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    Ok sure. Here we go:
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      Originally posted by Frozenflame90 View Post
      Wow, I mean I never thought of it..... We do eat cows...... wow, amazing.... I agree! Add me!!!

      Member of the Wraith' Defenders Club
      My fan fiction


        Hello there Lilith if you have not solved the Eye of Horus drawing look it up in Egyptian magical texts in modern books- the eye is actually drawn mathematically so everything adds up to a certain number; everything is a representation of a mathmatical fraction drawn as art and a Talisman- you will probably already know this then but be aware that it is the Eye of horus and not the Eye of Ra!!

        Well then here is the third Part of "The Hunger"

        His scream sounded loud and hollow and it threatened never to end- the only end that threatened was the finish of his life. Kneeling up he leant forward almost falling into the arms of his Sister. He caught her by the upper arms still crying out his terrible scream,. He held tight and unrelenting, out of control, his taloned fingers sank into her flesh. Unwillingly he spilled the darkly shining tracks of her black blood over his tensed fingers.

        Eventually panting with the efforts of pain, He realised that he has hurt her and the feeling of remorse flowing towards his Sister hurt as much as the consuming mindless agony of the Changeover. Shrugging deftly she shows him it is nothing. To prove her point, She healed herself immmediately in her Brother's sight.

        "It is nothing." She said inside his mind. " It is well you are no longer screaming in the throes of the convulsions. this is what matters to me"

        He watched as the deep clawmarks from of his making, close up and seal themselves as though they have not ever existed. Off guard he almost missed the gentle flutter of her mind as it joined his, quieter than a planet after a cull.

        Softly he pushed her from his mind, gently as though not to offend her, he would not permit her do what she wanted to do. He refused her help.

        "You are trying to take my pain on yourself, Sister. I would not have you suffer this. What if I die and take you with me in the middle of my next Convulsion?" Unrelenting he stared at her open disappointment as he slid exhausted into his Sister's arms. From there he could see her face no longer.

        He heard the almost silent entrance of another into his Sister's chamber. The awe inspiring sensation and the might of the mind told him that it was his own mother. He was too tired to move to aknowledge her presence. He was that weak.

        The Wraith mother had heard her child screamin mind and actual sound. Viewing him she could see how weak his life signs were, so much closer to the way of Death. He thought he was weak but his strength of actions had impressed her, his Mother. In her Inner thoughts her mind told her "What a Child I birthed. He will make an excellent consort for another clan's female should he survive for the future."

        How she remembered the first she had felt his psyche, early after his conception. He was supposed to have been a female child. However the strong willed presence inside her was a male child. She had never meet such a strong willed presence in any Wraith, Female or Male. It was so strong, not because of angry defiance, but it was deep and mysterious, as cool and intense as a quiet shifting ocean. How does one fight the ocean. With such a Will, her unborn child's mind, immediately resolved her, once her body had healed after his birthing, to contract another union with his Father to sire yet another child- this one female. So had it been with all her other children who had came from the same Father too. She had enjoyed her Consort so much, even now she would see him.

        With her outer thoughts, the accessible ones, She spoke to them. "Your Father has been told of your Changeover- and how it is proceeding. He wishes to see you if you..afterwards. He can not be here now in time" She announced defiantly

        He looked up, at his mother as she looked down at them, through half closed eyes. He was weary and tired with the pain beyond belief. Through her eyes he could see the Changeover was in its last stages and that it was still killing him. His own body could tell him that the Hunger was destroying him, wasting him, cell by single biological cell.

        "How like his father he is, of all my offspring." His Mother's thoughts remained hidden. "How I would hate to lose him. I would pass feeding on a many an Ancient in exchange for him to survive.

        " Mother there is one rite we could still use." Came her Daughter's voice. "My Brother is dying from this Hunger, from the Changeover. We could save him by using the Gift of Life."

        Her mother looked at her sharply approving of her Daughter's line of thought. Her Lineage was known for its brightness of mind. Her eyes took in her Son's form fading fast from life lying unmoving in his sister's arms. Another few convulsions would be enough to tilt him over in the Hand of Death.

        "It may well be of some use, but heed this, Daughter there has never been Hunger this strong before. Ir may well suck the Life energy out of the Bearer of the Gift too."

        "Knowing this still, Mother I want to take the Risk." He heard his Sister insist. He wanted to protest but his Mother's voice spoke before he could even frame the words.

        "Yet again, Daughter, The Hunger still may kill you. That unnatural Hunger is as strong as your Brother's Will. We all know how powerful your Brother's will is."
        (I can not let my Mother or my Sister do this.)
        "Yet, Mother- I will take that Risk."She said. " My Will is as Strong as my Brother's.
        (I will not kill my mother or sister with my Hunger. I would die before I accept the Gift of life from them both, as I am now dying.)
        "There has not been a Hunger to rival this Hunger in all Wraith History, Daughter. I will give the Gift. I am Older and more powerful, therefore I have the better chance of Survival."
        (I will not Let you, Mother, Sister-It is not my Will that you shall.)
        "If only," His Mother spoke to him." I was as strong as your Will, My Son."

        He opened his eyes wide in the shock of Revelation. The inspiration hit him as his Mother's words echoed in his head."As strong as Your Will." He felt motion as his Mother and Sister lifted his failing Hunger torn body up right. His Will?! There may still be a way to live without threatening his Mother and Sister's existence. He would not allow them to Give him The Gift of Life. He still may live yet..without any sacrifices.

        He closed his eyes and hung exhausted, being held upright by His Mother and Sister, between them. He stood totally still and then took a breath, as he begun to gather to his Will. He was going to fight the Hunger by Will alone. "Let the Combat begin" He told the Hunger inside him. " I will feed after becoming your Master. His eyes flew wide open as the Hunger sprung in a snarling spiral through out his whole body. It was the final fight, to the Death. Only one of them would be the Master. The Hunger or his Will would be the Victor. He did not know right until the end which one of them would win.

        Hope everyone is doing wonderful- i have so little time with the internet I am going to have play catchup here. lots of love and Wraith thoughts to everyone!
        Last edited by kaeyla; 04 January 2007, 11:18 AM.
        We are angels of death in black leather
        Your demons without wings, we glide
        We are angels in black with a hunger
        Not your sheep to change or guide.
        We are angels in the blackness for ever


          ^ i want more, its such a good story.


            me too want to read more


              Thank you, Jesserella and WraithLord- i can not wait to do the next installment- there is so much more to come -when i wrote The Hunger i felt like I was living through it myself

              Once again, Wraith blessings before I depart into the Ether.
              We are angels of death in black leather
              Your demons without wings, we glide
              We are angels in black with a hunger
              Not your sheep to change or guide.
              We are angels in the blackness for ever


                Originally posted by kaeyla View Post
                Hello there Lilith if you have not solved the Eye of Horus drawing look it up in Egyptian magical texts in modern books- the eye is actually drawn mathematically so everything adds up to a certain number; everything is a representation of a mathmatical fraction drawn as art and a Talisman- you will probably already know this then but be aware that it is the Eye of horus and not the Eye of Ra!!

                Well then here is the third Part of "The Hunger"

                His scream sounded loud and hollow and it threatened never to end- the only end that threatened was the finish of his life. Kneeling up he leant forward almost falling into the arms of his Sister. He caught her by the upper arms still crying out his terrible scream,. He held tight and unrelenting, out of control, his taloned fingers sank into her flesh. Unwillingly he spilled the darkly shining tracks of her black blood over his tensed fingers.

                Eventually panting with the efforts of pain, He realised that he has hurt her and the feeling of remorse flowing towards his Sister hurt as much as the consuming mindless agony of the Changeover. Shrugging deftly she shows him it is nothing. To prove her point, She healed herself immmediately in her Brother's sight.

                "It is nothing." She said inside his mind. " It is well you are no longer screaming in the throes of the convulsions. this is what matters to me"

                He watched as the deep clawmarks from of his making, close up and seal themselves as though they have not ever existed. Off guard he almost missed the gentle flutter of her mind as it joined his, quieter than a planet after a cull.

                Softly he pushed her from his mind, gently as though not to offend her, he would not permit her do what she wanted to do. He refused her help.

                "You are trying to take my pain on yourself, Sister. I would not have you suffer this. What if I die and take you with me in the middle of my next Convulsion?" Unrelenting he stared at her open disappointment as he slid exhausted into his Sister's arms. From there he could see her face no longer.

                He heard the almost silent entrance of another into his Sister's chamber. The awe inspiring sensation and the might of the mind told him that it was his own mother. He was too tired to move to aknowledge her presence. He was that weak.

                The Wraith mother had heard her child screamin mind and actual sound. Viewing him she could see how weak his life signs were, so much closer to the way of Death. He thought he was weak but his strength of actions had impressed her, his Mother. In her Inner thoughts her mind told her "What a Child I birthed. He will make an excellent consort for another clan's female should he survive for the future."

                How she remembered the first she had felt his psyche, early after his conception. He was supposed to have been a female child. However the strong willed presence inside her was a male child. She had never meet such a strong willed presence in any Wraith, Female or Male. It was so strong, not because of angry defiance, but it was deep and mysterious, as cool and intense as a quiet shifting ocean. How does one fight the ocean. With such a Will, her unborn child's mind, immediately resolved her, once her body had healed after his birthing, to contract another union with his Father to sire yet another child- this one female. So had it been with all her other children who had came from the same Father too. She had enjoyed her Consort so much, even now she would see him.

                With her outer thoughts, the accessible ones, She spoke to them. "Your Father has been told of your Changeover- and how it is proceeding. He wishes to see you if you..afterwards. He can not be here now in time" She announced defiantly

                He looked up, at his mother as she looked down at them, through half closed eyes. He was weary and tired with the pain beyond belief. Through her eyes he could see the Changeover was in its last stages and that it was still killing him. His own body could tell him that the Hunger was destroying him, wasting him, cell by single biological cell.

                "How like his father he is, of all my offspring." His Mother's thoughts remained hidden. "How I would hate to lose him. I would pass feeding on a many an Ancient in exchange for him to survive.

                " Mother there is one rite we could still use." Came her Daughter's voice. "My Brother is dying from this Hunger, from the Changeover. We could save him by using the Gift of Life."

                Her mother looked at her sharply approving of her Daughter's line of thought. Her Lineage was known for its brightness of mind. Her eyes took in her Son's form fading fast from life lying unmoving in his sister's arms. Another few convulsions would be enough to tilt him over in the Hand of Death.

                "It may well be of some use, but heed this, Daughter there has never been Hunger this strong before. Ir may well suck the Life energy out of the Bearer of the Gift too."

                "Knowing this still, Mother I want to take the Risk." He heard his Sister insist. He wanted to protest but his Mother's voice spoke before he could even frame the words.

                "Yet again, Daughter, The Hunger still may kill you. That unnatural Hunger is as strong as your Brother's Will. We all know how powerful your Brother's will is."
                (I can not let my Mother or my Sister do this.)
                "Yet, Mother- I will take that Risk."She said. " My Will is as Strong as my Brother's.
                (I will not kill my mother or sister with my Hunger. I would die before I accept the Gift of life from them both, as I am now dying.)
                "There has not been a Hunger to rival this Hunger in all Wraith History, Daughter. I will give the Gift. I am Older and more powerful, therefore I have the better chance of Survival."
                (I will not Let you, Mother, Sister-It is not my Will that you shall.)
                "If only," His Mother spoke to him." I was as strong as your Will, My Son."

                He opened his eyes wide in the shock of Revelation. The inspiration hit him as his Mother's words echoed in his head."As strong as Your Will." He felt motion as his Mother and Sister lifted his failing Hunger torn body up right. His Will?! There may still be a way to live without threatening his Mother and Sister's existence. He would not allow them to Give him The Gift of Life. He still may live yet..without any sacrifices.

                He closed his eyes and hung exhausted, being held upright by His Mother and Sister, between them. He stood totally still and then took a breath, as he begun to gather to his Will. He was going to fight the Hunger by Will alone. "Let the Combat begin" He told the Hunger inside him. " I will feed after becoming your Master. His eyes flew wide open as the Hunger sprung in a snarling spiral through out his whole body. It was the final fight, to the Death. Only one of them would be the Master. The Hunger or his Will would be the Victor. He did not know right until the end which one of them would win.

                Hope everyone is doing wonderful- i have so little time with the internet I am going to have play catchup here. lots of love and Wraith thoughts to everyone!
                thanks, but like i said, it's my own rendition... with a realistic human eye as the center... now it just needs to be adorned with hieroglyphs..... meh, i'll do that later.... i just drew a neko chibi.... but she's still missing a face...
                I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                  Originally posted by kaeyla View Post
                  Thank you, Jesserella and WraithLord- i can not wait to do the next installment- there is so much more to come -when i wrote The Hunger i felt like I was living through it myself

                  Once again, Wraith blessings before I depart into the Ether.
                  i do that when i write, i try to put my myself in that position and try to describe it,


                    I would be happy to join the wraith defenders club.

                    The wraith wouldn't be hostile if the ancients had provided them with a plentiful food supply like clones (they wouldn't even have to be intelligent clones either; all they would have to be is living).



                      ^ yay, thats what i was thinking


                        Originally posted by Ehecatl View Post
                        I would be happy to join the wraith defenders club.

                        The wraith wouldn't be hostile if the ancients had provided them with a plentiful food supply like clones (they wouldn't even have to be intelligent clones either; all they would have to be is living).

                        welcome to the club Ehecatl


                          i was looking at the sci fi world web page and found this
                          its the offical andee frizzell web site theres not much on it at the moment cause they just made it but thought some of you might be interested in checking it out?
                          Last edited by wraithlord; 07 January 2007, 01:06 AM.


                            wow thanks for that wraithlord , you should keep track of when the web site starts up


                              Now i can show my housemate that it wasn't a man, she said they should have chosen a more femminin male actor, ppft, lol


                                Originally posted by FORDs Follower View Post
                                wow thanks for that wraithlord , you should keep track of when the web site starts up
                                will do i am very happy that there is a official site and i cant wait to see what will be on it

