and speaking of calenders i finally finished one of mine but it's similar to Icarium's 2nd one as it's a June 08 calender and it has Todd in it
              Originally posted by Icarium View Post
              Hi everyone!
              Very warm welcome to all the new members
              I love all the 'dictionary' sigs toomuchcaf
              And I really liked Wraith Cake's painting of the Keeper
              das, that dialogue was excellent again
              There's been lots of things I'd like to comment on but you guys have no mercy... You must have page-factory or something... It's really hard to keep up...
              Recently I've been very busy with something inspired by naamiaiset, in fact I wanted to do that at the weekend but I just couldn't wait

              I'm curious what you think of that (especially naamiaiset?) I know it's a wallpaper but I guess I need much more practice to try a real calendar

              all three are gorgeous. I like where you placed the dates. I guess I better start on a new month to keep up with you two.


                Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
                My Argument: Michael was always cold blooded. Please throw in your two cents.

                Now the only thing that I have a hard time with is the second time Michael was "transformed" and he lost his memory. Even when people loose their memory regarding their identity, things like skills (such as reading and writing)--think: Bourn Identity is never lost, nor is your basic perspective on life. Your values, for instance, don't change even if your brain looses, perhaps temporarily, the ability to link to your identity memories. The skills function and the personal values function develop in a different region of the brain, this is why Michael was able to identify wraith writing right away when McKay had it on a tablet in the Cafeteria. This is all to say, Michael's basic value system was revealed when he killed the other human modified wraith on that planet they were all put on. I can't remember what Micheal said about him, but it was something about survival of the fittest. Even if he was recovering his memory and didn't want this wraith/human guy to give away his plans that is still very cold blooded of Michael. I got the impression from the writers that this was their "justification" in having the Lantians do to Michael what they did, because he has the "cold-blooded" values of wraith culture.

                wwii/ wraith cake
                *waves in the direction of Wraith cake*

                Hehe...finding posts in here is an adventure for itself today.

                Nice idea. You could spin this further. Maybe everything that was warm and kind about Michael was false. He tried to adapt and fight his true self when he was transformed. Maybe Michael is just a brutal,evil person..even amongst the Wraith.
                So the whole change in his personality could be nothing more than the brainwashing he got from the Lanteans wearing off.
                Then he would not become truly insane...but more and more himself. Maybe this Michael we got now is his true nature and not only the result of betrayal and insanity.

                Edit: Finally, we have beaten the serverclock. Once more at the bottom of the thread. Juppie
                Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
                Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
                You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

                The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid


                  Ok, the whole debate of inner values not being affected by memory loss just blew my opinion of Samantho Who? right out of the water!


                    Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
                    I also think he would be concerned about that. But I think he would tell them many things if the benefits for him are greater than the risks.
                    I always got the feeling that Todd is playing his own game. Not that of the Atlantis crew but neither that of the wraiths as a race.
                    He was always determined to get what he wants. And he is very quick in adapting his course if the situation changes (adapting the course without setting a new destination that is).
                    I believe Todd is special within the Wraith because he acts on the basis of an unique point of view. Other Wraiths would certainly have more problems working together with humans. Todd doesn´t seem to bother.
                    If the goals are the same he got no problem whatsoever to side with a human.
                    I think Todd's imprisonment changed him a great deal. There are a few things he seems to have learned: 1/ humans really are just as dangerous as the wraith and just as pitiless i.e. his need to feed was used as a double weapon of torture by Kolia. (Though I doubt Kolia thinks twice on the matter of wraith suffering.) 2/ Pride in captivity (think of Steve's pride on Atlantis) becomes rather pointless: it doesn't set you free, and humans don't care how much you do or don't tell them unless what you tell them is useful for them to know. Whatever Todd's "wraith secrets" they were inessential for Kolia's purposes. 3/ Just as the wraith consider human beings quarry and chattel in effect they are superior to us, Kolia and his men consider the wraith to be "things" and "its" only useful for exploiting. Therefore, I think Todd understands now, that it is not a matter of genetic superiority or some intangible quality of 'glory' that makes the wraith powerful, it really is "might = right". This, again therefore, makes it easier for Todd to have an alliance with the Lantians. They have the "might" ergo they are "right" or superior or whatever. Finally 4/ when Todd says to Sheppard "you are more like wraith than you know" he says this to him after Shep insists that his people would rescue them. Todd believed, like Bob and Steve that his people would rescue them. Todd no longer believed that. This I think accounts for his somewhat laissez faire attitude toward other wraith dying at human hands. Todd is now seeing the wraith's need to feed (like Michael) for what it is "a significant vulnerability". And it really is a significant vulnerability--they need our "something" in order to survive. I guess it would be like us needing blood transfusions from a group of people that are very dangerous such as psychopaths.

                    Just a few thoughts

                    wwii/wraith cake
                    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                      Hi just got home from evening job, got a cup of tea cos I was going to wind down with issue 22 Stargate Macazine. was flicking through admiring the Wraith poster "drool time".
                      Got to Com Chatter page saw the heading "Wraith Love Cont'd" a letter that sounded familar. Well I unwinded very quickly, not so releaxed now. There was a loud "Ooo, Oh, that me" had a second look yup it was me an email I sent off late one afternoon in a rush. I was determined to make sure they knew they had to honour their promise for a Wraith poster.

                      Ok enough about that- still quite excited though - YIPEE

                      Wraith weakness, In Season 2 did SGA every find out the weakness the captain of the Ancient's ship Aurora knew about but could not let Atlantis know.

                      I think you are all right the young wraith are vuluable what if they receivied Beckett retrovirus before they developed into Wraith.
                      Another weakness is their food such as the Hoffan's drug.
                      They also don't appear to have any personal amoure i guess\they use their regerative power to recover from their injuries.

                      The Wraith hive ships are lacking pwerful defensive sheilds, and the hyperdrive engines.

                      Welcome Theimmortaljedi and TehOpheliac to WDC you've come to the right place if you are a wraith worshipper.


                      still excited about my letter thats my first letter published ever, ever.
                      Thanks to DS for my siggy


                        Originally posted by TehOpheliac View Post

                        That's funny.

                        Welcome, welcome
                        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                          Originally posted by MCH View Post
                          Got to Com Chatter page saw the heading "Wraith Love Cont'd" a letter that sounded familar. Well I unwinded very quickly, not so releaxed now. There was a loud "Ooo, Oh, that me" had a second look yup it was me an email I sent off late one afternoon in a rush. I was determined to make sure they knew they had to honour their promise for a Wraith poster.

                          Ok enough about that- still quite excited though - YIPEE

                          Wraith weakness, In Season 2 did SGA every find out the weakness the captain of the Ancient's ship Aurora knew about but could not let Atlantis know.
                          Nope they didn´t. In the end they found out that this information was lost long ago.
                          Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
                          Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
                          You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

                          The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid


                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                            This is what confused me about his willingness to share information about the cloning facility, and the war with the Ancients. By doing so, he proved that the Wraith only won by numbers, and not through strategic skill. He basically supported the idea that the Wraith are not as mentally sharp as they may seem, and instead resort to more primative means of victory - sheer numbers over intelligent planning.

                            This is where I believe the wraith will be revealed to be an experiment of the ancients. I've always believed that because of this parasitical behaviour: they only borrow, they never invent, they therefore cannot be "creators" of things ergo my idea of Adam--Dr. Frankenstein's monster's name. The name he gave himself. Just like Adam could not pro-create, he could only imitate, the wraith exhibit this same type of behaviour because they themselves are invented.

                            wwii/wraith cake
                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              Shep (to the Wraith): "So, what do you guys do for fun around here? Sing? Dance? Play games?"

                              Rodney: "Yes, yes, yes. Games. It makes sense. Most cultures engage in games of challenge, both to develop physical prowess and to sharpen mental abilities. Even the most primitive of societies have such games, so certainly one as advanced as yours must..."

                              Wraith (exchange knowing glances, then one speaks): "Yes. We have a game."

                              Rodney: "Really? Can you...can you show us? I mean, we know so little about your culture, let alone what sort of recreation you engage in...except the runner thing...which is more like a sport, I suppose...or a type of tort..."

                              Shep (out of the corner of his mouth): "Rodneeeey. Not a good time to be bringing that up..." (quickly changing subject, to the Wraith) "We'd like to see this game of yours...if it's not a problem, or anything. I mean, we wouldn't want to inconvenience you..."

                              Wraith (with a sly grin) : "It is no trouble, I assure you."

                              Ronon: "This is a bad idea..."

                              (later, in a large 'room' deep within the hive, the three humans hang upside down, suspended from the ceiling by a mesh of membrane and umbilicals wrapped around their arms and torso and legs. They are also naked. Below them the two Wraith pace, long sticks in hand.)

                              Ronon: "Told ya this was a bad idea..."

                              Rodney: "I feel like a human pinata. And if they keep me upside down like this much longer, it's not gonna be candy that comes out of me, but more like...breakfast. I knew I shouldn't have had the sausage..."

                              Shep: "Well, they haven't hurt us yet, they just keep pokin' us with those sticks..."

                              Rodney: "What do you mean, they haven't hurt us? Unless, of course, you're speaking for yourself, because right now from where I hang, my pride isn't fairing very well at all..."

                              Ronon: "Same here. Once I get down, I'm gonna kill 'em, if for nothin' else but making me see McKay naked."

                              Rodney: "Yeah, like this is easy for me, too? I SO did NOT need to see that tattoo of yours. I mean - really? A butterfly?"

                              Ronon (growing irritated): "It's not a butterfly, and it's not a tattoo. It's a birthmark."

                              Rodney: "Well, it looks like a butterfly...on your ass."

                              Ronon (anger increasing): "Nobody told ya to look, did they?"

                              Rodney: "I couldn't exactly miss it, now could I?"

                              (Anger growing, the two men start swinging until they collide into one another like two heavy sacks of flour, spinning them around until the umbilicals suspending them twist together)

                              Shep (noticing the Wraith below growing excited, and placing what seem to be bets upon a table): "Guys! Knock it off! This is what they want. I think it's like their version of a dog fight, or something..."

                              Rodney (slowly drifting back and forth after twisting free from Ronon): "Well, this is a stupid game. I mean, what's the point? Just have us winding around each other like human tetherballs?"

                              Shep: "I dunno. I guess they don't want their food killing each other, they just want us to get riled up and angry...make us turn on each other. Maybe it makes us taste better, or tenderizes us, or something. They put us in an uncomfortable situation, provoke us...then they must bet on who loses their cool first..."

                              Rodney: "That would be Ronon..."

                              Ronon: "Shuddup."

                              Rodney: "Make me, Conan!"

                              (again the two start men start slamming into one another, while Sheppard dangles helplessly off to the side, and sighs)

                              Shep (mumbling to himself): "Why can't the Wraith just play Sudoku like normal people..."

                              Ha! I have an idea, after the wraith are done with the trio, they can switch places.



                                So, I'm in the middle of making a fan site dedicated to Steve when it suddenly dawns upon me... as much as I love and adore Steve... there was VERY little about him in the show. That doesn't give me much to work with for a fan site. Sure, there are images, videos, scripts of the episodes he was in, some general information about him, stories, and a forum (which will be used for roleplaying!), but really, that's still just a tiny bit of content.

                                So, I think what I intend to do is combine the site to hold Steve and Todd. The main page will give you the option to proceed to either Todd or Steve's side. This gives the site more content.

                                My dilemma: What should I name the site? The domain name ( Todd's side of the site? Steve's? I'm not very creative when it comes to names. x.x;; Also, can any of you think of more things that I can add to the site? To add along with the images, videos, stories...?

                                Any help would be VERY appreciated! >w<

                                Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                                I would like to welcome all new member that have joined in the last 24 to 48 hours. A Great Big WELCOME!! This club is growing by leaps and bounds. Who said the Wraith were hated no not in this club.

                                I have a lot to catch up on. Things sure move along when you go away for a few days.
                                Thank you!! <3 *beams*

                                Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                                A warm wraithy welcome to you LiliJ & TehOpheliac
                                Why thank you. <3 It's great to be here!

                                Originally posted by Icarium View Post
                                Hi everyone!
                                Very warm welcome to all the new members
                                Thank you! <3

                                Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                                Hello everybody can't stay long but i wanted to say welcome to the newcomers

                                Thank you. <3

                                Originally posted by Icarium View Post
                                Hi everyone!
                                Very warm welcome to all the new members
                                I love all the 'dictionary' sigs toomuchcaf
                                And I really liked Wraith Cake's painting of the Keeper
                                das, that dialogue was excellent again
                                There's been lots of things I'd like to comment on but you guys have no mercy... You must have page-factory or something... It's really hard to keep up...
                                Recently I've been very busy with something inspired by naamiaiset, in fact I wanted to do that at the weekend but I just couldn't wait

                                I'm curious what you think of that (especially naamiaiset?) I know it's a wallpaper but I guess I need much more practice to try a real calendar


                                Your calenders are gorgeous! I'd use them but my resolution isn't right. My screen is 1280x800. x.x It's lovely regardless, though. <333

                                Thank you to everyone who has welcomed me! I really appreciate it! You people are so nice!!! o.o Seriously, the kids from my middle/high school and college didn't possess even 5% of the kindness I have seen here.

                                EXAMPLE: Someone in the hall drops their books. No one stops to help them. Instead, they make a game of walking all over them, kicking them around or "purposely' tripping on them so they can have a reason to beat the snot out of someone. x.x Stupid humans. D< This is why wraith are SO much better. :3 At least they seem to care for each other- well, sometimes. Todd does! xD

