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Wraith Defenders Club

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    I think also this Wraith is one of the Muffin eaters... It is not Chris...
    The Muffin men -I mean Wraith are actors Tyler McClendon and Aaron Cravon

    Tyler is in Broken Ties Is he Rhys????
    Aaron is a wraith commander, in Broken Ties as well?

    But both Tyler and Aaron return as Wraith in Outsiders

    Actor Richard Zeman is he the bald headed Wraith in the Queen?
    The one who seriously injured Ebony the Queen?

    I found this info by looking at the espiodes page at Gateworld

    Hope that helps Degilwen.
    Okay - I just can't help myself. Tyler Wraith and Aaron Wraith are now OFFICIALLY...The Stud Muffins.
    This is silly Das but you started it. I also blame GoSpiky with her martini talk-(don't ask)

    So, Sweet or savoury muffins? Das. I like blueberry ones myself.

    Last edited by MCH; 19 June 2008, 02:44 PM.
    Thanks to DS for my siggy


      Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
      If this is the picture I'm thinking of--where the team is also suppose to be there with him, I'm pretty sure this isn't CH either. I can't say 100%, but I usually have a pretty good eye for faces and they really don't look like the same person.

      I don't think it's CH either. Something about him it's not quite right. My first reaction, without reading the caption was that it's Tyler.

      And yes, he's holding his hands just like Tyler in the muffin photo.
      HONOR. A story.



        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
        Okay - I just can't help myself. Tyler Wraith and Aaron Wraith are now OFFICIALLY...The Stud Muffins.

        I think the muffin will stick. Without reading your post I called it the muffin photo.

        Yup, the Muffin Wraiths.
        HONOR. A story.



          Okay muffineers, HOW 'BOUT SOME HONEY?

          If ze wraith are waspy then wherez ze honey?

          Apparently, honey bees are not the only insects that produce honey. So, anyone for wraith honey? Or are they already sweet enough?

          Any yummy thoughts?

          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


            Also on a side note, I realized, with shock and alarm on my bus ride home, Todd is still eating people!!!
            Why is Sheppard allowing him to live? If Todd can synthesize a cure for the Hoffin Drug why doesn't Shep give him a dead line (pun intended) to come up with a "cure" for eating people? Check up on him and then say pony up space hippy--where's the fix???

            Any thought?

            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


              Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
              Also on a side note, I realized, with shock and alarm on my bus ride home, Todd is still eating people!!!
              Why is Sheppard allowing him to live? If Todd can synthesize a cure for the Hoffin Drug why doesn't Shep give him a dead line (pun intended) to come up with a "cure" for eating people? Check up on him and then say pony up space hippy--where's the fix???

              Any thought?

              Hmmmmm... I got to ask--what brought up the thought?

              I haven't really thought of it; I guess I took it for granted that he somehow gets his sustanance somewhere; may be defeated Wraiths? Michael's hybrids? None of it good, of course, but... that's the nature of the Wraith, I guess.

              Todd turning into a big, dangerous fruitfly doesn't seem be quite right... if you know what I mean. Or... what do I mean? We like dangerous?
              HONOR. A story.



                Hey I just did this right brained, left brained test from JM's blog. Once again, I am shocked and surprised but I am more left brained than right--just a little though, more in the middle.


                I am 52% left 48% right. This explains a lot.

                Reality-base is my most dominant characteristic, which makes sense as to why I keep thinking the wraith must be more human--I can't get my mind around the not make "reality-based" sense part. Hmmm very interesting.

                "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                  Originally posted by Traveler64 View Post
                  Hmmmmm... I got to ask--what brought up the thought?
                  Obsessing about Todd. Always.

                  I haven't really thought of it; I guess I took it for granted that he somehow gets his sustanance somewhere; may be defeated Wraiths? Michael's hybrids?
                  Riiiiight! This makes sense, and makes me feel better.

                  Todd turning into a big, dangerous fruitfly doesn't seem be quite right... if you know what I mean. Or... what do I mean? We like dangerous?
                  Ya, maybe or let's think what type of insect is big and fluffy? O! I know--the European House Centipede. It looks like a big dust bunny, but it's suppose to be extremely ferocious. I'll post a picture.


                  "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                    I think Wraith 'honey' is the gift of life. Basically, they are regurgitating life force back into a person, and honey is bee regurgitation...sooooo...


                    And yes - Todd is STILL eating people!!! Isn't it WONDERFUL???! This is what I LOVE about the Wraith, and Todd in particular. The Lanteans are wheelin' and dealin' with him, and all the while he's off sucking the life out of some hapless human. Imagine his frustration when he's around all those young, healthy Lanteans if the humans he's been feeding on are weak, sickly things. Just the self-control it must take for him NOT to take a big ol' suck out of Sheppard, considering how he already knows how 'strong' Sheppard tastes.

                    You know how some men 'undress' women with their eyes? I betcha Todd 'tastes' Sheppard with his eyes every time he sees him. Would love to know what's going through that lovely green skull of his....

                    I recently posted this on JM's blog - thought I should share it here:

                    I Love the concept of the Lanteans/Terrans (whatever we’re supposed to call them) coming to the realization that Wraith need people for food, and not because they’re horrible monsters who just take delight in human suffering. Adopting a ‘live and let live’ policy would be interesting, but hard to do since the Wraith will still need to feed in order to survive.

                    I’ve been thinking about this (yes, a wee bit TOO much) and came to the realization that I 1. never want to see the Wraith stop feeding on humans, and 2. want to see some sort of evolution in this process so that it can become mutually beneficial.

                    Call me sick, but I just keep thinking about blood-sucking insects and how interesting their relationship is to their host, especially the whole ‘they need us, we don’t need them’ thing. But what if we DID need blood-sucking insects - a sort of gradual blood-letting that actually benefits us (lowers blood pressure, reduces high iron levels which can lead to clots and heart attacks, etc)? Of course, right now we don’t need them and they give us diseases, so we find all sorts of ways to rid our lives of them, whether tick, flea or mosquito. Just saying ‘what IF’ we discovered they were actually useful??

                    So, been applying this ‘logic’ to the Wraith. First, the Wraith have been called parasites, but - technically - that isn’t true. A parasite (as a rule) is “an animal or plant that lives in or on a host, obtaining nourishment from the host without benefiting or killing the host.”

                    But the Wraith do kill their ‘host’. This isn’t a great relationship for humans. Also, as far as we know - humans don’t need the Wraith anymore than a dog needs fleas. But what if that changed? What if it was discovered that a Wraith ‘taking a little’ was actually a benefit to its human host? And what if a way was found for Wraith to feed on humans, but not kill them or permanently harm/age them? Of course, humans don’t miraculously heal…but there IS that Wraith enzyme. Certainly the Wraith - little mad scientists that they are - could discover a way to tweak that enzyme so that it not only makes their host stronger, but helps them fully regenerate from a light feeding (emphasis on the ‘light’). Total feedings would be the same (and any feeding would still feel the same), but a little life-sustaining suck here or there would cause no permanent damage to the host.

                    What would the humans get in return? Well, there’s that handy dandy gift of life (though not sure if that can heal a person from anything, or JUST restore stolen life force). It could also be discovered that a light Wraith feeding - with the enhanced enzyme - gives humans a little of that superstrength without turning them into drug-addled Fords. Other benes would be access to Wraith tech and science, their agreement to refrain from complete feedings/cullings, their support in alliances against greater enemies, and - hopefully - an exchange of hair care tips. (Just throwing that in to see if anyone actually reads this crap. )

                    I suppose the reason I’m intrigued by something like this is because I’ve always loved stories where two people (or an animal/human) are mutually reliant on one another for survival. Imagine going into battle with your Wraith ally - you need to keep him alive because he can heal you - he needs to keep you alive because you’re his MRE. You’d still hate him because feedings hurt like hell, and he’d still look down his green nose at you because you’re food that talks back. But in the end, you both need each other because it’s not just for you two, but for the greater good of all.

                    (Of course, with a tv show such as SGA, the easiest thing to do is just get rid of the Wraith (or totally ‘cure’ their need to feed) and problem solved - a lot ’safer’ that way with the audiences. But I prefer the complexity of a sacrificing human/feeding Wraith relationship, though it is probably too self-indulgent a wish, and best left to the story in my head)


                    Anyway - that's a development I'd love to see. It won't happen, though - too dark. But for me it would be very complex and thought-provoking.

                    Will leave it at that...



                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      I think Wraith 'honey' is the gift of life. Basically, they are regurgitating life force back into a person, and honey is bee regurgitation...sooooo...


                      And yes - Todd is STILL eating people!!! Isn't it WONDERFUL???! This is what I LOVE about the Wraith, and Todd in particular. The Lanteans are wheelin' and dealin' with him, and all the while he's off sucking the life out of some hapless human.

                      Well, certainly have been thinking about this sucking thing a lot lately. Ha Ha

                      Well, your lots of thinking reminds me of "The Flea" a poem by John Donne--a 17th Century poet who wrote about unconventional love. Here are the first few lines:

                      Marke but this flea, and marke in this,
                      How little that which thou deny'st me is;
                      Me it suck'd first, and now sucks thee,
                      And in this flea our two bloods mingled bee;

                      It's a beautiful poem and one of my favourites.

                      Essentially, the poem is of longing: how the two lovers are unable to consummate their passion, so they have to sate desire with knowledge--the knowledge that their blood is "mingled" in a tiny body of jet.

                      In terms of honey, I actually meant that as a real question. If we follow the premise that the wraith are part insecty then (it dawned on me today for some reason) that they wouldn't breast feed--or solely breast feed--their babies, they would give them a type of sweet fluid like honey. This would be real food, or perhaps baby food?

                      Any thought?

                      "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                        Ah, I see what you're saying about the honey...

                        Perhaps they do have such a substance - but again, how would it be made? Bees 'manufacture' honey through their bodies. I'm not so sure I'd eat something manufactured through a Wraith body..

                        Perhaps they feed them fruit (or maybe they make jelly from fruit, just not through their bodies, but by cooking it up).

                        I'm too tired to think any deeper than that right now.



                          Das originally wrote:
                          Call me sick, but I just keep thinking about blood-sucking insects and how interesting their relationship is to their host, especially the whole ‘they need us, we don’t need them’ thing. But what if we DID need blood-sucking insects - a sort of gradual blood-letting that actually benefits us (lowers blood pressure, reduces high iron levels which can lead to clots and heart attacks, etc)? Of course, right now we don’t need them and they give us diseases, so we find all sorts of ways to rid our lives of them, whether tick, flea or mosquito. Just saying ‘what IF’ we discovered they were actually useful??
                          Well and you know, probably the way I'm wired, I don't enjoy sci fi that is more fantasy--It has to have an element of realism for me. That can also be the stickler because the more I think about the fact that they willfully eat people the more my mind starts thinking all types of dark thoughts, such as, not knowing that ones touch was a type of body absorption and that you killed everyone you touched; or worse you kill everyone you loved without knowing why? This would make one not value life at all, and in fact, the wraith really don't...anyhow I digress.

                          I have to admit, as much as I think constantly engaging in this type of behaviour (when you know there are alternatives) makes one a near psycho-path ie utterly unable to give or receive true affection I also don't want to see the wraith spade from this ability. I always think of it like a secret weapon--they don't need it, but they can use it to protect those they love. They always have the back-burner ability to really kick some....

                          So, ya I don't want to see them lose it completely either.

                          "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                            Ah, I see what you're saying about the honey...

                            Perhaps they do have such a substance - but again, how would it be made? Bees 'manufacture' honey through their bodies. I'm not so sure I'd eat something manufactured through a Wraith body..

                            Perhaps they feed them fruit (or maybe they make jelly from fruit, just not through their bodies, but by cooking it up).

                            I'm too tired to think any deeper than that right now.

                            I know, it's late here too--for some reason my mind never gives it a rest. I always think analytically Ug! I know to the shegrin of those I live with!! Anyhow, maybe it's from their hands. Since they are part human, perhaps the mothers would breast feed and the fathers would produce a type of jelly, or fluid from their hands that they would drip into the mouths of their new babes. I suppose like honey bees feed their babies. That would be a lovely thought. (*sigh* clasps hands together) Ambrosia, nectar of the Wraith.

                            "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                              Anyway, I should probably be off to bed--even though my mind is still hopping. Has anyone seen my picture of the happy face spider?


                              Yea! Happy Face!

                              Or the picture I show when I don't know what to say to someone:

                              I am to bed, the sheets are hollering.

                              "Ask NOT what you can do for your country...ask WHAT'S FOR LUNCH?" O. Wells


                                Originally posted by Wraith Cake View Post
                                Obsessing about Todd. Always.

                                Riiiiight! This makes sense, and makes me feel better.

                                Ya, maybe or let's think what type of insect is big and fluffy? O! I know--the European House Centipede. It looks like a big dust bunny, but it's suppose to be extremely ferocious. I'll post a picture.



                                OK, big and fluffy and fuzzy and... cute. Because Todd is cute. A BUMBLE BEE!!!
                                HONOR. A story.


