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Wraith Defenders Club

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    Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
    Wraithlord, wonderful calendar
    Thank you female Wraith it's great to see you again and I'm working on some more calenders which i hope to finish as soon as Real Life leaves me alone.

    Oh and welcome to all the newcomers.


      Originally posted by toomuchcaf
      (looks around the corner to make sure the thread is empty)

      @ Das, just love the image of Todd and his talking to the genii, but really love the image of hosing him down Hope that cold blows over for the weekend for you.
      Yeah, I hope it blows over, too. We're supposed to go to a comic book convention in Philadelphia - but now not so sure. I hate the cough-cough-blow-blow-snotty-head thing with a passion, and I can't take meds for it 'cause it makes my head/heart feel funny. So, I "SUFFER!" *said in my best Common Ground Todd voice*

      Speaking of which - can you imagine poor Todd getting hosed down? LOL!! I just got a crazy image in my head...

      You know when you turn a hose on a dog, and - sometimes - the dog likes it and starts frantically 'biting' the water?? *chomp!chomp!chomp!* I just imagined Todd doing that when they turned the hose on him...

      Originally posted by Risem
      LOL. Now I'm imagining a drunk wraith. That would be funny.

      I agree, I'm left handed too and can only use the mouse with my right hand. It can be very awkward when using photoshop.
      This is where tablets come into their own; you can use your normal hand when using them. It's basically just a pen and a board. Use whatever hand you like.
      Drunk Wraith would be hilarious. For one thing, I suspect they would...drool.

      Thanks for explaining the pad. Maybe I should look into one, someday...

      Originally posted by The Veldt
      Ah, that was the -other- question I forgot when I first joined and where from they produce that webby sticky stuffs.
      We don't know yet - but I'm really sure if they do produce it, it must come from their hand - just more control that way...and cooler, kinda like Spider-Man.

      Originally posted by mrbob
      count moi in,
      it about time someone stood up said
      Coolness!! And welcome to The Hive!!

      Originally posted by Karhedron
      @das You are just fantastic. Keep bugging JM. He can stand that. And hope you got spared of catching that cold
      I hope he can stand it, 'cause sometimes I can't stand myself!! I re-read the stuff I post, and immediately feel like a giant ass.

      Originally posted by Wraith Cake
      Hey hey guys, I might be sounding dumb right now --my knuckles are often rapped by my resident IT man, but you do know that you can switch the hands on your mouse right? Just go into the control Panel under "mouse" on your computer and switch hands. You probably already know this. So, I'm going to stop talking (heh, writing).
      It doesn't matter. For some reason, my right brain won't accept control of the mouse in my left hand. Just weird. But, my left brain doesn't like doing artsy-fartsy stuff with my right hand, so - even though I have a steady right hand for everything else - as soon as I try to create anything freehand, everything goes wobbly.

      Weird how the brain works.

      Well, gotta get back to work! Have a great day, everyone!!!



        Originally posted by Reed
        There's membership? Didn't know that. I ought to have read the first page's postings to this thread huh?

        Well, I think it's kinda like a 'you post - you're automatically a member' kinda thing. There's no initiations or anything...though we SHOULD have one...

        WDC Initiation rites:

        1. You must post at least once a week on JM's blog declaring your love for all things Wraith, justifying their feeding habits and demanding that they never, ever be annihilated from the Pegasus Galaxy.

        2. You must bump-up any dead Wraith-related thread that you stumble upon, no matter how old it is.

        3. You must shave off your eyebrows...OR...just put bandaids over them and admire how you would look as a Wraith in the mirror...AFTER you've smeared lime gelatin powder all over your face and put a mop on your

        4. You must take a picture of yourself in the above condition, and post it.

        5. You must not listen to anything das says, because she's missing a few essential screws. I think they fell out when I jumped to hyperspace.



          Originally posted by Reed
          1: I don't know that site. I've seen it talked about a lot on these boards...

          Joe is pretty cool. He doesn't answer every question, but eventually he will get around to one you ask. Of course, you don't have to ask him anything - just praise the Wraith!

          2: It's on my to-do list
          *pats Reed on the head and gives him a cookie*

          3 & 4: You first!
          Who says I haven't done so already...

          5: I concur.

          HEY!!!!!! (yer not supposed to agree wif me...)



            Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
            3. You must shave off your eyebrows...OR...just put bandaids over them and admire how you would look as a Wraith in the mirror...AFTER you've smeared lime gelatin powder all over your face and put a mop on your

            4. You must take a picture of yourself in the above condition, and post it.
            As someone who does fancy dress on a relatively regular basis....this might actually be likely to happen, at least to me, one day.

            ....if I can manage to wheedle my way into convincing everyone it has anything to do with the party theme at the time.....I did manage to spend my weekend dressed as a Valkyrie complete with winged helmet and spear for the theme of "Europe."


              Originally posted by Reed
              I'll stop on there sometime. Thanks
              Yer welcome!

              Then produce the picture of it!
              I might be crazy, but I'm NOT stupid!

              Originally posted by The Veldt
              As someone who does fancy dress on a relatively regular basis....this might actually be likely to happen, at least to me, one day.

              ....if I can manage to wheedle my way into convincing everyone it has anything to do with the party theme at the time.....I did manage to spend my weekend dressed as a Valkyrie complete with winged helmet and spear for the theme of "Europe."

              Heh! I've dressed up like a gypsy (since I was 13...I have this thing for gypsies... ) and a pirate (have a thing for pirates, too... ) ...Ren Faire stuff. Lately, though, I just go as a wench...get more attention that way! Hmmm...maybe I should try a Wraith Wench

              Yeah, right. *see 'Hobbit Wraith' comment several posts back...



                Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post

                Heh! I've dressed up like a gypsy (since I was 13...I have this thing for gypsies... ) and a pirate (have a thing for pirates, too... ) ...Ren Faire stuff. Lately, though, I just go as a wench...get more attention that way! Hmmm...maybe I should try a Wraith Wench

                Yeah, right. *see 'Hobbit Wraith' comment several posts back...

                Costume stuffs:

                In order of appearance recently I've been a pirate, a Hobbit female (Rosie Cotton), a siren/harpy and the Valkyrie thing. Most of these are made up of stuff found at the bottom of my wardrobes plus a few dusters and walks around to collect feathers for wings etc...

                Problem is, if I were to dress as a Wraith....well, I do already live in one of the English Shires, am short, curly hair'd, love me food and beer, and err....have hairy ankles So, mm, Hobbit Wraith?

                Asides of all that, I reckon to make a Wraith costume fully would take a load of time and various throwing around of materials in frustration, at least in my case. I think I'd just go for the Greg look


                  Originally posted by The Veldt View Post
                  Costume stuffs:

                  In order of appearance recently I've been a pirate, a Hobbit female (Rosie Cotton), a siren/harpy and the Valkyrie thing. Most of these are made up of stuff found at the bottom of my wardrobes plus a few dusters and walks around to collect feathers for wings etc...

                  Problem is, if I were to dress as a Wraith....well, I do already live in one of the English Shires, am short, curly hair'd, love me food and beer, and err....have hairy ankles So, mm, Hobbit Wraith?

                  Asides of all that, I reckon to make a Wraith costume fully would take a load of time and various throwing around of materials in frustration, at least in my case. I think I'd just go for the Greg look
                  Coolness! Sounds like you have quite a wardrobe! And LOL! at Hobbit Wraith (I, myself, have hairy toes... ).

                  Speaking of beer - we really should ask JM if the Wraith can get drunk...or, if they'd be the sort to enjoy drinking, like Frat boys, or something... 'cause if so, then I wanna...


                  I was just gonna suggest something that involves

                  Originally posted by Reed
                  Then if I costumed myself as a Wraith (I have the hair for it ), I wouldn't need to post results either?
                  WHAT??! You have the hair for it??! Steve hair?!! Bob hair?!! Todd hair?!! Gred hair?!!...OR...

                  Sateda SuperWraith hair...



                    1. You must post at least once a week on JM's blog declaring your love for all things Wraith, justifying their feeding habits and demanding that they never, ever be annihilated from the Pegasus Galaxy.

                    2. You must bump-up any dead Wraith-related thread that you stumble upon, no matter how old it is.

                    3. You must shave off your eyebrows...OR...just put bandaids over them and admire how you would look as a Wraith in the mirror...AFTER you've smeared lime gelatin powder all over your face and put a mop on your

                    4. You must take a picture of yourself in the above condition, and post it.

                    5. You must not listen to anything das says, because she's missing a few essential screws. I think they fell out when I jumped to hyperspace
                    Hmmm. That gives me an idea. My bf likes Halloween, and always dresses up. Bad thing is, he always dresses up as the V for Vendetta guy. If I could just knock him unconscious without causing too much brain damage, I could carry out the above orders and just take a picture of him, instead of me.



                      Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                      Coolness! Sounds like you have quite a wardrobe! And LOL! at Hobbit Wraith (I, myself, have hairy toes... ).

                      Speaking of beer - we really should ask JM if the Wraith can get drunk...or, if they'd be the sort to enjoy drinking, like Frat boys, or something... 'cause if so, then I wanna...


                      I was just gonna suggest something that involves

                      WHAT??! You have the hair for it??! Steve hair?!! Bob hair?!! Todd hair?!! Gred hair?!!...OR...

                      Sateda SuperWraith hair...

                      I did discuss drinking Wraith with a friend the once. She thinks they have an incredibly high metabolic rate, so if it would work, would get drunk fast, sober fast, and then need to pee. Lots. Charming

                      My hair has the same demeanour, disposition and length as Todd's. In mornings it can get to be a tense battle Brush vs Bird's Nest.

                      (No offences meant to people who enjoy this sort of hairdo. It's just that I sympathise with him in terms of tangles)


                        Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                        I have seen it ALL - thread was not as empty as you hoped
                        You rocked up after I got in! No wonder I felt like someone was looking over my shoulder
                        Originally posted by mrbob View Post
                        count moi in,
                        it about time someone stood up said
                        "WRAITH RULE"
                        Yay, the more the merrier.
                        Originally posted by Shanthaia View Post
                        wow - great story toomuchcaf! - please continue
                        Originally posted by Karhedron View Post
                        is feeling out of place the last few days..but in a good way. Sorry if I seem to ignore your art. I don't. Luckily for you this decreases the spamming too
                        Please feel better soon, I enjoy your spamming!
                        (Oops, I misread, have been very tired lately).
                        Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                        Hello! *waves*
                        Did two banner I'd like to share.


                        Wow, gorgeous
                        Originally posted by female Wraith View Post
                        Hello and welcome
                        Thankyou, and I too would like the wraith Queen to be the one from TLM
                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        Well, I think it's kinda like a 'you post - you're automatically a member' kinda thing. There's no initiations or anything...though we SHOULD have one...

                        WDC Initiation rites:
                        I love the wraith, but me dressing up as one and posting it would scare them away. We wouldn't have anything left to defend!
                        Originally posted by The Veldt View Post
                        As someone who does fancy dress on a relatively regular basis....this might actually be likely to happen, at least to me, one day.

                        ....if I can manage to wheedle my way into convincing everyone it has anything to do with the party theme at the time.....I did manage to spend my weekend dressed as a Valkyrie complete with winged helmet and spear for the theme of "Europe."
                        Originally posted by dasNdanger View Post
                        Heh! I've dressed up like a gypsy (since I was 13...I have this thing for gypsies... ) and a pirate (have a thing for pirates, too... ) ...Ren Faire stuff. Lately, though, I just go as a wench...get more attention that way! Hmmm...maybe I should try a Wraith Wench
                        Originally posted by The Veldt View Post
                        Costume stuffs:

                        In order of appearance recently I've been a pirate, a Hobbit female (Rosie Cotton), a siren/harpy and the Valkyrie thing. Most of these are made up of stuff found at the bottom of my wardrobes plus a few dusters and walks around to collect feathers for wings etc...

                        Problem is, if I were to dress as a Wraith....well, I do already live in one of the English Shires, am short, curly hair'd, love me food and beer, and err....have hairy ankles So, mm, Hobbit Wraith?

                        Asides of all that, I reckon to make a Wraith costume fully would take a load of time and various throwing around of materials in frustration, at least in my case. I think I'd just go for the Greg look
                        Wish I had the guts to do the whole wench/valkyrie thing, but I'd chicken out!

                        Originally posted by The Veldt View Post
                        My hair has the same demeanour, disposition and length as Todd's. In mornings it can get to be a tense battle Brush vs Bird's Nest.
                        (No offences meant to people who enjoy this sort of hairdo. It's just that I sympathise with him in terms of tangles)
                        Birds nest I have, wake up every morning with an afro. I know what its like for people to say, I want your hair, but they don't have to live with it.

                        If I did dress up as a wraith, I would look like the one with granny hair Or maybe the wicked witch of the west.
                        Unfortunatly, I haven't dressed up as anything since I was a kid (cat). I was going to a T themed one, I had a my sons toy chainsaw, some overalls, and a plastic fake hockey mask. I was going to go as The Texas Chainsaw Massacre Guy. Didn't happen though
                        Last edited by toomuchcaf; 29 May 2008, 01:15 PM.


                          Originally posted by Reed
                          About to the length of Steve.

                          I'd have to post results now wouldn't I?
                          Quite probably


                            @Mrbob- welcome!!
                            @TMC- great story, do be so shy
                            @Luciana- nice banners! love the colors.

                            OK, so i had a terrible thought about the whole comment that jason m may leave after the 6th season (if there is one)

                            Ronan will have to have a dignified way out of the story. I cant see him just going off. I feel that they would prob. kill him off. What if they plan to use the AF from TLM, where he and todd go out together. That way they have a story arc. I dont know why that thought came to me but i could see TPTB doing that. So if todd makes it though S5 i have to worry about S6


                              OK now I'm frustrated I have just lost my post this is the 2nd time..grrrr

                              Icarium love your wraith queens - gorgeous.

                              Welcome to WDC Mr Bob

                              Toomuchcaf:- You did run fast enough I saw you. Love the story please please finish it.

                              Find this information on Season 4 SGA DVD. Release date in the UK.

                              Cult Time i ssued 53 confirmed in their OUT IN THE SHOPS that in

                              June:- 3rd,16th and 30th Volume 1 to 3 are released.

                              Amazon in their ad use the above dates plus release dates in July 2008.
                              July:- 14th and 28th. Volume 4 and 5.

                              It seems very fast in time for the televising of season 5 which starts mid July???? Anyway looks like it's raid the piggy bank time again.

                              Thanks to DS for my siggy


                                Spoilers for The Queen:

                                Another praiseworthy performance comes compliments of Rachel Luttrell in The Queen. A really nice range of emotions for Teyla in an episode chock full o’ crosses, double-crosses, and an atypically ruthless turn for the new mom. Throw in Todd, an intriguing proposal, and that creepy new-look wraith and you’ve got one of the best episodes of the front half.


                                Naami, back to your theory?

                                In Loving Memory of Wraithlord.

                                I wish I got to know you better.

