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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Wait, there isn't an Erik/Eric term!
    Well, I haven't see one. Is there one? I like teh Erik.



      Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
      Hey i was just wondering after the post i left above: do i need to be a member of the WDC to post here???
      Feel free to sneak in and post your comments. As long as you behave we will not feed on you
      Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
      Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
      You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

      The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid


        Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
        So another sig.
        But since I´m in a somewhat "darker" mood right now and it contains kind of spoilers for "The last man"...beware

        Originally posted by Rachelle View Post
        I have a good siggy for new WDC members:

        Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post
        Hi all,
        Been busy, so haven't been able to check in much (I have an assignment due in 3 days)

        Though I'd put my latest offering on the alter of the wraith worshippers,


        Now, going back to read what everyones been talking about!

        Originally posted by Rachelle View Post
        Thats sad. If they did come into the milky way, I would run outside and wave my arms.
        "Cull me! Where's Steve?!" And then I would be culled, and me and Steve would live happy ever after, even though I would have to share with the WDC Steve fans. We could braid his hair.

        Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
        Alright, here's my recent contribution. This one's for Wrathie (WraithWorshiper I). Love everyone's art; let's make more and more.


        Beautiful Keeper 9 i
        Beautiful Keeper 9 ii

        Beautiful Keeper 9 iii

        Beautiful Keeper 9 iv

        Beautiful Keeper 9 v

        Beautiful Keeper 9 vi

        Beautiful Keeper 9 vii

        wwii/wraith cake

        PS the #ii stage frightened me. She looked so creepy I had the picture face the wall until I could work on it the next night. My BF thought so too.
        Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post
        Been having fun, but has spelling mistakes, couldn't get a fancy i for the pronounciation.

        Goes insane over all the great wraith art - drool - you have all done such a great work.

        Originally posted by toomuchcaf View Post
        Ok, have caught up,

        @ Karhedron, love the ladies sig, and the WDC one is very appropriate
        @ Wraithie and Nami? I'd love to do animations, and yours rock.
        @ Rachelle, the kitty is sooo cute, and the look she has is very rascally. Also love the welcome sig, very posh looking, puts me in mind of a high class hive hotel (I wish)
        @ Reed, great work with bob.
        @ Wraithie, well said about the WDC, and I love the newsbreak (We can wish, can't we?)
        @ Everyone I may have missed, I did see it all, and everyones work is always so wonderful to look at.

        oh, and congrats on the 400 posts, and 400 pages!

        Ok, here is some dithering,

        I was cleaning the kids room, and my youngest has a Stormtrooper Mr Potato head. I think they should make a Wraith drone Mr Potato Head.

        I'm currently studying Macroeconomics, and it occured to me that the wraith don't have an apparent monetary system. What do they use? HUMANS!
        Just think, how much would it cost for a souped up dart with pin striping? 15 humans in their prime, whereas it only costs 10 humans for the standard model! Hee hee.
        oh, my - - then gets seriouse - that isn't too far off that wraith pay in humans - creepy

        Put all the people I know of, who are threatned by this fire into my prayers - I so do hope that nobody comes to harm of you great people .



          Originally posted by Rachelle View Post
          Wait, there isn't an Erik/Eric term!
          Well, I haven't see one. Is there one? I like teh Erik.
          Well, I haven't done one yet, I will make it my no. 1 priority.
          Hopefully tomorrow I'll come up with something for you, & the wraith dictionary.


            Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper
            Beautiful Keeper

            Stunning, just stunning! Very well done! She's beautiful! (I wish I could paint, but alas, I like to touch my work, blend shades with my finger, so pencils it is...heh...unless I try fingerpaints... )

            No word on how my sister's house is. She went up to Orlando to pick up company that flew in for a visit. Her husband told her to stay there, and not come home until tomorrow, just in case the fire got too close. I'm really worried. They don't have kids or pets, so that's good.

            @ Jack_Bauer - oh, please feel free to post anytime! This thread has been SOOO busy lately, that sometimes we miss each other's posts. Don't be discouraged...I simply can't look everything over tonight, so I've missed a LOT.

            (I spent the evening doing busy work, bagging and boarding a ton of comics that I've read, and reading a few that I needed to catch up on. It kept me from worrying about my sis.)

            Take care, all!



              Well, I haven't done one yet, I will make it my no. 1 priority.
              Hopefully tomorrow I'll come up with something for you, & the wraith dictionary.
              If you do make it can I steal it? I will of course credit you.



                Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
                Alright, here's my recent contribution. This one's for Wrathie (WraithWorshiper I). Love everyone's art; let's make more and more.


                Beautiful Keeper 9 i
                Beautiful Keeper 9 ii

                Beautiful Keeper 9 iii

                Beautiful Keeper 9 iv

                Beautiful Keeper 9 v

                Beautiful Keeper 9 vi

                Beautiful Keeper 9 vii

                wwii/wraith cake

                PS the #ii stage frightened me. She looked so creepy I had the picture face the wall until I could work on it the next night. My BF thought so too.
                I love that, I wish I could paint as well...I would love to learn how to use oils

                Originally posted by Rachelle View Post
                Wait, there isn't an Erik/Eric term!
                Well, I haven't see one. Is there one? I like teh Erik.
                Yesss, need an Erik one, but it's all good


                  Originally posted by Rachelle View Post
                  Omgish! I got a kitten and named it Ronan!
                  so very cute!

                  Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                  My neighbor lady gave me a card for Mother's Day, it reads:

                  Haiku, from the Cat...

                  Nice lady pets me
                  Scoops the poop out of my box
                  I call her mommy
                  a kitty poem

                  'cept I asked Bam Bam if he can convince TPTB that we need a shirtless Wraith fight scene...

                  Let's see what he has to say about that...

                  Das, you work on Bam Bam, i'll work on JM. You can back up my insanity.

                  Originally posted by LiquidSky View Post
                  Here is another Steve picture. Steve in a mind warp.


                  nice and freaky

                  Originally posted by Rachelle View Post
                  Meh new Steve siggy:

                  more steve yay!
                  Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                  very nice

                  Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
                  Alright, here's my recent contribution. This one's for Wrathie (WraithWorshiper I). Love everyone's art; let's make more and more.

                  wwii/wraith cake
                  lovely painting of one creepy looking wraith. She's the one who sticks in my mind as being a creepy looking female.

                  das & wraithie
                  is everything ok with your families? I really do hope all is well.
                  FOR MY HIVE AND MY HIVE ALONE


                    Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
                    Hey i was just wondering after the post i left above: do i need to be a member of the WDC to post here???

                    Noooo Post away.

                    wwii/ wraith cake
                    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                      Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
                      Hey i was just wondering after the post i left above: do i need to be a member of the WDC to post here???
                      Once you start actively participating in discussion, you're pretty much a member by default! Welcome to the WDC, Jack!
                      Originally posted by BlueJay View Post
                      Das, you work on Bam Bam, i'll work on JM. You can back up my insanity.
                      How about I back up both of you?

                      Originally posted by BlueJay
                      das & wraithie
                      is everything ok with your families? I really do hope all is well.
                      I haven't spoken to my Mom yet today, but I do know that all the major roads in our area are back open. There are still a few spots smoldering, but there are firefighters standing by. Our county is already so overworked from the fires, I saw firefighters and equipment from other counties fighting them here, too. I know folks hate the hurricanes, but we need them for our watertable. The year after we have a few good storms, we don't have this happen. The ground is saturated the way it's supposed to be. Gag! There's soooo much smoke in the air. Even my dog is having a hard time breathing. I guess I'll be having to treat him for his allergies.



                        Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                        I'm 23. trust me, I know how betrayal feels. I guess I just think different. if I was michael, I wouldn't have lashed out at my "family" for something they didn't start, but that's just me.

                        Personally, I wouldn't react that way either! But I can understand why someone like Michael would in the context of the story.

                        And it's good to have different opinions here on the thread. It stimulates better discussion and keeps us all thinking. I love it!

                        But now I have to go to work. Have a good day/evening everyone!
                        Sparrow hawk



                          Originally posted by Wraithworshipper View Post
                          Once you start actively participating in discussion, you're pretty much a member by default! Welcome to the WDC, Jack!

                          How about I back up both of you?

                          I haven't spoken to my Mom yet today, but I do know that all the major roads in our area are back open. There are still a few spots smoldering, but there are firefighters standing by. Our county is already so overworked from the fires, I saw firefighters and equipment from other counties fighting them here, too. I know folks hate the hurricanes, but we need them for our watertable. The year after we have a few good storms, we don't have this happen. The ground is saturated the way it's supposed to be. Gag! There's soooo much smoke in the air. Even my dog is having a hard time breathing. I guess I'll be having to treat him for his allergies.

                          I hope everything is okay. In Canada we have similar areas, not in terms of earthquakes or hurricanes (Canadian Shield I guess does *some* shielding) but definitely forest fires. We have had friends in BC who have had to abandon their home a few times in the last decade because of forest fires, but the authorities were able to divert the fires away from residential ares. Ug! Keep us posted.

                          wwii/ wraith cake
                          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                            Now that I have an Imagerotate account, how do I get it to work in my siggie!


                              Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
                              Hey i was just wondering after the post i left above: do i need to be a member of the WDC to post here???
                              Hi Jack! You did get replies to your post! just go back to the page where you posted and start reading from there to find them.
                              Sparrow hawk



                                Hi all, have taken a break from study
                                I swear if I ever see another aggregate demand/supply diagram, I will feed the showee to the wraith, rip up the paper into itty bitty pieces, and stomp on them!

                                I have made a sig for Eric as promised, unfortunately, his name does not lend well to puns, so couldn't be as creative


                                And hello Jack Bauer, the more the merrier.

