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    Originally posted by Xepherah View Post
    Weird that you cannot post a comment. But maybe it is because I have to unscreen it first. Thus I wasn´t informed by email that a comment was posted.
    Question to you is...what did you do and what was the response of Livejournal?
    Nice to know that you like Shawn´s diary though. Maybe I will inform james about it. All for sure is that without James there would not be a Shawn...Well maybe there is...somewhere out there....Who knows?

    What i would do on a first date with Shawn?
    First I would take care that i had some fresh and high quality sustenance in my house. Ofcourse a high quality bottle of wine and a nicely prepared Indonesian dinner. I think i will show him around along some interesting cultural sites. Maybe a good dance or a good metal concert. At least i would show him the things which might interest him and what he has never seen before. And if Mr Shawn wants so...maybe some good making out. ahum....the rest figures...
    Well I signed up on LiveJournal so I could answer your poll and post comments and stuff. It took me to a comments section and I did my spell check which I need! When I selected "post comment" - It said I hadn't verified my email or something. It was odd. I'm a member. I have the name Lauraasgard. I know - totally not original!

    That's cool about Jame's site. I hope he sees your story and the drawings. Kealya should do that too. Have your seen her work? Go to the Wraith Thunk Thread. There are stories and stuff there too. The wraith are just so much fun!

    Your idea of a first date is great. Just having the "fresh and high quality sustenance" in your house will guarentee you another date! If you need any help stocking your shelves, I can think of at least 5 people to supply you with (as I'm sure you can too). I would go with the dance instead of the concert but maybe he'd like both. The dance would have to be a slow dance... I'm pretty sure Mr. Shawn would say yes to the end of the evening you suggest.
    Atlantis Girl

    Go to this link to help us keep the wraith on Atlantis -

    please sign the save Elizabeth petition to keep her on Atlantis to!


      Originally posted by Xepherah View Post
      MYeeeessss. We Wraith are busy big critters. Kaeyla is a very good writer. And a good Poet I pressume? But let Kaeyla do the word on this....
      The flu goes round these days. But it is a matter of immunity to it. It is better that humans heal from the flu themselves for their resistence to it would be growing. The gift of life is more intended to heal those who are willing to give their life to save a Wraith or to heal badly injured. But I am sure that our medical scientists do have a treatment what makes the flu go away sooner or to accelerate the healingprocess. Or...We simply put you in a cocoon! At least a cocoon is nice and warm...So the cold shivers on your back won´t be felt so much when you have fever with it.
      Hmyeeeesss. We Wraith are pretty advanced in that...
      I sure wouldn't mind being coocooned next to a sexy well fed wraith...Not one bit! Flu or no flu!!
      Atlantis Girl

      Go to this link to help us keep the wraith on Atlantis -

      please sign the save Elizabeth petition to keep her on Atlantis to!


        Originally posted by Lilith View Post
        i've got two teylas, an elisabeth, and a carson... what's ya pleasure?
        Do you have a McKay on back order perhaps?

        Makes you wonder - If they had the ability to clone and could place an order so to speak like at McDonalds, I wonder what personality types they would want. I'm pretty sure Steve would order up a Shep with perhaps a Bates on the side. Gabriel would take two orders of Koyla. Micheal would most definatly want a buffet of that entire team and Shawn - Well - he might have gotton indegestion from that Magistrate so perhaps he'd want... well - fill in the blanks!
        Atlantis Girl

        Go to this link to help us keep the wraith on Atlantis -

        please sign the save Elizabeth petition to keep her on Atlantis to!


          Hi how's everyone in the hive?


            the real mckay's crawling around here somewhere and im doing...ok i guess but im feeling really down

            I'm not dead. Yet.


              Well i know what Shawn could need after eating the magistrate- an all over massage t get him to relax- lovely...Although I would not mind doing Steve!!!. Laura the Asgard- it is not strange the Wraith in the Star Trek world-In the star trek universe , My Wraith, Craig the Wraith is the Wraith ambassador to Starbase 24 on the Federation/Klingon Rapid Response Fleet board - he has already given the gift of life to a Female Klingon Captain and eaten his way through half the hostile aliens there- There is a picture there of him too

              Thank you for loving my work ChelApophis, Xepherah and Laura the Asgard. Yes I did well at education something like 8 Olevels and two but I am slightly dyslexic and my Teachers told me if English language and English literature were not complusive they would have not put me in for it as they told me I would have failed miserably - I got an A and B pass respectively. AS a child I tended devour the words in a dictonary the way a wraith would an Ancient!!! I also tend to live through whatever I am writing too empathically so that it feel alot more real for anyone reading

              Lord knows what James would made of this story after all it is supposed to be Steve in this story. I did not accept Steve had died and was dead on the autopsy table- if you look carefully at Steve on the autopsy table in the dvd Poisoning the Well scene near the end with Beckett and Sheppard you see what gave me the inspiration to write The Hunger. Also , I wanted to Give us back Steve... where he belongs. So when I had this story one night in a dream i had to write it down and put it here so everyone can read it who wants to.

              I think this willlbe the last installment as I have reached near the end of my extensive notes.

              As Always I will dedicate this to Laura the Asgard first and now to ChelApophis and not forgetting Xepherah too...and anyone who reads its and enjoys it. Maybe I should not forget James who gave us Steve. Lastly I would like to dedicate also to the memory of a friend and her baby daughter who both passed away a short time ago.

              Hi Susanne I hope the down feeling passes away soon- I always imagine cuddling up to my favourite Wraith it sems to help for anything
              We are angels of death in black leather
              Your demons without wings, we glide
              We are angels in black with a hunger
              Not your sheep to change or guide.
              We are angels in the blackness for ever


                The Hunger. Part three: to go home now.

                [SPOILERS]He awoke once again from the swirling shadows and the greyblack mindmists of unconsciousness and found himself back in the human healing bay. good he was no longer in the transparent cell of the stasis tube, that place that had been ahellish night mare to him. He tried to move but found he could only change his position a little.

                He could not still be paralysed for the healing had stopped as his body had rebuilt itself from its own sad shattered remenants. Even the Hunger stirred like a sulking serpent coming to life. It had woken like he had but for the moment it was as distant as alien sun in another unknown galaxy. so were his emotions he did not wanto feel no more.[SPOILERS]
                We are angels of death in black leather
                Your demons without wings, we glide
                We are angels in black with a hunger
                Not your sheep to change or guide.
                We are angels in the blackness for ever


                  thanks kaeyla....michael...michael...michael....gabriel?...oh well

                  I'm not dead. Yet.


                    The Hunger.Part Three: to go home now
                    Once Again he awoke from the swirling shadows and the grey black mindmists of unconciousness in their healing bay. He was no longer in the transparent cell of the stasis tube living through that hellish nightmare. He tried to move but when he tried to change his position, to sit up he found he only had partial movement.

                    It could not still be the paralysis for now his body had rebuilt itself from the sad shattered remenents of before. For even the The Hunger like a sulky serpent had woken up with inside him. For the moment it was as distant as an alien sun in another faraway unknown galaxy. His emotions too were distantl deliberately so because after what he had been through he did not want to feel anymore.

                    Looking down he realised he was chained to the sleeping place he now lay on. Ironically they were probably right to so. He smiled to himself yes he had not fed for so long . No Wraith had gone so long for with out prey and here it was all around him everywhere. Not even the woman who sat a foot away from his side still reading to him would not now be safe from his hunger if he gave into it.

                    He sensed her fountain of lifeforce flowing like a refracting rainbow throughout her whole body.. The centre over her heart fluctuated and memerised him like a star of white liquid diamond. It pulsated with her every heartbeat and his Wraith Hunger could scent it strongly. It reminded him he was a Wraith and that his prey food sat only a foot away from him... just let him free and without warning he would take her life force within moments.

                    Yet where was the child who let Thereyla go free. Where was the young adult who had refused to feed on her even to almost the point of his own death. Well the Hunger had tricked him on that terrible event so long ago but yet it had saved his life and left him with an awful paradox. Still he had not fed for so long now. Yet again when he told the hunger 'No!' it still listened to him and obeyed. Feed, though, he would have do so soon and so soon too. For soon the hunger would listen to no one then. He gave it seven nights and days before he was no longer its master.

                    The human female , the same one as before still read unaware of his scrutiny. She no longer attensed to brushing his hair now he was fully awake- at first. Why did she do it? Earlier she had plucked up the courage, with his eyes turned on her like watching gold amber sentinels, her hands shaking as she drew the brush through his sikly white hair, stroking down its full length. He felt how frightened she was of him. Yey amused he detected a hidden spark of desire for him. So that was it... she thought she kept it carefully hidden like like a tiny flame cupped by hands, to shield from the cruel winds of winter. One blow of cold cruelness from him would put it out just like that. She would make an excellent Wraith worshipper!

                    Still, he thought, if the situation demanded it, he could use that glowing spark of emotion to escape if he fanned her flame of desire. Yet he would also crush it brutally at the end of his feeding hand. The Hunger was too hungry, even distant, for its demanding nature to be ignored. Increase it or crush as was his eventual wont for his own survival. Where was the adolescent from which he had sprung, caring and quiet now gone, he asked himself. The child who loved nature and the rain had surely not been taken from him by The Hunger. Thereyla may be dead dust now for thousands of starturns but still his conscience lived inside him through his memories, haunting him down all the ghostly ages. Yes Thereyla lived because of his memory- take that away and she would die forever-his conscience always.

                    Still he was not sure how he felt when he became pronounced well enough by what he learnt was the Scottish doctor to leave the healing place for ever. He kept his emotions from himself, netted in a veil of spidery mist for it still became to painful to feel at all. Yet the Scottish doctor, as they called him with all his need for the samples with their grim piercing needles said his physical recovery was complete. This would be the last examination now. No more indignities and no more experiments to be carried out on him. He sensed the doctor was trying to right a wrong he had carried out in the past. He sensed the Doctor's good intentions had been turned to bad by fate. For this reason the doctor felt he was worth saving despite the fact he saw this Wraith, himself, as the enemy.

                    He wondered he would be returned to the animal cage he been confined to during those long dark times of wound pain unable to heal from the projectile wounds that redhaired female who he had tried to feed on prior to his capture, had given him. to go back t0 that awful place of rending splintering weeks of Hunger he had been forced to go through. Would they put him back there, back in that blue black bruised darkness.

                    No they released him to a room, just off the infirmary. There were no chains here or visits from the human female only armed guards who hovered outside the room like baleful guardians wiith their strange projectile weapons. Their human faces as still and unmoving as stone. What were the people here going to do with him??

                    They could not keep him here? How could they feed him. They had only done so once when they had poisoned him. Why save him from the metal table on which he lay after dying in the cage if they were going to kill him now. Nothing made any sense to him and thinking just involved feeling again. They would deal with him and when they came he would know then what they had planned for him.

                    Instead he sat crosslegged on the sleeping platform there, the way he had for three weeks after killing Thereyla. There he could say it now. It had only taken thousands of years just to say that to himself at last. This room he was in was haunted by emotions. Who had ever had this room last had had such terrible nightmares-He sensed it when looking in the mirror especially. He also sensed glimpses of horrifying sadness, acrid anger and bitter betrayel.. He severely hoped he would not end up the same way as the last person who had stayed in this room. It seemed odd that he had picked up the memory stream of a human here.

                    It was two days later. He was still sat on the bed, the humans called it a bed, wearing a white top and white trousers. They would not give him back his Wraith uniform and he refused to wear the terrible clothing they wore. In the end they had given him the more of healing bay white clothing he had worn there.

                    The day was beautifully warm and a soft sea scented breeze blew at the curtain over the window. The material sighed liked half forgotten thoughts as it brushed on his face and the wall where he had moved the bed even closer to. How they had jumped when he had done that. Meditating he focused on the distant waves hearing them as they crashed far below onto the City of the Hated Ancients. Yes he knew where he was but not where that place was.

                    Whispering and sibilent it reminded him deeply of the choruses of Wraith voices on his Mother's Hive ship. He had a sudden intense longing to hear their voices swell like the ocean inside his head again. Moreso he wanted to hear the voices of his close family once again. Hastily he blotted them and the memories of all he had with them out with a mist of nothingness and a wall of indifference. it would undoe him , even destroy him to think of them so far out of reach. Yearning for them would kill his survival. For he would never return them and he would never go home now.He had to feel nothing for his Mother, his Sister or even his Father and the Hiveship he had been bron. He would never see them again- He needed to feel nothing.

                    Staring out the window He let the warm sunlight mesmerise him from feeling with its sharp scintillating display of lights as it dances in a myriad of mirror bright sparkles on the waves. The sliding sounds of the wave and the heat of the sun lulled him into soft nothingness. For a while he felt nothing... until he sensed the prescence standing behind him. It had wraithlike qualities in that prescence. He turned around to have a look.

                    It was the woman with the reddish hair who he tried to feed on before he had been stunned when he had been taken prisoner. She had changed and altered. Although she looked almost entirely human she was part Wraith- his Kind. He stared at her slight discomfort. They had sent her to speak mind to mind with him- like a Wraith not has humans did. He still stared at her amused with the discovery. He grinned exposing his sharp pointed teeth.

                    Behind her and the two expressionless guards with their guns drawn , He saw the spiky haired warrior who had spoken to him during those weeks in the cage, holding a stunner instead of a gun. He saw the doctor holding something that like a sample needle. In the corridor he saw a tall dreadlocked human warrior. He could feel even this far away the sheer hatred rolling off him, the desire to kill him because he was a wraith...The human was so angry, like Thereyla's fear it allowed him access to his broadcasting mind. He found a memory in the mind of this dreadlocked Human warrior who he had never seen before-

                    He saw a shot from the warrior's gun snake out red and violent. It hit the chest of a shorn haired Wraith who fell back onto the bed that HE now sat on. And then the doctor came with a needle, injecting it into the fallen Wraith... He broke free from the human's broadcasted memory and looked at the Scottish doctor. He carried the same needle and looked as though it burnt him like unholy fire as he held it. What was it in the needle and did they want to use it on him...

                    He turned his attention back to the human woman who carried Wraith abilities within her. She told him her name and it was so similar to Thereyla's he almost started. Almost but not quite he trgained mastery of himself immediately. His mind was so much stronger than hers and she was so untotally awate of this. She had recently defeated a Wraith Queen in mental battle he could tell within the last few days. Yet he was stronger still and smiling inanely he permitted her entrance into the outer reaches of his own mind.

                    She wanted him to allow them to use what was in the needle on him...He would be allowed to revert - (Revert from what He asked himself? )Then with out his memory because he knew about the city of the Ancients they would let him free to go home.

                    His mind being stronger than her's slipped into her memory stream without hinderance. He saw that this room meant so much to her. There were overwhelming meemories which he allowed to flood into himself. He saw there had been another Wraith had been in this room. It was the one with the shorn hair. Something evil had been done to him once.He saw the Wraith asking to be allowed the freedom to remain himself intact as he was and not to lose what himself, not to be a human, asking to be free. He asked for her help and he saw her refuse and walk awayt leave him to his fate... He sat on the bed realising it was the same fate the dreadlocked warrior had unknowingly shown him in the broadcasted memory earlier. Was that what they were going to do to him?!

                    "Are you going to do what you are going to do to him- to me." He asked her. "Take away who I am with another one of your infernal needles. Shall I ask you to kill me first like he did." He found mind speak with her easy." One touch from you could have healed him and then..."

                    She started as if He had physically slapped her "Don't read my mind like that.How dare you steal into my memories!"

                    " Yet you would TAKE my memories as I am Wraith.Your Kind think we have no feelings, no family. You say I stole your memories- then let me show you what you will be stealing from me and I do not even know where this once Ancient infested city is!"
                    Last edited by kaeyla; 08 March 2007, 11:47 AM.
                    We are angels of death in black leather
                    Your demons without wings, we glide
                    We are angels in black with a hunger
                    Not your sheep to change or guide.
                    We are angels in the blackness for ever


                      Originally posted by kaeyla View Post
                      Once Again he awoke from the swirling shadows and the grey black mindmists of unconciousness in their healing bay. He was no longer in the transparent cell of the stasis tube living through that hellish nightmare. He trid to but when he tried to change his position to sit up he found he only had partial movement.

                      It could not still be the paralysis for now his body had rebuilt itself from the sad shattered remenents of before. For even the The Hunger like a sulky serpent had woken up with inside him. For the moment it was as distant as an alien sun in another faraway unknown galaxy. His emotions too were distantl deliberately so because after what he had been through he did not want to feel anymore.

                      Looking down he realised he was chained to the sleeping place he now lay on. Ironically they were probably right to so. He smiled to himself yes he had not fed for so long . No Wraith had gone so long for with out prey and here it was all around him everywhere. Not even the woman who sat a foot away from his side still reading to him would not now be safe from his hunger if he gave into it.

                      He sensed her fountain of lifeforce flowing like a refracting rainbow throughout her whole body.. The centre over her heart fluctuated and memerised him like a srar of white liquid diamond. It pulsated with her every heartbeat and his Wraith Hunger could scent it strongly. It reminded him he was a Wraith and that his prey food sat only a foot away from him... just let him free and without warning he would take her life force within moments.

                      Yet where was the child who let Thereyla go free. Where was the young adult who had refused to feed on her even to almosst the point of his own death. Well the Hunger had tricked him on that terrible event so long agobut yet it had saved his life i and left him with an awful paradox. Still he had not fed for so long now. Yet again when he told the hunger 'No!' it still listened to him and obeyed. Feed, though, he would have do so soon and so soon too. For soon the hunger would listen to no one then. He gave it seven nights and days before he was no longer its master.

                      The human female , the same one as before still read unaware of his scrutiny. She no longer attensed to brushing his hair now he was fully awake- at first. Why did she do it? Earlier she had plucked up the courage, with his eyes turned on her like watching gold amber sentinels, her hands shaking as she drew the brush through his sikly white hair, stroking down its full length. He felt how frightened she was of him. Yey amused he detected a hidden spark of desire for him. So that was it... she thought she kept it carefully hidden like like a tiny flame cupped by hands, to shield from the cruel winds of winter. One blow of cold cruelness from him would put it out just like that. She would make an excellent Wraith worshipper!

                      Still, he thought, if the situation demanded it, he could use that glowing spark of emotion to escape if he fanned her flame of desire. Yet he would also crush it brutally at the end of his feeding hand. The Hunger was too hungry, even distant, for its demanding nature to be ignored. Increase it or crush as was his eventual wont for his own survival. Where was the adolescent from which he had sprung, caring and quiet now gone, he asked himself. The child who loved nature and the rain had surely not been taken from him by The Hunger. Thereyla may be dead dust now for thousands of starturns but still his conscience lived inside him through his memories, haunting him down all the ghostly ages. Yes Thereyla lived because of his memory- take that away and she would die forever-his conscience always.

                      Still he was not sure how he felt when he became pronounced well enough by what he learnt was the Scottish doctor to leave the healing place for ever. He kept his emotions from himself, netted in a veil of spidery mist for it still became to painful to feel at all. Yet the Scottish doctor, as they called him with all his need for the samples with their grim piercing needles said his physical recovery was complete. This would be the last examination now. No more indignities and no more experiments to be carried out on him. He sensed the doctor was trying to right a wrong he had carried out in the past. He sensed the Doctor's good intentions had been turned to bad by fate. For this reason the doctor felt he was worth saving despite the fact he saw this Wraith, himself, as the enemy.

                      He wondered he would be returned to the animal cage he been confined to during those long dark times of wound pain unable to heal from the projectile wounds that redhaired female who he had tried to feed on prior to his capture, had given him. to go back t0 that awful place of rending splintering weeks of Hunger he had been forced to go through. Would they put him back there, back in that blue black bruised darkness.

                      No they released him to a room, just off the infirmary. There were no chains here or visits from the human female only armed guards who hovered outside the room like baleful guardians wiith their strange projectile weapons. Their human faces as still and unmoving as stone. What were the people here going to do with him??

                      They could not keep him here? How could they feed him. They had only done so once when they had poisoned him. Why save him from the metal table on which he lay after dying in the cage if they were going to kill him now. Nothing made any sense to him and thinking just involved feeling again. They would deal with him and when they came he would know then what they had planned for him.

                      Instead he sat crosslegged on the sleeping platform there, the way he had for three weeks after killing Thereyla. There he could say it now. It had only taken thousands of years just to say that to himself at last. This room he was in was haunted by emotions. Who had ever had this room last had had such terrible nightmares-He sensed it when looking in the mirror especially. He also sensed glimpses of horrifying sadness, acrid anger and bitter betrayel.. He severely hoped he would not end up the same way as the last person who had stayed in this room. It seemed odd that he had picked up the memory stream of a human here.

                      It was two days later. He was still sat on the bed, the humans called it a bed, wearing a white top and white trousers. They would not give him back his Wraith uniform and he refused to wear the terrible clothing they wore. In the end they had given him the more of healing bay white clothing he had worn there.

                      The day was beautifully warm and a soft sea scented breeze blew at the curtain over the window. The material sighed liked half forgotten thoughts as it brushed on his face and the wall where he had moved the bed even closer to. How they had jumped when he had done that. Meditating he focused on the distant waves hearing them as they crashed far below onto the City of the Hated Ancients. Yes he knew where he was but not where that place was.

                      Whispering and sibilent it reminded him deeply of the choruses of Wraith voices on his Mother's Hive ship. He had a sudden intense longing to hear their voices swell like the ocean inside his head again. Moreso he wanted to hear the voices of his close family once again. Hastily he blotted them and the memories of all he had with them out with a mist of nothingness and a wall of indifference. it would undoe him , even destroy him to think of them so far out of reach. Yearning for them would kill his survival. For he would never return them and he would never go home now.He had to feel nothing for his Mother, his Sister or even his Father and the Hiveship he had been bron. He would never see them again- He needed to feel nothing.

                      (Shawn claps hands) SPLENDID!!!!


                        Originally posted by kaeyla View Post
                        Well i know what Shawn could need after eating the magistrate- an all over massage t get him to relax- lovely...Although I would not mind doing Steve!!!. Laura the Asgard- it is not strange the Wraith in the Star Trek world-In the star trek universe , My Wraith, Craig the Wraith is the Wraith ambassador to Starbase 24 on the Federation/Klingon Rapid Response Fleet board - he has already given the gift of life to a Female Klingon Captain and eaten his way through half the hostile aliens there- There is a picture there of him too

                        Thank you for loving my work ChelApophis, Xepherah and Laura the Asgard. Yes I did well at education something like 8 Olevels and two but I am slightly dyslexic and my Teachers told me if English language and English literature were not complusive they would have not put me in for it as they told me I would have failed miserably - I got an A and B pass respectively. AS a child I tended devour the words in a dictonary the way a wraith would an Ancient!!! I also tend to live through whatever I am writing too empathically so that it feel alot more real for anyone reading

                        Lord knows what James would made of this story after all it is supposed to be Steve in this story. I did not accept Steve had died and was dead on the autopsy table- if you look carefully at Steve on the autopsy table in the dvd Poisoning the Well scene near the end with Beckett and Sheppard you see what gave me the inspiration to write The Hunger. Also , I wanted to Give us back Steve... where he belongs. So when I had this story one night in a dream i had to write it down and put it here so everyone can read it who wants to.

                        I think this willlbe the last installment as I have reached near the end of my extensive notes.

                        As Always I will dedicate this to Laura the Asgard first and now to ChelApophis and not forgetting Xepherah too...and anyone who reads its and enjoys it. Maybe I should not forget James who gave us Steve. Lastly I would like to dedicate also to the memory of a friend and her baby daughter who both passed away a short time ago.

                        Hi Susanne I hope the down feeling passes away soon- I always imagine cuddling up to my favourite Wraith it sems to help for anything
                        I already had my massage Kaeyla! Human worshippers do have their grace and splendor...If they are raised well and know their place, that is. Mine just seems to enjoy it a lot! Nice small warm hands. Puts a smile on my face And overwhelms me with her intend to indulge me all the time. ... If you find a good one. I surely recomment a human ( cuddlepet) !
                        Dyslexic? I can´t see anything of that. And ofcourse the emotional value to it is much more inportant than technical grammatics.
                        So you use your dreams as inspiration-source? Did I understand this well? I do this with my paintings which you can also see at In order to see it. You have to scroll down.
                        Last time I dreamt i was on an organic scooter same structure as with a cruiser or what humans call DART. It had no wheels but it was flying through the air,I was going downtown with it. I was just flying through the air with this thing and I had a Wraith with me. He sat behind me. I had never felt so blessed before! Ofcourse...This is one of those silly dreams ( waves hand with it) we appear to have occasionally.

                        How tragic it is to hear that of your friend and her daughter. I am sorry to hear that. My sincere condoleances


                          Originally posted by Laura the Asgard View Post
                          Do you have a McKay on back order perhaps?

                          Makes you wonder - If they had the ability to clone and could place an order so to speak like at McDonalds, I wonder what personality types they would want. I'm pretty sure Steve would order up a Shep with perhaps a Bates on the side. Gabriel would take two orders of Koyla. Micheal would most definatly want a buffet of that entire team and Shawn - Well - he might have gotton indegestion from that Magistrate so perhaps he'd want... well - fill in the blanks!

                          That fatty pig with his feebleminded, unideal brainfarts was surely hard to digest YES! Hmmmmm, let me see, I think I´m gonna have a Teylaburger with some Rononed french fries, or some Shepsushi (ahahaha yeeeesssss hmmm hmm hhmmyessss nice.... That would be good..hmmm...hmmm I´ll go for the Shepsushi)


                            lOh there is more- just wont fit in post-Have you read all of that post because i have just stop writing it Here is the rest of the Hunge part three!

                            Before the woman could stop him he gently poured all the memories he could from his now fully opened mind.

                            He showed her His Sister as they played together as children, guarded by the now slain Wraith Warrior guards, in the forested hillside in the falling grey silver rain. He showed her Thereyla in the rain, his terrible changeover and then let her feel all his terrible grief and his total distress after he had unwillingly killed Thereyla. His first act as an adult Wraith.( My memory is all of that is left of this brave gallant human female-take that away and there will be nothing left at all of Thereyla. She who is my conscience)

                            He showed her his Sister becoming Keeper and of his Father's proud face at seeing both of his two eldest children at this occasion...then he showed him carefully embracing His Sister mere hours after the birth of her first children. His Sister's new born twin sons She saw too. He showed her all this

                            The human woman broke contact with his mind, overwhelmed by his memories as gentle as he had been to her. She realised the other one before him could not defend himself with his memories like like he just had...for they had already stolen his memories before they had done it to him ONCE again.

                            "Would you take all that you have seen and know from me. All because I am a Wraith and I am feel the Hunger! Would you take it all from me-for as he said to you, experiences, memories are what make me who I am. It would be the same as taking my life from me.

                            "No!" She said and turned back to the spike haired warrior." WE can't do this to him... it has never worked before and will not now. The virus wont resolve this! He doesn't even knew where we are."

                            "Okay Doky" Said the Spiky haired one" We let him go if he doesn't knew where this is. Give him the old blind fold treatment and let him go home now. Release him back into the Wild"

                            He looked up at the spiky human talkative human and saw his aura was different from before-some Wraith had given him the Gift deserved only by the closest worshippers and their own Kind. Who had done it and had it given him a new understanding of HIS kind that had not been there before."

                            "Fine" Said The dreadlocked one shaking his head." This is the second one you let go this year. I hope this not becoming a habbit" and he strode away.

                            In the end they let him go free at last...They gave him back his Wraith uniform including his Father's coat. Maybe he should think of finding someone to share and care with the getting of a son so together they could pass it on to him. Death made you think in a new way he realised as he fastened the final belt. He had borrowed the human woman's hair brush while staying in the room and he asked if he might give it back to her as well as the book she had left him.

                            She did not want them back saying he could have them for a memento but he insisted. Later she would find the note he had written in her language for her in the book with the strand of his long hair, with his family clan silver bead on it. He owed her that much and the message said that in the turn of a moon's orbit, on a local planet they both knew from talking together in the healing bay if she came to that location then his hiveship would keep her as one of their favoured worshippers. His silver clan bead would guarantee her safety from the other Wraith. No one would cross the Queen's family clan. She, the human female was wasted here and he owed her a debt for her kindness to him. It was up to her if she was brave enough to take the change.

                            Then they stunned him and he knew no more. When he next woke up he found himself back among the ruins where he had been captured so long ago before so much had happened. He pulled himself up from the grass where he lay and sat on a ruined stone stump that once had been a building or long gone architecture. He sat there resting mystified by the turn of events, watching a tiny spider crawl over his hand then back onto the rock. The sunlight warmed him and there was something in his other closed hand. He saw it was the necklace that had lured him there in the first place. Someone with an Ancient gene had recently touched and reactivated it. It was now sending a signal to the Wraithbeacon out in the local Space. The same way he had been lured in before. This time he sensed no malice as just like before the explosion that had happened last time.

                            He knew they watching in the treeline. The spike haired warrior and the woman who was part Wraith were there -he could hear her mind closed as it was. He heard the sound of a Stargate being activated so he looked up as someone came through it.

                            Flanked by a heavy group of Wraith Warriors he saw his Father come through and by his side was his Father's daughter. His beloved Sister had come for him. Behind him sensed the human-Wraith woman recognise them from their shared memory exchange. It was of no matter what she saw as his Sister held her arms to out him and he returned her sisterly embrace as their Father looked protectively around them for trouble to avoid.
                            "WE thought you were dead " She cried inside his mind" He knew Woman in the trees heard them but let her hear now.
                            "No But I am ready to go Home now" He said gently overwhelmed and together They walked with Father and the Wraith Warriors into the blue light of the Stargate leaving the humans behind, to go home now"

                            The End
                            Last edited by kaeyla; 08 March 2007, 11:40 AM.
                            We are angels of death in black leather
                            Your demons without wings, we glide
                            We are angels in black with a hunger
                            Not your sheep to change or guide.
                            We are angels in the blackness for ever


                              Originally posted by kaeyla View Post
                              Oh there is more- just wont fit in post-Have you read all of that post because i have just stop writing it Here is the rest

                              Before the woman could stop him he gently poured all the memories he could from his now fully opened mind.

                              He showed her His Sister as they played together as children, guarded by the now slain Wraith Warrior guards, in the forested hillside in the falling grey silver rain. He showed her Thereyla in the rain, his terrible changeover and then let her feel all his terrible grief and his total distress after he had unwillingly killed Thereyla. His first act as an adult Wraith.( My memory is of that is left of this brave gallent human female-take that away and there will be nothing left at all of Thereyla. She who is my conscience)

                              He showed her his Sister becoming Keeper and of his Father's proud face at seeing both of his two eldest children at this occasion...then he showed him carefully embracing His Sister mere hours after the birth of her first children. His Sister's new born twin sons She saw too. He showed her all this

                              The human woman broke contact with his mind, overwhelmed by his memories as gentle as he had been to her. She realised the other one before him could not defend himself with his memories like like he just had...for they had already stolen his memories before they had done it to him ONCE again.

                              "Would you take all that you have seen and know from me. All because I am a Wraith and I am feel the Hunger! Would you take it all from me-for as he said to you, experiences, memories are what make me who I am. It would be the same as taking my life from me.

                              "No!" She said and turned back to the spike haired warrior." WE can't do this to him... it has never worked before and will not now. The virus wont resolve this! He doesn't even knew where we are."

                              "Okay Doky" Said the Spiky haired on" We let him go if he doesn't knew where this is. Give him the old blind fold treatment and let him go home now. Release him back into the Wild"

                              He looked up at the spiky human talkative human and saw his aura was different from before-some Wraith had given him the Gift deserved only by the closest worshippers and their own Kind. Who had done it and had it given him a new understanding of HIS kind that had not been there before."

                              "Fine" Said The dreadlocked shaking his head." This is the second one you let go this year. I hope this not becoming a habbit" and he strode away.

                              In the end they let him at last...They gave him back his Wraith uniform including his Father's coat. Maybe he should think of finding someone to share and care with the getting of a son so together they could pass it on to him. Death made you think in a new way he realised as he fastened the final belt. He had borrowed the human woman's hair brush while staying in the room and he asked if he might give it back to her as well as the book she had left him.

                              She did not want them back saying he could have them for a memento but he insisted. Later she would find the note he had written in her language for her in the book with thsreand of his hair containing a

                              Nice of the aura thing. And I am not yet satisfied...meaning I want more
                              Last edited by Xepherah; 13 March 2007, 12:19 PM.


                                Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                                i've got two teylas, an elisabeth, and a carson... what's ya pleasure?

                                Let me see!!!! Gee , I can't make up my mind..... hm , choices , choices: I'll have one Teyla , 2 Shepp and a Ronon!!!!!! I'm starving!

