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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Hi I notice there has been a lot of humorous siggys and pictures lately. Well I have one too.
    Everytime I watch 'Allies', I wonder what goes thought Erik's mind when he has to listen to Beckett and Radic explain how the retro virus would be delivered. So, I think Erik would be thinking.....




      Originally posted by Wraith Worshipper View Post
      Hey lookie lookie everyone. I found some luscious pictures of B.Penny and the Shep guy.


      and this

      These guys I guess were asked to pose for an artist who was interested in portraits. You can see other "unknown" and "known" faces on this website:

      Hi, There are no images in the spoilers tags and, the images don't load.


      EDIT: The page loads my internet server cut out on me.

      Last edited by LiquidSky; 22 April 2008, 06:02 PM.


        Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
        My 3000th post is dedecated to all the grogeous people in this thread

        And accompied by a Penny pic spam


        Congratulations on your 3000 post Shanthaia



          Just a quick check in...

          Been kinda 'meh' the last few days - not sure why. Just a bit unmotivated. So, just wanted to say that I love all the new sigs and pics and fun things - and that Rhys 'heaven' one is so lovely! Poor devil...

          Got a couple nice answers from Bam Bam about the different Wraith - he told me Goggle Boy's name - he was the same actor/stuntman in Travellers who flipped Larrin by the foot. However, Bam Bam was 'Goggle Boy' in the dark room fight - so Goggle Boy was actually portrayed by two different actors - one above ground who we first see, then Bam Bam in the dark room fight with Ronon. I'm too lazy and too tired to go back to Bam Bam's thread to find the other actor's name. (EDIT: His name is Cody Laudan.) I like him, though...he's got a great Wraithy look and hope they use him again. Bam Bam also directed the Steve/Teyla fight - nice bit of info. Jeff was the Wraith in that - but I think you already knew that.

          As far as Wraith losing their immorality if they stop feeding on humans - that is possible, I suppose. It would be a sucky trade-off, though. I'm just too 'meh' to try to think about it, though. Wish I could add something deep and insightful, but really...I just wanna go to bed.

          Ugh. Hate feeling like this...

          Night, all!

          Last edited by dasNdanger; 22 April 2008, 07:25 PM.


            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            Just a quick check in...

            Been kinda 'meh' the last few days - not sure why. Just a bit unmotivated. So, just wanted to say that I love all the new sigs and pics and fun things - and that Rhys 'heaven' one is so lovely! Poor devil...

            Got a couple nice answers from Bam Bam about the different Wraith - he told me Goggle Boy's name - he was the same actor/stuntman in Travellers who flipped Larrin by the foot. However, Bam Bam was 'Goggle Boy' in the dark room fight - so Goggle Boy was actually portrayed by two different actors - one above ground who we first see, then Bam Bam in the dark room fight with Ronon. I'm too lazy and too tired to go back to Bam Bam's thread to find the other actor's name. I like him, though...he's got a great Wraithy look and hope they use him again. Bam Bam also directed the Steve/Teyla fight - nice bit of info. Jeff was the Wraith in that - but I think you already knew that.

            As far as Wraith losing their immorality if they stop feeding on humans - that is possible, I suppose. It would be a sucky trade-off, though. I'm just too 'meh' to try to think about it, though. Wish I could add something deep and insightful, but really...I just wanna go to bed.

            Ugh. Hate feeling like this...

            Night, all!

            Hi das, Yeah, I hear you about feeling 'meh'. Over here it's the weather we had blizzard and it's cold. I need sunshine right now!. I notice that it hasn't been very busy topic wise. I think we just about covered everything or, it could be that people are busy with other things in life right now. It won't to long until the new season starts then there will be new topics to talk about. Don't worry about adding something deep and insightful because it will come to you and, you are very good at discussions. Ok, maybe you need some extra sleep and good humor. How about this

            What is tall, green, gorgeous, and wraithy?:
            Ans: A hawt Toddy

            Maybe have a hot toddy and go beddie bye. A good nights sleep does wonders

            Any ways take care ok



              Thanks, LS! Hawt Toddy?? LOLOL! (to lazy to pull out my Todd lol... )

              I have been having weird Wraith dreams lately - very vague, but one - I know - involved a bathroom....

              I'm about ready to go to bed - just finishing up a few things. You mentioned the blizzard - I think that's what's wrong with me! A blizzard - or rainstorm - or something would make me happy right now! It's been warm and sunny, and for some unknown reason, warm, sunny days (high pressure weather systems) make me miserably depressed. When we get a cold, rainy and windy day, I'm walking on air - so happy I sing! Stormy weather just excites me! But the sun kinda makes me depressed...

              Weird, eh?

              Gonna go - hopefully will feel better tomorrow! Thanks for the pep talk!! *huggles*



                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                Thanks, LS! Hawt Toddy?? LOLOL! (to lazy to pull out my Todd lol... )

                I have been having weird Wraith dreams lately - very vague, but one - I know - involved a bathroom....

                I'm about ready to go to bed - just finishing up a few things. You mentioned the blizzard - I think that's what's wrong with me! A blizzard - or rainstorm - or something would make me happy right now! It's been warm and sunny, and for some unknown reason, warm, sunny days (high pressure weather systems) make me miserably depressed. When we get a cold, rainy and windy day, I'm walking on air - so happy I sing! Stormy weather just excites me! But the sun kinda makes me depressed...

                Weird, eh?

                Gonna go - hopefully will feel better tomorrow! Thanks for the pep talk!! *huggles*

                Thanks das. I think it's catching Wraith dreams that is I been having them too but, they are vague I can't remember them when I wake up.

                I like the rain too I should I lived in Vancouver most of my life where it always rains. But, here is -14 C and it's freezing. -14C isn't bad when compare -45C yikes! thats cold when your use to mild temps. About warm and sunny some people get migraine headaches or their allergies start up.
                Well, when it's freezing and there is snow the allergies are hibernating Anyways:

                Take Care:



                  I posted this on the Todd Thunk Thread, too.

                  I haven't been around in forever, but I think I may be forgiven... I purchased the the Stargate SG1/Atlantis magazine today, and I'm planning on scanning Chris Heyerdahl's interview and the pics of Todd tomorrow. And based on Heyerdahl's comments, I think we'll be seeing a lot more of Todd in season five. Woo hoo!

                  Also, I'm writing a Todd-centric story right now. I'm up over 15,000 words and still going. I have a novel length story of over 100,000 in the Harry Potter fandom, so there is no telling when my muse will be done with Todd. My muse is in lust with Todd...


                    LInk please?



                      Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                      LInk please?
                      I haven't actually posted it yet... I've been writing like mad the last week and a half after a year of writer's block. I'm almost scared to post it just in case my block comes back, but, if you like, I will start posting it tomorrow. It's after 2:00 am now, so I don't really have the energy at the moment. When I begin the scans of the magazine, I'll post the story. My beta, Alauralen, has been fussing at me to post it, so I guess I should. LOL

                      Edit: When I post it, I'll put up a link. I'm so tired I can't even remember to say I'll put up a link. LOL


                        Thanks so much - have a good night




                          Spoilers ahoy for the Queen!

                          I SERIOUSLY cannot wait for this one. It has like everything: Todd, Teyla the wraith queen, presumably another wraith queen plus loads of wraith interaction. *bounces*
                          But one this this does shed light on is that Todd doesn't have a queen. Ruby/Todd ship seems to be sinking in canon. Unless they meet later.


                            OMG - it's torture to wait for that

                            Thanks for raising that to my attention - can't wait, can't wait....



                              Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                              OMG - it's torture to wait for that

                              Thanks for raising that to my attention - can't wait, can't wait....
                              I know I know! It's going to be SO good.
                              There are so many interaction possibilities. We're going to learn so much more about the inner workings of a hive. This has made my day.


                                Originally posted by Risem View Post

                                Spoilers ahoy for the Queen!

                                I SERIOUSLY cannot wait for this one. It has like everything: Todd, Teyla the wraith queen, presumably another wraith queen plus loads of wraith interaction. *bounces*
                                But one this does shed light on is that Todd doesn't have a queen. Ruby/Todd ship seems to be sinking in canon. Unless they meet later.
                                he doesn't have a queen? why does that make me think his "interaction" with one means he's a prisoner again?

