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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by MCH View Post
    Ok the doctor say

    Miss Heh,heh,heh 1 wraithine and then bed.

    See you Wraithine party Sunday 5th July.

    And a very

    Happy Fourth of July

    to all in the USA.

    Oh dear. This made me laugh and hard. This forum is such a pick-me-upper. I was so tired last night, oh my goodness--I was utterly silly...pst and no one was home! So, I was laughing at my own humour all by myself!!! EEEek! I got the giggles and literally I couldn't stop. Luckily, there was no one around on forum or at home that late otherwise I would have been up half the night laughing my arse off at what? NOTHING! I did hit the hay, eventually.

    "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


      Originally posted by MCH View Post
      WK at 6.29am

      Some of us were in bed dreaming about wraithtini and wraithie dreams. You have been to bed between 6.20am and now. Haven't you????

      I know!! EEeeK I was such a dumb dumb!! Wraithie party on July 5 it is---squeeeee!
      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


        Originally posted by Degilwen View Post
        @ WraithCake Excuse for this word but I don´t know the english word for Haekeln... (german word)
        Oooo I don't know. I'm going to look it up. Okay looking up...Oh "Crocheting" Ha ha ha!! That's funny. I don't know what it is about that word that sends me into fits of giggles. There's this video game called Half Life and it's about these aliens that sort of look like crabs and they land on people's heads and kill them this way, or if I remember, control their minds. Anyway, there are now so many pictures of cute cartoon animals with these crabs on their heads as a tribute to Half Life. When I was reading that word last night I kept thinking of a wraith with one of those things on his head...I wonder if it can be photoshopped? These pictures are floating around the internet and they are hilarious!


        "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


          Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post

          The Wraiths are Canadian...

          ***Group hug. TODD! Keep your darn hands to yourself!!!

          Rodney: He only pinched your bum.***

          BTW. I finished the first part of my... ahem... story. Now I need to muster up the courage to post it.

          Now, I'm off to fire up the BBQ and create my latest culinary disaster.
          Oh Yea! This will be awesome!! So July 5 Wraithtini??

          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


            Originally Posted by MCH
            WK at 6.29am
            Some of us were in bed dreaming about wraithtini and wraithie dreams. You have been to bed between 6.20am and now. Haven't you????
            Posted by Wraith Cake
            I know!! EEeeK I was such a dumb dumb!! Wraithie party on July 5 it is---squeeeee!
            OK What time do we start considered we are in different time zones? I got my supplies.
            Thanks to DS for my siggy


              Originally posted by MCH View Post
              Originally Posted by MCH

              Posted by Wraith Cake

              OK What time do we start considered we are in different time zones? I got my supplies.
              O YAY! This is so exciting!! Okay, I am EST Right now it is 5:30 pm on Friday, July 4, 2008. So, How bout around 1:00 EST to whenever . Some here are six hours ahead, some are eight hours behind. I'll look up the other time zones so we can all chat around the same time. That will be fun. So, I'll get back to you soon about that.

              Take care,

              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post

                The Wraiths are Canadian...

                ***Group hug. TODD! Keep your darn hands to yourself!!!

                Rodney: He only pinched your bum.***

                BTW. I finished the first part of my... ahem... story. Now I need to muster up the courage to post it.

                Now, I'm off to fire up the BBQ and create my latest culinary disaster.
                Big Kiss =^*
                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                  I'm in the process of sending everyone an invite, so if I haven't gotten to you yet you are definitely on my mind hint hint Laura Dove and TooMuchCaff. I have to go out tonight, but I'll catch up when I'm back. Hugs to everyone!

                  "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                    a "wraithtini party"? wow... I think people have finally gotten a bit too carried away with wraith.


                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      Laura Dove - you out there?
                      Yep, although I haven't had time to reply before and it's already 1:15 AM here.

                      I basically agree with most of your message, even if I don't think Todd despises the humans from Atlantis. Having a great sense of pride and hating when they treat him like crap is not the same as considering them inferior beings. After all, wraith are not known for the respect they show to their own kind, and they even don't hesitate to feed on each other. I don't think Todd considers the Lanteans less worthy than other wraith.

                      Anyway, I definitely hope to get more insight on his inner thoughts and motives. Also I agree that Sheppard and he should have a deeper discussion to clarify their relation.
                      My Stargate Atlantis fanfictions - Wraith font
                      Todd contacts Atlantis once more... (spoilers up to season 4) 1. Glimpse Into the Evil | 2. Of Wraith and Men (in progress)


                        Had a busy time lately reading TV Zone issue 230, Rachel was interview about the Queen episode.
                        SO don’t read as spoilers for The Queen
                        Rachel says that “Teyla ultimately decides that she does want to return to active duty with the team” hence the Season 5 episode called The Queen where Teyla impersonates a Wraith Queen to help Todd to “ dupe the Uber Queen of an extremely powerful Wraith alliance” into helping Todd’s plan about Wraith feeding.

                        Rachel said “So this is a dozy of an episode for Teyla and she undertaking quite abit. I’m getting to work with Chris Heyerdhal, who is a wonderful actor. The majority of my scenes as the Queen are with him and we’ve got some really fun ones. At one point a Pygmalion-type thing is happening where his Wraith character Todd endeavours to teach Teyla how to be a Wraith Queen, and there a scene involving her learning how to sit on the throne”

                        It’s a really good article, hopefully the Queen is shaping as a really interesting episode, increaseing our knowledge about Wraith Queens and their role.
                        I did laugh at the theought that it is a good job Todd knows humans but I bet he growled abit when teaching Teyla.
                        All quotes are taken from TV Zone Issue 230

                        I hope you all enjoy and that issue 230 of TV Zone is worth getting.

                        Thanks to DS for my siggy


                          Hi everyone: A being away for awhile so, I need to catch up.

                          @GoSpikey: I see you got "Blood Ties" I think you will enjoy it. There is another book you will like "Halcyon". There is a Wraith in the story called "Scar" and, no Sheppard didn't name him. Scar reminds me of "Greg".

                          @Wraith Cake: I got your invite for the Wraithtini party. So, all of us will converge at the same time provided the time zone will allow it to celebrate our love for the Wraith. With our Wraithtini and party let's hope Gateworld doesn't crash!!

                          @ MCH: Thanks for "TV Zone", infor on the "Queen", Now, I can't wait for that episode. Love to watch:

                          How Todd is going to teach Tayla on the matters of being a hive queen.

                          and finally: To all of our American Wraith worshippers, HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!



                            Originally posted by naamiaiset View Post
                            a "wraithtini party"? wow... I think people have finally gotten a bit too carried away with wraith.
                            Yes, We do indeed get carried away with the Wraith or, maybe the Wraith will carry us away. Anywhoo!! we are celebrating our love for the Wraith right!

                            Now, how about this a international Wraith Day!! Talk about getting carried away!



                              Originally Posted by naamiaiset
                              a "wraithtini party"? wow... I think people have finally gotten a bit too carried away with wraith.
                              LiquidSky posted
                              Yes, We do indeed get carried away with the Wraith or, maybe the Wraith will carry us away. Anywhoo!! we are celebrating our love for the Wraith right!

                              Now, how about this a international Wraith Day!! Talk about getting carried away!

                              Hum we do all seem to be interested in the Wraith. So much so I've been reading again an interview with Director Brenton Spencer – called Hive Mentality this time Starburst issue 64, Spoilers for Season 5.

                              Director Brenton Spencer who “takes us into the realm of the Wraith for a sneak preview of Stargate Atlantis upcoming fifth season”

                              He talks about the episode The Queen about the “creative hurdles”

                              “Probably the biggest obstacle is the extraordinary amount of special effects makeup…. First of all, Teyla is for the first time disguising herself as a Wraith Queen and in order to do so must undergo surgery”

                              Brenton further said “It helps that she’s got some latent Wraith DNA and is able to convince the real Wraith Queen she’s genuine”

                              But only that can only happen with the help of Todd for “Teyla has to carry herself as a Wraith Queen, so we have abit of a Pygmalion thing going on where our Wraith ally Todd must instruct her on how to act like a Wraith Queen”
                              Hope he was patient while teaching.

                              “Again, the challenge here is the makeup…..
                              Teyla as the faux-Wraith Queen along with our new Wraith Queen…..
                              Then there’s Todd as well as another new character, a bald Wraith commander, who looks magnificent,”

                              He compliments Todd Master and his special effects crew who “have done an extraordinary job of handling all this and creating unique characters within the genre”
                              Like with the “our new hive set. It’s huge and truly captures the scope of the Wraith Ships”

                              This article Hive Mentality is has lots of information 5 pages long, some on The Queen and abit about his past career and his connections to Atlantis. He 1st directed Submersion season 3 and he will also be the director for season 5 Inquisition.
                              I think this is well worth buying or borrowing this magazine.

                              All quotes are taken from Starbrust Issue 64

                              Ok must gets some sleep MCH
                              Thanks to DS for my siggy


                                MCH are these magazines Starburst #64 and TV Zone #230 on the stands now? If they are they might be available in Canada right now. If not then they will be available next month.

