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Wraith Defenders Club

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    LILITH!!! git yer ass over to ATFU i gave you the update

    I'm not dead. Yet.


      thanks lilith


        Originally posted by susanne View Post
        LILITH!!! git yer ass over to ATFU i gave you the update
        hold yer horses woman!!! i have 20+ threads i have to catch up on and very little time besides, you guys post faster than the hussies in the POND....
        I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


          i loooove the micheal wallpaper, its great


            i would love to make more wallpapers of michael but he isnt in the series much so theres only so many pictures to work with


              but atleast there's more than bob and steve... they only had one episode each...
              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                true i will go through the episodes again and try to get more of him later
                off to see sg-1 and atlantis there on tonight in ireland will be back tomorrow


                  g'night wl!!
                  I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                    Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                    i would have to say Philia bordering on Eros....

                    i haven't even started yet.... been buzy cleaning my room... it's a mess

                    sorry... i had no computer yesterday... i'll have this read and edited for later today, promise

                    oh and congrats of 300 wl!!
                    Thank you.


                      how are my wraithies today?

                      I'm not dead. Yet.


                        feeling hungry, you?


                          Originally posted by jesserella View Post
                          feeling hungry, you?
                          Somewhat. Have to work on chapter 4 today.


                            im fine trying to make a new buffet

                            I'm not dead. Yet.


                              Long ago i promised a short story for this thread. This is my idea of how a Wraith remembers his first feeding. It is called "Hunger"

                              The pain was too severe, too great to comprend even for him with his lightening quick intelligiance. A roaring burning agony lanced through him, eclipsing the the dull itch and sting of the old bullet wounds that were too slow to heal. He had no healing energy left inside him from the long cruel starvation he had been subjected too. He had not even enough life energy to live now.

                              What had they done to him? Those that held him in their dark cell and in their deepest contempt, the humans on whom he should feed, now to live. They hung back from beyond his reach, like temptation beyond his redemption. Brillant bright stars of life force, far too distant to aid him. All they had given him was scorn, mocking his dignity with trite silly phrases and used him, for torture in their senseless needle filled spiteful experiments.

                              What had they done to him? It felt as though poison was burning its course through his body like a blind vicious worm, tearing him apart like some evil twin to the Hunger which radiated through him like a devasting explosion. The Hunger called to him like some brutal unending incessant hunter, to feed, to take inside the warm vibrant of life,to heal himself , to make him whole again. He needed beyond anything in existance to feed to deep senseless insatiated state. End the pain by feeding, how? All human life energy lay beyond the cold lifeless bars he clung to. He could not reach it, even as they watched him. He need to drink from the untainted fount of life and rid himself of this colossial corruption racing and burning through his ailing system.

                              As wave after wave of agony assaulted him, he was taken back, by the pain to the arrival of The Hunger in his life, the memory of it welled up deep, like blood from a cut to his torn psyche. Then, from the present pain, he was transported back by memory, to the earlier agony so long ago in his life that he now knew as The Hunger...

                              He was a child of advancing years now almost an adult of his kind. Confused, now, for days he had been feeling unwell, almost sick. How strange when his kind never felt sick? What was wrong with him? The food he had been eating for sixteen turns of a yellow star even made him feel bad. When ever he ate it, it lay leaden and undigestable inside his system, hard to eliminate too. He had been given some in a dark bowl and aimlessly he pushed it around, otherwise untouched, with his eating impliment.

                              Even the smell of the food, once so appetising, smelt rank and tainted. It made him want heave as his stomach contracted in repulsion. He steeled himself, hiding his unwilling disgust in the long lengths of his hair, incase the females of his family were watching him. Lately, they had been watching him like sharp eyed predators watching... well watching prey. He looked up from between the strands of his hair damp with the sickness and yes- once again, his mother and sister were regarding him with piercing interest that was keen, more keen than he liked at all at the moment.

                              Did they know something was wrong with him? Perhaps he had failed some family clan test, that fatally, he had never noticed and they had poisoned his food. Was he going to die? Twin sets of jewelled amber eyes regarded, him coolly, their vertical black slits witnessing the truth of his twisted sickness. It was growing hard to hid, as his skin growing more heated with encroaching fever, let forth drops of waxy moisture that run down his face.

                              He was not used to it or the convulsions that had began at first, like flutters of light on air, inside him. With each day passing, the faint feeble tremours had grown into grinding intense pains bleeding through him like the deep bloody slashes of stone knifes that threatened to carve him apart. Frightened for the first in his life, he had hidden his sickness, even when the pains have started coming closer and closer together in violent frequency, He gritted his teeth and hid them hard under a quiet still mien. It was beneath his young dignity to give into them publically- he was soon to be an adult male in his society. He was take his place in the clans of the Ruling class. Instead he had fallen with the fatal flaw of illness and his kind were never sick... except him it seemed and now his Mother and Sister had noticed him and his shameful sickness. Even worse they knew that he had divined their watchful attentions.

                              He rose to his feet and found himself to be unsteady, dizzy even with faintness. The convulsions were coming back. He must not let them see him. The Pain strode through him like barbed spirals hooking their tearing tendrils into his internal flesh. He dropped with a growl, leaning broken and wounded over the feasting table.

                              " How come?" Came a coherent thought from the foul nest of pain that ruled his mind. " How come I have not seen my sister eat at this table for nearly one turn of a star?" Then the pain ripped through him worse than before and the sharp points of his teeth punctured his lower lip and the blood fell like rain from his mouth.

                              Then for blessed seconds the pain stopped and he looked up through the veil of his hair as he half supported himself on his hands spread across the table top. To his shame, the pain had caused tears to fall and mingle with his blood in the bowl of the detested food, food that no longer satisfied him. He was not being brave enough. As he looked at his Mother and Sister the last few of those hateful tears crawled down his cheeks. He had to be braver than he was being now- not weak... like an Ancient. Soon he would no longer be a child to give into such behaviour. Even if the pain is so very strong he thought he might die from it whenever it visited him now.

                              "Mother, Sister-May I take my leave of you." He had to get himself out of their prescence- before it happened again and he was absolutely certain that the convulsions would return- at any given moment. While he was master of himself, cautiously he wiped the blood from his chin with a hand that shook like a single member of tree foliage in the fast flowing air.

                              His Mother and Sister looked at each other , almost as one being. He knew they were communing with one another by mind and that he had been excluded from their cmmunion. This hurt him as much as it frightened him. Not even in her womb had his mother so blatently excluded him from her outer thoughts. The fact that his Sister was doing so too, scared him more and they had been so close until almost a turn of star ago... something was going on here? The Same time as she had stopped eating with him and their younger brothers.

                              Again, Together, his Sister and mother rose as one, like some strange kind of entity. He saw them stepping closer towards him, their open hands held out towards him. He could not tell whether they came to him as friend or foe. Their perfect faces were expressionless and unreadable as were their life energies. Just as he considered surrender to or flight from his Mother and Sister, the Pain ripped through him and this time it was bad, unbelievely terrible beyond belief, tearing him apart, leaving him falling, spinning into an oblivion that was only merciful by the fact that it obliterated him from all trace of awareness..

                              Oh well that is part one- hope you are all doing well
                              Last edited by kaeyla; 21 December 2006, 10:42 AM.
                              We are angels of death in black leather
                              Your demons without wings, we glide
                              We are angels in black with a hunger
                              Not your sheep to change or guide.
                              We are angels in the blackness for ever


                                its great, perfectly deep

                                I'm not dead. Yet.

